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1、全国外语翻译证书考试 英语四级口译授课人:朱玉清 2009年4月26日,口译翻译十大原则,一、主语确定原则 英语是主语显著语(subject-prominent language),构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上,主语决定了句法结构;汉语为语义性语言,其中主语的重要性相对较低,无主语的现象比比皆是。,主语的确定三种方法: 使用原主语; 重新确定主语; 增补主语。,这一目标的实现,最直接的应该是老百姓住得更宽敞了,更舒服了。The citizens will live more spaciously and comfortably, benefiting mos

2、t directly from achieving the goal.,其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable.,They cannot control who crosses their borders either physic

3、ally or culturally. 无论是外人入境,或是文化入侵,政府都已无能为力。,二、谓语最小化原则 在汉译英中,动词的考察是必然的。其中动词和其他成分的转换也是重中之重。如果考生把所有的动词都翻译成动词的话,只能说明其语言功底欠佳。所以我们在翻译中一定要注意动词和其他词性的转换。,常见减少谓语的方法有: a) 把动词变成名词 b) 使用介词短语 c) 使用分词短语 d) 多使用to表示目的的状语 e) 把并列谓语中最后一个谓语处理成“which”非限制性定语从句,今年的亚太经济贸易合作组织会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心

4、;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。,The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and

5、investment among all APEC members for the start of a new round of negotiations by WTO.,显然,许多美国的传统支持国家没有投票支持美国,以此对美国奉行单边主义表示不满。 Many traditional U.S. supporters clearly withdrew their votes to signal displeasure over U.S. unilateralism. (to表示目的状语 ),三、动宾换序原则在英译汉中,遇上特别长的宾语,初学者总是根据语法习惯亦步亦趋地处理主、谓、宾,结果造成庞

6、大的宾语,头轻脚重,特别不符合汉语的习惯,汉语之所以不喜欢宾语从句,在于汉语喜用主谓短句。,对于较长的宾语,一般有两种处理方式:一是把谓语变成直接能够接宾语的表达形式The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China. 世界其他地区将不得不面对新千年经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起。,二是把宾语先译出,然后再译出主谓 The rest of the world will have to react to thi

7、s millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China. 在新千年,经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此做出反应。,The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university. 研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。(谓语的相反含义,再接上原主语,sustain表示“决定了”,那反义短语就是“取决于”

8、),四、连接原则连接原则首先要求考生具备强烈的“逻辑”使命感,多加连词,两三句之内就要考虑句群的关系,其次考生还要具备合句和缩句的能力,抓住主要谓语,最后换序译法也是考生必需的技能,有时突出重点,调整句序,也是必不可少的。,书无所不读,全无所惑,并不着急,教书做事,均甚认真,往往吃亏,也不后悔。 Not vexed by reading comprehensively though futilely, I deal seriously with teaching and handling affairs and have no regret for suffering losses.,中国加入

9、世界贸易组织的谈判已经进行了15年了。中国的立场始终如一。China has been engaged in the talks for entry into the WTO for 15 years with its consistent stance.,五、时态原则时态在翻译中比不像想象中那么简单,往往是考试中的一个难点。时态有时可以体现一种感情因素。e.g:中华民族历来爱好自由和和平。 The Chinese people have always been cherishing freedom and peace. The Chinese people always cherish fr

10、eedom and peace. The Chinese people are always cherishing freedom and peace. (注:现在完成进行时的使用体现出对中华民族的一种褒扬、赞美的口吻,翻译出了这句话的“精、气、神”),到2007年,上海市人均国内生产总值预计达到7500美元。 By 2007, the per capita GDP in Shanghai is expected to reach US$7500. 中国人民更深感自由与和平的珍贵。 The Chinese people have cherished freedom and peace than

11、 ever. 中国过去是、现在是、将来是 China was and remains to be ,实战口译演练-英译中,Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to welcome our media guests fro around the globe, who have come to Hong Kong to cover this great event.女士们,先生们,我非常高兴地欢迎来自世界各地的媒体朋友来港对本次盛事进行报道。,This is the first time that the International T

12、elecommunication Union has chosen Hong Kong to be the site for this telecommunication exhibition.国际电信联盟首次选择香港作为召开这次电信展览的地点。,This years event is of particular significance because it is the first ITU event of the new millennium in Asia.今年的活动具有特别重要的意义,因为它是国际电信联盟进入新千年在亚洲召开的第一次会议。,The new century is a t

13、ime of change, growth and opportunity, thanks to information and communication technologies.新世纪是一个变革、成长和充满机会的时期, 这主要归功于信息和通讯技术。,The question we need to ask ourselves is how to embrace the new information world.我们必须扪心自问的问题的是,如何去迎接新的信息世界。,I have been seeking every opportunity to exchange views with po

14、licy makes and representatives of the IT industry, both here in HK and overseas.我一直在寻找一切机会, 与信息技术行业的政策制订者和代表们交换意见,无论是在香港还是在海外。,I hope to be able to grow closer co-operation between HK and our overseas counterparts in the development of communications services.我希望能够促成香港与海外同行之间在通信服务的发展过程中更加紧密的合作。,I am

15、 very much looking forward to some interesting dialogue and exchanges . And to all of our guests from abroad , I wish you a rewarding stay in HK.我非常期待有意义的对话与交流。祝所有外国客人香港之行硕果累累。(不虚此行),六、动宾连接原则考生在翻译动宾短语的时候,应先考虑宾语的成分。宾语可能为名 词、名词词组和句子。不同成分的宾语决定了谓语的使用。,中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。 The Chinese people are alwa

16、ys looking forward to global peace and friendship among all nations. The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.( “先宾语,后谓语”,翻译会豁然开朗),七、减少of原则 汉译英中,一出现“的”许多学生立马想到of的架构,这种思维模式主要是受到了所属关系的影响。of在英语当中主要是所属关系,而“的” 不仅有所属关系,而且有包含关系等,因此我们在

17、翻译中要看清句子的主主语真正意义上的主语,而不必选择句子的次主语语法上的主语。,楼的质量不好。 The building is not well built. (注:主主语是“楼”,而次主语才是“质量”,因此如把此句翻成The quality of the building is poor. 虽然也没有错,在考试中也不一定会扣分,但还是显得比较业余。 ),经济全球化的深入发展和科学技术的迅猛进步 the furthering economic globalization and rapid/swift/speedy/prompt development of science and techn

18、ology中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。 A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.,八、句群逻辑关系原则 汉译英中的疑点就是处理句群关系,从逻辑上区分通常有六种: a) 表示原因关系“因为所以”,“因此”,“由于” b) 表示转折关系“虽然但是”,“然而(不过)” c) 表示条件关系“如果”,“假如”,“只要就”,“一旦” d) 表示让步关系“尽管”,“就算也”,“即使也” e) 表示时间先后关系“之后”,“接着” f) 表示结果关系“从而”,“导致”,经过二十多年的快

19、速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。 1. Thanks to the rapid development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology , social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economic system have been

20、laid in the western region of China. All these will contribute to create favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic growth in this region. 2. The rapid development over the past 20 years and more has laid down certain material and technological foundation in the west. This, cou

21、pled with social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economic system, has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions.,3. The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in

22、terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China. This has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions, coupled with social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economic system.,九、名词词组与分句互译原则

23、英译汉中,较长的宾语从句常常会转化为名词词组 。 They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent.基金会提供了一种方式,可以让有钱人和大公司能实际支配花去税款的方式。(“how”如果翻译为“ 如何化去税款”这个宾语从句,在汉语中就显得不伦不类,所有一些5W1H的疑问词基本上都有可能转化为名词 ),But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is s

24、omeone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid.但新千年盖茨对此持怀疑态度,热衷于施舍和政府援助。 (注:对于修饰语较多的名词性短语,汉语也不喜欢用定语进行堆砌,而偏向用简单的主谓短语。),十、要词原则 貌似十分简单的词,但往往是这篇文章的杀手锏,难度往往高于那些成语、俗语和专业词。 Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together. 亚洲国家的经济总量将超过其他国家地区的总

25、和。(注:转性译法,把副词转换为形容词或名词 ),Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich. 这些国家虽然呈现出欣欣向荣的态势,但其中还有许多处于极端贫穷的弱势人口,还有少部分人口极端富有。,实战口译演练-中译英,谈到亚洲的经济, 一位世界银行的官员表示,他经常周游列国, 几乎每周都会飞到亚洲,每次来到这里他都感觉良好。 Talking about the Asia e

26、conomy, a World Bank official said that he traveled extensively around the world and almost weekly within Asia , and that every time he came here, he felt good.(合译法、转化法),他认为, 亚洲克服了前所未有的经济困难,虽然经济转型估计还会持续一段时间,但亚洲打下了良好的基础, 足以建立起长期的繁荣稳定。 He believed that Asia has overcome economic difficulties of unprec

27、edented scale and although economic restructuring may continue for some time, Asia has laid down a foundation to rebuild (its fortune of )long-term prosperity and stability.,因此, 他对亚洲的经济,特别是中国经济的中、长期发展感到乐观。 Consequently, he is optimistic of the medium to long-term future of the Asia economy, particul

28、arly the economy of China.,他指出,到2020年,中国的生产总值会在翻两番,达到四万亿美元。As he pointed out , by 2020, the size of the Chinese economy will be quadrupled and reach US$4 trillion.(顺译法),他相信,只要亚洲各国努力把握面前的机遇, 从长远看,亚洲经济的前景会是光明的。 He is confident that the long-term prospect of the Asia economy is bright so long as Asia countries work hard to capitalize on the opportunities that lie before them.(变序法),


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