1、第22卷null 第6期2009年11月中null 国null 公null 路null 学null 报China Journal of Highway and TransportVol. 22null No.6Nov. 2009cI|: 1001null7372(2009)06null0047null06l : 2009null01null15 “: 0. 30 84!4 ( ) 0. 30 84 2!4 ( 1 kq, N)0. 11 29 13 2!4 ( 3 d kq, N)0. 04 12 27 2!4 ( 1 kq, )0. 11 29 4!4 ( 1 kq, N)0. 16 43
2、27: N N r; r; pMs“ H“ 4,Vb49第6期null null null null null null null null null null 姚佳良,等:蜡制养护剂的隔离机理与效果研究 V , !4 C r WWY vbl T Kv, !4l HW,T v,y HW9, !4BZ 1 r 25. 00 0. 30 0() 2!4 ( N) 6. 02 0. 07 76 13 2!4 ( N, )10. 04 0. 12 60 13 2!4 ( )8. 89 0. 11 63 4 2!4 ( , ) 14. 26 0. 17 43 6: !4% F V ( 10 ), r k
3、qb kTV , !4 rTY,Y 1, N 1 rTYl, T sY60%a43%, f V L1, !4 V b ,V !4 V? $ ,yV iB/ ,F 1i, P s T, 9 j s!4b5 N, r rT, |Mn s b4. 2 HW# HW !4 kqW HW,Y4 vV rT k, kTnV7a8bV7 HW#w #T YTab. 7 Influences of Spraying Time and Rainfallon Thrust Forces and Bonding Stresses w /kNT/MPaT q/%Ms“/%!4 ( N) 25. 00 0. 30 0(
4、) 2!4 (1 kq)8. 58 0. 11 63 13 2!4 ( , 3 d kq)3. 54 0. 04 87 27 2!4 (10 min kq) 5. 16 0. 07 77 23V8 HW# e YTab. 8 Influences of Spraying Time andRainfall on Torsions e /kNe q/%Ms“/%!4 ( N) 273 0() 4 2!4 (43 d kq) 217 22 13!4 (35 d kq) 207 26 6 2!4 ( , 3 d kq) 27 90 11null null kTV , HWY v, HW =Y lb !
5、4 kqW HW,T a e v,rTby HW9,BZ , !4 1 r HW , 6BZ ,V y HW s byN, rT, -+?, W HWRV, sK, -2Q b4. 3null , !4V , s ,3 dA , kN f /,3 d kq,1Wg M ka k e k,w a a e b -w a a e HsY85%a90%a90%, w a a e HsY76%a88%a89%b kTV , V -w a a e AM,yN !51第6期null null null null null null null null null null 姚佳良,等:蜡制养护剂的隔离机理与效
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