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1、现代肿瘤医学2013年5月第21卷第5期 MODERN ONCOLOGY,May2013,VOL 21,NO05 995 印甲薪对人乳腺癌细胞株MCF一7体外侵袭能力的作用研究 李毅,吴胤瑛,李恩孝,董丹凤 The effect on invasion ability of breast cancer cellline MCF一7 by indomethacin in vitro Li Yi,Wu Yinying,Li Enxiao,Dong Danfeng Oncology Department ofthe Fimt Affiliated Hospital ofMedical College

2、 of施缸n Jiaotong University,Shaanxi 缸n 710061,China 【Abstract】Objective:To study the effect on invasion ability of breast cancer cell line MCF一7 by indomethacin in vitroMethods:Cell growth inhibition assay Was performed to determine the noncytotoxic dose range of indometha- cin for the next experimen

3、t,then Transwe11 migration assay and matrigel infiltration assay were performed to assess the effect of indomethacin on the migration and infihration ability of MCF一7Results:The migration ability of MCF一7 ceils was not affected by indomethacin in the range of safe dose,and the invasion ability was s

4、ignificantly inhibited in a dose dependent manner(r=一0985),there was significant difference between experiment and control group(P005),而当浓度高于500mmolL,MCF 含10胎牛血清的DMEM培养基,形成生物趋化物,将用 一7细胞生存分数呈快速下降趋势(P005)(表2)。 说明印甲薪并不能够抑制MCF一7细胞的体外移行能力。 23印甲薪对MCF-7细胞体外浸润能力的影响 分别用0、100、200、300、400、5mmoVL浓度的印甲薪 干预MCF一7细

5、胞的体外浸润,发现与对照组相比,印甲薪 干预组的MCF一7细胞能够浸润Matrigel基质膜并穿过T卜 answell小室到达小室底部的细胞数目明显减少,其差异具有 显著的统计学意义(P005)(表3,图3)。并且随着印甲 薪浓度的增加,穿过小室的细胞数目进一步减少,并呈现出 一定的相关性(r一0985,P005)。说明印甲薪能够抑 制MCF一7细胞的体外浸润能力,并且这种抑制作用呈浓度 依赖性,与印甲薪浓度呈负相关。 3讨论 乳腺癌在全球范围内是女性排名第一的常见恶性肿瘤, 且发病率呈逐年上升趋势。虽然目前乳腺癌的综合治疗已 经使乳腺癌患者的生存率得到了明显的提高,但是乳腺癌根 治后的复发和

6、远处转移仍是我们担忧的问题。众所周之,肿 瘤侵袭与转移是多步骤、多阶段的复杂过程,这一过程的第 一步也是最为关键的步骤是恶性肿瘤细胞脱离原发瘤,黏 附、降解、穿越细胞外基质(extra cellular matrix,ECM)并向 周围间质浸润性生长,因此,肿瘤细胞穿越ECM的能力是肿 瘤具有侵袭性的标志。抑制肿瘤细胞对ECM穿透能力是肿 瘤治疗的有效策略。Matrigcl是一种可溶性的基底膜基质, 主要成分包括层黏连蛋白、胶原、转化生长因子B(trans forming growth factorB,TGFp)、成纤维细胞生长因子、组 织纤维酶原活化因子等。在室温下,Matrigel可自动聚

7、集产 生类似于哺乳动物细胞基底膜的生物活性基质材料。本研 究用Matrigel模拟生物状态下ECM的存在,发现在不产生细 胞毒性前提下,小剂量的NSAIDs印甲薪可以抑制肿瘤细胞 的体外浸润既穿过ECM的能力,并且随着印甲薪浓度增加, 这种抑制作用显著增强,但并不影响MCF一7细胞的体外移 行,说明印甲薪主要通过抑制MCF一7细胞穿过基质膜的能 力抑制细胞侵袭。关于印甲薪抑制肿瘤细胞浸润的机制尚 不明确,有研究发现印甲薪抑制乳腺癌细胞的侵袭可能通过 抑制细胞内磷酸胆碱代谢,并且与磷脂代谢有关,从而减弱 肿瘤细胞黏附、降解,并最终穿过ECM的能力 ,也有可 998 1O Choe GY,Park

8、 JK,Lisa JS,et a1Active matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression is associated with primary glioblastoma subtypeJ Clin Cancer Res,2002,8:28942901 11Zhang YJ,Bao YJ,Dai Q,et a1mTOR signaling is involved in in domethacin and nimesulide suppression of colorectal cancer cell growth via a COX一2 independent

9、pathwayJAnn Surg Oncol, 2011,18(2):580588 12 Schwartsburd PMChronic inflammation as induct0r of precancer :pathogenesis of dysregulated feedback control JCancer Metastasis Rev,2003,22:95102 13 14 15 转基因MSC归巢至放射损伤胸腺的研究 宁 昌 ,陈文伟 ,胡锴勋。,余长林。 MSC归巢至 Kashfi K,Rigas BNonCOX一2 targets and cancer:expanding t

10、he molecular target repertoire of chemopreventionJBiochem Pharmacol,2005,70:969986 Simmons DL,Botting RM,Hla TCyclooxygenase isozymes:the bi ology of prostaglandin synthesis and inhibitionJPharmacol Rev,2004,56:387437 Fitzpatrick FACyclooxygenase enzymes:regulation and function JCurt Pharm Des,2004,

11、10:577588 (编校:徐萌) Study on the gene modified MSC homing to mice s thymus injured by radiation Ning Chang ,Chen Wenwei ,Hu Kaixun ,Yu Changlin Department ofOneology,the 161thHospitaloftheP ,Hubei Wuhan432100,China; DepartmentofSurgery,WuhanMedical Treatment Center,Hubei Wuhan 430023,China; Department

12、 ofHeamatology,Affiliated Hospital ofAcademy ofMilitary Medical ScienceBeijing 100071,China 【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate whether gene modified MSC Call home to thymus injured by radiation and the possible mechanismMethods:Female BALBC mice were randomly classified into four groups,irradiation

13、 group was irradiated with doses of Co 一rays 9Gy,control group received shamirradiation,irradiation+MSC group was irra diated with doses of 9Gy and injected MSC 2h later,contorl+MSC group received shamirradiation and injected MSC 2h laterFluorescence expression of the mice thymus frozen sections wer

14、e observed under fluorescence micro scope on the 1 ,7 “,14 ,21“,28 ,35 day and Sry expression of the thymus was detected on the 14 and 28 day after irradiationResults:Fluorescence pathology revealed the thymus appeard green fluorescence and the expression reached the peak on the 7 daydissapeard on t

15、he 35 dayThe Sty of radiation+MSC group was positive on the 14 and 28 day,and it was negative in the rest groupsConclusion:Gene modified MSC can home to thymus injured by radiation,the mechanism maybe is related with the cytokine secreted by injured tissue 【Key words】MSC;gene modified;homing;radiati

16、oninduced thymus injure Modern Oncology 2013,21(05):09981002 【摘要】 目的:探讨转基因MSC能否归巢至放射损伤的胸腺及可能的机制。方法:雌性BALBC小鼠120 只,随机分为四组:照射组30只,胸腺单次照射9Gy;对照组30只,仅予以假照射;照射+MSC组30只,胸腺 单次照射9Gy后2h输注转基因MSC,输注MSC的量为0510。只;对照+MSC组30只,假照射后2h输注 转基因的MSC,输注的量与照射+MSC组相同。照射后1、7、14、21、28、35天处死小鼠留取胸腺左叶,快速冰 冻切片,在荧光显微镜下观察荧光表达。并于照后1

17、4、28天检测胸腺Sry的表达情况。结果:照射+MSC组 小鼠胸腺照射后出现荧光表达,第7天达高峰,第35天消失;其余三组小鼠胸腺均无荧光表达。照射+MSC 组小鼠胸腺Sry在照后14及28天均为阳性,其余三组为阴性。结论:转基因MSC能归巢至放射损伤的胸腺, 其机制与损伤组织产生的因子有关。 【收稿日期】 【修回日期】 【作者单位】 【作者简介】 2Ul209一l8 20120927 解放军第161医院肿瘤科,湖北武汉432100 武汉市医疗救治中心外一科,湖北武汉430023 军事医学科学院附属307医院血液科,北京100071 宁昌(1973一),男,陕西安康人,主治医师,主要从事血液肿瘤的l临床和基础研究。Email:thisisyourfriendsinacon


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