1、37 8 2009 M8 NEW CHEM ICAL MATERIA LSVol.37 No.818 “: a 8p V “(20071102)Te: Z (1977-), o, =,p V,1V Y ? 。 i 0 Z鲁云华1 王永飞1 肖国勇1 迟海军1 胡知之1 李论2(1.辽宁科技大学化学工程学院,鞍山114044;2.鞍山焦化耐火材料设计研究总院化工室,鞍山114001)K 1 综述了无色透明耐高温聚酰亚胺(PI)膜材料的应用、国内外研究进展和分子结构设计方法。首先,介绍了PI膜材料在微电子及光电产业的应用,以及国内外对无色透明耐高温 PI的研究现状。从分析PI有色原因及影响因素入手
2、,阐述了目前制备无色透明 PI膜材料的主要分子结构设计方法:引入含氟取代基、主链引入脂环结构、非共平面结构、间位取代二胺、引入砜基等。此外,在使PI无色透明化的同时,为了不牺牲 PI优良的耐热性,与适量无机纳米组分复合也是一个可行的设计手段。1oM 聚酰亚胺, 无色, 透明, 耐高温, 分子结构设计, 应用Progress of colorless, transparent and thermal resistant polyimide filmsLu Yunhua1 Wang Yongfei1 Xiao Guoyong1 Chi Haijun1 Hu Zhizhi1 Li Lun2(1 .S
3、chool of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114044;2.Chemical Engineering Department,Anshan Coking and Refractory Engineering lonsulting Corporation ,Anshan 114001)Abstract The applications, research progress and molecular design of colorless, transparent and
4、thermal resistantpolyimide(PI)films were reviewed.Firstly, the applications for the microelectronics and optoelectronics industry and theresearch progress at home and abroad of colorless, transparent and thermal resistant PI were introduced.Secondly, on thebasic of analyzing the causes for PI with c
5、olor and its factors, the main molecular design methods to prepare the colorless,transparent and thermal resistant PI film were introduced, such as introducing fluorine substituent, alicyclic moieties, non-plane structure, m-diamines, the sulfone moieties into the PI backbone and so on.Furthermore,
6、in order to improve thetransparency, at the same time not to sacrifice excellent heat resistance of PI, composing with the appropriate amount ofinorganic nano-component was also a feasible design means.Key words polyimide, colorless, transparensy, thermal resistant, molecular design, application Jd
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