1、全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 1典范英语 (7_18)教学参考 My Friend, Mandela 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架, 帮助实验教师更好地把握课 题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能 够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2非语言目标:培养学生的兴趣和自信心;鼓励学生树立高尚的思想情操和精神追求, 坚定信念,锲而不舍;增强学生对美好世界的正确理解。 说明:语言目标由教师负
2、责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性, 需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学生 在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言,树立正确的价值观。 二、课时安排 要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节或两节实验课,课时安排在学生读完该部作 品之后。 三、课前任务 要求学生每天朗读 15-20分钟, 辅以默读。 做到听读结合, 认真把握和体会故事的内容, 并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Lead-in) :启发学生思考 提出几个关于故事的问题请学生回答,如: Where is South Africa? Wha
3、t do you know about South Africa? black people, desert, prairie, animals(rhinoceros, giraffe, zebra, African leopard). Have you ever heard of Nelson Mandela before? What do you know about him? He was the first black President of South Africa. 然后教师引导学生回到故事情景: 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 2 An
4、 old man tells his grandson the life story of his famous friend, Nelson Mandela, who was the first black President of South Africa. We are told briefly about his childhood. 借此进入下面的朗读环节。 2朗读(Reading aloud) :朗读与思考相结合 (1) 检查学生朗读。 This book tells about Mandelas childhood in a rather brief/general way, b
5、ut it still interests me. Lets read this part out loud from page 7 to page 10. 请几个学生朗读 P7-P10 中的段落,强调在理解故事的基础上读出感情。 (2)让学生选择自己喜欢的章节大声朗读。读完后,要求学生用英语说一说为什么喜 欢所读的部分,教师给出反馈。 3. 复述(Retelling) :关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力 We have read some parts and learned the discrete points very well. I will see how yo
6、u summarise the whole story. 教师展示每个章节(体现了 Mandela 一生的每个重要阶段)中有关主要事件的关键词。 然后请两位学生分别总结整个故事的内容,必要时,教师给出问题提示或补充。 在复述过程中,教师也可通过提问帮助学生进一步丰富复述的内容,如: (1)What sort of childhood did Mandela have? He spent his early years in the countryside. He was once a herd boy. Later, he was sent to school. After his fathe
7、r died of tuberculosis, a regent became his guardian. (2)Why did Mandela join the ANC? He joined it to fight for a better life for South Africa s black people. (3)What did he do when imprisoned? He worked hard on the story of his lifeLong Walk to Freedom. 4. 采访(Interview) :训练学生积极思考、主动质疑的能力和表达能力 在复述故
8、事后,请两名学生轮流上台面向其他同学扮演 Nelson Mandela,其他同学扮演 Chapter 1 Childhood (1918-1941) Chapter 2 A Leader (1941-1962) Chapter 3 Prison (1962-1990) Chapter 4 Mr President (1994-1999) a country boy a regent joined the ANC fight for sentenced to prison released in 1990 president in 1994 South Africa An old man tel
9、ls his grandson the life story of his famous friend, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a country boy when young. After his father died, he lived with a regent. He was well educated. Later, he joined the ANC and became one of the leaders to fight for a better life for South Africas black people. At
10、the age of 45, Nelson was imprisoned and not released until 1990. Four years later, he became President of South Africa.全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 3 一组记者。曼德拉获释后,记者们对他进行了采访。老师可提示以下几个问题,如 How was your life in prison? Why did you want to write the book Long Walk to Freedom? Have you ever drea
11、med of being released from prison? What hardships have you endured? What have you been doing since you retired? Have you ever been awarded? 采访过程中,必要时,教师需给采访者和被采访者提示,以保证采访流畅进行。同时, 教师应及时鼓励积极参与的同学,并引导学生进行深层次思考,如教师可以示范提问: What are you fighting for?(Freedom, justice, peace.) What makes you do that? 鼓励被采访
12、的同学说出个性化的答案,教师适时予以帮助。 5. 人物分析(Character Analysis) :培养学生的归纳论证能力 结合以上采访环节,教师提问:What more do you know about Mandela? 可以补充相关 信息,如: He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner(1993). He was the first black president of South Africa in history. He fought all his life for human rights. He served 27 years in prison. H
13、is life was full of ups and downs. He had a big family. 接着提问: What sort of person do you think Mandela is? 让学生发散思维进行思考并说明 依据证明自己的观点。教师可参考:He is kind, just, straightforward, aspiring, hardworking, strong-minded, brave, great-minded, devoted, firm. 6. 讨论(Discussion) :培养学生的批判性思维能力 M an del a作为一位伟人,一生致力
14、于人权事业。把学生分成小组,结合故事内容讨论并 描述 Mandela心目中的理想世界,然后进一步让学生描绘自己心中的理想世界,检查讨论结 果(请小组选出一位代表发言,以下问题前的关键词仅供教师参考) 。 (1)ANALYSE What world is Mandela fighting for? Possible answer: I believe he fights for a world where there is no hunger, poverty or wars, where people are not judged by colour or nation and where a
15、ll people live in harmony. (2)DESCRIBE What world do you hope to live in? Possible answer: I hope the world is just like a big family. It is a place full of peace, beauty, justice and love. 提醒学生进行讨论的规则是: (1)每个人都要有说话的机会; (2)别人讲话时不得打断、 干扰; (3)支持并补充他人的观点; (4)如果不想说可以不说; (5)提问要深思熟虑。鼓励 学生在该环节畅所欲言。 全国教育科学“
16、十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 4 7. 拼读练习(Phonics Practising) :培养拼读意识,掌握拼读技能 从下表中选择难度适中的几组单词写在黑板上, 引导学生自己发现每组单词的拼读规律, 然后让学生补充其它具有同类拼读规律的单词。 old cold hold gold told cow now how allow meal mean read beach book look good round found ground cob job see, seek feel, feet free, keen green, keep sheep 8. 布置作业
17、(Homework) (1)写作(任选一题) 根据本故事写一份 Nelson Mandela的简历。 (可参见英文教案 Teaching Notes) 。 根据故事的内容写一篇摘要(summary) ,不少于 100 词。 (2)读下一部作品,注意体会作品内容,积累生词和好句。 五、教师自我反思:培养学生的思考能力 教师每堂课后要进行自我反思,反思的问题包括: 1. 提问。我问的问题值得讨论吗?问了多少个问题?什么类型的问题? 2. 讨论。老师和学生讨论了什么?学生是否试图回答了要问的问题?大家进行了很好 的讨论了吗? 3. 听。师生相互认真倾听了吗?师生对他人的说法作出回应了吗?讨论中彼此互相尊 重吗? 4. 说。师生清楚了解自己的想法吗?有什么好的想法吗?师生在这些想法上能够产生 更好的想法吗?每个人都有机会表达自己的观点了吗?谁说得最多? 5. 思考。师生对问题找到答案了吗?答案给出的理由令人信服吗?师生愿意改变自己 的想法吗?师生进行了怎样的思考?师生从讨论中学到了什么?师生提升了自己 的思考吗?有或没有?下一次讨论什么?下一次讨论的最好方式是什么?师生需 要记住什么?