1、Unit 17 The Red Wheelbarrow 红色手推车,The Red Wheelbarrow William Carlos Williams,So much depends upona red wheel barrowglazed with rain waterbeside the white chickens.,He was an American poet and writer . He was also a pediatrician and general practitioner of medicine. Williams excelled both as a poet
2、and a physician. He was closely associated with modernism and Imagism. He met and befriended Ezra Pound, and was influenced by Pound.,William Carlos Williams (1883-1963),The Red Wheelbarrow is a poem considered the masterwork of William Carlos Williams.,the weight of this brief poem rests entirely o
3、n the careful description of the thing itself, the actual wheelbarrow, which is not a symbol for anything, but simply exists as it is.,Features: Sharp, Clear Images and Short, Direct Lines,“No ideas but in things“,Poetic Features of Williams poems,Relaxed colloquialism Vivid Presentation Eloquent pa
4、ssages of beautifully controlled rhythm and phrasing His subject matter was centered on the everyday circumstances of life and the lives of common people.The Red Wheelbarrow 1 How does the first two lines differ from the other pairs of lines? 2 What is the most visually compelling word in each of th
5、e last three pairs of lines? 3 What is the meaning of “depends upon” in the first pair of lines?,2.Red,white and glazed rain water are the most visually compelling words .The colors stand out because of their contrast with each other: the white chickens contrast with the red wheelbarrow; the static
6、contrast with the dynamic; living thing contrasts with object without life; natural object contrasts with man-made object.,1.Lines 1-2 The opening lines set the tone for the rest of the poem. Since the poem is composed of one sentence broken up at various intervals, it is truthful to say that “so mu
7、ch depends upon“ each line of the poem. This is so because the form of the poem is also its meaning. And there is no subject in the first two lines, everything is rely on imagination.,3.So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow. Its like how so many things in life depend on such seemingly insignificant
8、 entities. Everything depends on such small things in this world. The only difference is we cant see it.,译文一.清华大学覃学岚的译文,注重诗的韵律,读起来朗朗上口, 非常的押韵, 带着诗歌惯有的节感 。 首先,“ 一 群 ”“一辆” , 都是数量词; “白色的鸡雏旁” , “红色的手推车” , 分别是形容加主词, 工整对仗。其次, 后两节每行在字数上也相同, 尾句都押“ang”韵, 结构相同, 整 齐有序, 从形式上讲非常的优美。 覃学岚的译文无论在听觉还是视觉上都给人以精练之感。在众多的
9、译文中, 这个版本极富有诗性, 其在语音形式上的着意为许多中译文所不及。,红色手推车覃学岚 译 一群 白色的鸡雏旁 一辆 红色的手推车 雨水中 晶莹闪亮 承载着 如许分量,红色手推车 郑敏译 这么多的事物都依赖 于 那一辆红色轮子的 推车 它湿漉漉的沾满雨 水 站在一群 白色的小鸡旁边,译文二. “九叶”派诗人郑敏对它的翻译与覃学岚的译文存在很大的差异,在音节、句式、形式上都明显不同。 郑敏的译文 则从诗文的形式上与原诗契合,更忠实于原著。这种分行方式是作者对诗歌形式独具匠心的尝试, 大体来看,郑敏的译文能够较好地传达原著的精神面貌。,红色手推车 郑敏译 这么多的事物都依赖 于 那一辆红色轮子
10、的 推车 它湿漉漉的沾满雨 水 站在一群 白色的小鸡旁边,译文二. “九叶”派诗人郑敏对它的翻译与覃学岚的译文存在很大的差异,在音节、句式、形式上都明显不同。 郑敏的译文 则从诗文的形式上与原诗契合,更忠实于原著。这种分行方式是作者对诗歌形式独具匠心的尝试, 大体来看,郑敏的译文能够较好地传达原著的精神面貌。,“红色手推车”分析,红色手推车是一幅色彩鲜明的日常生活画面,描述的是一个躲雨时见到的场景,躲雨的地方大概太小,所以人虽然躲了进去,手推车却还是淋得透湿。与它运送的东西相比,手推车显得似乎小了点,所以才引起诗人“那么多”的感慨。况且还被雨水浇得它“浑身溜滑”。可以想象那个始终没有露面的“推
11、车人”的辛劳,不免对他(她)产生一丝同情。但“旁边有几只白鸡”一句,使我们眼前一亮。想想看,在雨中,天色也许比较灰暗。但手推车的“红色”与几只鸡的“白色”却是那么的耀眼,何况鸡还是一个活动的东西,与停放在那里的手推车,正好又构成了一动一静的对比。生活的辛劳、躲雨时的焦躁,被几只“白鸡”的出现一扫而空。 威廉斯选择红、白对比色以及经雨水冲洗后的锃亮,写出了人类与大自然共创理想生活的一面。威廉斯用红色装饰手推车的轮子,隐喻人类积极的劳动,劳动造就了人类积极向上的欢快精神,用“小鸡”和“雨水”来表达他对自然的崇敬。 威廉斯的红色手推车仿佛是一幅西洋油画,色彩鲜明,线条突出,立体感强,折射出大自然的光
12、亮,整体画面宁静完美,富有和谐感,它向世人展示了20世纪美国人民的时代精神追求以及一代美国诗人的民族情结。,The features of imagism poems are: the use of the language of common speech, precision, the creation of new rhythms, absolute freedom in choice of subject matter, the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration.,Imagism is a poet
13、ic movement of England and the United States, which flourished from 1908 to 1917. Ezra Pound became the leader of imagist poets who opposed to the romantic conception of poetry. The most important figures are Ezra Pound, H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Amy Lowell, and William Carlos Williams.,The Imagism,Th
14、e imagist poets called for :new rhythms clear imagesfree choice of subject matter compressed poetic expression the use of common speech,日本俳句俳句是日本的一种古典短诗,短小精悍,由十七字音组成。 小林一茶有一首写故乡的俳句十分出名:“故乡呀,挨着碰着,都是带刺的花。” 对于故乡,一茶是怀念的,也是不满的,这首俳句用寥寥数语将那种复杂的心情写了出来。,Connections with Chinese and Japanese poems,Imagist poe
15、ts have been inspired by Greek and Roman classics and by Chinese, Japanese, and modern French poets. Ill use Chinese and Japanese poems as examples.,中国古诗马致远的天净沙.秋思则用几个深秋的意象勾起了漂泊之人内心的酸楚之情。枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。,These modernist poets tried to keep their ideas to themselves, merely givin
16、g the reader the description of the outward surface. Therefore, an Imagist poem consists of clear visual images, often juxtaposed with other images, prompting the reader to an imaginative response that completes its meaning.,So, in some existences, imagist poems enabled readers freedom to have their
17、 own interpretation of the poems, and it usually depends on individuals.,The imagism,From the red wheelbarrow. I wondered how many things in life depend on such seemingly insignificant entities. All we have ignored was the importance of those seemingly unimportant things or the simple beauties in ou
18、r life.,Everything depends on such small things in this world.,Summary,I actually like the interpretation that everything depends on nothing, I think that if you look at this poem from the chickens point of view you may see that so much depends on the Red Wheelbarrow. All things are important, just to different people or in this case, creatures(chickens).,Thank you!,