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    1、* MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 VOL. CCLXXIII NO. 45 WSJ.com HHHH $4.00 Lastweek: DJIA 26031.81 148.56 0.6% NASDAQ 7527.54 0.7% STOXX600 371.23 0.6% 10-YR.TREASURY 3/32, yield 2.655% OIL $57.26 $1.28 EURO $1.1335 YEN 110.68 PopeVowstoCombatSexAbusebutOffersFewSpecifics GIUSEPPE LAMI/PRESS POOL SUMMIT EN

    2、DS: Some clergy and laypeople had hoped for a breakthrough at a global summit to address the crisis in the Catholic Church. On Sunday, the Pope said the Churchs response should avoid defensiveness that fails to confront the causes and effects of these grave crimes. A6 New Yorkers Votefora KvetchCatc

    3、her iii This Tuesday? An election? Damn BYKATIEHONAN NEW YORKOne of the Big Apples most-sought-after citywide offices enjoys little power, has a modest budget and requires listening to resi- dents kvetch. Now if the city can just get voters to the polls Tuesday to choose someone for the job. Sevente

    4、en candidates are on the ballot in a special elec- tion for the gig, the citys Pub- lic Advocate. Thats more can- didates than were on the most PleaseturntopageA9 CUCTA, ColombiaVene- zuelas opposition called for the first time on the international community to consider the use of military force aga

    5、inst Presi- dent Nicols Maduro, escalat- ing a standoff after a weekend showdown over humanitarian aid ended in violence. Proposals for increased pressure on the authoritarian leader will be made during a meeting on Monday in the Co- lombian capital Bogot. Oppo- sition leader Juan Guaid, who is reco

    6、gnized as Venezuelas rightful president by more than 50 countries, including the U.S., will participate along with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and regional diplomats. “We will present firm posi- tions which are an escalation of diplomatic measures, and political measures including the use of forc

    7、e for blocking the humanitarian aid and gen- erating an unprecedented vio- lence,” said Julio Borges, a top opposition leader. In Washington, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described Mr. Maduro as a “sick tyrant” and repeated that “every op- tion is on the table,” when asked about the possible use o

    8、f military force. Jorge Rodriguez, Mr. Ma- duros communications minis- ter, blamed violence over the weekend on the opposition and foreign adversaries in Co- lombia. He said the National Guard was ensuring public or- der and responding to aggres- sion by government oppo- nents. “We reject any form o

    9、f ag- gression against the Venezuelan territory,” Mr. Rodriguez said. The calls to consider a mili- tary intervention followed a weekend that the opposition had considered pivotal, vow- ing to get aid into Venezuela and calling for the military to turn against Mr. Maduro. On Friday, Mr. Guaid de- fi

    10、ed a ban on leaving Venezu- ela to cross into Colombia, where he stopped at a fund- raising concert organized by British businessman Richard Branson in Cucta. PleaseturntopageA7 BYJOS DECRDOBA ANDRYAN DUBE MadurosOppositionUrges MilitaryForceinVenezuela BudsSuperBowlAd ImperilsBeerAlliance The rift

    11、began when AB In- Bev ran three Super Bowl TV ads this month highlighting MillerCoorss use of corn syrup in Coors Light and Miller Lite. MillerCoors re- sponded on Twitter and with a full-page newspaper advertise- ment addressed to “Beer Drinkers of America” defend- ing its use of corn syrup as a pa

    12、rt of the brewing process. High-fructose corn syrup, used as a sweetener, has at- tracted negative attention for its role in the national obesity epidemic. MillerCoors notes that it uses corn syrup, not high-fructose corn syrup, only in the fermentation process for beer making, as does AB InBev for

    13、some other brands. MillerCoors said the corn syrup doesnt actually make its way into the finished beer. PleaseturntopageA4 A fight between the U.S.s two biggest brewers is jeopar- dizing a proposed “Got Milk?”- style campaign intended to help struggling beer makers win back drinkers who have defecte

    14、d to wine and spirits. Anheuser-Busch InBev SA, Molson Coors Brewing Co., Heineken NV and Constellation Brands Inc. have for over a year discussed a potential multimillion-dollar, brand-ag- nostic campaign aimed at im- proving the overall health of the beer category. But the campaign could now be de

    15、ad in the water after MillerCoors, Molsons U.S. unit, pulled out of a meeting slated for next month and said the initiative should be paused following a public spat with Bud Light maker AB InBev. BYSAABIRACHAUDHURI Employees at Brazils min- ing giant Vale SA and its con- tract safety inspectors knew

    16、 for months of dangerous con- ditions at the mine-waste dam that collapsed last month. Yet inspectors certified the dam as safe, expressing worry about losing contracts with Vale, the dam owner and a ma- jor client, according to police, government prosecutors, court documents, arrest warrants and pe

    17、ople familiar with the matter. On Jan. 25, the structure, called Dam 1, burst, unleashing a tsunami of thick, reddish mud that killed 177 people, mostly Vale workers and contractors. Another 133 people are missing and presumed dead. It was the deadliest mining disaster of its type in more than 50 ye

    18、ars. Prosecutors looking into the cause of the dams collapse are focused on the tight relation- ship between Vale and TV SD, the German certifications firm hired to conduct audits of the dams safety. There is little oversight of ties between safety auditors and mining companies around the world, exp

    19、erts say. Mine-safety rules in Brazil are especially lax and do little to prevent cozy relationships that can tempt inspection firms to mask dangers. TV SD employees ex- pressed concerns about the safety of the dam in emails and their reports to Vale. In- spectors nonetheless continued to sign off o

    20、n safety audits. During audits in June and September, Makoto Namba, a senior engineering inspector PleaseturntopageA10 ByPatriciaKowsmann, SamanthaPearson, ScottPatterson andLucianaMagalhaes InspectorsKnewofTroublesatBrazilDam Firefighters search for victims following the collapse last month of Vale

    21、s Dam 1, which unleashed a tsunami of thick, reddish mud. ANTONIO LACERDA/EPA/SHUTTERSTOCK GreenBookWinsBestPicture IN TUNE: Director Peter Farrelly, center, after his film about a black pianist on a concert tour of the Deep South in the 1960s received the Academy Award. A11. For more Oscar coverage

    22、, go to WSJ.com. CHRIS PIZZELLO/INVISION/ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTONPresident Trump said Sunday he would delay an increase in tariffs on Chinese goods set to take ef- fect at the end of this week, citing “substantial progress” on issues including intellectual property and technology trans- fer after

    23、 a weekend of talks. In a tweet, Mr. Trump wrote that should progress continue, the U.S. would plan a summit with President Xi Jinping of China to “conclude an agree- ment” that would settle a yearlong trade fight between the two nations. Mr. Trumps tweets didnt specify how long the extension of a t

    24、rade truce would last or any date for a potential sum- mit. U.S. tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods had been scheduled to rise to 25% from 10% at 12:01 a.m. Saturday. In recent talks, Beijing of- fered to increase purchases of U.S. farm and energy products and services, ease restrictions on U.

    25、S. firms in financial ser- vices and auto manufacturing and improve protection of U.S. intellectual-property rights, according to people briefed on the discussions. But Chinas leadership sees all those measures as aligned with the nations own inter- PleaseturntopageA8 BYBOBDAVIS ANDLINGLINGWEI U.S.W

    26、ill HoldOff OnChina Tariffs Citingprogressintalks, Trumpdelaysaboost indutiessettotake effectlaterthisweek Withover300commission-freeETFs, youllndonethatinterestsyou. Getaccesstocommission-freeETFsindozensofsectorsandascreenertooltohelp youndtheonesyouwant.TurntopageB3. ADVERTISEMENT CONTENTS Busine

    27、ss News B3 Crossword A14 Heard on Street B10 Outlook. A2 Life & Arts A11-13 Markets. B10 Markets Digest. B7 Opinion A15-17 Sports. A14 Technology. B4 U.S. News. A2-4 Weather Watch A14 World News. A6-9 s 2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved Whats NewsTrumpsaid he would delay an increase

    28、 in tariffs on Chi- nese goods, citing “substan- tial progress” on issues in- cluding intellectual property and technology transfer. A1Venezuelas opposition called on the international community to consider us- ing military force against Maduros regime. A1Trump will press North Koreas Kim to take hi

    29、s first irrevocable steps toward the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula when the leaders meet this week. A6Schiff said Democrats would seek a full airing of Muellers report on possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. A4California Republicans elected political consultant Patter

    30、son as chairwoman. A4A slump in the number of special-agent applicants has forced the FBI to over- haul its recruitment. A3Pope Francis offered no specific solutions to cleri- cal sexual abuse in closing a summit on the issue. A6The civilian death toll in the Afghan war hit a record in 2018, the U.N

    31、. said. A6 V ale employees and the Brazilian firms con- tract safety inspectors knew for months of danger- ous conditions at the mine- waste dam that collapsed last month yet inspectors certified the dam as safe. A1A resurgence in cyclical stocks has propelled the Dow toward a record. B1Popular heal

    32、th-and-fit- ness apps scrambled to stop sending sensitive personal information to Facebook af- ter a Journal report. B1Berkshire took a hit from Kraft Heinzs unexpected write-down last week. B1Newmont said Barrick had taken a small stake and proposed to make it easier for Newmont owners to call a sh

    33、areholder meeting. B9The fracking industry is struggling to attract inves- tors after nearly a decade of losing money. B1Rocheisnearing a deal to buybiotechnologyfirmSpark inanefforttoexpanditspres- ence treating hemophilia. B3Activistinvestor Voce says Argos CEO is damag- ing the insurers bottom li

    34、ne to support his lifestyle.B2 Business&Finance World-Wide Journal Report When the Boss Is Too Confident C-Suite Strategies R1-8 For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or . For personal,non-commercial use only. 每 日 免 费 获 取 报 告 1、每日微信群内分享 7 +最新重磅报告; 2、每日分享当日华尔街日报、金融时报; 3、每周分享经济学人 4、行研报告均为公开版,权利归原作者 所有,起点财经仅分发做内部学习。 扫一扫二维码 关注公号 回复:研究报告 加入“起点财经” 微信群。

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