1、主讲人: 温佐惠 教授 Keynote SpeakerProfessor Wen Zuo-Hui,第一章竞赛组织机构 CHAPTER 1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,第一条 竞赛委员会 Article 1 Competition Committee,世界锦标赛、世界杯赛由国际武术联合会和大会组委会选派若干名竞赛业务人员组成,领导大会的竞赛工作。The Competition Committee of the World Championships and the World Cup shall becomposed of wushu experts appointed b
2、ythe International Wushu Federation and the Organising Committee. It is esponsible foroverseeing all aspects of the competitions.,各洲、各地区和各国根据不同的比赛规模,可设立竞赛委员会、竞赛部或竞赛处。由负责竞赛业务的技术官员若干人组成。在大会组委会统一领导下,负责整个大会的竞赛组织工作。 According to the scale of competition, each continental, regional or national federation
3、may form its own Competition Committee to be responsible for all aspects of competition organization in accord with the Organising Committee.,第二条 仲裁委员会 Article 2 Jury of Appeal,一、由主任、副主任、委员3、5人或7人组成。2.1 The Jury of Appeal shall be composed of one (1)chairman,one (1)vice chairman andthree(3)to seven
4、(7)members.,二、职责:Duties however, the scoringresults shall not be changed.,(二)仲裁委员会表决票数超过半数以上的决定方为有效。表决投票相等时,仲裁委员会主任有决定权。仲裁委员会成员不参加与本人所在会员协会有牵连问题的讨论与表决。The decision of the Jury of Appeal is validonly when more than half of its members have voted for it. If its a tie vote then itshall be decided by a
5、casting vote of the Chairman. A Jury member shall withdraw,if the case is involved with his or her owncountry or region;,(三)仲裁委员会的裁决为最终裁决。The decision of the Jury of Appeal shall be final.,第三条 裁判人员的组成 Article 3 Composition of Contest Officials,一、执行裁判人员的组成Composition of Judges (一)总裁判长1人、副总裁判长1-2人。One
6、 (1)chief referee, and one (1)or two (2)assistant chief referees; (二)裁判组设裁判长1人;A组评分裁判员3 人;B组评分裁判员3人;C组评分裁判员3人, 共10人组成。Each judges group shall consist of eleven (11)members:one (1)head judge, three (3)judges in each of group:A, B ,(三)编排记录长1人One chief for programming and recording(四)检录长1人 One chief re
7、gistrar 二、辅助工作人员的组成Composition of Assistants(一)编排记录员3-5人3-5 programming and recording assistants(二)检录员3-6人3-6 registrars,(三)宣告员1-2人。1-2 announcers (四)放音员1-2人 1-2 sound technicians (五)仲裁摄像人员2-4人 2-4 video recording technicians (torecord events for the Jury of Appeal),竞赛组织机构 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,第
8、四条 执行裁判人员的职责 Article 4 Duties of Contest Officials,裁判人员在大会竞赛委员会领导下进行工作,其职责如下:The contest officials shall work under the guidance of the Competition Committee. Their duties are as follows:一 、总裁判长The chief referee shall,(一)组织、领导各裁判组的工作,保证竞赛规 则的执行,检查落实赛前各项准备工作。 Organize and lead the work of judges grou
9、psto ensure the proper implementation of competition rules, examine and make sure allpre-competition set-up work are carry out;(二)解释规则与规程,但无权修改规则与规程。Interpret the rules and regulations but have noright to modify them; (三)在比赛过程中,根据比赛需要可调动裁判人 员工作。裁判人员发生严重错误时,有权处理。Replace officials if necessary, and ha
10、ve the right to take disciplinary action against officialswho have committed serious mistakes;,(四)对运动员或教练员在赛场上无理纠缠,有 权给予警告;对不听劝告者,有权建议技委会严 肃处理,直到取消成绩。To give warnings to athletes and coachesmaking trouble at the competition site, and may report the matter to the Technical Committee to take disciplin
11、ary action, even the cancellation of their results; (五)审核并宣布成绩,作好裁判工作总结。Examine and announce the results of competition, and make a summary of the officialswork.,二、副总裁判长 The assistant chief referees shall(一) 协助总裁判长工作。Assist the chief referee;(二) 在总裁判长缺席时,由一名副总裁判长代 行其职责。One of them shall act on his b
12、ehalf if Chief Referee is absent.,三、裁判长 The head judge shall (一)组织本裁判组的业务学习和实施裁判工作。Organize his group to review and to implement the officiating rules; (二)执行运动员比赛套路创新难度的加分。To add points for innovative movementswith degree of difficulty; (三)执行比赛中对重做、套路时间不足或超出规定的扣分。To deduct points for repetition and
13、the time limit;,(四)裁判员发生严重的评判错误时,可向总裁判长建议给予相应的处理。Propose to the chief referee to take disciplinary action against a judge has committed serious mistakes. (五)参与B组演练水平等级分数的评分。Participate in B Group judgesevaluation (overall performance).,四、裁判员 The judges shall (一)服从裁判长的领导,做好本组的裁判工作。Dedicate themselves
14、 totally when doing their duties assigned by the head judge; (二)依据规则,独立进行评分,并作详细记录。Judge independently, according to the rules, and make detailed notes; (三)A组裁判员负责运动员整套动作质量的评分。Group A Judges are responsible for the quality of movement;,(四)B组裁判员负责运动员整套演练水平的评分。Group B Judges are responsible for the ov
15、erall performance; (五)C组裁判员负责运动员整套难度的评分。Group C Judges are responsible for the degree of difficulty.,五、编排记录长The programming ,(二)准备比赛所需表格,审查核实比赛成绩及排列名次。Prepare other necessary Forms or Tablesneeded to run the competition.Examine and verify the results and Placing; (三)编排成绩册。Prepare the Competition Res
16、ults,六、检录长 chief registrar 负责检录组的全部工作,如有变化及时报 告总裁判长和宣告员。The chief registrar shall be responsible for the entire registration,and report to the chief referee and announcers if there are any changes.,第五条 辅助工作人员职责 Article 5 Duties of the Assistants,一、编排记录员(根据编排记录长分配任务进行工作) The programming and hand-over
17、 the registration forms to the head judge.,三、宣告员The announcers 向观众介绍上场运动员,报告比赛成绩,介绍有关竞赛规程、规则和比赛项目的特点及武术套路运动的知识。The announcers shall introduce the currentcompetitors to the public; announce their results; and provide useful information regarding the rules and regulations, the characteristics of each
18、taolu event of wushu.,四、放音员Sound Technicians shall(一)配乐项目比赛第一次检录时,负责收取音乐录音带或光碟,根据比赛出场顺序进行编号。Collect all music cassettes or CDs from thecompetitors during the First-registration for events with music, and number them according to the running order;,(二)运动员站在比赛场地3秒钟后,开始放音。Play the music 3 seconds after
19、 the competitor has entered the carpet and get ready to start;(三)比赛结束后及时将音乐录音带或光碟归还运动队,不得丢失,不得转借他人或复制。After the competition, return all CDs and cassettes to the competitors withoutdamaging, losing, lending or copying them.,五、仲裁摄像人员The cameramen shall(一)对全部竞赛项目进行现场摄像。Film all competition events; (二)遵
20、照仲裁委员会的要求,负责播放相关项目录像。Search and replay the videotape whenrequired by the Jury of Appeal; (三)全部录像均应按大会规定予以保留。Archive all videotapes according to the competition orders.,第二章 竞赛规则 CHARTER 2 GENERAL RULES FOR COMPETITION,第六条 竞赛性质Article 6 Types ofCompetition 一、竞赛类型分为Types of Competition(一)个人赛Individual(
21、二)团体赛Team(三)个人及团体赛Individual & Team,二、按年龄可分为Competition Classification by Age (一)成年赛Adult(二)青少年赛Youth(三)儿童赛Children,第七条 竞赛项目 Article 7 Competition Events,一、长拳Changquan (Long fist) abbrev: CQ二、太极拳Taijiquan (Shadow boxing ) abbrev: TQ三、南拳Nanquan (Southern-fist) abbrev :NQ 四、剑术Jianshu (Sword ) abbrev:
22、JS五、刀术Daoshu (Broad sword) abbrev :DS六、枪术Jianshu (Sword) abbrev :JS,七、棍术Gunshu (Cudgel) abbrev: GS 八、南棍Nangun (Southern-style cudgel) abbrev: NG 九、南刀Nandao (Southern broadsword) abbrev; ND 十、太极剑Taijijian (Taijijian sword) abbrev: TJJ 十一、对练:徒手对练、器械对练、徒手与器械对练Duilian (Dual Events) abbrev: DL: Without w
23、eapons; with weapons; and Bare Hands against weapons. 十二、集体项目Jiti (Group Events) abbrev: JT,第八条 竞赛年龄分组 Article 8 Competition Divisions (age limits),一、成年组:18周岁(含18周岁)以上Adult(above 18);二、青少年组:12周岁至18周岁以下Youth (from 12 to 18);三、儿童组:不满12周岁Children (under 12 years).,第九条 申诉 Article 9 Appeals,一、申诉内容与范围Scop
24、e of Appeals 仲裁委员会受理运动队对本队运动员在比赛过程中,对裁判长的扣分和C组评判有异议的申诉。The Jury of Appeal will only accept and conduct a hearing submitted by a protester when: he or she is against the deduction made by the head judge or the decision of the judges in group C; the”presumed mistake” is made on his or her own team com
25、petitors.,二、 申诉程序及要求 Procedures & Requirements for Appeals参赛队如果对裁判评判本队结果有异议,必须在该场该项比赛结束后15分钟内,由该队领队或教练向仲裁委员会以书面的形式提出申诉,同时交付100美元申诉费。一次申诉仅限一个内容。If a Team leader or a ATeam Coach disagrees with the judges decision made upon his or her competitors, he or she is entitled to submit a formal written appea
26、l to the Jury of Appeal within 15 minutes at the end of the event concerned. The Appeal Fee of US$ 100 must be paid. Each appeal is limited to one issue.,仲裁委员会对申诉要进行审议,查看录像,如裁判组评判正确,提出申诉的运动队必须坚决服从。如果因不服而无理纠缠,根据情节轻重,可由仲裁委员会建议国际武联技委会给予严肃处理,直至取消比赛成绩。如判定属于裁判组的错误,仲裁委员会提请国际武联技委会对错判的裁判按有关规定进行处理,并退回申诉费。裁决结果
27、要及时通知有关各方。In conducting the hearing, the Jury of Appeal will examine all evidences provided including videotapes. If the decision proved correct the protester must be abided by the Jury of Appeal s decision. Refuse to accept the Jury of Appeals decision, the Jury can take further action against the
28、protester suggesting the Technical Committee to take disciplinary action, including the cancellation of competition results. If the appeal proves to be justified, the Jury of Appeal shall propose to the Technical Committee to take disciplinary actions against the judges who made mistake. The Appeal
29、Fee shall be returned. All parties involved will be notified of the results on time.,第十条 比赛顺序的确定 Article 10 Start-List,在竞赛委员会和总裁判长的监督下,由编排记录组抽签决定出场顺序。如有预、决赛的比赛,其决赛的出场顺序,则应按预赛成绩的高低,由低到高确定。如预赛排名相同,则抽签决定出场顺序。Under the supervision of the Competition Committee and the Chief Referee, the Programming and R
30、ecording group will use draw-lots system to determine the competitors Start-List for each event. If the competition requires a qualifying phrase and finals, the start-List in the finals shall be determined by their qualifying scores (lowest score vs. the first score).,第十一条 检录 Article 11 Registry (Ro
31、ll-Call),运动员必须在赛前40分钟到达指定地点报到,参加第一次检录,并接受检查服装和器械。赛前20分钟进行第二次检录,赛前10分钟进行第三次检录。Competitors must report to the designated place 40 minutes before the events start for the First Roll-Call where the costumes and apparatus are being. Checked. The Second Roll-Call will be done 20 minutes before the event .
32、The Final Roll-Call in 10 minutes before the event.,第十二条 礼仪 Article 12 Protocol,运动员听到上场点名时和完成比赛套路后,应向裁判长行抱拳礼。When being called the competitor must salute the Head Judge with palm-and fist.,第十三条 计时 Article 13 Timekeeping,运动员由静止姿势开始动作,计时开始;运动员结束全套动作后并步站立,计时结束。The Timekeeper will start the stop-watchwh
33、en the competitor begins to move andstors the stop-watch the competitor bringshis/her feet together into the standingposition(at the end of the Taolu.),第十四条 示分 Article 14 Display of Score,运动员的比赛结果,公开示分。The results of the competitors will be displayed on the Score monitor.,第十五条 弃权 Article 15 Forfeitu
34、re,运动员不能按时参加检录与比赛,则按弃权论处。If a competitor fails to report at the designated place after the Final Roll-Call or absent during competition, he/she will be forfeited from the event.,第十六条 兴奋剂检测 Article 16 Anti-doping Test,根据国际奥林匹克宪章的规定和国际奥委会的有关要求,进行兴奋剂检测。Anti-doping test will be conducted according to th
35、e Olympic Charter and the IOC regulations.,第十七条 名次评定 Article 17 Placing,一、个人单项(含对练)名次Individual & Dual Placing按比赛的成绩高低排列名次。得分最高者为 该单项的第一名,次高者为第二名,依次类推。Placing will be awarded according to thecompetitors score in the competition. Thecompetitor who has the highest score will be the winner (lst place)
36、and the one with the second highest score will win the 2nd place, so on and so forth.,二、个人全能名次Individual All Round Placing按各单项得分总和的高低(或根据规程确定办法)进行评定,得分最高者为全能第一名,次多者为第二名,依次类推。Individual all round placing will be determined by the total scores of each individual event (or according to the rules and re
37、gulations for that particular Competition set earlier.) The highest score will be awarede Ist place; the second highest score will be 2nd place, so on and so forth.,三、集体名次Group Event Placing 得分最高者为该项目第一名,次高者为第二名,依次类推。The group with the highest score willbe awarded Ist place; the group with second hi
38、ghest score will be 2 nd place, so on and so forth.,四、团体名次team Placing根据竞赛规程关于团体名次的确定办法进行评定。Team placing will be determined by the regulations of that particular Competition.,五、得分相等的处理Tied Scores(一)个人项目得分相等的处理:Tied in Individual Events When individuals have the same scores, placing will decided acco
39、rding to the following tie-break order:,1 、 以完成动作难度等级高者列前。The competitor who successfully completed the higher degree of movement difficulty shall be placed higher; 、以完成高等级难度动作数量多者列前。If the scores still remain the same, the winner will be the one who has completed more advanced degree of difficult m
40、ovements; 、以难度得分高者列前。If the scores still remain the same, the winner will be the one with higher scores in difficulty;,4、如仍相等,以演练水平应得分高者列前。If the scores still remain the same, the winner will be the one with higher scores in overall performance;5、如仍相等,以演练水平扣分少者列前。If the scores still remain the same,
41、 the winner will be the one who has higher scores among lower scores in overall performance;6、如仍相等,名次并列。If the scores still remain the same a tied placing will be awarded;,7、如有预、决赛,成绩相等时,以预赛成绩高者列前。若再相等,则以决赛成绩按上述几条评定名次。In competitions with qualifying phrase and finals, if the total result of the two
42、competitions are the same, the competitor with the highest score in the qualifying phrase will be awarded the highest place. If the tied still remains, phrase will be awarded the highest place. If the tied still remains, placing will be determined as in cases(1)-(7).,8、如无动作难度组别要求的竞赛项目成绩相等时,则以上述第、条评定
43、名次。If the scores still remain the same in events without difficult movements, placing will be determined as in cases(4),(5)and (6).,(二)个人全能得分相等时,以比赛中获单项第一名多者列前;如仍相等,则以获得第二名多者列前,依次类推;如获得所有名次均相等,则并列。Tied in Individual All Round EventThe competitor who ranked first in more individual events shall be pl
44、aced higher.If the tied still remains then the competitor who achieved second places in more individual events shall be placed higher. In case of equal ranking in all individual events, then a tie-placing shall be proclaimed.,(三) 集体项目和对练得分相等时,按个人项目第、条评定名次。Tie in Group & Dual Events If the scores are
45、 the same in Group or Dual Events it will be determined as in cases (2)-(4) of article 17.5.1,(四)团体总分相等时,以全队获得单项第一名多者列前;如仍相等,则以获得第二名多者列前,依次类推;如获得单项名次均相等,则并列。Tied in Team Events In the team competition, the team which ranked first in more individual events shall be placed higher. If the tie still rem
46、ains, then the team with more second places in individual events shall be placed higher, and so on and so forth. In case of equal ranking in all individual events, the tied placing will be proclaimed.,第十八条 创新动作难度的申报 Article 18 Applications for the Recognition & Grading of lnnovative Movements,一、 创新原
47、则Principals for Innovation必须符合武术运动的本质属性和运动规律,必须具备较高的专项素质与专项技能才能完成的动作,必须是“自选项目动作难度等级内容及分值确定表”中未出现的级(含级)以上的动作难度。All innovative movements must conform with the specific characteristics of Wushu and the principles of movement, requiring a high level of physical preparation and skill; and the degree of d
48、ifficulty must be at least of Cat. B or higher and must not appear in the Tables for Degree Of Movements Difficulties and Value in Optional Events,二、申报程序Application Procedures (一)每次竞赛每个套路限报一个创新动作难度。Each team is allowed to submit an application (for Degree of difficulty for Innovative Movement) for e
49、ach routine.(二)申报运动队必须填报“自选套路创新技术申报审批表”,并配以技术图解和本人演练的录像带在赛前天(以到达邮戳为准)上报到国际武联技委会。The applicant must fill-up an Application Form for the” Assessment of Optional Routine Innovation” and supply a technical chart and a videotape of the competitor s movement. The application and its attachments must be se
50、nt the IWUF Technical Committee at least sixty(60)days before the opening ceremony.,三、鉴定机构The Assessment Committee由国际武联技委会聘请有关专家人组成自选套路创新技术鉴定委员会,负责此项工作。The Assessment Committee will consist of 5 to 7 wushu experts appointed by the IWUF Technical Committee. Its main function is to examine the Taolu Innovation Application handed in by the teams.,