1、Mathematical Geology,中国长江大学双语教学建设课程(20112012) Bilingual curriculum 双语课程,数学地质,主讲 汤军(副教授) Jun Tang 单位 地球科学学院 School of Geosciences 授课对象:资工(基地)专业1090x Speciality ,speiliti Resources Prospecting Engineering,主讲教师简介:汤军 男,1964年生,中国长江大学地球科学学院副教授。兴趣与特长:定量分析与科研,教学与教材 。 理念: 向大师学习,多做事实,主动思考重于被动接受。Success follow
2、s doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful. 做自己想做的事情就能成功,这是成功惟一的秘诀。学习及工作简历:1982年考入江汉石油学院地质系地质勘查专业,1986年获得学士学位并留校任助教。2002年中国地质大学(北京)获得博士毕业。20022011 副教授。2009.32010.3 美国伊利诺伊大学地质系访问进修。,1990年以来主讲课程:数学地质 地理信息科学概论 地理信息系统原理 计算机绘图 实用数据库技术 空间数据库 人工智能 数据库平台技术对比 储层地质 数学地质 双语,近期部分教学成果: 1
3、.合编,定量地学方法及应用获高等教育出版社研究生推荐教材( 2004)。2.合编,数学地质方法获石油工业出版社“十二五”优秀教材( 2011)。联系方式:湖北南环路1号(邮编:434023)。中国长江大学 地球科学学院 地理信息系电话:0716-8060467QQ: 374216030,双语学习的目的: 1.认得词;2.懂得句子;3.会方法;4.能运用。,双语学习过程: 1.单词;2.词组;3.短句;4.长句;5.段落。,学习方法 1数学地质记笔记!一本笔记本,一张纸,左右分,左文字,右图和单词。,Learning Method 1 Mathematical geology notes! !
4、! One notebook, a piece of paper, Left and right sides, text left, Map and new words right.,学习方法 2 大学四年该如何学英语?! 那大学里该如何学英语,我觉得每天做四件事情,第一件,每天给自己30分钟时间听英文,不管是什么英文。听的时候最好能做笔记;第二件,每天看杂志,选一篇英文的文章,花15分钟时间把英文大意看清楚,然后看完之后也写英文笔记。看要一行一行地看,不要一个字一个字地看;第三件,找一个同学,英语水平比你略高一点,每天晚饭后,一边走路,一边讲英文,讲什么话题都可以。或者自己对着镜子说,看英文
5、报纸看到了什么,听到了什么。最后一件,睡觉之前花10分钟时间用英语写两到三句话,把当天你觉得最有意义的事情用英语把它记录下来,然后进入甜蜜的梦乡。,First, 30 minutes a day listening to English, The second , reading magazines, 15 minutes for a selected an article in English . The third, to find a classmate, slightly higher than your English every day after dinner, while wa
6、lking, while speaking in English, about what topics can be. The last , took 10 minutes before going to bed to write two to three English words。,开拓视野!,深入学习!,Books RecommendedWolfgang Hardle, Leopold Simar, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Second Edition, 2007,SpringerDallase E. Johnson , Ap
7、plied Multivariate Methods for Data Analysts , first Edition 1998 (北京,2005)Griffiths, R.G. Scientific Methods in Sedimentology Koch, G.S & Link, F.R. Statistical Analysis in Geological Data,Text selected 所选教材一 德国洪堡大学教材Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysts,Text selected 所选教材二 应用多元统计分析方法(影印版) Appl
8、ied Multivariate Methods for Data Analysts (海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书)(附VCD光盘1张)原文1998版,作者:(美)约翰逊 出版社:高等教育出版社 出版日期:2005年6月 ISBN:704016545 页数:567,所选 教材特点,应用多元回归分析方法,样本相关,多元数据点图,特征值和特征向量,复合分析原理,因子分析,判别分析,逻辑斯谛回归方法,聚类分析,均值向量和方差-协方差矩阵,方差多元分析,预测模型和多元回归。本书统计内容覆盖面广于国内的概率统计教材,内容安排颇有新意。 本书设有大量的例题与练习题,实用面丰富,统计思维清晰。本书适用于高等
9、院校统计学专业和理工科各专业本科生和研究生作为双语教材使用。,Course : MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Credits 2Objectives : To impart knowledge about the use of numerical data in geoscience, linear regression interpretations and others. 课程:数学地质 学分2 目标:有关地球科学中的数据分析、线性回归和其他多元回归的解释。UNIT-I Descriptive Techniques First week 1.1 Boxplots. 1.2 Hi
10、stograms. 1.3 Scatterplots. 1.4 Data Set -Boston Housing. 单元 I 地球科学中的数据描述技术 1.1 箱图 1.2直方图 1.3 散点图 1.4 例子数据集-波士顿房屋,教学日历,UNIT-II Multivariate Random Variables No.2 week 2.1 A Short Excursion into Matrix Algebra. 2.2 Moving to Higher Dimensions. 2.3 Multivariate Distributions. 2.4 Theory of the Multino
11、rmal.单元-II 地球科学中的概率 2.1概率和axians介绍。 2.2常态分布和特点。 2.3二项式分布和特点。 2.4极值分布。,Course : MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY Credits 2 UNIT-III Multivarite Techniques No.3 week 3.1 Linear regression and Least square method. 3.2 Trend Surface. 3.3 Principal Components Analysis. 3.4 Factor Analysis. 3.5 Cluster Analysis. 3.6
12、Discriminant Analysis. 3.7 Correspondence Analysis. 单元-III 多元统计分析技术 3.1 线性回归与最小二乘法 3.2 趋势面分析 3.3 主成份分析 3.4 因子分析 3.5 聚类分析 3.6 判别分析 3.7 对应分析,First Step:New Words 第一类 高频词 160个,Chapter 1 PrefaceIntroduction to Mathematical Geology,1.1 The term of Mathematical Geologymeaning of the term of Mathematical G
13、eologyEarth Sciences (地球科学)are the sciences related to the Earth, including many branches, such as Geology (地质学)and its branchesmainly study the solid Earthlithosphere Marine geology(海洋地质学) is a branch of geology, mainly researching oceans and their processes.Petroleum geology(石油地质学), Structural geo
14、logy(构造地质学) Math (数学) Programming Language (计算机编程语言),1.1.1 What is Mathematical Geology?Geology is the study of the planet Earth. It is concerned with the origin of the planet, the material and morphology of the Earth, and its history as well as the processes acted/acting on it. (地球的起源、物质、形态、历史、作用)
15、地质学是一门综合的自然科学!不简单! The word “geology” was first used by a Swiss scholarH. B. De Saussure (1740-1799) in 1779. The prefix “geo-” means “Earth or land”, while the suffix “-logy” means “subjecta course or area of study”.= Note: prefix前缀suffix后缀,The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and co
16、nsistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations. 数学分支,以精确的证明、公式和等式的逻辑性及稳定性为研究对象的学科.,Mathematics is the science of structures in a broad sense. They may be numerical structures, spatial structures, colour structures, musical structures, logical structures or a thousand other things. Mathema
17、ticians study these structures: they form them, stretch them, bend them, play with them and form connections between them. When you start looking, you find structures everywhere. And mathematics is the language that we use to express many of our deepest thoughts about the world. Mathematical applica
18、tions can be used as a way to get inside the structures. Or you can become engrossed in the abstract game. Youre allowed - in fact, youre encouraged! - to use both approaches as a graduate student in mathematics.,Key words of Chapter 1,Earth Sciences, geology, geography, biology, meteorology, enviro
19、nmental sciences, astronomy; lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphereGeology: marine geology, geochemistry, geophysics, geology of ore deposits, petrology, petroleum geologyThe method of geology: natural laboratory, time scale and space scale, principle of actualismGeologic process: endogenic
20、 process, exogenic process, sites and major energies (internal heat, radioactive heat, Suns heat), auxiliary energies (gravity, rotation force, gravitation etc.).,The meaning of the term Mathematical Geology was contentious.In North American usage, it has primarily meant statistical applications in
21、geology, and thus is an extension of inventory that has been traditional in geology. To the Leningrad school (originally led by A. B. Vistelius), it is the discipline of testing geological hypotheses mathematically.,数学地质涵义 现代观点:,数学地质涵义 早期观点:,The group was organized to find applications of mathematic
22、s in geology such that special features of geology are reflected in the mathematical tools used. Mathematics should be a way of expressing geological ideas which optimize their investigation.,地质多元统计分析地质多元统计分析是运用概率统计的思想,研究解决地质学中多指标问题的理论和方法。多元统计分析为定量处理地质数据提供了理论和方法,是数学地质最成熟的内容,也是应用最广、效果最为明显地数学地质方法。,多元统计分析方法可以简化地质数据结构、分析地质变量的相依相、组合地质变量、对样品或变量进行分类。常用的方法有:回归分析、趋势面分析、聚类分析、判别分析、因子分析等。对特殊类型的地质数据,和成分数据、定性数据、定向数据通过数据变换后,也可使用多元统计方法进行计算处理。,Key words of Chapter 1,Earth Sciences,Key points for Chapter 1 本章要点,Earth Sciences and some branches.,