1、电气工程及其自动化专业英语,电气信息学院,授课教师:刘 霞 xliu_,2,Xia Liu, Ph.D. In 2009-2010, she was awarded a scholarship by China Scholarship Council (CSC) to visit University of Alberta, Canada. Xias research interests are control of nonlinear systems, especially adaptive control of teleoperation systems.,2,主讲教师介绍,Telerob
2、otic and Biorobotic Systems Group, University of Alberta, Canada,3,3,本课程介绍,Why? 本科毕业设计要用;找工作时要用;硕士博 士阶段要用。,Objects? 能看懂与本专业相关的一些英文资料;(读) 能用本专业相关英文进行科技论文写作;(写) 能用本专业相关英文进行学术交流。(听、说),4,作业:很少量,成绩评定:期末70%,平时成绩20%,考勤10%。,特别提醒: 抽查点名时缺席的,考勤一次扣5分!,4,本课程介绍,学时:32学时,5,参考教材: 【1】自动化专业英语,王军等主编,重庆大学出版社(2010) 【2】电气
3、工程及其自动化专业英语,戴文进主编, 电子工业出版社(2011),5,本课程介绍,使用教材:电气工程与自动化专业英语,王伟等编,机械工业出版社(2010),6,6,授课特点 书上有的内容,要精选、抓重点、重分析; 书上无但又有用的内容,讲课要补充。,本课程介绍,学习要点 带着兴趣和问题来听课; 勤用专业词典。,7,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals 电路基础,1.内容简介本章主要介绍电荷;导体、绝缘体、半导体;电流、电压、电阻的概念;电阻、电压、电流的测试方法;直流串联电路和交流电路基本原理等内容。2.文中涉及理论知识可参考电路中有关内容。,7,8,Chapter 1
4、 Circuit Fundamentals 电路基础,3.单词与术语 1 electrostatic adj. 静电的 2 charge n. 电荷 3 positive adj. 正的 4 negative adj. 负的5 electron n. 电子6 proton n. 质子7 gravitational adj. 引力的8 precipitator n. 电滤器,8,9,9 power plant 发电厂(e.g) 10 current n. 电流 11 conductor n. 导体 12insulator n. 绝缘体 13semiconductor n. 半导体 14valen
5、ce shell 价电子层 15silicon n. 硅 16germanium n. 锗,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,9,10,17selenium n. 硒 18voltage n. 电压 19resistance n. 电阻 20circuit n. 电路 21electromotive force(EMF) 电动势 22repel v. 排斥 23multimeter n. 万用表 24milliammeter n. 毫安表,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,10,11,25ammeter n. 安培表 26ohmmeter
6、 n. 欧姆表 27voltmeter n. 电压表 28polarity n. 极性 29parallel n. 并联(e.g) 30series n. 串联 31filament n. 灯丝 32resistor n. 电阻器 33hot wire n. 火线,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,11,12,34neutral wire n. 中线 35phase n. 相位(e.g) 36electrical power 电源(e.g) 37cylinder n. 圆柱(e.g) 38electromagnetic induction 电磁感应(e.g),Cha
7、pter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,12,13,PART 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals 1.1 Electrostatic Charges 1.2 Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors 1.3 Current, Voltage and Resistance 1.4 Measuring Resistance , Voltage and Current 1.5 DC Series Electrical Circuit 1.6
8、 Alternating Current (AC) Voltage,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,14,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,4. 重点段落翻译 1 第2页第1段落 “Electrical charges are used to filter or positive charge.”,14,用于滤除设备中灰尘和烟垢的电荷叫静电过滤器。在电厂中, 电力除尘器常常用于过滤排放到空气中的废气。静电也常用于制造砂纸和汽车的喷漆。叫做验电器的设备可以用于检测正、负电荷。,15,2 第7页1.4.4段落 “Many digital m
9、eters are now in use. They employ energy into light energy on the display.”,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,15,目前使用的是许多数字仪表。这些仪表采用数值读数,使得测量过程简化,测量更加精确。数字仪表依靠数字电路获得测量值的数值读数。所设计的数字仪表的读数是电信号转换成的数字数据。可以应用字母和数字读数,如七段的、离散数字、条形矩阵显示。每种方法都有器件将电能转换为用于显示的光能。,16,3 第10页第3段落 “Two other important terms are value va
10、lue is equal to 0.636 times the peak value.”,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,16,RMS值和平均值是两个重要的术语。RMS表示的是均方根,它等于0.707倍的峰值。均方根是用来确定有效值的数学方法。均方根电压和有效值电压是同一个。平均电压是指发生在整个变化周期内瞬时电压的数学平均值。平均值等于0.636倍的峰值。,17,5. 重点句子翻译 1The effect that electrostatic charges have on each other is very important. They either re
11、pel (move away) or attract (come together) each other. It is said that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.P1,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,17,静电荷彼此之间的影响是很重要的。它们或者排斥(远离),或者吸引(聚集)。这就是通常人们所说的同性排斥,异性相吸。,18,2It is also possible to charge other materials because some materials are charged when
12、 they are brought close to another charged object. If a charged rubber rod is touched against another material, the second material may become charged.P1,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,18,当一些材料与另一带电体接近时就会带上电荷,所以它也可能使其它材料带上电荷。如果带电的橡胶棒与另一种材料接触,就可能使这种材料带上电荷。,19,3The movement of valence shell electrons
13、of conductors produces electrical current. The outer electrons of the atoms of a conductor are called free electrons. Energy released by these electrons as they move allows work to be done.P3,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,19,导体价电子层电子的运动产生电流。导体原子的外部电子叫做自由电子,当这些电子运动时释放出能量,从而做功。,20,4A circuit is a pat
14、h or conductor for electric current flow. Electric current flows only when it has a complete, or closed-circuit, path. There must be a source of electrical energy to cause current to flow along a closed path.P4,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,20,电路是电流流通的路径。只有当电路接通或闭合时才有电流流通。必须有电源才能使电流沿闭合路径流通。,21,5The
15、re are three types of electrical circuits. They are called series circuits, parallel circuits, and combination circuits. The easiest type of circuit to understand is the series circuit.P7,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,21,电路可分为三种类型,分别为串连电路、并联电路和串并联组合电路。串连电路是最简单的电路类型。,22,6The term phase refers to tim
16、e, or the difference between one point and another. If two sine-wave voltages reach their zero and maximum values at the same time, they are in phase.P10,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,22,术语“相位”是反映的是某一时间上两点之间的不同。如果两个正弦波电压在同一时刻到达它们的零点和最大值,就说它们是同相位的。,23,7The power ratings of motors and generators is g
17、reater when three-phase ac power is used. For a certain frame size, the rating of a three-phase ac motor is almost 50% larger than a similar single-phase ac motor.P11,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,23,当使用三相交流电源时,电动机和发电机的功率额定值要比单相的大得多。对某一结构尺寸的交流电动机,三相交流电动机的功率额定值要比相似的单相交流电动机大约大50。,24,补充: 文中其他重要的专业术语!,Chapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals,24,