1、Gemstones of Sri Lanka 1 / 27 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 锡兰寻宝 1. BLUE SAPPHIRE( 蓝 宝石 ) Sri Lankas Gem supreme, of corn flower blue, is the favorite of fashionable women the world over. 斯里兰卡的宝石至尊,蓝如矢车菊, 誉满 全球,是 时尚女性的最爱 。 2. CATS EYE( 猫眼 ) The honey yellow and apple green Cats Eye of lustrous smoothness i
2、s extolled for the protection she yields to the wearer. 光彩照人、 肤如凝脂 。 猫眼,如果是 蜂蜜黄 或 苹果青色 ,据说 还可以护身,故而 备 受推崇。 3. ALEXANDRITE( 变 石、紫翠玉 ) If you are a connoisseur of the rarest yields from the mysterious depths of earth you will need to possess an Alexandrite. 变石产自地层至深之处,因稀有而珍贵 。 赏鉴 把玩,非君莫属。 4. STAR RUBY
3、( 星彩 红 宝石 、 星光 红 宝石 ) The scarlet perfection and its scintillating beauty adopt to the dream come true in gems. 一身红装,星彩四溅, 助卿好 梦成真 。 5. YELLOW SAPPHIRE( 黄宝石 ) Pollen of flowers is her lyrical name in Sinhala. Her delicate yellow makes this description apt. 一袭淡雅的黄衣,黄宝石被当地人冠以“花粉”的昵称。 恰如其分。 6. STAR SAP
4、PHIRE( 星彩 蓝 宝石、 星光 蓝 宝石 ) With her azure heart a-gleam with radiant snowy streaks, the star sapphires sparkle brings her owner good luck. Gemstones of Sri Lanka 2 / 27 心如蓝海,内蕴星芒,佩者 趋吉避凶 。 7. AMETHYST( 紫水晶 ) Burnished by nature into a high purplish polish, the Amethyst is a beauty among gems. 润泽天成 。佳
5、丽者,唯紫水晶。 8. GARNET( 石榴石 ) All the worlds Garnets (pyrope) are ordinary after Sri Lankas Elahera Garnet made its radiant bow. 产自 斯里兰卡 Elahera 的红榴石, 出类拔萃 、艳压群芳 ; Elahera 一出场,此后再无红榴石。 From time immemorial Sri Lanka has had a sparkling reputation for highly treasured gems. Nature in her bounty has chose
6、n the bosom of Sri Lanka to enshrine some of her rarest treasures. Blue Sapphires, Cats Eyes, Alexandrites, Rubies, Star stones found embedded in layer of gravel and sand, in river beds, marshes, fields or accumulated at the foot of hills have made Sri Lanka the renowned island for gems. These preci
7、ous stones perfected in the laboratory of nature lay hidden of countless ages, their luster undimmed, their value unrecognized. And led by Dame Fortune, the rare gem emerges genuine and unequaled by any artifice of man. Perhaps nowhere in the world are so many minerals of the gem variety concentrate
8、d in so compact an area in such abundance as in Sri Lanka. 亘古 以来,斯里兰卡就以盛产宝石闻名于世。富有的大自然慷慨钟情兰卡,将自己的宝藏 混迹于砂石之中 。河床上、 湿地里、田间地头,甚至 堆积 山脚 之下, 蓝宝石、猫眼、变石、红宝石、星彩宝石随处可觅 , 兰卡是名副其实的宝石之岛。 这些藏宝 旁观 沧海桑田、历经 水火 洗礼, 却苦于伯乐未至,只能在不起眼处韬光养晦。 时运临门,各种宝石竞相出土登台 ;天造地设,毕竟不同于凡人手笔。或许,世上再没有其它地方能够 如此集中 汇聚如此品类众多、数量惊人的自然藏宝了罢。 Though
9、Sri Lankas gem trade dates back in to hoary historical times, our gem supplies are almost inexhaustible for the gem bearing pre-Cambrian Stratum forms 9/10ths of Sri Lankas earth, Geologists aver. 尽管 斯里 兰卡的宝石贸易 源远流长 , 宝石之岛 却无 油尽灯枯 之虞 。 地质学家称 兰卡的地壳十分之九为前寒武纪地层,而前寒武纪地层正是宝石藏处。 The Blue Sapphire is Sri L
10、ankas Gem Supreme. And Sri Lankas Blue Sapphires are the finest in the world. Sapphires of the finest quality have what is called by the Gemstones of Sri Lanka 3 / 27 experts a corn flower blue or a royal blue tint. The highly priced of all gems, the Blue Sapphire is second only to the diamond in ha
11、rdness. The largest known Sapphires in the world weighing 42 pounds was found in the gem gravels of Sri Lanka. The Blue Giant of the Orient weighing nearly 500 carats and the 400 carat Blue Belle of Asia purchased by a British multi-millionaire were also from Sri Lanka. A perfect corn flower blue 92
12、 carat specimen is now on display at the State Gem Corporation. The world jewelry market demands Blue Sapphires of 5-15 carats. Sri Lanka can supply these in very large quantities. 斯里兰卡出产的宝石中,蓝宝石是王牌,品质称冠于世。最上等的蓝宝石呈品蓝色,或曰皇家蓝,业内人士称为“矢车菊蓝”。除价格昂贵之外,蓝宝石的硬度也极高,仅次于钻石。世界上已知最大的蓝宝石 就产自斯里兰卡,重42 磅。 另两件产自兰卡的珍品是接
13、近 500 克拉的“东方蓝巨人”和 400 克拉的“亚洲蓝 色佳人 ”, 皆由英国某亿万富翁购得。目前斯里兰卡国家宝石总公司陈列有一颗 92 克拉的矢车菊蓝宝石,品相完美。 国际珠宝市场上的蓝宝 石一般为 5-15 克拉,斯里兰卡在这一区间的出产数量非常庞大。 Sri Lankas Star Sapphire is the star beauty among Earths precious stones. The radiant snowy streaks that gleam in her azure heart are perhaps the solidified version of a
14、 colourful dream the world has had long ago of the glory of the universe. The 362 carat Star now with the State Gem Corporation is considered the third largest stone of comparable quality and colour in the world. But the most celebrated Sri Lankas star Sapphire is on permanent display at the Smithso
15、nian museum of Natural History in New York. However, Sri Lanka has not gotten the recognition it deserves as the stone is named (Probably through an oversight) the Star of Bombay. Arthur C. Clarke, the famous Space Scientist and Futurologist, in his epilogue of Rolof Benys Island Ceylon comments, “a
16、nd by some distressing impertinence the splendid Star Sapphire which is one of the glories of American Museum of Natural Historys gem collection is called the Star of Bombay - not as it should be - the Star of Ceylon.“ 斯里兰卡出产的星彩蓝宝石是星彩系列宝石中的翘楚。 自 蓝 宝石中心以放射状呈现的白色 条带,似乎寄托了地球在上古 时代对苍茫宇宙的幻想。 目前国家宝石总公司陈列有
17、一颗 362 克拉的星彩蓝宝石,被认为是世界第三大品相优秀的星彩石。 然而,斯里兰卡最著名的星彩蓝宝石其实被永久陈列在了纽约的史密森自然历史博物馆。 并 且,这颗宝石被命名为“孟买之星”(疑为命名人疏忽 ) ,兰卡惨被隐姓埋名。 著名太空学家和未来学家 Arthur C. Clarke 在 Rolof Beny 的锡兰岛后记中言道:“ 令人扼腕的是这颗给美国国家自然历史博物馆添彩的星彩蓝宝石却被命名为孟买之星而非 实际应该是 锡兰之星。” Gemstones of Sri Lanka 4 / 27 SAPPHIRE 蓝宝石 Sapphire is an aluminum oxide. Its
18、colour varies from very light to dark blue to violetish-blue, bluish-green, yellow, slightly reddish-orange, brown, nearly opaque black, colourless, pink, violet and the pinkish-orange padparadscha (lotus flower). 蓝宝石其实是一种氧化铝( 煞 风 景 ) 。 颜色可以从极浅跨到极深甚至偏紫的蓝色,此外还有蓝绿色、黄色、橘色稍偏红、棕色、近漆黑色、无色、粉色、紫罗兰色和粉橙色(荷花 色
19、) 。 -Varieties 分类 Coloured varieties, star sapphire, alexandrite-like sapphire. Sri Lankan blue sapphire is the best in the world and supplies gems for almost all the royal weddings in the UK. 一般 按照颜色分类 。 此外 , 还有星彩蓝宝石、类石榴石蓝宝石。斯里兰卡出产的蓝宝石 称冠于世 ,英国皇室婚礼所用的蓝宝石几乎全部来自兰卡。 -Toughness 硬度 Excellent, except in
20、laminated or fractured stones. 极高 ,复合或破裂加工的除外。 -History 八卦一下 According to an ancient Persian legend, the earth rested on a great sapphire whose reflection was seen in the sky. The stone also appears in the Promethean legend. Prometheus was chained to a rock by Zeus for having stolen fire from the go
21、ds. After being rescued by Hercules, a link of the chain remained on his finger, and attached to it was a piece of rock. Zeus agreed to grant Prometheus his freedom if he wore the link as a reminder of his sin. Later a ring set with a sapphire replaced the link and stone. Sapphire symbolizes truth,
22、sincerity and constancy. It was believed to protect the wearer against capture by an enemy, and to win the favour of princesses. It also protected against poison. It was said that if a poisonous snake were put in a vessel with a sapphire, the rays from the gem would kill it. The name Gemstones of Sr
23、i Lanka 5 / 27 sapphire originally comes from Sanskrit. It became sappheiros in Greek, meaning blue. Before the value of sapphire was known to them, villages in the Zanzkar mountains of Kashmir (India) used the gem as a flint to start fires. 古波斯传说认为,大地坐落在一块巨大的蓝宝石上,天空就是蓝宝石的倒影。蓝宝石还出现在了普罗米修斯的故事中。普罗米修斯因
24、自天界盗取火种而被宙斯缚于 巨岩 之上,后被 力士赫拉克勒斯所救。然而, 绑缚的铁链仍有一环留在普罗米修斯的手指上,未能除去,而且环上还连 着 一颗 石子 。 宙斯最后虽然赦免了普罗米修斯,但 却 要求其必须一直戴着 残留 的 铁环,以儆效尤。后来一枚镶着蓝宝石的戒指代替了铁环和石子 。蓝宝石象征着真、淳、恒。 据说佩戴者可免于被敌所擒,还能 掳获 格格 芳心。 此外 , 传说蓝宝石 还 能避毒:把一条毒蛇和一颗蓝宝石放入同一个容器,宝石的光芒就可以杀死毒蛇。 蓝宝石的英文名称 sapphire 源于梵文,后来对应希腊语中的 sappheiros,意为“蓝色”。印度克什米尔 Zanzkar 山
25、区的人们一开始不知道蓝宝石的价值,一度用它作为燧石取火。 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 6 / 27 RUBY 红宝石 Ruby is an aluminum oxide, a variety of corundum ; it occurs in medium to dark tones of red and violets-red to brownish-red commonly found in Sri Lanka. 红宝石 属刚玉的一种, 主要成分为 氧化铝 。 斯里兰卡常见的红宝石 有正红色、深红色和二者间的过渡色,以及紫红色、棕红色和二者间的过渡色。 -Varieti
26、es 分类 Star ruby 星彩红宝石 -Toughness 硬度 Excellent 极高 Corundum/son/ 刚玉、金刚砂 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 7 / 27 ALEXANDRITE 变石 Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl , which ideally shows a distinct color change from green in fluorescent light or daylight to red in incandescent light and Sri Lanka is the major
27、 supplier in the world. 亚历山大变石是 金绿宝石 的一种 。好的变石在日光或荧 光灯下呈绿色,在白炽灯下变为红色。斯里兰卡是亚历山大变石的主产区 。 -Varieties 分类 A very small amount of alexandrite shows a cats eye effect (chatoyancy ). 极个别亚历山大变石会 如 猫眼 石般呈现 变彩。 -Toughness 硬度 Excellent 极高 -History 八卦一下 Alexandrite received its name because it was discovered on
28、the birthday of Czar Alexander II of Russia in 1830. Red and green are also the colors of the Russian Imperial Guard. 亚历山大变石是 1830 年俄国沙皇亚 历山大二世生日这一天发现的,故而得名。俄国皇家禁卫军的代表色恰好也 是红色和绿色。 Chrysoberyl/i ir e i/ 金绿玉 Chatoyancy (法 ) (宝石、织物等的 )闪猫光 ,变彩 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 8 / 27 STAR STONES 星彩石 Star stones of
29、 the corundum family are either star sapphires or rubies. When light falls on these stones, a star effect is visible (known as asterism ). Sri Lanka is the best-known source for star sapphires and star rubies. Star sapphires range in color from grey to bluish-grey and from medium blue to medium dark
30、 blue. The very slightly purplish medium dark blue is the best color grade for star sapphires. Star rubies range from light pink-red to purple-red through deep purple-red. The intense red star rubies are extremely rare. A good quality star stone should have a high degree of transparency and a well-d
31、efined star with no weak or missing rays. It should be reasonably clean and in the face-up position, no distracting inclusions or cracks should be seen. There should be no excess weight at the bottom of the stone. 刚玉属的星彩石要么是星彩蓝宝石,要么是星彩红宝石。星彩石在光照下内部会呈现六棱星彩(星芒)。在众多星彩石产地中,斯里兰卡是最负盛名的。 星彩蓝宝石的颜色有灰色、蓝灰色和二者
32、间的过渡色,以及 正蓝色、深蓝色和二者间的过渡色 ,其中以微偏紫的深蓝色为最上乘。 星彩红宝石的颜色有浅粉色、紫红色和二者间的 过渡色,其中以艳红色最为稀有珍贵。上等的星彩石透明度高、星芒 完整 匀称 而清晰,正面观之清澈无杂质无裂纹,底面 大小 适中。 Star sapphires and rubies are hard stones (9 on the Mohs scale), which can take a high degree of polish and retain the shine for a long time. The special optical phenomenon
33、 of a well-defined six-ray star is a fascinating sight. The wearable qualities of the star stones make them suitable for mens rings. 星彩石硬度很高( 9 莫氏度),可承受深度打磨,光泽恒久不变。若星芒六棱清晰,会是令人叹为观止的光学景观。星彩石坚硬耐磨,很适合用作男士戒指。 三星符号、六棱星彩、星芒 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 9 / 27 CHRYSOBERYL 金绿 宝石 The species name chrysoberyl is gi
34、ven to a transparent, faceted gemstone that does not show a colour change between daylight and artificial light (the chrysoberyl which shows a colour change is called alexandrite). The ideal colours of chrysoberyl are green and yellowish-green. In addition, due to strong dichroism, one may see an at
35、tractive bi-coloured chrysoberyl occasionally. Hardness is 8.5 on the Mohs scale. The high refractive index of the stone makes it very lively when properly cut and polished. 金绿宝石是一种透明的多面体宝石,在自然光和人造光下颜色无 变化 (有 变化的称为亚历山大变石)。理想颜色为绿色和黄绿色,有时 由于二向色性 会出现双色石, 颇为引人。金绿宝石的硬度为 8.5 莫氏度,折光性极佳,加工得当会相当闪耀出彩 。 Gemsto
36、nes of Sri Lanka 10 / 27 CATS EYE 猫眼 A cats eye like effect, known as chatoyancy, appears to move on this stones surface. Cats eye is a gem variety of chrysoberyl. Hardness: 8.5 on the Mohs scale. 表面似有猫眼开合,业内称为“变彩”,故而得名。猫眼石属金绿宝石的一种,硬度 8.5 莫氏度。 There are generally two varieties of cats eye, the alexa
37、ndrite cats-eye and the chrysoberyl cats-eye, which is very popular in the Far East, particularly in Japan. The ideal colours of the chrysoberyl cats-eye are yellowish-brown, which is called the honey color, and the yellow-green, which is called the apple green colour. A very good cats eye, apart fr
38、om being of ideal colour, should have a high degree of transparency and a well-defined unbroken ray. It should be free from any distracting inclusions visible to the unaided eye. The chrysoberyl cats-eye is one of the most beautiful gemstones because of the chatoyancy or the cats eye effect. 猫眼石通常分为
39、两类,变石猫眼和金绿猫眼, 其中金绿猫眼 在远东地区粉丝众多,尤其是日本。 上乘的金绿猫眼要么为黄棕色(蜂蜜色),要么为黄绿色(苹果青)。除了颜色,好的猫眼石还需要透明度高、猫眼清晰 匀称 、无肉眼可见的杂质。 在众多宝石品类中,金绿猫眼 因别具一格的 变彩 而备受推崇 ,被认为是最美的宝石之一 。 -Varieties 分类 Rare specimens also exhibit change of colour. 极 少数猫眼石还会变色。 -Toughness 硬度 Excellent 极 高 -History 八卦一下 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 11 / 27 Cat
40、s eye has been regarded as a preserver of good fortune. The natives of Sri Lanka still consider it a charm against evil spirits. British royalty often use it as an engagement stone. 人们认为 猫眼 能够纳福 。斯里兰卡当地居民用猫眼避邪。英国皇室多用猫眼装饰订婚戒指。 -Miscellaneous 杂谈 When a gem specimen exhibits both chatoyancy and change
41、of colour, one or both phenomena will suffer. It is more common to find a good eye with poor change of colour. The conditions necessary for one phenomenon conflict with those needed for the other. The term cats eye when used alone refers to chrysoberyl. Other minerals exhibiting chatoyancy must be q
42、ualified, e.g. tourmaline cats eye. 一颗宝石中如 果同时出现变彩和变色,二者很难俱佳,因为变彩和变色的成因是 此消彼长 的 关系 。常见的情况是上乘变彩和次等变色的结合。通常所说的猫眼单指金绿猫眼石,其它有变彩的宝石会有更确切的名称,如碧玺猫眼。 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 12 / 27 QUARTZ 石英 is the most common mineral on the face of the Earth. Gem varieties include amethyst (purple), citrine (yellow), milky
43、 quartz (cloudy, white variety), rock crystal (clear variety), rose quartz (pink to reddish-pink variety), and Smokey quartz (brown to grey variety). There are also varieties of Quartz cats eye. 地球表面最常见的矿物。可作为宝石的石英主要有紫水晶(紫色)、黄水晶(黄色)、 乳 石英(云雾白)、水晶(透明色) 、粉晶(粉色至深粉偏红色)、烟晶(棕色至灰色)。此外,还有石英猫眼。 Amethyst 紫水晶
44、A variety of quartz, silicon dioxide, which appears to be dark purple in transparent light. 石英的一种, 主要成分为二氧化硅,有 光线 透过时呈深紫色。 -Varieties 分类 None 无 -Toughness 硬度 Good 高 -History 八卦一下 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 13 / 27 The word amethyst comes from the Greek amethustos meaning “not drunk”. Therefore, it has b
45、een considered a charm against intoxication. A legend accounts for the origin of the stone. Supposedly, Bacchus, the god of wine and conviviality, grew angry at a slight and swore revenge. He decreed that the first mortal to come across his path was to be eaten by tigers. Amethyst, a beautiful maide
46、n on her way to worship at the shrine of Diana, happened to be the victim. Diana, the huntress, changed Amethyst into colourless quartz to protect her from the tigers. When Bacchus witnessed the miracle, he repented and poured wine over the stone, staining it purple. The wine failed to cover the ent
47、ire stone evenly, and the feet and part of the legs remained clear crystal. So, in keeping with the legend, amethyst crystals are usually uneven in colour with a colourless base. 紫水晶的英文名称 amethyst 源自希腊文“ amethustos”,意为“没醉”。 故此,人们认为紫水晶可以防酒醉。有一个关于紫水晶出处的传说: 主司欢宴的酒神,名字大概 叫 Bacchus,受人怠慢,矢志 报复。他宣布第一个经过 某路
48、 口的凡人要被老虎吃掉。 一位叫 Amethyst 的少女要去神庙参拜狩猎女神 Diana,不幸经过这个路口。狩猎女神要保护 Amethyst,就把她变成了透明的石英。 Bacchus看到此等神通,对自己的行为追悔莫及, 于是以酒洒之,将姑娘染成了 美丽 的紫色。 由于 酒洒得不均匀,姑娘的脚和小腿依然是透明的。 与这个传说一致,紫水晶通常底面是无色的, 整体 颜色也不均匀。 Citrine 黄水晶 A transparent variety of quartz, silicon dioxide, occurs in yellow to red-orange to orange-brown c
49、ommonly found in Sri Lanka. The name is derived from citron, which is French for lemon. 一种透明的石英,主要成分为二氧化硅,斯里兰卡常见的颜色有黄色、 橘红色、桔棕色及三者间的过渡色。黄水晶的英文名称 citrine 源自法语“ citron”,意为“柠檬”。 -Varieties 分类 Madeira (deep, bright reddish-brown) and Palmyra (medium yellowish-brown) are terms used in the trade. Madeira/ir ear ir/ 马德拉岛(大西洋)、马德拉 红酒 Palmyra/at mire ir/ 扇叶树头榈 Gemstones of Sri Lanka 14 / 27 业内人士称深红棕色的黄水晶为 “ 马德拉 ” ,黄棕色的为 “ 帕米拉 ” 。 -Toughness 硬度 Good 高 -Treatments 加工办法 Poor quality amethyst is often heat-tr