1、Book 8,Workbook 汉译英,Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5,Unit 1,当他到达旅馆的时候,第一件想做的事就是把行李放下,洗个澡,再刮一下胡子,然后出去走走。我祖父是个社会主义者,终生信奉社会主义。,When he arrived at the hotel, the first thing he wanted to do was to leave his luggage, have a shower and a shave, and then walk around.,My grandpa was a socialist who believed i
2、n socialism all his life.,3. 许多非法移民觉得他们呆在美国像是种惩罚,因为只有少数人得到了公正的待遇,被允许住在美国。4. 民政部门试图想办法让海鸥减少噪音,但没有成功。,Many illegal immigrants felt that their stay in America was like a punishment because only a few of them got justice and were allowed to live there.,The civil authorities tried to reduce the noise mad
3、e by seagulls but failed.,5. 许多英国农民为那些因为疯牛病而被杀死的牛感到悲痛。6. 虽然我家离市中心很远,但没有空气污染和交通堵塞的问题。,Many English farmers mourned their cattle which had to be killed because of “mad cow disease.”,My house is nowhere near the center of the city, but it has no air pollution or traffic jams. / Although my house is now
4、here near the center of the of the city, it has no air pollution or traffic jams.,Unit 2 Cloning,我非常喜欢自家用黑麦粉做的含有坚果的长方形面包。(adore; loaf; brown flour)2. 他非常保守,居然赞赏这个并没有给移民选民带来多少权利的宪法。(conservative; in favour of; constitution; immigrant voters),I adore homemade rectangular loaves made with brown flour a
5、nd nuts.,He is very conservative, and is even in favour of a constitution that gives few rights to immigrant voters.,3. 当合唱队的领队从剧院退休的时候,他们为他举办了一个宴会。(chorus; retire; opera; a dinner party)4. 媒体在影响公众意见方面扮演着重要的角色。(the media),When the leader of the chorus retired from the opera, they held a dinner party
6、 for him.,The media play an important role in influencing public opinion.,5. 不要麻烦去取下那些装饰,圣诞庆典还没有结束呢。(bother; decoration)6. 克隆动物的规定非常严格,他没有办法继续他的实验。(regulations; unable),Dont bother about taking down those decorations. The Christmas celebrations arent over yet.,The regulations for cloning animals are
7、 very strict, he was unable to continue his experiments.,7. 不用你费心为我克隆我的宠物猫了,我已不再指望他能复活。(bother oneself about; bring back to life)8. 洪灾地区的人民非常感激人民解放军的救助。(flooded areas; owe to),Dont bother yourself about cloning my pet cat. I wont expect to bring it back to life.,The people in flooded areas owed a gr
8、eat deal to the PLA soldiers for their rescue work.,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,见证人一位蔬菜零售商在法庭上证明了那个司机是清白的,他并没有引起交通堵塞长达数小时的严重事故。(eyewitness; greengrocer; in court; innocent; traffic jam)2. 我不能忍受住在多雨的城市,尽管对我的皮肤有好处。(bear; rainfall),The eyewitness a greengrocer proved in court that the driver was in
9、nocent of the terrible accident, which caused a traffic jam that lasted for several hours.,I couldnt bear to live in a city with so much rainfall even though it is good for my skin.,3. 直升飞机和吉普车在现代战争中使用很普遍。(helicopter; jeep; current)4. 我同事冰箱坏了,他查电话号码簿给售后服务部门打了电话。(associate; directory; refrigerator; d
10、ial),Helicopters and jeeps are widely used in current wars.,My associate checked the telephone directory and found the number to dial the after-sales service department when his refrigerator broke down.,5. 那个小女孩的头撞到了桌子角上,结果在额头上留下了一个像三角形的印记。(bump; triangle; forehead)6. 清晨大雾弥漫,要辨认出正确的道路非常困难。(foggy; id
11、entification),The little girl bumped her head on a corner of the desk and it left a mark like a triangle on her forehead.,The identification of the correct route was difficult as it was so foggy early in the morning.,7. 虽然不会游泳,打他跳下了河去救那个小女孩。(dive into)8. 夏季农民们在田里干活的时候,喜欢戴上草帽。(straw),Even though he c
12、ouldnt swim, he dived into the river to save the little girl.,In summer, farmers like to wear straw hats while working in the fields.,Unit 4 Pygmalion,1. 亨利想让伊莱扎结识美国大使,这样他可以像个裁判一样在一旁看自己是否已经把她打造成个淑女了。(make the acquaintance; ambassador; referee; passing off as),Henry wanted Eliza to make the acquainta
13、nce of the American ambassador, so he could act as a referee and judge whether he had passed her off as a lady.,2. 小偷抢这个商店的时候只偷走了两件东西,一个古老的音乐盒和一张有传统民歌的老唱片。(rob; antique; musical box; wax disk)3. 伊莱扎进浴缸之前,皮尔斯夫人让她脱掉身上那脏兮兮的背心和糟糕的长袜。(bathtub; horrible; vest; stocking),When the thief robbed the shop, he
14、only took two items: an antique musical box and a wax disk with traditional folk songs on them.,Before Eliza got into the bathtub, Mrs Pearce made her take off her dirty vest and horrible stockings.,4. 伊莱扎在英语语法方面和发音方面都需要帮助;她的发音还需要从正确说出字母开始。(in terms of; alphabet)5. 当伊莱扎练习屈膝礼的时候,她的裙子被钉子刮破了。(curtsey;
15、nail),Eliza required help in terms of English grammar and pronunciation. She needed to start by saying the alphabet correctly.,As Eliza was practising her curtsey, she caught her dress on a nail and tore it.,6. 信仰佛教的人在看到佛像的时候通常会合手鞠躬。(Buddhism),Believers in Buddhism will usually bow to the Buddha wit
16、h their hands together when they see a statue of Buddha.,Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,我喜欢把酸奶和草莓、西瓜或其他水果混合在一起,这样尝起来更鲜美。(yoghurt; melon)直到居里夫人使用放射能发展X光射线,科学家才认识到它的重要性。(significance; radioactivity),I love to mix my yogurt with strawberries, melon or other fruit to make it taste more delicious.,Scienti
17、sts did not recognize the significance of radioactivity until Madam Curie used it to develop X-rays.,3. 看到那庞大的野兽,哈里的脉搏快速跳动,他立即加速驾车冲出了丛林。(pulse; beast; accelerate)4. 在我的家庭相册里,最初的几张照片是我在读幼儿园的时候拍的。(album; kindergarten),Harrys pulse raced when he saw the huge beast and immediately he accelerated his car
18、 out of the jungle.,The first few photos in m family album were taken when I was in kindergarten.,5. 我一直都知道她已经厌倦了当前台接待员。(be fed up with; receptionist)6. 观众对滑板运动员们技艺高超的表演报以掌声,这掌声持续了好几分钟。(applaud; skilful; skateboard),I always knew that she was fed up with being a receptionist.,The audience applauded
19、the performance of the skillful skateboarding athletes for a couple of minutes.,7. 专家说烟草的使用可追溯到公元前1000年。(date back)8. 我认为你在交作业之前,应该删去文章里不必要的重复语句并且检查标点符号。(delete; punctuation),The expert said the use of tobacco dated back to 1000 BC.,I think you need delete unnecessary repetition from your article and check your punctuation before you hand it in.,