- 上海市奉贤区2018届九年级化学上学期质量调研测试一模试题新人教版20181226280.doc--点击预览
- 上海市奉贤区2018届九年级数学上学期质量调研测试一模试题沪科版20181226281.doc--点击预览
- 上海市奉贤区2018届九年级物理上学期质量调研测试一模试题沪科版20181226282.doc--点击预览
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- 上海市奉贤区2018届九年级语文上学期质量调研测试一模试题沪教版20181226284.doc--点击预览
1上海市奉贤区 2018 届九年级化学上学期质量调研测试(一模)试题 相对原子量:H-1 C-12 O-166、选择题(共 20 分)27、还是太阳中含量最多的元素,其元素符号为A、H B、He C、N D、O28、引起温室效应的主要物质是A、SO 2 B、CO C、CO 2 D、可吸入颗粒物29、属于氧化物的是A、O 2 B、H 2O2 C、NaCl D、H 2SO430、属于溶液的是A、牛奶 B、油水 C、糖水 D、果酱31、互为同素异形体的一组物质是A、氧气与臭氧 B、干冰与冰 C、银和水银 D、水与双氧水32、下列物质的化学式与名称对应正确的是A、氯气:Cl 2 B、氢氧化铁:Fe(OH) 2C、碳酸钠:NaCO 3 D、氯化铵:NH 4Cl33、实验操作正确的是A、倾倒液体 B、读取液体体积 C、检查装置气密性 D、加热液体34、健康人体中一些体液 PH 值如下所示,其中酸性最强的是A、胆液:6.8-7.4 B、唾液 :6.5-7.5 C、血液: 7.35-7.45 D、胃液 0.8-1.535、属于分解反应的是A、 322COHCO B、23a)(a 加 热C、 Mgg2点 燃 D、2424 )(uOHCuSNOHS36、关于氧气的说法不正确的是A、氧气与液氧由不同分子构成 B、氧气可以用排水法收集C、红磷在氧气中燃烧产生浓厚的白烟 D、氧气能支持燃烧37、过滤操作时,不需要的仪器是A、烧杯 B、漏斗 C、蒸发皿 D、 玻璃棒38、共享单车为了方便我们绿色出行,夏季期间气温升高共享单车的充气轮胎最容易发生爆炸的2主要原因是A、分子体积变大 B、分子质量变大 C、分子数目变大 D、分子间的间隙变大39、AgNO 3见光分解容易产生一种有刺激性气味的气体,该气体可能是A、NO 2 B、SO 2 C、N 2 D、H 2S40、氢元素由游离态变为化合态的变化是A、氢气液化 B、电解水 C、氢气燃烧 D、碳酸分解41、分类是研究物质的常用方法。右图是纯净物、单质、化合物、氧化物之间关系的形象表示,若整个大圈表示纯净物,则下列物质属于 X 范围的是A、红磷 B、干冰 C、 氯酸钾 D、 食盐水42、我的性质决定用途对应关系错误的是物质 性质 用途A 稀有气体 通电后能发光 制霓虹灯B 石墨 质地软且滑腻 制作电极C 一氧化碳 还原性 冶炼金属D 生石灰 能与水反应 作干燥剂43、指的鉴别方法错误的是A、氯化钠和无水硫酸铜;加水 B、木炭和二氧化锰;观察颜色C、空气和二氧化碳;燃着的木条 D、酒精和白醋;闻气味44、蜡烛(足量)在如图 1 密闭的集气瓶内燃烧至熄灭,用仪器测出瓶内氧气含量的变化如图 2 所示。下列判断正确的是A、蜡烛燃烧前瓶内只有氧气B、蜡烛熄灭是因为瓶内没有氧气C、蜡烛熄灭后瓶内只剩二氧化碳气体D、氧气浓度小于一定值时,蜡烛无法燃烧45、推理和归纳是研究和学习化学的重要方法下列说法正确的是A、溶液是均一稳定的,所以均一稳定的物质,一定是溶液B、但只有同种元素组成,所以由同种元素组成的物质一定是单质C、氧气有氧元素组成,所以制取氧气的反应物一定含有氧元素D、催化剂可以加快化学反应速率所以任何化学反应当中都需要催化剂45. 能正确反映其对应实验操作的图像是A. 用一氧化碳气体还原一定质量的氧化铜粉末B. 等质量碳酸钙与足量同浓度稀盐酸反应C. 向一定体积的稀盐酸中逐滴加入足量的水D. 某温度下,向一定量不饱和硝酸钾溶液中加入硝酸钾固体3七、填空题(共 19 分)请根据要求在答题纸相应的位置作答。47. 在人们担心化石能源将被耗尽时,科学家发现海底埋藏着大量可燃烧的“冰”——“可燃冰” ,可燃冰外观像冰,主要含有甲烷水合物,还含有少量二氧化碳等物质,2017 年 5 月,我国在南海成功试采可燃冰,它将推动世界能源利用格局的改变。①可燃冰属于 (1) (填“纯净物”或“混合物” )②已知某种甲烷水合物的化学式: ,其中含有 (2) 种元素;1mol 中约含有 (3) 个碳原子(用科学计数法表示) 。③化学家在较低的温度和压力下,用甲烷等为原料制成金刚石薄膜,该变化属于 (4) (填“物理变化”和“化学变化” )④甲烷(CH 4)中氢元素为+1 价,碳元素为 (5) 价,甲烷充分燃烧的化学方程式为 (6) ⑤从环境保护的角度考虑,下列燃料中最理想的是 (7) 。 (填字母序号)A.甲烷 B.煤 C.氢气 D.汽油48.甲、乙、丙三种物质的溶解度曲线如图所示(不含结晶水) ,请回答:①0℃时,甲、乙、丙的溶解度最大的是 (8) 。②t 2℃时,将 30 克甲固体加入到 50 克水中,充分搅拌后的所得溶液是 (9) (填“饱和” “不饱和” ) ,所得溶液的质量分数为 (10) (列式即可) 。③若甲中含有少量乙,应用 (11) 法提纯甲。④等质量的甲、乙、丙三种饱和溶液从 t2℃降温至 0℃后,溶液的质量分数由大到小的顺序是 (12) 。⑤若使甲溶液的状态从 a 点转化为 b 点,可采取的措施是 (13) 。49. 化学研究物质的组成、结构、性质和变化规律。请回答:①如右图所示装置可以研究水的组成,反应的化学方程式是 (14) ,a处气体可以用 (15) 检验②有四种微粒的微观示意图如下,其中能构成单质的是 (16) 。③某兴趣小组同学通过以下实验研究活性炭的吸附性(活性炭是一种难溶于水的黑色粉末):I.甲同学:在一支试管中加入约 5mL 的水,滴加 1-2 滴红墨水,往试管中加少量活性炭,振荡,发现活性炭悬浮于液体中,未能观察到预计的实验现象。4II.乙同学:在甲同学的基础上,用玻璃棒将一团棉花从试管口慢慢推推入底部(如上图) ,请问此处棉花的作用 (17) 。III.丙同学:丙同学认为乙同学的实验还不能达到实验目的,又增加了一个对比实验,请问丙同学实验的目的是什么 (18) 。8、简答题(共 21 分)50. 实验室常用的气体制取装置如下,请回答:①写出编号仪器的名称:Ⅰ___________;Ⅱ___________。②实验室既可以制取 CO2 ,又可以制取 O2 的发生装置为__________(填装置编号) ,实验室制取 CO2 的化学方程式为_________________________。收集一瓶较纯净的 O 2 可以选用的装置是________________。 (填装置编号) 。③某同学利用空塑料输液袋收集二氧化碳(如右图) ,验满时,把燃着的木条放在玻璃管_________(填“a”或“b” )端,如果熄灭则满了。④小明用氯酸钾和二氧化锰反应制取氧气,反应中固体总质量随时间变化如下图所示:Ⅰ. 反应生成的氧气质量是____________g。Ⅱ. 计算参加反应的氯酸钾的物质的是___________。 (根据化学方程式计算)Ⅲ. 请分析图中 P 点固体的成分:____________。51.如图 A 为碳还原氧化铜的实验装置图。老师指出反应物不同的质量比可能会影响生成物的种类,在学习时,可以从定性观察和定量分析两个角度来判断生成物。请你跟随老师的思路,探究碳还原氧化铜生成的气体.(浓硫酸具有吸水性)【提出问题】:碳还原氧化铜生成的气体是什么?【作出猜想】:猜想①:CO 猜想②:CO 2 猜想③: 5【实验设计】:装置图如图:方案一:从定性观察角度判断:(1) 若猜想 3 成立Ⅰ、B 处的现象是 ,D 处发生反应的化学反应方程式 Ⅱ、该实验装置存在的缺陷是 。方案二:从定量计算角度判断:测定表格中的四个数据:反应前的质量 反应后的质量装置 A m1 m2装置 B m3 m4Ⅰ、若猜想②成立,则 m4−m3___m1−m2(选填“” 、 “甲丙 (13)升温至 t2,加溶质甲⒁ ⒂ 带火星的木条 ⒃ AD⒄ 使活性炭与试管中滴有红墨水的水充分接触,防止活性炭悬浮于液体中(合理即可)⒅ 证明棉花无吸附性8、填空题50、⑴ 试管 ⑵ 锥形瓶 ⑶B⑷ ⑸ F⑹ b ⑺ 9.6 ⑻ 0.2mol⑼ KClO 3、KCl、MnO 251、⑽ CO 和 CO2 ⑾ 澄清石灰水变浑浊⑿ ⒀ 缺少尾气处理装置⒁ =⒂ 黑色粉末变红色⒃ ⒄ 装置内会残留少量的 CO2未被澄清石灰水吸收1上海市奉贤区 2018届九年级数学上学期质量调研测试(一模)试题(满分 150 分,考试时间 100 分钟)一、选择题(本大题共 6题,每题 4分,满分 24分)1.下列函数中是二次函数的是( )(A) 2(1)yx;(B)2(1)yx;(C)2(1)yax;(D)21yx.2.在 Rt△ ABC中,∠ C=90°,如果 AC=2,cos A= 3,那么 AB的长是( )(A)3;(B)43;(C) 5;(D) 1.3.在△ ABC中,点 D、 E分别在 AB、 AC上,如果 AD: BD=1:3,那么下列条件中能够判断 DE∥ BC的是( )(A)14;(B) 4A;(C) 4AE;(D)14AEC.4.设 n为正整数, a为非零向量,那么下列说法不正确的是( )(A) 表示 n个 相乘;(B) na表示 n个相加;(C)与 是平行向量;(D) 与 互为相反向量.5.如图,电线杆 CD的高度为 h,两根拉线 AC与 BC互相垂直( A、 D、 B在同一条直线上) ,设∠ CAB=α ,那么拉线 BC的长度为( )(A) sinh;(B) cos;(C) ta;(D) th.6.已知二次函数2yxbc的图像上部分点的横坐标 x与纵坐标 y的对应值如下表:那么关于它的图像,下列判断正确的是( )(A)开口向上 ; (B)与 x轴的另一个交点是(3,0) ;(C)与 y轴交于负半轴;(D)在直线 x=1的左侧部分是下降的.二、填空题(本大题共 12题,每题 4分,满分 48分)第 5题图27.已知 5a=4b,那么.8.计算:tan60°-cos30°= .9.如果抛物线25yx的顶点是它的最低点,那么 a的取值范围是 .10.如果抛物线 与抛物线2yax关于 x轴对称,那么 a的值是 .11.如果向量 、 、abx满足关系式 4()0b,那么 = .(用向量 、ab表示)12.某快递公司十月份快递件数是 10万件,如果该公司第四季度每个月快递件数的增长率都为x( x0) ,十二月份的快递件数为 y万件,那么 y关于 x的函数解析式是 .13.如图,已知 123∥ ∥ll,两条直线与这三条平行线分别交于点 A、 B、 C和点 D、 E、 F,如果3ABC,那么DEF的值是 .14.如果两个相似三角形的面积比是 4:9,那么它们的对应角平分线之比是 .15.如图,已知梯形 ABCD中, AB∥ CD,对角线 AC、 BD相交于点 O,如果 2△ △AOBADS,AB=10,那么 CD的长是 .16.已知 AD、 BE是△ ABC的中线, AD、 BE相交于点 F,如果 AD=6,那么 AF的长是 .17.如图,在△ ABC中, AB=AC, AH⊥ BC,垂足为点 H,如果 AH=BC,那么 sin∠ BAC的值是 .18.已知△ ABC, AB=AC, BC=8,点 D、 E分别在边 BC、 AB上,将△ ABC沿着直线 DE翻折,点 B落在边 AC上的点 M处,且 AC=4AM,设 BD=m,那么∠ ACB的正切值是 .(用含 m的代数式表示)三、解答题(本大题共 7题,满分 78分)19.(本题满分 10分,第(1)小题满分 6分,第(2)小题满分 4分)已知抛物线24yx.(1)求这个抛物线的对称轴和顶点坐标;(2)将这个抛物线平移,使顶点移到点 P(2,0)的位置,写出所得新抛物线的表达式和平移的过程.320.(本题满分 10分,第(1)小题满分 6分,第(2)小题满分 4分)已知:如图,在平行四边形 ABCD中, AD=2,点 E是边 BC的中点, AE、 BD想交于点 F,过点 F作FG∥ BC,交边 DC于点 G.(1)求 FG的长;(2)设 ADa, Cb,用 、a的线性组合表示 AF.21.(本题满分 10分,每小题满分各 5分)已知:如图,在 Rt△ ABC中,∠ ACB=90°, 3BC, 2cot=ABC,点 D是 AC的中点.(1)求线段 BD的长;(2)点 E在边 AB上,且 CE=CB,求△ ACE的面积.22.(本题满分 10分,第(1)小题满分 4分,第(2)小题满分 6分)如图,为了将货物装入大型的集装箱卡车,需要利用传送带 AB将货物从地面传送到高 1.8米(即A BCE第 21题图D第 20题图4BD=1.8米)的操作平台 BC上.已知传送带 AB与地面所成斜坡的坡角∠ BAD=37°.(1)求传送带 AB的长度;(2)因实际需要,现在操作平台和传送带进行改造,如图中虚线所示,操作平台加高 0.2米(即BF=0.2米) ,传送带与地面所成斜坡的坡度 i=1:2.求改造后传送带 EF的长度.(精确到 0.1米)(参考数值: sin37°≈0.60, cos37°≈0.80, tan37°≈0.75, 214≈ , 52.4≈ )23.(本题满分 12分,每题满分各 6分)已知:如图,四边形 ABCD,∠ DCB=90°,对角线 BD⊥ AD,点 E是边 AB的中点, CE与 BD相交于点F, 2BDAC(1)求证: BD平分∠ ABC;(2)求证: EFB.24.(本题满分 12分,每小题满分各 4分)CEA BDF第 23 题图5如图,在平面直角坐标系 xOy中,已知抛物线238yxbc与 x轴交于点 A(-2,0)和点 B,与 y轴交于点 C(0,-3) ,经过点 A的射线 AM与 y轴相交于点 E,与抛物线的另一个交点为 F,且13AEF.(1)求这条抛物线的表达式,并写出它的对称轴;(2)求∠ FAB的余切值;(3)点 D是点 C关于抛物线对称轴的对称点,点 P是 y轴上一点,且∠ AFP=∠ DAB,求点 P的坐标.25.(本题满分 14分,第(1)小题满分 3分,第(2)小题满分 5分,第(3)小题满分 6分)已知:如图,在梯形 ABCD中, AB∥ CD,∠ D=90°, AD=CD=2,点 E在边 AD上(不与点 A、 D重合) ,∠ CEB=45°, EB与对角线 AC相交于点 F,设 DE=x.(1)用含 x的代数式表示线段 CF的长;(2)如果把△ CAE的周长记作 △ CAE,△ BAF的周长记作 △ BAFC,设△△ CAEBFy,求 y关于 x的函数关系式,并写出它的定义域;(3)当∠ ABE的正切值是35时,求 AB的长.xFEyBODAC第 24题图67891上海市奉贤区 2018 届九年级物理上学期质量调研测试(一模)试题1、选择题(共 16 分)1. 一节新干电池的电压为( )A.1.5 伏 B.2.0 伏C.3.8 伏 D.12.0 伏答案:A2.下列器材或装置中,利用连通器原理工作的是( )。A.洒水车 B.船闸C.温度计 D.抽水机答案:B解析:A 项,洒水车是利用大气压工作,故 A 项错误。B 项,船闸是利用连通器原理工作,故 B 项正确。C 项,工作密度计是根据重力和浮力平衡的变化,上浮或下沉来测量密度的,故 C 项错误。D 项,抽水机是利用大气压工作,故 D 项错误。3.通过实验研究得出“导体中的电流与电压的关系”的科学家是( )。A.安培 B.伏特C.奥斯特 D.欧姆答案:D4.如图 1 所示,某小组同学在制作杆秤时将粗糙的木条打磨成光滑的秤杆,在这个过程中木条的物理量不发生变化的是( )A.质量 B.体积 C.密度 D.重力答案:C密度是物体本身的一种属性,在将粗糙的木条打磨成光滑的秤杆时,密度是不变的,故选 C5.将重 5 牛的金属实心小球轻轻放入盛满水的溢杯中,若溢出水重 2 牛,小球所受到浮力为( )A. 0 牛 B. 2 牛C. 3 牛 D. 5 牛答案:B解析:容器盛满水,所以小球排开的水与溢出的水相同,其重力为 2N,根据阿基米德原理,浮力就等于它排开的水的重力,因此,小球所受到浮力等于 2N.所以 B 选项是正确的.6. 定值电阻 R=100 欧,与另一个定值电阻并联后,要使电路的总电阻小于 20 欧,现在可供选择的定值电阻有①100 欧、②50 欧、③10 欧、④5 欧各一个,那么所选的另一个电阻的阻值大小可以是( )A.①或④ B.②或④C.③或④ D.②或③2答案:C解析:因为并联后的总电阻小于其中最小的一个,故 100 欧的电阻,与另一个定值电阻并联后,要使电路的总电阻小于 20 欧,则另一只电阻应小于或等于 20 欧,则所选的另一个电阻的阻值大小可以是③10 欧或④5 欧.所以 C 选项是正确的.7.如图 2 所示,电源电压保持不变。闭合电键 S 后,当滑动变阻器的滑片 P 向右移动时,变大的是( )。A.电流表 A 的示数B.电压表 V1的示数C.电压表 V1的示数与电流表 A 示数的比值D.电压表 V2的示数与电流表 A 示数的比值答案;D解析:本题考查电路动态分析。当滑动变阻器的滑片 向右移动时,滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值变大,根据串联电路分压的特点以及欧姆定律可知,电流表 A 的示数变小,电压表 V1的示数变小,电压表 V2的示数变大,故 D 正确 8.如图 3 所示,两个相同的圆柱形容器内分别盛有甲、乙两种不同液体,液体对容器底部的压强分别为 P 甲 、P 乙 。现将两个体积相同的同质小球分别浸入这两种液体中,小球在图示位置静止,此时两液面刚好齐平,液体对两容器底部的压力增加量分别为 ΔF 甲 、ΔF 乙 。则( )A. P 甲 >P 乙 ,ΔF 甲 >ΔF 乙 B. P 甲 >P 乙 ,ΔF 甲 =ΔF 乙C. P 甲 <P 乙 ,ΔF 甲 <ΔF 乙 D. P 甲 <P 乙 ,ΔF 甲 =ΔF 乙答案:B二、填空题9.在家庭电路中,日光灯与控制它的电键是 连接的,与家中的空调是 连接的(均选填“串联”或“并联”)关闭空调时通过日光灯的电流将 .(选变大、不变、或变小)答案:串联,并联,不变解析:每盏电灯应能独立工作,日光灯与空调之间是并联连接的;电键应控制灯的通断,电键和所控制的日光灯是串联连接的.10.物理学中把某种物质单位 的质量称作密度.水的密度为 千克/米 3.有 2 千克的水全部结成冰后,体积将 (选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”).答案:体积 10 3 变大 解析:水结成冰质量不变,冰的密度小,所以体积变大。11.在 20 秒钟内通过某导体横截面的电荷量是 4 库,则通过该导体的电流_____安;若该导体的电阻为 10 欧,则它两端的电压为 _____伏.当通过该导体的电流为 0.1 安时,导体的电阻为 _____欧.答案:0.2 2 1012.如图 4 示,运动员在水中游泳时手心 A 点距水面 0.5米,则 A 点受到水的压强为 帕,方向为水平 ,(填向前或向后)B、C 两点受到水的压强大小关系为甲 乙图 33PB PC答案:4900 向前 13.如图 5 所示,一同学用水桶从井中打水,水桶受到的浮力方向是 的 , 在露出水面前水桶受到的浮力大小将 。在露出水面未完全离开水面时水桶受到的浮力大小将 (后两空选填变大不变或变小 ) 答案:竖直向上;不变;变小14. 甲,乙两导体的材料和横截面积相同,甲的长度大于乙的长度,甲乙两导体的电阻分别为 R 甲、R 乙 则 R 甲 R 乙 ;若将它们串联在电压为 U 的电路中通过的电流为 I 串 两端的电压分别为 U 甲、 U 乙 则 U 甲 U 乙 。若将它们并联后连入电压也为 U 的电路中电路的总电流为 I 并 侧 I 串 I 并 。(均选填大于等于或小于)答案:大于、大于、大于15.在如图 6 所示的电路中,电源电压 U 保持不变. (1)若电路中各元件均完好,当电键 S 闭合时,示数不变的电表 .(2)若电路中存在故障且故障只发生在电阻 R 1、 R2上,当电键 S 由断开到闭合时,发现所有的电表示数都不变,则一定有故障的元件是 此元件发生的故障情况是 。答案:V ; A 2 ; R1 ; 断路某研究小组同学用硬纸片、水、刻度尺及粗细相同长短不同的玻璃管做覆杯实验,如图 7(a)(b)(c)所示。(1)由图(a)和(b)和(c)可知:大气压是 的且很大。(2)同学们,仔细分析了图 a 和图 b 和 c 产生了测定大气压值的想法,经过讨论他们认为利用 的知识和二力平衡的知识等可以测出大气压的值,于是他们采用图 7(d)实验装置在物理实验室测定大气压的值,不过却没有成功,你认为他们不成功的主要原因,可能是 答案:存在;液体压强;水的密度较小所需玻璃管长度交大所使用的玻璃管长度不够。3、作图题(共 6 分)17. 如图 8 所示,请用里的图示法画出重为 6 牛的物体对水平地面的压力18. 如图 9 所示,请在电路的里填上适当的电表符号,使之成为正确的电路。图 8 图 94、计算题(共 24 分)419.体积为 5×10-4m³ 的金属小球浸没在水中。求:(1)小球排开水的体积 V 排 。(2)小球受到的浮力 F 浮 。答案:①5×10 -4m³ ②4.9 牛20.在如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,电阻 R1 的阻值为 30 欧。闭合电键 S,电流表 A1 的示数为 0.2 安,电流表 A2 的示数为 0.3 安。求:(1)电源电压 U.(2)电阻 R2 的阻值。答案:(1)电源电压为 6V;(2)电阻 R2 的阻值为 20Ω.21.如图 11 所示,两个均匀的实心正方体甲和乙放置在水平地面上,甲的质量为 6 千克,边长为 0.1米。求:(1)甲的密度(2)甲对地面的压强 P 甲(3)若甲乙对水平地面的压强相等,且密度之比为 3:2,现分别在两物体上沿竖直方向切去质量相等的部分并分别放在对方剩余部分上,则甲乙切去部分和地面的接触面积 ΔS 甲 :ΔS 乙= 若叠放后甲乙对地面的压强的增加量分别为 ΔP 甲 、ΔP 乙 , 且当 ΔP 甲 :ΔP 乙=5:1 时,甲物体沿竖直方向切去的质量是 千克。(第三小题无需写出计算过程)答案:(1)6x10 3kg/m³ (2)5880pa (3)1:1 4.12522.在如图 12 所示的电路中,电源电压为 6 伏且不变,滑动变阻器 R2 上标有“50Ω0.5A”字样。闭合电键,移动滑片 P 到某位置时,电压表、电流表的示数分别为 4.5 伏和 0.2 安。此时求:(1)滑动变阻器 R2 接入电路的阻值;(2)10 秒内通过电阻 R1 的电荷量 Q;(3)现有规格为“50Ω1A”,“10Ω0.5A”“20Ω1A”三种规格的滑动变阻器,从中选择一个来替换 R2,要求:当滑片 P 在移动过程中,两电表指针分别达到某量程的满刻度且电路能安全工作。①应选择______规格的滑动变阻器;②满足上述要求时,滑动变阻器连入电路的阻值范围?答案:(1)22.5Ω (2)2C (3)20Ω1A R 1min=2.5Ω R 2max=7.5Ω五、实验题(共 18 分)23. 如图 13 所示,图(a)装置是___________,实验中用来探究______________的特点。图(b)5所示的实验装置可用来做验证_____________原理的实验,主要验证浸在液体中的物体所受浮力大小与_____________的关系。答案:U 形管压强计 液体内部压强 阿基米德 排开液体重力大小24. 小明同学为了“探究液体物质的质量与体积的关系” ,他先选用___________液体进行实验(选填“一种”或“多种” ) ,用___________测出液体的质量,并用____________测出液体的体积。如图 14 所示,甲、乙、丙三种物质中____________物质的密度最大。答案: 一种 电子天平 量筒 甲25. 某小组同学做“电流表、电压表测电阻”实验,实验器材齐全且完好,电源电压保持不变。(1)他们正确串联实验器材,并将变阻器的滑片放置于一端,然后将电压表并联在电路中。闭合电键后,观察到电压表示数为 6 伏,电流表示数为 0.58 安。接着移动变阻器的滑片,将滑片移动某一位置时,观察到电流表的示数如图 15(a)所示,电压表的示数始终不变。请根据上述现象判断实验过程中电压表示数不变的原因___________________________。(2)经思考分析检查,他们重新正确连接电路,操作步骤正确。闭合电键后,发现电压表指针所指的刻度与原先一致,电流表示数如图 15(b)所示。接着移动变阻器的滑片,观察到当电流表的示数如图 15(a)所示,电压表的示数如图 15(c)所示。(3)请你根据上述实验过程中得到的数据将下表填写完整(电阻精确到 0.1 欧)电压(伏) 电流(安) 电阻(欧) 电阻平均值(欧)1 0.5823答案:(1). 电压表接在电源两端电压(伏) 电流(安) 电阻(欧) 电阻平均值(欧)1 6.0 0.58 10.32 1.2 0.12 10.03 2.0 0.20 10.010.126. 某小组同学在探究电阻的大小与哪些因素有关实验时,他们从实验室选用的器材有:若干节干6电池、电压表、电键、导线及表一所示的不同规格的导体等。表一 表二编号 材料 横截面积 长度(m)A 康铜丝 S 1B 碳钢丝 S 1C 镍镉丝 S 1D 镍镉丝 2S 1E 镍镉丝 S 0.5(1)为确保实验的顺利进行,你认为还必须要添加的实验器材是____________________。(2)小组同学在探究电阻大小与材料的关系时,他们选择了导体 A、B、C,并分别进行了多次测量,多次测量的目的是__________________________________。(3)为了探究电阻大小与长度的关系,他们计划选用表一中编号为___________的导体进行实验。(4)若他们计划选用表一中编号为 C、D 的导体进行实验,主要是为了探究导体的大小与_______的关系。(5)经过小组讨论后,他们发现(3) 、 (4)的设计方案都不完善。为了完善设计方案,该小组同学提出了需要添加的不同规格的其他导体,见表二。你认为最符合需要的应是表二中编号为_______的导体。答案:电流表 减小误差 C、E 横截面积 G、J编号 材料 横截面积 长度(m)G 镍镉丝 S 1.5H 镍镉丝 2S 1.5I 镍镉丝 3S 0.5J 镍镉丝 3S 1K 镍镉丝 3S 1.51上海市奉贤区 2018届九年级英语上学期质量调研测试(一模)试题 Part 2 Phonetics, vocabulary and grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)(共 50分)II • Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共 20分)26.Which of the following word matches the sound [0ru:]?A) though B) through C) thought D) thorough27.Alisa is such ____honest student that she is often praised by her teachers.A)a B)an C)the D)/28.The lift in our building suddenly broke down and we got trapped floors.A) in B) on C) between D)among29. The high-speed rail train “FuXing” can run at a speed of over kilometers an hour.A) three hundred B) three hundreds C) three hundred of D) three hundreds of 30. ---How soon will you leave?----I’m not sure, probably in———ten minutes.A) ______________Other B)others C) another D) the other31. The doctor gave me some useful _on how to improve my physical health.A) suggestion B) message C) medicine D) advice32.Please practice playing the violin regularly, you will improve your skills.(S) and B) or C) but D) so33.The music my cousin has just played sounds really . I enjoyed every minute of it.A) beautifully B) well C)wonderful D) gently34.After so many experiments, Susan was finally awarded scientist of the year.A) creative B) more creativeC) most creative D)the most creative35.Angela needs to download “Translating App” when she visits Spain. She speak asingle Spanish word.A) mustn’t B) can't C) needn’t D) shouldn’t36.---________do you usually visit your grandparents?---We used to visit them once a month. But now we go to see them twice a month.A) How far B) How long C) How often D) How soon37.Joan can't join us. She_for the lesson she will have next week.A) prepares B) will prepare C) is preparing D) prepared38.1 didn’t pick up Lucy at the airport, she by the time I arrived.A) has left B) will leave C) left D) 2had left39. A lot of new houses_ in this large open area in the past five years,A)are built B)have been built C) were built D) will be built40.—Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?---Thank you, but I would rather__at home and watch the Realty Show on TV.A)stay B) to stay C) staying D) stayed41.Many young people spend much of their spare time_online.A) chat B) to chat C)chatting D) chatted42._________important memory is! We cannot work well without it.A) How B) How an C) What D)What an43. Could you please tell me _________?A) how can I get to the supermarket B) how could I get to the supermarketC)how I can get to the supermarket D) how I could get to the supermarket44. ---1 was ill and missed many classes. I don’t know how to keep up with my classmates.----_________________________.A) Don’t worry. I’ll help you B) That’s all rightC) I don’t feel like it D) I’m afraid I have no time45. ---I’m terribly sorry that I laughed at you this afternoon.---______, but please don't make fun of others next time.A) All right B) No problem C) Never mind D)With pleasureIII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分)A)health B)regular C)everyday D)diet E)repairIt is said that the eyes are the windows to our soul. However, to have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need 46 attention.First, you have to pay more attention to your 47 . Have more fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs and milk. Ifs good for your eyes. Besides, a regular amount of Vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.Second, you must have a 48 and sound sleep. It relaxes the eye muscles and gives them the rest required. Sleep can help the body to 49 its tired tissues(组织).Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eyes.A)harmful B)working on C)helpful D) exercise E)directlyNext, it’s necessary for you to 50 your eyes every day. Blink your eyes at regular periods to make the eyeballs watery, and give them a good wash.3Last, you should use your eyes correctly. For example, if a small thing goes into your eye, don’t start rubbing it. Rubbing is 51 to your eyes. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight because sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Remember to use sunglasses to stop the sunshine from shining 52 into your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching television or 53 the computer can also cause eye tiredness, so a good rest is required.Take care of God’s most beautiful gift!IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 8分)54. My workmate won first prize in the City Half Marathon when he was in his . (fifty)55. The school uniforms in their school are usually designed by students (they)56. We should make full use of science and technology to enjoy a life, (colour)57. To improve your writing skills,you’d better a habit of reading, (development)58. Airships use much ___fuel than planes, so they are better for the environment, (little)59. His homework was__________done so there were few mistakes in it. (careful )60. She is a woman with a strong____. Once she has made a decision, no one can changeher mind, (person)61. He has________for his carelessness several times, but she still seems unhappy, (apology)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一 词 ) ( 共 14分 )62. Shanghai Disney Resort welcomed over a million tourists last year.(改为 —般疑问句)______Shanghai Disney Resort____over a million tourists last year?63. Frame sizes are varied to make the strip more interesting.(对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________frame sizes varied?64. Her youngest son knows nothing about his hometown.(改为反义疑问问)Her youngest son knows nothing about his hometown,___________?65. You can buy train tickets from the station. You can also buy them on the Internet.(合并一句)You can buy train tickets _from the station____on the Internet.66. The maths problem was too difficult for anybody to work out.(保持句意基本不变)The maths problem was _____difficult that______could work it out.67. Mary wrote a letter in English to her pen-pal in the US•(改成被动语态)A letter __________________in English to her pen-pal in the US by Mary.468. green consumers,let’s, and,a better life, enjoy ,on the Earth, be,(连词成句)_______________________________________________________________________________.Part3 Reading and writing (第三部分读写)A. Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。)(12 分)I teach economics in a university three times per week. LastMonday, at the beginning of class, I asked my students how theirweekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had notbeen so good. He had his wisdom teeth removed. Then he went on toask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.His question reminded me of something I’d read somewhere before: Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about howyou want to live that day. I said, “I choose to be cheerful.,“Let me give you an example,” I continued. “Besides teaching here, I also teach at a college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago, I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car died. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn't work. So I put my flashes on, took my books, and walked down the road to the college. As soon as I got there, I called AAA (汽车协会)and asked for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class. The secretary there asked me what had happened. “This is my lucky day,” I replied, smiling.“Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day? What do you mean?”“My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn’t,” I replied. “Instead, it broke down at the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I’m still able to teach my class, and I’ve been able to ask for the tow truck to meet me after class! If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn’t have been arranged in a more convenient way.”I ended my story. In spite of (尽管)the early hour, no one in my class seemed to be asleep.Somehow, my story had touched them.69.The writer of this story is a.A) traffic policeman B) university teacherC) secretary at AAA D) a professional writer70.In the young man’s eyes, the writer was ____________.A) a happy person B) a lucky manC) a rich man D) a good driver71. The writer ________when his car broke down that day.A)complained for a long time B) called AAA for help at onceC) waited there for someone’s help D)walked to his workplace572. The secretary must have felt when she heard the writer said “This is my lucky day.A) pleased B) surprisedC) disappointed D) excited73.The writer meant_______by saying “This is my lucky day.’’A) he was just a little bit late for work that dayB) there were no big problems with his carC) everything still went well although his car died D) it was great that his car died74. We can learn from the story that .A) it’s important to keep your car in good condition B) we should learn to be positive in times of troubleC) teachers need special skills to give good lessonsD) personal experiences can touch a person’s heartB.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分) How do you get on with your teachers? Every day, we spend hours with our teachers at school. We learn from them and they teach us to be good people. The relationship between students and teachers is very important.Teachers care about our studies and lives, and it seems they know everything about the 75_ they teach. They also have the right to decide 76 should be the class leader or represent the class to take part in the activities.So many students want to be the teachers* pets. We show teachers great respect. In class, we obey the rules and keep quiet if the teacher doesn't ask us to speak. We 77 have opinions. different from our teachers’. When they make a mistake, we are afraid to point it out. Some of usdon't want to contact teachers after class because we don't want to bother them.At American schools, the situation is a little different. Teachers and students are more likefriends. Calling a teacher by his or her name is common. In class,students 78 their opinions freely and challenge teachers whenthey don’t agree. If it 79 that a teacher made a mistake, theteacher will say “ 80’’ in front of the whole class. Students andteachers also communicate through email, Facebook or Twitter afterclass. They chat about studies and life experiences. Teachers are like our parents and our friends. So we shouldrespect our teachers. 75.A) studies B) subjects C)stories 6D)suggestions 76.A) what B) which C))who D)how77.A) often B) sometimes C) almost D)hardly78.A) express B) explain C) expect D)excuse79.A) takes out B)turns out C) comes out D)puts out80.A) OK B) thanks C) sorry D)yesA. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分)Have you ever eaten at a restaurant that seizes Western food? Ifso, do you remember what the menu looked like? Western restaurantmenus are quite different from Chinese restaurant menus. But how arethey different?Most Western restaurant menus do not have as many p 81as Chinese ones do. In some fancy Western restaurants, the menusmight not have any pictures at all.But most Western menus show a list of ingredients for each dish.If you order a burger, the menu might tell you that the burger has cheese, ketchup and mustard 0Y末).The menu can also tell you how the food is cooked---for example, w 82 it is fried orsteamed.Western restaurants use many different methods to design their menus and make themmore a 83 . In fact, there is a whole industry called “menu engineering”, according to theBBC. Menu engineers are experts at designing menus. Their menus can i 84 sales andinfluence customers’ thoughts.A well-designed menu can encourage customers to eat certain dishes. It can e 85make them believe that your restaurant’s food is of higher quality, thought they might haven’teaten the food.For example, using descriptive (描述性的)words l 86 “juicy” or “cheesy” can helpdishes sell better. Instead of just writing “steak” in their menu, a restaurant might write “sizzlingsteak”. This makes the steak sound more delicious.7Also, it is k 87 that people pay the most attention to items placed at the top of a page.This is the best place for dishes that you want to promote.As you can see, menus are not just simple lists of food!D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)(12 分)When taking an elevator, do you often push the “Close” button? You hope by pushing it, theelevator door will close faster. But what if the button is actually fake(假的)?Karen Penafiel is the executive director(执行董事)of the US’ NationalElevator Industry. She said that elevators’ “close” buttons are a complete trick,at least in the US, and that doors will not close any faster despite how hard youpush.In the 1990s the Americans with Disabilities Act (《美国残疾人法案》)was passed in the US. It means all elevators have to stay open long enough toallow disabled people to enter. Only US firefighters and elevator workers can really use thebuttons with special keys.But the buttons aren’t completely useless. According to psychologists(心、理学家),fake buttons can make you feel better. They give you a sense of control that can help reduce stress. That’s why some other buttons in our lives are fake, too,■For example, many offices in the US have fake thermostats(温控器).People may feel better when they think they can control the temperature in their workspace.You were told that traffic light buttons could help make the traffic signals change faster. But they may not really work either.However, even when people know these little “white lies” , they still push fake 8buttons. As long as the doors finally close, it seems worthy,John Kounios is a psychology professor at Drexel University in the US. He told The New York Times that he always pushes the traffic light buttons. “After all, I’ve got nothing else to do while waiting. So why not push the button on the off chance that this one will work?”88. The “close” buttons of the elevators in the US don’t really work, do they?89. What do people hope when they push the “close” button in an elevator?90. Who can really use the “close” buttons of elevators in the US according to the passage?91. Why do the fake buttons make people feel better?92. What other examples does the passage show that fake buttons aren't completely useless?93. Will you push the fake buttons next time when you take the elevator or wait at the traffic lights? Why or why not?VII. Writing (作文): (共 20分) Write at least 60 words on the topic “Imagine 2020”(以“畅想 2020 年”为题,写一篇不少于 60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)未来已来,请发挥你的想象力,畅想 2020年你的生活中会有哪些令人欣喜的变化。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名。校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following is for reference only (以下表