1、 博士后基金申请推荐信篇一:博士后申请导师推荐信模板专家推荐信 Letter of Recommendation致申请人(to the Applicant)申请人必须向申请做博士后单位提交两份专家推荐信。申请人在下栏中填好自己的姓名和所申请的单位名称后,将此表分送两位了解和熟悉自己的专家(其中一位是申请人的博士生指导教师) 。为方便专家填写推荐意见后将其退回申请人,请申请人在下面的栏目中详细写明自己的通信地址。Applicant should have two letters of recommendation submitted from professors or others who c
2、an assess the quality of his /her academic performance, capability and potential of research. Please ask to have these letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying or returned to you with the envelope sealed.(以下栏目由申请人填写,This section to be filled in by the applicant)申请人姓名 胡* 申请人
3、电话 136*(Name of Applicant) (Telephone Number)申请人所在单位:北京*研究有限公司(Institution of Applicant)申请人通信地址:地址:北京市昌平区*9 号楼 2608室;邮政编码:102*(Address of Applicant)申请做博士后的单位:北京*大学附属*医院(Institution to which the applicant is applying)博士后单位地址:北京市朝阳区*街*号 (100*)(Address of the institution)To the Referee非常感谢您愿意为申请人做推荐人。请
4、您在背面栏中对申请人以往科研工作及学术水平、科研工作能力等作出评价,并按上面的地址将本专家推荐信退回给申请人。You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdoctoral position in the listed institution. We would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. Please directly
5、send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed. If you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form, please feel free to do so and attach this form to your letter.(以下栏目由推荐人填写) The following to be filled in by the referee推荐人
6、姓名杜*(Name of Referee)推荐人职务或职称: 副院长/ 教授、博士生导师(Position and Title)推荐人工作单位: *大学*医学院公共卫生学院(Institution and Address)推荐人与申请人的关系: 博士指导教师(Relationship with the Applicant)推荐人电话: 136* 推荐人传真 *(Telephone Number) (Facsimile)推荐意见(Recommendation)推荐人签字 推荐日期 (Signature)(Date)篇二:博士后进站专家推荐信专家推荐信 Letter of Recommendati
7、on致申请人(to the Applicant)申请人必须向申请做博士后单位提交两份专家推荐信。申请人在下栏中填好自己的姓名和所申请的单位名称后,将此表分送两位了解和熟悉自己的专家(其中一位是申请人的博士生指导教师) 。为方便专家填写推荐意见后将其退回申请人,请申请人在下面的栏目中详细写明自己的通信地址。Applicant should have two letters of recommendation submitted from professors or others who can assess the quality of his /her academic performance
8、, capability and potential of research. Please ask to have these letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying or returned to you with the envelope sealed.(以下栏目由申请(来自:WwW.CssY 书业 网:博士后基金申请推荐信)人填写,This section to be filled in by the applicant)申请人姓名 申请人电话(Name of Applicant) (Telep
9、hone Number)申请人通信地址:(Institution of Applicant)(Address of Applicant)申请做博士后的单位:(Institution to which the applicant is applying)(Address of the institution)To the Referee非常感谢您愿意为申请人做推荐人。请您在背面栏中对申请人以往科研工作及学术水平、科研工作能力等作出评价,并按上面的地址将本专家推荐信退回给申请人。You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her appl
10、ication of postdoctoral position in the listed institution. We would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. Please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed. I
11、f you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form, please feel free to do so and attach this form to your letter.(以下栏目由推荐人填写) The following to be filled in by the referee推荐人姓名(Name of Referee)推荐人职务或职称(Position and Title)推荐人工作单位(Institution and Address)推荐人与申请人的关系(Relationship with the App
12、licant)推荐人电话推荐人传真(Telephone Number) (Facsimile)推荐意见(Recommendation)xx于 xx年考入 xx大学 xxxx专业,进入本室科研团队,因其硕士期间学习成绩优秀、科研业务能力表现突出,xx年经学校审核,同意其提前攻读博士学位,该生硕博阶段研究方向均为 xx,从事中药资源应用开发研究,主要针对岭南特产大宗中药材,包括中药材及其相关制品质量标准的建立与提升,中药(农林)潜在资源(废弃物)产品导向开发,中药制品(制剂前)生产工艺优化等。在活性成分提取、分离、纯化,质量控制体系的建立与提升,功能导向产品开发方面具备显著优势,主要接触 xxxx
13、xxx道地名贵大宗品种,以及 xxxxx等。该生在硕博期间参与了多项产学研一体化科研项目,主要包括:国家发改委高新技术产业化项目“xx”xx;国家“十二五”科技支撑项目分课题“xx”2011xx;广东省科技计划项目“xx”20xx010x005;茂名市科技重大专项“xx”xx;国家教育部博士点基金“xx200xx009;广东省教育部产学研项目“xx” 2011xx124。另外,该生还参与并完成了多项校企横向合作项目,主要包括:天然植物 xx剂的筛选与 xx成分提取分离;xxx 配方颗粒质量标准升级;xxx 配方颗粒制备工艺优化与质量标准构建;xxx膏(医院制剂)质控标准升级;xx 解酒保肝泡腾
14、片、xx(抗衰老)口服液技术开发项目;xx 活性成分及其质量标准构建;xx 消毒抑菌有效部位提取纯化技术开发。该生在上述科研工作的基础上,在国内外核心期刊发表学术论文 14篇、申请发明专利 2项,特别需要说明的是,其主持参与的多个项目多已实现产业技术转化,产生了较大的经济价值,赢得了企业方的一致好评。该生在博期间还兼任了本室诸多科研业务工作:在项目申请与管理上,担任诸多项目谈判与实施的实际参与人和协调人,在企业产学研项目申请前的扶持辅助、共申项目任务资金分配的谈判与合同拟定、标书撰写、组织实施、中期成果汇报与财务审核、知识产权建构与保护、结题验收、成功申报及转化等环节均有涉及,博士二、三年级期
15、间负责协调实验室所有面向企业的横向课题合作项目。在科研配套服务与科研管理上,担任实验室采购、仪器维护、财务主管两年,能独立完成实验室中小型仪器的日常维修养护、大型仪器的养护及简单维修任务;担任实验室统管两年,制定了诸多管理制度,包括科研经费管理制度,易损耗、贵重、大型仪器使用 SOP及管理制度,贵重试剂耗材存储与使用管理制度,绩效考核与劳务奖惩制度。另外还协助导师完成杂志投稿论文,送审项目申请书、结题书,送审硕博毕业论文初评等任务;协助导师指导大学生创新课题项目 4项,带教本科毕业生 18名,参与本科生授课 3年,共计 54课时。总之,该生勤奋刻苦、热爱科研,在科研工作中思路清晰,思维活跃,具
16、有较高的理论知识水平和较强的解决实际问题的能力,具备优秀的科研创新能力和扎实的业务实践基础,并培养了良好的团队合作精神和较好的组织管理能力,已经具备了独立从事科研工作的能力。鉴于 xx博士已具备的科研能力和学术水平,具有较大的发展潜力和培养前途,作为该生硕士、博士研究生期间的导师,我力荐其进入 xx博士后科研工作站和 xx博士后科研流动站从事博士后研究工作。推荐人签字 推荐日期(Signature) (Date)篇三:申请国外博士后推荐信申请国外博士后推荐信dear dr. xx,dr.xx requested a letter of reference from me to support
17、hisapplication for the postdoctoral position in your laboratory. as his former advisor, i think highly of dr.xx, therefore i am very delighted to comply with his request.i knew him in the summer of xx, when he joined my research group on function of chinese electro-acupuncture in hypocholesterolemia
18、 as the only undergraduate research assistant. in this group, he was responsible for the aspects of assisting to construct the animalmodel and gathering data. though that work was ordinary, he performed every task carefully, and presented his ideas to help improve the experimental results. many time
19、s i saw that he still worked at about 11p.m. when i left. i wondered how energetic he could be and appreciated his trait of diligence and dependability very much.one year later, he became a graduate student and joined my laboratory while i had the genetic engineering course of him. his curiosity and
20、 insatiability provided him with enthusiasm to broaden his knowledge in molecular biology. at the end of the semester, he got a good score ranking within top 5% of the class. after finishing his courses in xxxx, he went on the research project to isolatehypercholesterolemia-associated genes. while m
21、anaging the project, he showed me with his excellent experiment ability and independent thinking aptitude. what impressed me most was his persistence and optimism. in the presence of pressure, he was rather enjoying the process of the research instead of being uncomfortable with fear and avoidance.o
22、ne thing i must emphasize is that dr.xx has made lots ofprogress from a junior student to an experienced researcher by dint of hard work. as a result, his effort is rewarded by a paperpublished in xxx which has been the most excellent one completed by graduate student in our college so far. that has
23、 won him recognition from not just me but my colleagues as well.however, dr. xx is not satisfied with the current achievement and has set up his career goal. as he told me his willingness to proceed with his postdoctoral career in your vigorous laboratory, i could understand his heart of seeking mor
24、e academic advancement there and applauded his strong desire and decision to take his dedications and skills to the next level. with your help, i believe this ambitious young man will be an excellent scientific researcher.i sincerely expect the information i provided above could be helpful for you to assess dr. xxs application and consider him favorably. further information is available if you need.yours sincerely,dr. xxxprofessor of xx university