1、第五课时 Section B 2a-2e (Page37-38)【教学目标】一、功能:Learn to talk about cartoon.二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences.Curriculum words: cartoon, culture, film, appear, famous, successful, become, rich, common, unlucky, simple and so on.Useful phrases: be ready to, think
2、of, come out, try his best, one of the main reasons and so on.Sentences: But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.He became very rich and successful.However, he was always ready to try his best.三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 四、文化知识
3、:Lead the students to get to know the importance of cartoon in American culture and a famous American cartoon characterMickey Mouse.【课前准备】背景知识1. Walt Disney 沃尔特迪斯尼(19011966 年) 是著名的美国动画制作人、电影制片人,创立了沃尔特迪斯尼公司(Walter Disney Company),这是目前全球最大的媒体娱乐公司之一。他创造了米老鼠这个全世界家喻户晓卡通形象,并且改变了美国文化的表象。他创作了世界上第一部有声卡通电影威利号
4、轮船(1928 年 )、世界上第一部长篇卡通电影白雪公主和七个小矮人(1937 年)以及小飞象 、 小鹿斑比等众多影响世界、老少皆宜的优秀卡通影片。1955 年,他成立了迪斯尼乐园- 一个巨大的游乐公园。他在制作卡通声音、色彩和摄影方面的先进技术赢得了许多奖项。2. Steamboat Willie 威利号汽船是美国 1928 年出品的一部著名动画短片,由沃尔特迪斯尼和乌布伊沃克斯联合执导,在该片中著名卡通人物米老鼠以轮船舵手的身份首次出现在公开发行的影片中,并立刻受到观众的追捧和欢迎。此片也是世界上最早使用同期配音技术的影片之一,在美国乃至世界动画电影历史上, 威利号汽船均具有非凡的意义。3
5、. Hollywood Walk of Fame 好莱坞星光大道,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊好莱坞,是条沿着美国好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有 2000 多颗带有名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐业的贡献。每颗星皆由一颗水磨石制成:将其制成粉色五角星形并镶上青铜然后嵌入深灰色的方块中。粉色星形内是刻在青铜上的授奖者名字,在此下面则为一环状标志,代表受奖人领取星星的领域。这些标志有: 电影摄影机:对电影产业有所贡献。 电视机:对电视产业有所贡献。 留声机唱片:对唱片产业有所贡献。 广播麦克风:对广播产业有所贡献。 悲喜剧面具:对现场戏剧有所贡献。欧美获奖者 金奥翠是唯一得到全
6、部五颗星荣誉的人。拥有星星的虚构角色包括兔宝宝、米老鼠、啄木鸟伍迪、小熊维尼、唐老鸭、哥斯拉、皮威赫曼、大青蛙科米以及白雪公主等。华人明星李小龙和成龙也在好莱坞星光大道拥有一枚星形奖章。2005 年起,公司可领备授予星光大道的星形奖章;第一名受奖者是迪士尼乐园,以庆祝其 50 周年。(设计意图:此部分为课前准备环节,老师可以把相关背景知识以学案或课件的形式展示给学生,让他们(尤其是乡镇中学的学生)对以上背景知识有所了解,为后面的阅读活动做知识铺垫。 )【教学过程】Step I. Teaching Aims:Tell the Ss they are going to learn Unit 5 D
7、o you want to watch a game show? Section B 2a-2eAnd show students the learning aims of this lesson.(设计意图:上课伊始,向学生展示学习课题与学习目标,帮助他们明确这一节课的学习任务所在。)Step.Pre-reading activities1. Preview(1)Preview the new wordsLet the students to read the new words according to phonetic symbols (音标). Then check the pronu
8、nciations.(2) Ask the students to open their books to P37 and read 2b by themselves. Then say out these phrases and sentences orally according to the Chinese. If possible, they can close their books and write them down.想起_出版、发行_但是一个美国文化最著名的象征就是卡通。_有两个大圆耳朵的黑老鼠_第一部有声音的音乐的电影_他变得富有和成功。_其中一个重要原因就是 Mickey
9、 像个普通人。_然而,他总是准备着尽力而为。_(设计意图:让学生提前感知课文,掌握基本的单词和短语,便于学生理解和掌握课文。这样也可以促使学生养成必备的预习习惯,为其今后的学习打下基础。) 2. Warming up and leading in(1)Show students some pictures.Then ask and answer questions with them.T: Do you like watching TV?Ss: Yes, we do.T: What kinds of TV shows do you like to watch? And why do you l
10、ike them?S1: I like action movies because they are exciting.S2: I like soap operas because I think they are relaxing. S3: T: OK, I think different students have your different likes about TV shows. Now, look at these pictures. What kind of TV shows are these pictures?Ss: Cartoons.T: Do you like to w
11、atch cartoons?Ss: Yes.T: Whats your favorite cartoon?S1: My favorite cartoon is Monkey King.S2: My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.S3: Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf is my favorite cartoon. T: Why do you like it?S1: Because it is interesting.S2: Because it is funny.S3: Because it is educational.T: Th
12、ere are cartoon characters that are well-known in most places of China in recent years. Do you know what they are?Ss: They are Monkey King, Pleasant Goat, Pretty Goat, Lazy Goat, Slow Goat, Grey Wolf and so on.T: But there is a cartoon character that is well-known all over the world. Do you know wha
13、t it is?Ss: Yes. Mickey Mouse.T: Yes, you are right. Did you watch it before?Ss: Yes. /No.T: Now lets watch it.(2) Play a video about Mickey Mouse for students.T: What does Mickey Mouse look like?Ss: It is black and has two large round ears.T: What do you think of Mickey Mouse?Ss: It is lovely/funny
14、/smart/unluckyT: Do you want to know something more about Mickey Mouse?Ss: Yes.T: Lets read the passage in 2b on your book page37.(设计说明:(1)部分是利用图片来导入到 cartoon 这一话题,并引导学生就自己喜爱的某一动画片进行问答,一方面复习运用上一节课所学内容,另一方面导入新课,为学生创造轻松地学习氛围。 (2)部分播放与 Mickey Mouse 相关的一段视频,可以让学生对 Mickey Mouse 的形象有所了解,并激发学生的学习兴趣,为学习新课埋下
15、伏笔。)Step While-reading activities1. Fast-readingRead the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.The main idea of the article is about_.A. What do people think of cartoons?B. Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture C. Some cartoons about Mickey Mouse(设计意图: 该任务意在引导学生速读课文,通过回答问题来实
16、现对课文的整体感知。因为学生要回答这个问题,必须运用略读的技巧捕捉有用的信息,进而获取文章的大意,不要求学生获取所有细节信息。)2. Carefully-readingRead the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.Give the students three tasks.Task 1: Read the passage carefully and complete the time line on the next page.Then ask the students to discuss the ans
17、wers with their partners.Task 2: Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey.Then ask the students to show the answers.Task 3: Read the passage once more and discuss the questions in groups.What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of?What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture?Do you th
18、ink Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him?Why did people want to be like Mickey?Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not?Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey?Why is the character popular?Then ask the students to discuss the answ
19、ers in groups.(设计意图:此为细读环节,目的是锻炼学生寻找细节的能力。结合课本 P38 的内容,任务设置从易到难。第一个任务以时间轴的形式设计,要求学生在阅读中把握信息呈现的时间线索。该步骤的目的是培养学生寻读的策略。寻读一般要求搜索一些特殊的细节信息,此练习中提供的信息是一个动画片的名字和两What does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?Mickey Mouse个时间,这些信息在文字形式上有特点,比较容易搜索,学生甚
20、至不需要一字一句地阅读文章就能够发现。第二个任务以表格的形式设计,引导学生注意阅读材料的细节问题。在完成任务时,要求学生仔细默读短文,找到有用信息,记录在表格中。第三个任务要求学生读完短文后,结合文章与自己的实际了解的相关情况,组内讨论回答问题,体现了小组合作及综合运用文章内的有用信息的能力。 )Step Post-reading activities1. Students listen to the tape and try to retell the article according to the key words.Before listening, ask students to p
21、ay attention the pronunciation of the new words. Then ask students to retell the article according to the key words.(设计意图:这个任务是关于课文内容的复述,授课老师可分层次要求:程度中下等的学生可看提供的词条复述;成绩优秀的学生,可用自己的语言复述。此环节在于培养学生们复述课文的能力,让他们在了解文章的基础上,使所学知识达到内化,并锻炼他们的思维能力、口头表达能力。 )2. Group work(1)Show students a group of pictures.T: Lo
22、ok, these cartoon characters are my favorite ones when I was a young girl. I like one of them best .If you ask me why I liked it, one of the main reasons is that he was like a hero. He was ready to face any danger and he tried his best to help people. His first cartoon came out in China. Can you gue
23、ss which cartoon character it is?Ss: Mr. Black.T: Yes, you are right. You know I watched cartoons before, but now I hardly ever watch them. And I know today students dont watch the same cartoons as I did before. So I dont know who your favorite cartoon character is. Could you please work in groups o
24、f four to make a survey? Then you may describe your favorite cartoon character, and ask other groups of students to guess.(2)Make a survey in groups of four, using the questions: Who is your favorite cartoon character? And fill in the chart.Who is your favorite cartoon character?NameReasons(famous,
25、popular, successful)One of the main reasons is thattry his/her best to be ready tothink ofPersonality honest, brave, warm-hearted, friendlyBirthplace His/Her first cartoon came out in_Appearance A black suit, black boots, white gloves, a white cap, big eyes, straight ears (设计意图:生活就是知识,对于学生们熟悉的话题,他们总
26、是能够大侃特侃,信心倍增。在进行该活动前,老师做一个过渡性的铺垫,引导学生进入调查话题并了解该怎样表述自己最喜爱的卡通人物。同时,也设计了猜测环节,可以使每个学生都有能力参加,有助于孩子们的语言输出。)Step Emotional educationT: Just now I knew almost everyone of you has your own favorite cartoon characters. Now, some famous cartoon characters are popularly used in our daily life. Can you make an e
27、xample?S1: We can find Mickey Mouse or Doraemon on a pencil box.S2: We can find Mickey Mouse on a watch or a bike.S3: We can find Pleasant Goat on a schoolbag.T: Yes. I think most people like cartoons very much. Because it can take us back to our childhood andmake our life more interesting. I hope y
28、ou will support our Chinese cartoons. If possible, in the future, I hope to watch the cartoons designed by you.(设计意图:情感教育是教育的一部分,贯穿和渗透于教育的各部分及始终。这里是在上一环节的调查活动之后,引导学生观察卡通形象在日常生活中的应用,了解卡通对我们生活的影响,并倡导学生做自己力所能及的事情来支持国产卡通或力争将来为国产卡通做出自己的贡献。)Step Summary: Inquiry into knowledge by translation一、When people
29、say “culture”, we think of art and history._在此句中 think of 意为“_”,而 think about 的意思是“ _”,think over 的意思是“_”。这首诗(poem)让我想起了春天。_你在思考什么?_这个问题有点难,请大家认真思考。_二、When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music._在此句中 come out 意为“_ ”,而 come out 另有其他的含义“
30、_/_”。这本书于 2013 年 7 月出版了。_太阳出来了。_有些花开始开花了。_三、However, he was always ready to try his best._在此句中 be ready to do sth 意为“_”,而 be ready to do sth 还可意为 “_”。在我们班里,李丽总是乐于帮助他人。_我们准备工作了。_try ones best 意为“_”,与_同义。try/do ones best to do sth 意为“ _”。例如:你应该尽最大努力学习英语。_【翻译探究】 答案:一、当人们谈到文化的时候,我们想到的是艺术和历史。想到;思考;认真考虑Th
31、is poem makes me think of spring.What are you thinking about?This question is a little difficult. Please think it over.二、当这部卡通片于 1928 年 11 月 18 日在纽约发行时,它成了第一部有声音、有音乐的卡通片。发行、出版;出来、出现;开花、发芽The book came out in July, 2013.The sun is coming out.Some flowers begin to come out.三、然而,他总乐于竭尽全力。乐于做某事,愿意做某事;准备
32、做某事In our class, Li Li is always ready to help other people.We are ready to start our work.尽某人最大努力 ;do ones best ; 尽力做某事You should try your best to learn English.(设计意图:授课老师可以将“翻译探究” 的内容展示的课件上或导学案上,引导学生先自己独立完成题目,而后小组内部讨论或分享自己的答案,最后老师适当点拨学生认为比较难以理解的部分,以此来培养学生学习的自主性和合作探究的能力。 )Step Exercises: the end-of
33、-class test一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. One of Edisons important inventions _ (be) telephone.2. Yang Zongwei worked hard and at last he became _ (success). 3. If you want to be successful, you must try _(face) many difficulties.4. Are you ready _(clean) up your bedroom?5. He is an/a _(luck) boy. He broke his a
34、rms at the age of 6.二、根据提示翻译下列句子。1.我们要学会努力面对危险。 (try ones best to )_2.她能取得好成绩,其中一个主要原因是她学习努力。 (one of the main reasons)_3.我们都认识那位大眼睛的女孩。 (with )_4.艾丽斯总是时刻准备回答老师的问题。 (be ready to)_5.你能想起多少动作片明星?(think of)_(设计意图:以当堂练习的形式,检测学生对本节课所学内容的掌握。 )Step VIII Homework1. Master the words and phrases after class a
35、nd try to retell the article.2. Finish the exercises on the Exercise Book(练习册) on page 27-28.3. Preview for the next lesson from 3a to self-check of Section B.【Blackboard design】【本节课亮点】1.本课的背景知识与预习环节是学生感知新知识、发展思维的重要部分。它可增强学生听课的目的性,提高听课效率,有利于为阅读做好准备。2.导入环节,利用直观形象的卡通图片和结合学生实际生活谈论电视节目,利用师生会话的形式,先复习了上一节
36、课的词汇与句式,再自然过渡到新课的学习。视频与图片的展现可以帮助学生更好的了解米老鼠这一卡通形象。3.本课的阅读训练。让学生带着问题略读文章,找出文章的关键信息;然后让学生细读搜索 2b 的时间轴上提供的几个信息,再带着表格里问题细读,理解文章的细节等。这些策略有利于学生逐渐提高寻找大意和细节的能力,促进他们对文章内容的深刻理解。4. 读后的听、跟读、复述和小组调查等活动有利于学生内化所读内容,使所学知识得到升华。5. 本课的情感教育的自然渗透。引导学生观察卡通形象在日常生活中的应用,了解卡通对我们的影响,并倡导学生做自己力所能及的事情来支持国产卡通或力争将来为国产卡通做出自己的贡献。【不足之
37、处】1.学生在阅读之前或读后,老师若能多一些阅读技巧或策略的指导,而不是仅仅核对答案,更能让学生明白老师这样设计教学的目的所在,逐步提高学生的阅读文章,获取有用信息的能力。2.各环节的过渡再自然流畅些,小组合作讨论的时间再充分些,效果会更好。【使用建议】背景知识与预习环节最好课前以学案的形式提前展示给学生,可以为课上学生争取更多的阅读时间。【参考答案】Step .1. (2) think ofcome outBut one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.the black mouse with two large rou
38、nd earsthe first cartoon with sound and musicWhat does he look like?Who created him?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?Mickey MouseA black mouse with two large round earsWalt DisneySteamboat Willie MinnieBecause Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to fac
39、e any danger.He became very rich and successful.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man.However, he was always ready to try his best.Step .1. B2. Task 1Task 2 Task 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers:American culture. Ne Zha.Yes , I think so . Because his cartoon is famous all
40、 over the world. Yes ,I do.Because it is like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.Yes , I do. Because I want to try my best to live.Su Wukong. Because he can face every problem in his life and win at last.Step一、 1.is 2. successful 3.to face 4. to clean 5. unlucky二、1.We should learn to try our best to face the danger.2. She can get a good grade, and one of the main reasons is that she works hard.3. We all know that girl with big eyes.4. Alice is always ready to answer teachers questions.5. How many action movie stars can you think of?Task 2: