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1、英文诗歌赏析 Appreciation of English Poetry,英语诗歌,诗歌是一种重要的文学体裁。它运用精练的、 富有节奏和韵律的语言,以强烈的感情和丰富的想 象,高度集中地反映社会生活。它通过生动具体的 艺术形象,来教育和感染人们,启迪人们的社会认 识,陶冶人们的思想感情,培养人们的生活理想与情 操,给人们以美的教育和艺术享受。 诗歌的韵律是用词语、音响、重音,在声音、意义 上经过选择与组合而建立起来的,是诗歌的创作方 式。我们在诗中,很容易产生感情互动,那是因为诗 行中有音响的规律,有用相同数目的音节建立起来 反复吟唱的方式,又以相同的方法使重音有规律的 出现,英诗节奏(Rh

2、ythm),1. 一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏 Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain.,2. 音步( foot )及常见的音步类型,某种固定的轻重搭配叫“音步”(foot),相当与乐谱中的“小节”。 常见的音步类型: 1.抑扬格 (iamb, iambic)轻读是“抑”,重读是“扬”,一轻一重,故称抑扬格 。 Eg. adore, excite, above, around, appear, besides, attack, supply,

3、believe, return,2. 扬抑格(trochee, trochaic): 如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为重,后者为轻,则这种音步叫扬抑格音步. 重读是“扬”,轻读是“抑”,一重一轻,故称扬抑格. Eg. Happy, many, holy, yonder, headlong, flaming, upper, grandeur, failing Present mirth has present laughter Shakespeare Shake your chains to earth like dew (by Shelley),3.抑抑扬格(Anapaest, anapaes

4、tic) 抑抑扬格含三个音节,即轻轻重. Eg. cavalier, intercede, disbelieve, reappear, disapprove, indistinct, on the hill. The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold, And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea, When the blue waves rolls nightly on d

5、eep Galilee. Destruction of Sennacherib (Byron),4. 扬抑抑格(dactyl, dactylic):重轻轻是扬抑抑格. eg: happily, merciful, eloquent, messenger, merrily, properly, accident, quantity. eg: Dragging the corn by her golden hair. Davies: the villain.,诗行 (Line),1. end-stopped line (结句行) 一行诗正好是一句. 2. run-on line(跨行句):有时两行

6、甚至许多行才构成一个意思完整的句子。前者叫),后者叫).I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight.,诗行的长短,诗行的长短以音步数目计算: 英文诗行的长度范围一般是一音步五音步。六、七、八音步的诗行也有,但不多。最多的是四音步、五音步的诗 一音步诗:monometer 二音步诗:dimeter 三音步诗:trimeter 四音步诗:tetrameter五音步诗:pent

7、ameter六音步诗:hexameter 七音步诗:heptameter 八音步诗:octameter.),Eg. An EMPTY HOUSE Alexander Pope You beatyour pate, and fancy wit will come: Knock asyou please, theres nobodyat home.抑扬格五音步” (iambic pentameter ),压韵(rhyme),1.全韵与半韵(full/ perfect rhyme and half rhyme) 1) 全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme)。 全韵是严格的押

8、韵,其要求是: (1) 韵要押在重读音节上,其元音应相同; (2) 元音前的辅音应不同; (3) 如果元音之后有辅音,应相同。 (4) 重读音节之后如有轻读音节,也应相同。 下面几对词都符合全韵的标准: why-sigh; hate-late; fight-delight; powers-flowers; today-away; ending-bending. Eg. blood-hood; there-here; gone-alone; daughter-laughter. 这种情形被称为“眼韵”(eye rhyme),虽然诗人有时用之,但不是真正的押韵,半韵也/近似韵:是声音,而不是严格的

9、拼音序列相同的,叫半韵,半韵也叫近似韵. 它的韵律词语的辅音发声相同,但是重音的母音发声与领前的辅音发声不同.Thou still unravishd bride of quietness , Thou foster - child of Silence and slow Time. Sylvan historian , who cant thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme : 你依然是未被强夺的、安贞的新娘, 你这由沉静与悠久时光抚养的孩子, 田园的历史家,能如此宣扬 花也似的故事,更甜过我们写的诗。,Heard m

10、elodies are sweet , but those unheard Are sweeter ; therefore , ye soft pipes , play on : Not to the sensual ear , but , more endeard , Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone ; 听到的乐音甜蜜,听不见的 更甜蜜,吹吧,柔和的风笛, 不是传于耳,更使人去相思, 吹那无调曲,在心间点点滴。,刚(阳) /男韵和柔(阴)/ 女 韵(masculine and feminincrhyme),刚/ 男韵出现在作韵之词的完全音节是重音,

11、在不同的字首辅音之后,词的音响是相同的: distort与purport (扭曲与大意) 。 柔/ 女韵,作韵的重音节跟着相同的非重音节:treasure 与pleasure (珍贵与愉快),Eg1. But once , years after , in the country lanes , Two scholars , whom at college erst he knew , Met him , and of his way of life inquired . Whereat he answered , that the Gipsy crew , His mates , had a

12、rts to rule as they desired The workings of mens brains ; 年后,有一次,相逢在乡间小路, 两个学者,在学院结识于昔往 今又遇于;问他作何人生探讨, 他答:追随才智非凡的吉卜赛同行, 他的同伴,掌握艺术规律和祈祷 能随意左右人们的思路。 krew 与crew , inquired 与desired 都是刚韵。,Eg2. And leaning backwards in a pensive dream , And fortering in thy lap a heap of flowers Plucked in shy fields and

13、 distant wychwood bowers , And thine eyes resting on the moonlit stream: 斜躺在(船舷) ,沉浸在梦幻后面, 你的膝上簇拥着一堆堆鲜花, 采自寂静的田野和遥远的威慈伍德林荫下 你的目光凝视在月色笼罩的溪边; dream 与stream ,flowers 与bowers 都是柔韵。,尾韵:最常见,最重要的押韵方式,1) 联韵:aabb型。 I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the

14、 sight Could not follow it in its flight. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Arrow and the Song 2) 交叉韵:abab型。 Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892): Crossing the Bar,3) 同韵:有的诗押韵,一韵到底,大多是在同一节诗中共用一个韵脚。

15、 如下例就共用i:p为韵脚。 The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Robert Frost (1874-1963): Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,行内韵(行间韵) (internal rhyme),在同一行中,有几个相同音响的词前后出现,这就是行间韵 Eg. The splendour falls on castle walls

16、 And snowy summits old in story : The long light shakes across the lakes And the wild cataract leaps in glory . 华光降落在城墙, 故事中有极古老的雪光, 长长的闪辉摇曳着穿过湖面, 那莽闯的瀑布跳跃在天堂。,头韵(alliteration),一行中有几个词用同样的辅音开头,就叫字首韵,通常称之为头韵。 Eg. For winters rains and ruins are over , And all the season of snows and sins ; The day di

17、viding lover and lover , The light that loses , the night that wins . 冬天的雨和遗余已离开, 所有下雪和有罪的理由; 日子区分得可爱更可爱, 光明已消失,黑夜已临头。,母谐音与子谐音/ 谐元韵与谐辅韵(Assonance and consonance),谐元韵/母谐音:是以相同的母音出现在另一个不同子音 的词中,使之在声母方面十分接近另一个词。例如: “bird (鸟) ”与“thirst (渴) ”这两个词中都有“i”这一相同的母音发声,而其子音(辅音、韵母) 则是完全不同的。如果是“bird”与“third”(第三) 的

18、其部分子音发音相同,子谐音可在母谐音中反复出现。lake, fate; time, mind 谐辅韵/子谐音:是以相同的子音在另一个不同母音的词中出现。例如:“wood(木) ”与“weed(草) ”这两个词有相同的子音,但其母音不同。它们就是子谐音。black, block; creak, croak; reader, rider; despise, dispose,诗的体式,1 十四行诗 (Sonnet),源于中世纪民间抒情短诗,十三、十四世纪流行于意大利,意大利彼特拉克(Petrarch)为代表人物,每行十一个音节,全诗一节八行,加一节六行,韵脚用abba, abba, cdcdcd (

19、cdecde)。前八行提问,后六行回答。 后来,怀亚特(Thomas Wyatt,1503-1542)将十四行诗引人英国,五音步抑扬格,全诗三个四行一个二行,前三节提问,后二句结论。 斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552-1599)用韵脚 abab, bcbc,cdcd,ee。莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)用韵脚abab, cdcd, dfdf, gg,称英国式或莎士比亚式。,Sonnet 60 Like as the waves make towards the pibbled shore, So do our minutes hasten

20、to their end; Each changing place with that which goes before, In sequent toil all forwards do contend, Nativity, once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crowned, Crooked eclipses against his glory fight, And time that gave doth now his gift confound. Time doth transfix the fl

21、ourish set on youth And delves the parallels in beautys brow, Feeds on the rarities but for his scythe to move. And nothing stands but for his scythe to move. And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand, Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.,2 打油诗(Limericks):通常是小笑话甚至是胡诌,一般没有标题也无作者姓名,含有幽默讽刺性,

22、常运用双关,内韵等手法。每首诗五个诗行,押韵为aabba,格律以抑扬格和抑抑扬格为主。 1) There was a young lady of Nigger Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the tiger. 2) A tutor who taught on the flute Tried to teach two tooters to toot, “Is it harder to toot, o

23、r Said the two to the tutor, To tutor two tooters to toot?”,3 无韵体(Blank Verse):五音步抑扬格,不押韵诗体。 Across the watery bale , and shout again, Responsive to his call, - with quivering peals, And long halloos, and screams, and echoes loud. Redoubled and redoubled: concourse wild Of jocund din!William Wordswo

24、rth: There Was a Boy,4 自由诗(Free Verse):现代诗中常见的体式,长短不同的诗行存在于同一首诗中,不讲究押韵与格律,只注重诗歌所表达的意象和传递的情感。美国诗人Walt Whitman的(Leaves of Grass)中,就采用此格式 .,英诗用词(Poetic Vocabulary),名词 array(clothes,衣服、盛装);babe(baby,婴儿),bane(poison,mischief,毒物、祸根),billow(wave,波涛),bliss(happiness,幸福),bower(dwelling,卧室、闺房),brine(ocean,海洋、

25、泪水),brow(forehead,额头);chanticleer(cock,雄鸡),charger(horse,马);dale(valley,谷、溪谷);foe,foeman(enemy,仇敌);fere(friend,朋友);glebe(earth,field,土地、田野),goblet(cup,酒杯),gore(blood,流出的血),grot(cave,洞穴),guile(deceit,狡诈);ire(anger,怒火);ken(perception,看见);maid(girl,少女),main(sea or ocean,海洋,沧海),marge(margin,边缘),mart(mar

26、ket,市场),mead(meadow,草地),meed(reward,应得的报答),might(strength,力量、权势),morn(morning,黎明);,number(verse or metre,诗文、韵律),nuptials(marriage,婚礼);poesy(poetry,诗歌、诗才);quest(search,探求);realm(kingdom,王国);scribe(writer,作家),sire(father,父),spouse(wife,配偶、夫或妻),steed(horse,骏马),swain(peasant,农民),sward(grass,草地),swine(pi

27、g,猪);thrall(bondage,奴役),tilth(agriculture,耕种),troth(veracity or faithfulness,忠诚);vale(valley,溪谷),victor(conqueror,战胜者);weal(welfare,幸福),woe(sorrow or misery,悲哀);yeoman(peasant,farmer,村农),形容词 aweary(weary,厌倦的);baleful(pernicious,有害的、不吉的);beauteous(beautiful,美丽的),bootless(unprofitable,无益的),bosky(woode


29、ess(unhappy,悲哀的);lone(lonesome,lonely,寂寞的、孤独的),lovesome(lovely,可爱的),lowly(low or humble,低下的、谦卑的);murky(grim,阴沉的),mute(silent,缄默的);quenchless(inextinguishable,不可熄灭的);rapt(delighted,着迷的),recreant(unfaithful,变节的);sequestered(retired,lonely,退隐的、寂寞的),stilly(still,寂静的),sylvan(woody,森林的);uncouth(unusual,笨拙

30、的);wrathful(angry,怒气冲冲的),副词 amain(violently,suddenly,猛然、突然),anon(soon,立刻); erst(formerly,往昔);full(very,完美的);haply(perhaps,或许),hard by(close or very near,在近旁);natheless(nevertheless,然而),nigh(almost,几乎);right(very,precisely,准确的); scantly(scantily,贫乏的),scarce(scarcely,刚刚),sore(sorely,痛苦的);whilom(former

31、ly,从前),动词 behold(see,看),brook(bear,容忍、忍受);cleave(cling,依恋),cumber(distress,trouble,烦累);deem(think,认为); fare(walk,行走);hearken(hear,attend,倾听、给予注意),hie(hasten,赶紧);ken(know,知道);list(listen,听见); methink(seem to me,据我看来);quaff(drink,痛饮),quoth(said,说);obscure(darken,使黑暗);slay(kill,杀害),smite(strike,重击),soj

32、orn(lodge or dwell,旅居),speed(hasten,促进);tarry(remain,逗留),trow(believe,相信);vanquish(conquer,征服);wax(grow,渐增),代词 aught(anything,任何事物);naught(nothing,没有什么);thou,(you,你【主格】),thee(you,你【宾格】),thy(your,你的),thine(your,你的【在元音或h之前】);yonder,yon(that,在那儿的物或人),ye(you,你们),连接词: albeit(although,尽管、虽然); ere(before,在

33、以前) 前置词: anent(concerning,关于),amidst(among,在当中),athwart(across,横跨); betwixt(between,在中间),英诗词法、句法要点(Poetic Grammar),词法 : 1)动词 (1). 动词一般现在时第三人称单数的形式是在动词尾加-th,像liveth,knoweth,hath等等。 如: From her kennel beneath the rock She maketh answer to the clock. (Coleridge) 在她岩石下面的洞穴中, 她按照时钟行事。 And in silence pray

34、eth she. (Coleridge) 她默默地祈祷。,(2).现在时及过去时第二人称单数动词词尾加-st的形式,像livest,knowest,sayst,dost,livedst,knewest,saidst,didst,hadst等,此外还有动词shall,will, be的形式为shalt,wilt,art(现在时单数第二人称thou art等于you are),wert(或wast,第二人称,单数过去时thou wert或thou wast等于you were)。上述各种形式均与第二人称单数人称代词thou连用。 Nor care what land thou bearst me

35、to.(Byron) 我不介意你带我前往何方。 With double joy wert thou with me. (Byron) 你与我共享双重欢乐。 Thou liest, thou liest, thou little foot-page, Loud dost thou lie to me! (Scott) 你撒谎,你撒谎,你这个小随从, 你竟敢明目张胆地对我撒谎!,(3). 过去时和过去分词的较古老形式。 如:wrought (worked), bade (bid), begat (begot), clove (cleft), crew (crowed), drave (drove)

36、, spake (spoke), throve (thrived), clomb (climbed), clad (clothed), bare (bore, “bear”的过去时),broke (broken), lockt (locked), sate (sat)等。 And hark, again, the crowing cock, How drowsily it crew. (Coleridge) 听,鸡又啼鸣, 那么使人昏然入眠。 Aloft in awful state The godlike hero sate. (Dryden) 高高在上,令人生畏, 俨如上帝,英雄就位。 A

37、nd the loud laugh that spake the vacant mind. (Goldsmith) 高亢的笑声说出了心灵的空虚。,2) 形容词: (1). 形容词用作名词: Below the chestnuts, when their buds were glistening to the breezy blue (-sky). (Tennyson) 栗树荫中,嫩果向着漠然的蓝天闪烁。 The dreaded vast (-expanse) of night. (Milton) 令人生畏茫茫无际的黑夜。 Where I used to play on the green (-

38、grass). (Blake) 昔日我常在那绿茵之上嬉戏。,(2). 使用复合形容词取得简洁效果: Or in the violet-embroidered vale. (Milton) 在开满了紫罗兰的山谷里。 Before the crimson-circled star. (Tennyson) 在绯红色光环围绕的星星之前。,3). 副词 (1). 副词词尾不加-ly: They praised him soft and low. (Tennyson) 他们柔声低语地赞扬他。 The green trees whispered low and mild. (Longfellow) 绿树轻柔

39、地沙沙私语。 Oh night, And storm, and darkness, ye are wondrous strong. (Byron) 啊,夜晚,暴风雨和黑暗,你们多么惊人地倔强。 (2). -ly结尾的副词以-lier的形式表示比较级: You have taken it wiselier than I meant you should. (Shakespeare) 你已经泰然处之,胜过我所期望于你。 Strange friend, present, and to be: Loved deeplier, darklier understood. (Tennyson) 现在和将来的

40、陌生朋友: 爱得更深,体谅得更知己。,句法,1. 词序:为了保持韵律,英诗中的词序与正常词序有所不同 (1). 形容词放在所形容的名词之后,而不是在前: Daisies pied and violets blue. (Shakespeare) 色彩斑驳的雏菊和蓝色的紫罗兰。 So by the caverns of the forest green. (Shelley) 在青青丛林中的山洞旁。 With notes angelical to many a harp. (Milton) 一个又一个竖琴,奏出天使的曲调。,(2). 主语位于谓语之后: And in silence prayeth

41、she. (Coleridge) 她默默地祈祷。 And a wealthy wife was she. (Old Ballad) 她是富家妇。 Then came still evening on. (Milton) 随即黄昏照常来临。 (3). 直接宾语位于动词之前: And she me caught in her arms long and small. (Wyatt) 她用细长瘦削的胳臂抱住了我。 Where wine the wit may not oppress. (Howard) 美酒灌不昏头脑。 (4). 前置词在启宾语(名词)之后: Where echo walks ste

42、ep hills among. 回声在陡峭的群山之中回荡。,省略或删节句法中通常需要的字词 1、 省略冠词: Creeping like (a) snail unwillingly to school 像条蜗牛在爬行,满心不愿意去上学 2、 省略名词或代词: (He) who steals my purse steals trash. 偷我钱包的人一无所得。 3、 省略限定动词(finite verb): Happy (is) the man, whose wish and care 这个人非常愉快,他的希望和忧虑 4、 省略前置词: Despair and anguish fled (fro

43、m) the struggling soul. 绝望和痛苦离开了挣扎中的灵魂。,5、 省略作附属从句主语的关系代词“that”: Tis distance (that) lends enchantment to the view. 远则亲。 6、 省略辅助动词: How, why, or when, or where-it matters not. (Shelley) 怎样,为何,何时或是何地无关紧要。,省略元音或音节的发音,heavn(heaven), tis(it is), twas(it was), oer(over), gainst(against), th(the), i(in),

44、twixt(betwixt), een(even), neath(beneath), mong(among), memries(memories)等等。另在动词词尾的“-ed”中的“e”通常用省字号()代替。如:lovd,turnd等,And th eternal morrow dawn. (Grashaw) 永恒的拂晓。 For though the hand of fate could force Twixt soul and body a divorce. (Grashaw) 虽然命运之手能迫使灵魂及躯体分离。 Een from the tomb the voice of Nature

45、cries, Een in our ashes live their wanted fires. (Gray) 即使在坟墓中,生命之声仍在呼叫, 即使在我们的骨灰中,它们无力的火焰仍在燃烧。,动词词尾“ed”中的字母“e”需要发音,belovd,charmd,trancdEg. No, no! The utmost share Of my desire shall be, Only to kiss the air That lately kissed thee. (Herrick) 不,不!在我心中, 我多么渴望参与, 仅仅亲吻这阵微风, 它刚刚吻过了你。,英诗欣赏,EAGLE He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls. ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (18091892),Thank you for your attendance !,


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