1、第 5卷第 1期2009年 3月 null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null新疆石油天然气X injiang O il经济极限;油汽比;探讨ms |: null null null null null nullDS M : A1null1. 1null T,.ds ZE|s 1 (V1)bV1nulls Vs T( mP anull s) 50+ 10000 50000 VB 7Z T6rm?,+T y,YV / 7b2null.d 500 null 1000 0. 5 0. 1
2、 1000 null 2000 1. 0 0. 3 2000 null 3000 3. 0 0. 5 3000 null 4000 5. 0 1. 0 4000 10. 0 2. 0null null 77, ( % S, M B1980 M 1990 M cEnull 7 1null0. 15nullS6K 1,% Sb3null6K 19 ZE9T3. 1null9 ZE 7,g r 77null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null F? 2009
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5、AP I D r ill and P rod. P rac. 1950: 178- 214. 6 . C009/T9(_,) R ./ T 9 o: 2005- 12- 13.80V o .l 5 N o. 1M ar. 2009X in jiang O il w e llbo re tra jectory; resistance force on run- in rod. frictiona l strengthDISCUSSION ON ECONOMIC LIMIT OIL- STEAM RATIO OF HEAVY OIL RESERVOIR/H eAi-dong. Research i
6、nstitute of petroleum exploration and development,X injiang Oilfield Company, PCNC, KaramayX injiang 834000/X injiang ShiYou TianRan Qi, 2009, 5( 1): 77 80Abstract: For H eavy O ilReservo ir, therm a l recovery by steam in jection is the m a in testing m ethod and m ode ofproduction during deve lopm
7、 ent stage, and mo re than one third of annual o il tota l outpu t is the steam in jectionrecovery in Junggar Basin. Through analysis of som e typ ical heavy o il reservo irs of Junggar Basin that have justbeen explo ited, ratio of the econom ic lim it o il- steam of heavy o il reservo ir( ind icato
8、r o f reserves estim ation),the standard of industria l oil- steam ratio o f different bur ied depth, recovery m ethod and o il price have beenprelim inarily estab lished, and have been successfully used in reserve ca lculation of heavy o il reservo ir, wh ichalso has im portant sign ificance for as
9、sessm ent of heavy o il reservoir.KeyWords:H eavy O il Reservoir; E conom ic L im i;t O il- steam R atio; D iscussionMETHODS FOR PREVENTING NATURAL GAS HADRATE PLUGS/H e Zhi-gang, Zhao bO, H eCheng-zu. Xinjiang K eli New Technical Development Co,. Ltd, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000/X injiang ShiYouTianRa
10、n Qi, 2009, 5( 1): 81 83Abstract: B ased on the chem ica l therm odynam ics and k inetics law o f natura l gas hydrate form ation, Them echanism s invo lved in three classes o f gas hydrate inhibitors are discussed. The therm odynam ica l inhibitors canbe used to h igh frigid zone, but are o ften ve
11、ry expensive, The kinetic inhibitors and an ti- agg lom erants have lowdosage, but the form er is no t applicable in h igh frig id zone, and the latter is not applicab le in the gas w el.lThree c lasses of gas hydrate inh ib itors have their ow n suitable occasions and developm en t space.Key Words:
12、 N atural gas hydrate; N atura l gas hydrate inhibitors; Therm odynam ical inh ib itors; K ineticinh ib ito rs; Anti- agglom erantsDISCUSSION PROJECTION CORRECTION FOR A XINJIANG LONG- DISTANCETRANSPORTNATURAL GAS - PI PE SURVEY PROJECT PROBLEM/ Ji Chang-fei, Jiao Quande. InvestigationBranch,Researc
13、h Institute of Investigation and design in X injiang Oilfield,Karamay Xinjiang 8340000/X injiangShiYou TianRan Qi, 2009, 5( 1): 84 87Abstract: Accord ing to the survey of prob lem s of d istant transport natural gas p ipe pro ject in X in jiang, thecharacter istics o f the survey of the d istant tra
14、nsport line pro ject in the past few years are expounded in the paper.The causes tha tm ay be likely to bring up problem s are discussed and analyzed on the basis o f the m odern tim eslong transport line pro ject survey including GPS and E lectrom agnetic W ave M easure D istance. The prob lem s ofthe consum ers are settled by using ana lyzing and summ ing Pro jection Correction m odel and m ode l ca lculation ,w hich provides agu idance for sam ilar problem s in th is field.null