1、制作人:10化学 101050113 XXX,Chinese fation,Lets enjoy visual feast Theme:By enjoying the Chinese style, we can have a clear understanding of Chinese culture .And find the characteristics of Chinese clothing. As we know, China is a big family consisting of 56 nationalities.That is to say,there is various
2、cultural complex. .Now,lets enjoy the beauty to feel the charm of Chinese clothing,藏族 传统穿用藏袍,是敞领口、右大襟、系腰带的大袍,用氆氇(pu lu)、毛皮及其他面料制作;牧区羊皮袍不挂袍面,以腰带系结底襟可作被袋用;农区妇女夏秋为无袖袍;男子穿袍时习惯褪右袖以便活动 。 汉族 那旗袍究竟是汉族的传统服饰吗?,猜猜我是哪个民族的!,普米族 土族,普米族 pumi group 女子穿大襟衣、百褶长裙,束宽大的彩腰带,披羊皮,缠大包头,饰银环耳坠。男子穿麻布短衣、大裤、白羊皮背心,打裹腿,佩腰刀。土族 Turk
3、ish 女子穿镶花边的大襟袍(配五色布拼成的袖套),镶花边的背心,束绣花宽腰带,佩挂手帕、钱袋、荷包、小铃。,土家酱饼是土族人发明的吗?,我才是土家族,我是土族的,ok?,撒拉族 the Salar 女子穿对襟衣或大襟袍、花背心、绣花布鞋、布袜,罩盖头,饰长耳坠。男子为白色对襟衣、黑背心、白或黑色平顶圆帽;冬季穿皮袄或褐子(羊毛织成的衣服)。 苗族 Miao 女子穿大领对襟短衣、长短不同的百褶裙,打裹腿,或为大襟短衣、宽脚裤、围腰,采用多姿多采的头饰;节日盛装,常采用刺绣、蜡染等工艺装饰服装,以及多种传统银饰,如项圈、手钏、银衣(银饰钉于衣上)。,怎么样?衣服漂亮吧,回族 女子穿大襟短衣,戴盖
4、头。男子穿白色对襟衫、黑背心,戴白或黑小圆帽。散居各地的回族穿汉族服装。高山族 女子一般为对襟长袖上衣或大襟窄袖上衣,各式裙,黑或红布包头。男子通常上穿对襟长袖衫和长短不一的背心,下着缠腰裙或前裙。高山族在节日里注重装饰,并穿贝珠衣(以贝壳、珍珠编织的贝衣、珠裙)。,Seeing so many pictures, What are the characteristics of Chinese clothes?,Fistly, we can find Collar style is very special.,Then,we can find clothing patterns also ha
5、ve a style of ones own,How about the fashion Chinese clothing and what has changed under the culture? Lets see it!,Who is the most beautiful in us?,Chinese cheongsam is still popular and never decline 旗袍是女性服饰之一,源于满族女性传统服装,在20世纪上半叶由民国汉族女性改进,由中华民国政府于1929年确定为国家礼服之一,不属于汉服(即华夏衣冠)体系。民国以后,上海、北平等地的汉族女性在其基础上
6、予以改良。1949年之后,旗袍在大陆渐渐被冷落,尤其文革中被认为封资修象征大量毁坏。,Chinese cheongsam It is not only a clothes, but show a way of female beauty.And it also highlights the female gentle and sweet, unfolds the feminine unique temperament,梦回唐朝,孔雀礼服,年年有余,让中国之美永存 Let the beauty of China exist forever,Now, have a look what we wear clothes, mostly jeans and jackets, a lot of Chinese clothing seems to have very little exists in us. 现在,看看我们所穿的衣服,大多数都是牛仔夹克,很多的中国服饰似乎已经很少存在于我们之中。也许这是中国接轨世界的一个表现,但中国服饰之美我们永远也不能忘记不能否认。 t台秀,thats all,thank you,