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1、Welcome To Our Class,welcome to our English class,English for Fun,Brief Introduction,Question to think aboutHow many countries are there in the world in which English is spoken as the first language? Give the names. Answers: the UK the Republic of Irelandthe USA CanadaAustraliaNew Zealand,1. the UK

2、2. the Republic of Ireland 3. Australia 4. New Zealand 5. the USA 6. Canada,o,What is the full name Of the UK?,Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。,Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有

3、三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,+,+,+,the Republic of Ireland,England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. Capital: LondonScotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural

4、zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast,Climate,Britains favorable climate Britain has a maritime climate-winters are not t

5、oo cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range.,The factors influence the climate in Britain:,1)The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling

6、it off in summer;2)The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;3)The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.,Lets enjoy some pictures of

7、 the United Kingdom. Do you know them?,The British Museum 大英博物馆,Big Ben 大本钟,Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫,St. Pauls Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂,Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂,Royal Observatory Greenwich格林威治天文台,Tower Bridge 塔桥,Stonehenge 巨石阵,London Eye,The River Thames泰晤士河,Some cities in the United Kingdom,Oxford,Cambridge

8、 University 剑桥大学,What does USA stands for?,A: The United States of AmericaB: Usually stupid and annoying,Hawaii,Alaska,United States,USA,Statue of Liberty,White House,President Hill,The four presidents are George Washington , Thomas Jefferson , Theodore Roosevelt , Abraham Lincoln.,United Nations He

9、adquarters,Broadway Theater District,The billboard of the Winter Garden Theater on the Avenue of the American in New York City advertises the Broadway show Cats.,Golden Gate Bridge (金门大桥),Yellow Stone National Park,The Niagara Falls,It lies on the Niagara River.,Competition,Group 1 girls,1、美国的绰号是_,英

10、国的绰号是_.A. Aunt Sam, Uncle John B. New Continent, Great BritainC. Washington,Elizabeth D. Uncle Sam, John Bull,Just for fun . Different types of Uncle Sam,Christmas Sam,Olympic Sam,Soldier Sam,Micky Sam,Superman sam,Dog Sam,Worker Sam,Cowboy Sam,2、中央电视台屏幕上经常会有CCTV的字样,它的完整形式是_. China Central Televisio

11、n Central CommunicationTelevision C. China Control Television D. Central Committee Television,3、What has two legs but cant walk? compass (圆规),4、What is yours ,but is used by others more than by yourself?Your name,6、改换一个字母变成新单词ever march storeeven match story,5、Whats the Chinese for “six of one and h

12、alf a dozen of the other?” A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半,C.半斤八两,B,7、How do English people call “钞票”?A、 bill B、 note,C,8. _ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.A. Florida B. Louisiana C. Alaska,9. Who is the President of America now?,A.,B.,C.,D.,George W. Bush,George H.W. Bush,Bill Clinton,Ba

13、rack Obama,B. Redbreast 知更鸟,10. Which is the national animal of the UK?,A. Beaver 海狸,C. Bald eagle 秃头鹰,A.,B.,C.,D.,11. Which belongs to the UK?,Statue of Liberty,Golden Bridge,Eiffel Tower,Big Ben,12.Who are Americans?,A,B,C,D,E,Keanu Reeves,David Beckham,Steven Speilberg,Ronaldinho,Britain,Brazil,1

14、3,两种或两种以上的酒或酒与其他饮料(如苏打水、桔子原汁、牛奶等)配成,当然你也可以添加水果或其他辅料。考究一点的是将酒或其他饮料按一定操作方法逐一加入,形成色彩各异的分层,十分富有情调。 请问这是哪种饮料? Cocktail.,14、有一种草叫“勿忘我”,文人常用它来描述相思与痴情。这种草的英语名字叫 _ A. Dont forget me B. forget-me-not C. no-forgetting grass D. not-forget-me,15、 “美国之音”的英语形式是_.A. American Sound B. the Sound of AmericaC. the Voic

15、e of America D. Free Voice,B. forget-me-not,C. the Voice of America,16、近几年,许多中国人,尤其是年轻人,开始慢慢喜欢上西方的洋节日。请问,下面哪个西方节日的时间是在每年的2月? Easter B. Holy SaturdayC. St. Valentines Day D. April Fools Day,C,17.How many gold metals did Michael Phelps won in the Olympics in 2008?A 4 B 3 C 8 D6,A,18._ is basically a h

16、ome and family festival. A.Christmas B. Boxing Day C. Easter Monday,A,19.Arthur Millers Masterpiece is _.A.Death of a Salesman B. The Crucible C. The Price,20.Guess the name of the movie,Group 2 boys,Group 2 boys,1、许多同学都有电子邮箱,如其中的表示什么意思,怎么读?A. 的意思是“电脑”,读 “a 外一个圈”。B. 的意思是“邮箱”,读 “圈内一个 a”。C. 的意思是“为”,读音

17、与for相同。D. 的意思是“在”,读音与at 相同。,2、你给一个手机关机的人打电话, 你在电话中听到的英语是:A. Sorry, the phone you waited is powered off.B. Sorry, the phone you dialed is powering off.C. Sorry, the phone you called is powered off.D. Sorry, the phone you liked is powering off.,3、what number can you take half and leave nothing? 8,4、We

18、ll what goes up and never goes down? Your age.,5、Whats Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.” A.一件无用而累赘的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱 6、改换一个字母变成新单词witch fan stagewatch fun state,A,7 、Which is the American expression?A、I have a car. B 、I have got a car.,B,8. Edinburgh is the capital of _.A. England B. S

19、cotland C. Wales,A.,B.,C.,D.,9. Which stands for the USA?,NationalEmblem(国徽),10. Which is the national flower of the UK?,A. Cherry,B. Rose,C. Peony (牡丹),11. Who is an English football player?,B.,D.,Beckham,Ronaldinho,German,Brazilian,A.,C.,Italian,Totti,Podolski,12.Which are American brands?,A,B,C,D

20、,E,F,G,Germany,Germany,Finland,13.,随着计算机网络化的发展,犯罪分子也开始利用高科技,进行犯罪活动,出现了许多所谓的“黑客”。“黑客”指凭借目已的高科技知识,采用非法手段逃过计登机网络系统的存取控制而进入访一算机网络,进行非法及破坏活动。 请问网络上的黑客怎么说? hacker.,14、what kind of dog never bite? hotdog 15、What letter is an animal ? B(BEE)16、If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? Wet 1

21、7、Which month has 28 days?Every Month,A,18.table-tennis first started in A Britain B China C France D America,A,19.Jeniffer Aniston became famous for her performance in A Friends B Gossip girl C Prison Break D Transformers,20.Guess the name of the movie,Idioms and English culture,Idioms and English

22、culture,cast sheeps eyes at someoneheads will roll,字面含义:向某人投羊眼,实际意义:向某人暗送秋波,字面含义:头要滚了,实际意义:(某人)要倒霉了,burry ones head in the sandon the carpet,字面含义:把某人的头埋在沙子里,实际意义:采取逃避态度,字面含义:在地毯上,实际意义:在考虑中,受训斥,be / feel under the weather,感觉不舒服/生病,pour cats and dogscut off ones nose to spite ones faceplay cards close

23、 to ones chest,倾盆大雨,为了泄愤反而害己;损人不利己,保守秘密;不透露任何讯息,习语的来源,英、美国家是基督教文化、希伯来文化为基础背景文化的国家,在这样的文化背景条件下生成的习语在很大程度上也富含有浓郁的宗教色彩,追其根源看习语主要来源于以下几个方面:,1.文学名著,man Friday,screw ones courage,pond of flesh,忠仆,得力助手出自鲁滨逊漂流记,鼓起勇气,壮起胆子出自莎士比亚麦克白,合情但悖于情理的要求出自莎士比亚威尼斯商人,2.圣经故事,Judass kiss 犹大之吻(比喻出卖朋友),much cry and little wool

24、 雷声大,雨点小(比喻空叫喊),turn the other cheek 忍受暴力;忍受侮辱,the widows cruse 寡妇的坛子(比喻取之不尽的财源),3.希腊、古罗马神话传说,Midass touch 事事都能挣大钱的本领;点石成金,Pandoras box 潘多拉的盒子(引申为灾祸之源),pay the piper 付出惨痛的代价;自食其果,4.古代寓言故事,naked truth 原原本本的事实,赤裸裸的事实,sour grapes 聊以自慰的话,cats paw 被别人利用的人,4.古代寓言故事,the lions share,bell the cat,kill the go

25、ose that laid the golden eggs,替别人冒风险,最大的份额,杀鸡取卵、涸泽而渔,5.历史故事,meet ones waterloo,遭遇惨败 (拿破仑在滑铁卢的惨败,类似于中国的败走麦城),2.圣经故事,6.名人轶事,Mickey mouse,米老鼠 无关紧要的人物,7.习尚风俗,feather in ones cap 炫耀荣誉,get up from the wrong side of bed 一大早就发脾气,心情不好,8.动物习性,as timid as rabbit,as wise as owls,swans song,no spring chicken,聪明,

26、胆小如鼠,告别演出,已不再年轻的女人,9.航海,on the rocks 触礁、频临毁灭,keep ones head above the water 管理好个人、理好财,all at sea 茫然,go with stream 随波逐流,10.农业植物,hear through the grapevine 道听途说,bed of roses 舒适的生活,let sleeping dogs lie切莫惹是生非,11.日常生活,a dark horse,go fishing,fall head over heels in love,盲目地到处寻找信息,黑马,爆出冷门的获胜者,爱得神魂颠倒,car

27、ry coal to Newcastle, send owls to Athens 画蛇添足,多此一举,(对两个城市物产特色的描述和记载),To strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁 to hit the nail on the head 敲钉子敲在钉头上,引申为话说的中肯、正中要害、一针见血,(反映了特定历史时期民族手工业文化特色),The difference between Chinese and English,Color, animal, number,Colour,In Chinese In Chinese language, red is assoc

28、iated with success and victory,red,In English Red will always arouse Western people with violence, danger, blood and extreme.,In English blue is often associated with high social status or being aristocratic“blue book” , “he is real blue blood” blue also arouse the feeling of sorrow Winter blue, in

29、blue,blue,In Chinese Blue often have good meaning. the blue sky and the blue ocean always make people comfortable. The blue sky often can stimulate our potential, blue ocean always induced our imagination.,In English white has associations of purity and innocence. a white soul 纯洁的心灵; a white spirit

30、正直的精神, white men高尚、有教养的人; white market 合法市场, a white lie 无害的谎言。,white,In Chinese White is always associated with something unhappy. that is to say that mentioning white, Chinese people will associate with death, sorrow first.,In ChineseYellow, the color of honorable, represent the power of emperor w

31、hose almost everything is yellow. Its the representation of old China.,yellow,In English culture People prefer to describe yellow as the color of cream or butter. Yellow means depression, hated, and morbid. yellow-bellied (胆小的) , a yellow streak (生性怯懦), yellow card (黄牌), the yellow press(低级报刊) , yel

32、low dog 卑鄙的人。,In Chinese The color “black” always has a heavy mystery feelings to Chinese people , which used to carry a positive sense, implying “honor, resolution , justice and mystery” . for example ,in operas, the black facial make-up always implies “honest and straight forward” and “upright and

33、 above flattery”.,black,In English In English speaking country, “black” is an evil word, and just like “white” in Chinese. It is always related to “bad, evil, and wicked”. wear black 戴孝, black words 不吉利的话; blackmail 敲榨、勒索; a black mark 污点; black sheep 败家子; black dog 沮丧情绪, She gave me a black look. 他

34、怒气冲冲地看着我。,Animal,Dog,in Chinese Dogs symbolizes the person who is always abused or has the base and evil conduct such as “走狗”, “丧家狗”, “ 狗仗人势”.In English People use dog to refer to the reliable person A lucky dog”, “love me love my dog”, “as faithful as a dog”,dragon,In Chinese In the Chinese culture

35、, the animal“龙”is a totem of the Chinese nation. It is a mystical animal that has enormous power. It is also the symbol of the feudal emperor.In English It is a monster that represented as a gigantic reptile, having a lions jaws, the body if a serpent, with wings and scaly skin and can breathe out f

36、ire. If you call a woman a dragon,you mean that she is fierce and unpleasant. Chinese dragon = Long.,Numbers,Numbers are, in fact, originally coming from the early hunting practice. Numbers are always culturally connotative. People believe that some numbers can bring fortune and luck, and some may b

37、ring misfortune and even disaster them.,In china,the mystery of numbers has been much influenced by the concept of Yin and Yang.,the even numbers are Yang, implying “the Heaven, the male“,while the odd numbers are yin, implying “the Earth, the female“.,Whats more, when people choose car license tags

38、, phone numbers, and room numbers, they try to avoid “4“,but eager for “6“ as well as“8“.,13 always gives people inauspicious n:sps adj.不祥的; 凶兆的; 不幸的; 倒霉的 associations. They fear this number just like Chinese people fear ghost.,In English,3 represents balance in western culture, so western people li

39、ke the number 3。,here,there and everywhere(到处) Ready! Aim! Fire!(预备!瞄准!射击!) 运动场上Ready! Set! Go!(各就各位!预备!跑!) 拍卖场上Going! Going! Gone!(卖出) 林肯讲话中的of the people By the people,and for the people(民有、民治、民享),The number “7” is peoples favorite in the western culture. It is endowed with strong religious sense

40、and penetrates every aspect of society. God spent seven days in creation.,七大美德(the seven Virtues),信任(faith),希望(Hope), 仁慈(Charity),公正(Justice), 毅力(Fortitude),谨慎(Prudence), 节制(Temperance),Firefly,Listen to the song and complete the lyrics.,away,play,forget,name,bright,lonely,Firefly come me on _ you i

41、nto the sunthats the way it ought to beFirefly come back to me,lead,follow,You and me we _ a mystery We were so close like _ to the bee,shared,honey,And if you tell me how to make you _ Im minor in a major kind a way,understand,_ come back to me make the night as bright as dayIll be looking out for

42、you_ me that youre lonely too,Firefly,Tell,Firefly come lead me on follow you into the sunthats the way it ought to beFirefly come back to me,Fly firefly through the sky come and play with my _ Dont be long, dont ask why I cant wait _ night Wait another night,desire,another,Dont be long Fire.flyFire

43、fly come back to me make the night as bright as dayIll be looking out for you Tell me that youre lonely too,Firefly come lead me onfollow you into the sun thats the way it ought to beFirefly come back to me,Firefly come back to me make the night as bright as dayIll be looking out for you Tell me that youre lonely too,Firefly come lead me onfollow you into the sun thats the way it ought to beFirefly come back to me,THANKS!,


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