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1、 ITIE2008 Paper Abstracts Information Technology in Education: Connecting Rural Communities 信息技术与教育: 连通农村社区 1Foreword The organizing committee of ITIE2008 welcomes distinguished guests, scholars, librarians and educators from different parts of the world. We would also like to thank them for their e

2、nthusiastic support and contributions to the success of this conference. As we are beginning the 21stcentury, information technology plays an increasingly important role in our communities. The disparity of resources contributing to the digital divide between the urban and rural communities is a ser

3、ious concern. This conference makes possible the exchanges of scholarship, experiences and technology knowhow so that the fusion of the best can emerge, be developed, replicated and transferred where needed. May we have a productive conference this year and may all of you have a successful and fruit

4、ful year. 前言 2008 年信息技术与教育研讨会筹委会热诚 欢迎来自世界各地的各位来宾、教师和教育家们。我们也由衷地感谢他们对 会议的大力支持和帮助,使会议得以圆满完成。 在二十一世纪之初,青树教育基金会举办 的会议在各群体中起了的越来越重要的作用,城乡资源分布的巨大差异越来 越受到关注,此次会议使各文化之间应用信息技术的学术理论、实际经验和 教训的交流成为可能,使他们最好的部分相互融合,共同发展 ,模拟并互通有无。 愿我们今年的会议圆满,祝 大家顺利、成功。 2Organized by: 会议筹办机构 Evergreen Education Foundation 青树教育基金会 L

5、inghu High School 菱湖中学 Huzhou Educational Information Center 湖州市教育局教育信息中心 and CERLS 中国青树乡村图书服务中心 3Conference Papers Abstracts ITIE 2008 会议论文摘要 4Table of Contents Keynote Address and Plenary Session Speeches: 主题演讲 2. Rise and development of community networks, initiated and popularized by social refo

6、rmers, scholars and technology experts who do research in and are advocates for urban and rural development. This article primarily discusses the first, along with the collaboration of information network among libraries and communities. I. The history of Information Services in US Public Libraries

7、Public libraries in the US have been the culture and information centers of communities ever since their beginnings. The early community research related to information services were rather superficial and impressionistic, primarily focusing on different community characteristics and types of people

8、, serving the reading needs of adults, especially the middle-class. The demographics of city library users had changed in the 1960s, resulting in the reevaluation of community information needs. The 1970s and 1980s were important periods for the professional development of CIS, emphasizing on profes

9、sional qualification and skill training for information and referral service providers, launching discussions of the theories and practices in the analysis of societal matters. In the mid-late 1980s, by publishing “The Planning and Function Design of Public Libraries: Program Selection and Process G

10、uide”, the Public Library Association highlighted various library functions related to CIS, then featured interaction between libraries and communities in the later revisions in 1998 and 2001. With the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the 1990s, the intention and d

11、elivery of Library CIS have experienced tremendous changes, especially in library and community network which jointly providing local information services. II. Characteristics of US Library Community Information Services 1. Focus on professional development of CIS On one hand, the regulation and gui

12、dance from professional associations such as the American Library Association and the Public library Association, (libraries) improved the professional development of Library CIS through comprehensive guidelines, consistently enhanced standards and qualification requirements; on the other hand, thro

13、ugh academic research from library science in higher education (library society), the creation and improvement of analysis related theories and curriculum of the community were encouraged. 2. Diversified services and cultural activities Implement the principle of cohesiveness and outreach. Cohesiven

14、ess refers to the library, as a cultural center of the community, attracting users through practical collections, comfortable environment and diversified activities. Outreach means expanding library information services to peoples daily life, study and work, enabling universal availability of Librar

15、y CIS. 163. Serving various needs, especially for underprivileged groups While trying their best to serve the information needs of majorities through community analysis, libraries focus on needs from underprivileged and special groups, prioritize services to people who are most in need to acquire in

16、formation due to technology and economic reasons, reflect the principle of nondiscrimination and universal services. 4. Support and collaboration among organizations Attracting funding from the society and forming partnerships are important mechanism for the sustainable growth of Library CIS. Collab

17、oration and resource sharing among different kinds of libraries ensure the quality of Library CIS. 5. Community heritage preservation and services Encourage the involvement of community members to collect, organize and preserve local cultural and community heritage through multimedia, meanwhile prov

18、ide related services. Enable libraries become the centers to preserve and pass on community culture, promote sense of belonging within community and encourage local culture development. III. Inspirations for Libraries CIS in China Due to the structural change of Chinese urban and rural society and d

19、evelopment of the information and community technologies, China started to pay attention to the community information service from the 1990s. There are two aspects in the current models: 1. establish public libraries at different levels, 2. Community information management and service systems invest

20、ed and built by government. However these two aspects have not established substantial relationships. For the Libraries providing CIS perspective, boarder practice and in-depth research are needed to understand the concept of “community” and the substance and delivery of information services, especi

21、ally service models for the greater rural areas. The establishment and evolvement of Chinese public libraries can benefit from the experiences of the US public libraries. The development and characteristics of US CIS offer significant value for the Chinese library community to provide information se

22、rvices to local communities. 17Reading and Learning: developing models for library and reading service in rural China 阅读和学习:中国农村的图书馆与阅读服务的发展模式 Professor James Henri, Hong Kong University Peter Warning, Hong Kong University 亨利 詹姆斯, 香港大学 彼得沃寧, 香港大学 Abstract James Henri and Peter Warning and associates

23、 were commissioned by the Chen Yet-Sen Foundation in December 2006 to conduct research on the library and reading programs funded by the Foundation in China and Africa with the goal of developing a model or several models for launching library and reading services effectively in rural China. This pr

24、esentation outlines the model and considers issues with respect to implementation. 摘要 由陳業森(Chen Yet-Sen)基金會所委託的亨利詹姆斯和彼得沃寧及聯營公司於2006年12月對中菲基金會資助的圖書館和閱讀課程進行研究,以期能在中國偏遠地區有效設置一個或多個的圖書館與閱讀服務的發展模式。這篇報導將在模式與實施方面的考量做出一定的概述。 18Paper Presentations 论文报告 19Collection Management to Meet the Needs of Students 滿足學

25、生需求的收藏管理 Professor Madge Hildebrandt Klais, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 麦其 克雷斯 , 威斯康星大學麥迪遜 Abstract Because of developments in information technology and reforms in educational practice, this is an exciting time to be a school librarian. Research on how the brain functions, initiatives to s

26、et standards for student learning, new approaches to assessing student work, and ever-increasing access to information through electronic databases and the Internet all focus attention on the necessity of helping students become lifelong learners in a increasingly global society. The school libraria

27、n faces the challenge of creating a library collection that reflects these developments and supports the education of students to become information literate. This can be a daunting task when schools have limited budgets for collection development and when teachers expect the collection to supplemen

28、t their individual curriculum requirements. By employing two techniques, Curriculum Mapping and Collection Mapping, the school librarian can bring teachers into the collection development process to build a library of resources that meets both their instructional needs and the learning needs of thei

29、r students. 摘要 由於信息技術的發展和教育實踐的改革,身為學校圖書館員,這是一個激動人心的時刻。對於大腦如何運作的研究,以及主動為學生的學習和評估學生工作訂定規範和新的方法,並不斷通過電子數據庫和互聯網以增加獲取信息,這所有的注意力都集中在如何幫助學生在一個越來越全球化的社會中成為終身學習者。學校圖書館員面臨的挑戰就是建立一個能反映這些事態發展的圖書館館藏,並支持學生的教育使他們成為信息知識者。這是一項艱鉅的任務,因學校做為發展館藏之用的預算是有限的,而教師卻期望收集到所有足以補充他們的個別課程教學之所需。運用兩種技巧,課程 ”Mapping”和收集 ”Mapping”,學校圖書館

30、管理員在館藏發展過程中可以讓教師們參與,以便建立一個既可以滿足他們的教學需要又可以堤供學生學習需要的圖書館資源。 20以人为本 创新教育 People-oriented Innovative Education 李建录 车先莲, 李家山中学 Li Jian Lu, Che Xian Lian, Li Jia Shan High School, Qinghai 摘要 图书馆是以书育人,对学生进行多方位教育,是实施素质教育的重要场所,是提高学生综合素质的芳草地。为了面向全体学生,全面发展学生的素质,注重建设规范化图书馆,整合各方面的力量,通过开展读书活动和加强课外阅读指导等,努力提高学生的综合素质

31、。本着“以人为本“的管理理念,确立“主动服务”的宗旨。我校根据实际情况对学生开展了丰富的活动,如: 开展“创建文明整洁校园”活动,爱校如家的德育教育;班级读书活动,做到人人有书读,养成人人爱读书的习惯;图书借阅活动,让学生养成良好的借阅习惯和读书习惯。根据学校的实际情况,不遗余力搞好校图书馆建设,扩充校图书馆图书,大量引进中华民族传统文化类图书,利用阅览室、图书馆充分发挥其特有的空间,增加开放时间,提供读书活动资料,组织学生利用阅读课涉猎课外读物,扩大知识面,鼓励学生多读书,读好书,让学生在学习中华民族传统文化,学会做人道理同时,用优秀文化规范学生行为 。 Abstract Library i

32、s the place for educating people by books, especially for students multidimensional education. In addition to providing quality education, libraries can also improve the overall quality of life of students. In order to address the quality of the comprehensive development of all students, our focus a

33、re on building standardized libraries, integrating all aspects of administration through extra-curricular school activities and strengthening reading guidance through library activities. Base on the ideal of “people-oriented“ management philosophy, our school is moving towards an “active service“ at

34、titude for students to follow. Under the present conditions of our school, we organized a lot of students activities, such as: to “create a civilized clean campus“ activity, “ love your school as much as your family” moral education activity, etc. And also, we are encouraging all students to establi

35、sh good reading activities, to make sure that everyone has materials to read and to develop a love of reading that resulting in borrowing books from the library. We want the students to develop good study habits to include the habit of going to the library. For the time being, we make out best effor

36、ts in mounting school library projects; expand library collections which include of large numbers of traditional Chinese culture 21books; using the reading room in the library and give full play to its unique spaces; expanding hours to provide convenience for school activities; organizing students t

37、o engage in extra-curricular classes of reading books and expanding visions. By encouragement of students to study more and read more good books, we hope that students could appreciate more of traditional Chinese culture, at the same time they can also develop open minds through the lessons taught b

38、y our historical great models. 图书馆是以书育人,对学生进行多方位教育,是实施素质教育的重要场所,是提高学生综合素质的芳草地。为了面向全体学生,全面发展学生的素质,我校注重建设规范化图书馆,整合各方面的力量,通过开展读书活动和加强课外阅读指导等,努力提高学生的综合素质。本着“以人为本“的管理理念,确立“主动服务”为宗旨。遵循图书馆的工作规律,对图书报刊管理、读者服务等进行科学的组织和管理,发挥图书馆作用,开展丰富多彩的活动。 一、开展“创建文明整洁校园”活动 (1)在三月份开展“学雷锋,树新风”主题系列活动中:发动学生阅览有 关雷锋的书籍,进行一次专题小报评比活动

39、。 (2)结合“植树节”,围绕“创建绿色校园”活动, 开展“保护绿色”的标语征 集活动,面向全校学生征集环保标语,利用班队活动时间组织各班学生评选最佳标语若干条,并把学生设计的标语配置上精美图案,张贴、悬挂在校园适宜位置,营造环保文化,警示并规范学生环保行为;这一阶段活动中,特别要引导学生阅读有关环保方面的图书。 ()四月份开展艺术周活动,组织全体学生发挥自己的特长,以各种形式展示自己的才能,如书法、绘画、舞蹈、话剧等,学生根据自己的需要在图书馆查阅相关的资料。 ()科技创新比赛活动, ()继续进行了读书评比活动,在全校各个班级进行了古诗文诵读比赛、高中学生辩论会活动,并且选拔出了在此项活动中

40、的优胜个人和优胜班级,给予了一定的奖励。 ()开展“保护环境,争当一名环保小卫士”系列活动,让学生阅读有关环保方面的书籍,写环保倡议书,组织部分学生向周围的人进行宣传 ()要不遗余力搞好校图书馆建设,扩充校图书馆图书,大量引进中华民族传统文化类图书,利用阅览室、图书馆充分发挥其特有的空间,增加开放时间,提供读书活动资料,组织学生利用阅读课涉猎课外读物,扩大知识面,鼓励学生多读书,读好书,让学生在学习中华民族传统文化,学会做人道理同时,用优秀文化规范学生行为。本学期要求各班要安排一次“好书-我朋友”主题活动。 二、 班级读书活动 (1) 把全班分成四个小组,每组 12-18 人,每组设两个负责人

41、,班长和课代表做协调员。各组选好自己需借哪方面的书,协调员起调控作用,各组借的书类尽量不重复。 (2) 小组确定所借书目后,制定借书计划,小组内部进行分工,小组成员应团结、合作,每人都参与这次活动,积极投入活动中去,成为动口动手的积极分子。 三、图书借阅活动 221、 进入图书馆后,要求学生在门厅阅读注意事项,了解全馆设施示意图以及有关介绍。同时问清楚借书手续和图书馆内的规章制度。 2、 听取工作人员介绍 图书馆是重要的文化机构。它的主要功能是流通图书资料、供读者学习研究。图书馆一般分为若干功能区:书库、供书处和阅览室等。书库,除开架借书的以外,读者是不能进入的,借书处是办理借书还书手续的地方

42、。阅览室是供读者在馆阅读的地方。依据图书馆的规模和性质有种种分类。如县图书馆、县工会图书馆、学校图书馆、儿童阅览室、古籍阅览、科技阅览室等。阅览室的图书不外借,本馆还有微机房,等一下大家还可以上网检索或阅读。 3、 指导学生制定阅读计划 计划要切实可行,内容包括:(1)课外阅读目的;(2)阅读的重点内容,要从各年级读写训练要求出发,与讲读教学、作文教学的主干内容相配合;(3)阅读书目要列出重点,并顾及图书来源和学生的差异;(4)活动形式和具体日程安排;(5)阅读效果的检查方法。 4、 指导学生正确选择课外读物 现代课外读物广义的包括三种类型:(1)有声读物(如唱片、录音带等);(2)无声读物(

43、如读书、报刊等)(3)音像书刊(电子出版物等);我们这里主要指导阅读无声读物。无声读物多如牛毛,而且良莠并存,选择不慎,不仅无益反而有害。老师指导学生选书,选书的标准是:思想内容好,教育价值高;语言文字好,堪为学生学习的典范;符合学生年龄特征,便于学生独立阅读;适应照顾学生学习其他学科的需要;尽可能和课内阅读教学取得某种程度的联结 。 近年来中学生对文艺类书籍十分热衷,而科技书籍学习参考书备受冷落。 通俗文学、流行文学受宠,而中国古典文学、外国文学名著很少问津, 最受学生欢迎的书籍为科幻、侦破、武侠言情小说。针对这种现象,选书可以考虑如下几类: (1) 能与讲读教学和作文教学配合的读物; (2

44、)公论的中外名著; (3)介绍中外历史、文化的读物;(4)自然科学普及读物; (5)团中央、全国青联、全国学联等机构推荐的优秀读物; (6)当地青年的某些热点读物。 、 指导学生分组阅读活动 学生借到书后,分组分散活动,也可以继续查找书目,阅读书报、刊物、杂志;上网搜索和阅读,写读书笔记。教师在指导学生阅读时可介绍“精读”和“略读”两种方式。精读是一种精心细致地、逐字逐句逐段的钻研、体味,并在充分理解的基础上从文章中提取信息的阅读方式。略读则是一种运用精读得来的方法,略去或绕过文章中某些次要的方面,迅速掌握全篇的大意和纲目,抓住要领和主旨的阅读的方式。两种方式要灵活使用。 为了让学生阅读有目的

45、性,特附课标推荐的书目表: 童话:安徒生童话格林童话等中外现当代童话; 寓言:伊索寓言克雷洛夫寓言等中外古今寓言 故事:成语故事、神话故事、中外历史故事、中外各民族民间故事等。 诗歌散文作品:朝花夕拾繁星春水等 23长篇文学名著:西游记水浒骆驼祥子鲁滨孙飘流记等 当代文学作品,矛盾文学奖作品已经近年来发表的各类中外优秀作品。 科普科幻读物和政治、历史、文化各类读物也可适当阅读。 这一过程能让学生体会到借到了自己喜欢的书的喜悦,从而激发他们学习的积极性,养成阅读的好习惯。召开一次读书经验交流会,交流方法和体会,指导学生写读书笔记,使利用图书馆达到更好的效果。 我们将根据师生的需求,根据学校的实际

46、情况,在青树基金会的大力支持下,广泛地增添各种书籍,加强管理,更好地为师生服务,重点是要努力按照要求,把图书馆办得更好,使之在教育教学中发挥更大的作用,让学生接受更好的教育。 24青树支助贫困学子 带动学生回报社会 Evergreen-Supported Students Giving Back to Society 王成明 , 振华中学 Wang Chengming, Zhenhua High School, Guizhou 摘要 一、学生家庭状况: 黔东南州振华民族中学共有在校生 2500 多名,大多数来自贵州山区偏远农村,经济文化落后,家庭条件困难,父母多数外出打工,挣钱支持子女上学。

47、二、学生受助情况: 几年来,我们的学生一直得到社会各界爱心人士的关心和支持,美国青树基金会,不但从经济上帮助我们的贫困学生,而且在图书馆建设方面也给予了大力支持。我校受青树支助的学生共有 9 人,图书馆也正式使用电脑借阅书籍。 三、回报爱心、感恩社会: 受资助的 9 名学生,主动利用课余时间到图书馆做义工,协助图书管理员编录电子书目,并且现已带动四十多名学生到图书馆义工,帮助图书管理员借阅书籍。 在受青树基金支助学生的影响下,全校受到各种支助的学生也都纷纷行动起来,用实际行动回报爱心、感恩社会。如:义工绿化校园,义工修理课桌、利用双休日到上街参加义务劳动,美化我们的城市等等。 Abstract

48、 1. Students Family Situation: Zhenhua High School, located in the southeast of Huizhou Province, has about 2,500 students. Most of them are from remote rural areas in Guizhou, suffering from backward economic and cultural development and difficult living conditions. Most of their parents are migrat

49、ion workers (living in other provinces) making money to support their education. 2. Supported Students: 25In recent years, our students have received all kinds of support from loving people in the society. Evergreen Education Foundation not only financially helped those of our students in poverty but also put great efforts to develop our library. As a result, there are 9 students received financial aids from Evergreen. Our library started to use computers to manage circulation. 3. Giving back to Society: The 9 students who received financial aids


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