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1、 88/257/CD 委员会草案 (文中简称草案 ) IEC/TC or SC: 88 项目号 61400-3 Ed.1子委员会名称: Date of circulation 征求意见截止日期 风力发电 机 组 2006-01-13 2006-04-14 对下述委员会也有意义 替代文件 - 88/246/NP any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and nongov

2、ernmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. IEC(国际电工技术委员会)是由各国家电工技术委员会(IEC国家委员会)组成的世界性标准

3、化组织。IEC的宗旨是促进电气及电子领域标准化工作的全面国际间合作。为此目的和其他业务,IEC发布国际标准。他们的准备工作委托给技术委员会; 任何对涉及题目感兴趣的国家委员会, 都可以参予它的工作。 根据IEC与国际标准化组织(ISO)达成的协议,两个组织之间将紧密合作。 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects si

4、nce each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees. IEC技术内容的正式决议尽可能的表达了相关问题上的一致意见,因为各技术委员会代表了所有这些国家委员会 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National Committees in that sense. While all reasonable e

5、fforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any misinterpretation by any end user. 产生的文件以推荐的形式提供给国际间使用,并以标准、技术报告或指导性文件发布,它们在某种意义上被各国家标准委员会认可。 4) In order to promote international unifor

6、mity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 为促进国

7、际间的统一,各IEC国家委员会同意在它们的国家和地区明显的、最大限度的使用 IEC国家标准。IEC标准与相关国家和地区标准间的任何差异,都应在后者明确说明。 5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any equipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication. IEC不提供有关标准批文,也不对任何设备与某IEC标准相一致的申报行使责任。 6) All users

8、should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication. 所有使用者要确保拥有此出版物的最新版本。 7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, prop

9、erty damage or other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications. IEC及其主任、雇员服务人员或代理,包括独立的专家和技术委员会以及IEC国家委员会的成员,都对以下事项不负任何责任:由

10、本IEC出版物及任何其他IEC出版物的出版,使用和依赖而引起的任何直接或间接的人身伤害,财产损失或其他性质的损害,或成本(包括法定费用)和费用。 8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication. 请注意出版物引用的标准参考。使用有参考的出版物是正确应用本出版物所不可缺少的。 9) Attent

11、ion is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. 请注意本国际标准的某部分是专利内容的可能性。IEC不负区分它们的责任。 International Standard IEC 61400-3 has been prepared by IEC tech

12、nical committee 88: Wind turbines. 国际标准IEC 61400-3由IEC技术委员会88制订:风力发电机组 This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. 本出版物是根据ISO/IEC指示第二部分起草的。 IEC 61400 consists of the following parts under the general title Wind turbine generator systems: IEC 61400的总标题名称为风力发电系

13、统,它包括以下部分 Part 1: Design requirements 第1部分:设计要求 Part 2: Design requirements for small wind turbines 第2部分:小型风力发电机的设计要求 Part 3: Design requirements for offshore wind turbines 第3部分: 海上 风力发电机的设计要求 Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques 第11部分:噪音测量技术 Part 12: Wind turbine power performance testing

14、 第12部分:风力发电机功率性能试验 Part 13: Measurement of mechanical loads 第13部分:机械载荷测量 Part 14: Declaration of apparent sound power level and tonality values 第14部分:公称视在声功率级和音值 Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines 第21部分:并网型风力发电机电能质量特性的测量与评估 Part 23: F

15、ull-scale structural testing of rotor blades 第23部分:风轮叶片的 全尺寸 结构试验 Part 24: Lightning protection 第24部分:雷电保护 INTRODUCTION 引言 This part of IEC 61400 outlines minimum design requirements for offshore wind turbines and is not intended for use as a complete design specification or instruction manual. 在IEC

16、 61400中,本部分描述了海上风力发电机组的最 低 设计要求,但其不是完整的设计规范或安装指导手册。 Several different parties may be responsible for undertaking the various elements of the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance of an offshore wind turbine and for ensuring that the requireme

17、nts of this standard are met. The division of responsibility between these parties is a contractual matter and is outside the scope of this standard. 在海上风力发电机组设计、制造、组装、装配、吊装、试运行、运行及维护等环节中,不同的 合同 方可能负责承担不同的工作,但要确保满足本标准的要求。这些 合同 方之间的责任划分问题,不在本标准 讨论 范围内。 Any of the requirements of this standard may be

18、altered if it can be suitably demonstrated that the safety of the system is not compromised. Compliance with this standard does not relieve any person, organization, or corporation from the responsibility of observing other applicable regulations. 只要能合理地证明系统的安全性 不受影响 ,可以对本标准的要求进行修改。遵照本标准并不能免除任何个人、组织

19、或公司应该遵照的其他适合性规范的责任。 1 General 概述 1.1 Scope 范围 This part of IEC 61400 specifies requirements for assessment of the external conditions at an offshore wind turbine site and, together with IEC 61400-11 ,specifies essential design requirements to ensure the engineering integrity of offshore wind turbine

20、s. Its purpose is to provide an appropriate level of protection against damage from all hazards during the planned lifetime. IEC 61400中 ,本部分规定了海上风力发电场 址 外界条件评估的要求,并与IEC 61400-11一起规定了确保海上风力发电机组工程完整性的基本设计要求。其目的是提供一个适当的防护级别以防止在设计年限里各种危险因素的破坏。 This standard focuses on the engineering integrity of the st

21、ructural components of an offshore wind turbine but is also concerned with subsystems such as control and protection mechanisms, internal electrical systems and mechanical systems. 本标准 致力 于 海上 风力发电机组 各结构部件 的工程完整性,同时也涉及各子系统,如控制和保护机构、内部电气系统以及机械系统。 A wind turbine shall be considered as an offshore wind

22、 turbine if the support structure is subject to hydrodynamic loading. The design requirements specified in this standard are not necessarily sufficient to ensure the engineering integrity of floating offshore wind turbines. 如果风力发电机组的支撑结构受水动力载荷的影响,那么就应该认为它是 海上 风力发电机组。本标准规定的设计要求不一定能完全保证漂浮式海上风力发电机组的工程完

23、整性。 This standard should be used together with the appropriate IEC and ISO standards mentioned in Clause 2. In particular, this standard is fully consistent with the requirements of IEC 61400-1. In some clauses, where comprehensive statement of requirements aids clarity, replication of text from IEC

24、 61400-1 is included. 本标准应该和条款2中提到的相应IEC和ISO标准一起使用。特别是,本标准完全符合IEC 6 1400-1的要求。在一些需要全面清晰说明要求的帮助条款中, 包括了 IEC 61400-1的 内容 。 2 Normative references 引用标准 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For un

25、dated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 下列参考文对本标准的应用必不可少。对有日期的文献,只有所引用的版本适用;对于无日期的文献, 则其 最终版本(包括所有的修改)适用。 IEC 60204-1:1997, Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines Part 1: General requirements IEC 60204-1:1997,机械 安全:机械电气设备第1部分:

26、一般要求 IEC 60204-11:2000, Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV IEC 60204-11:2000,机 械安全:机械电气设备第11部分:电压等级大于交流 1000V、直流1500V,但不大于36kV高压设备的要求 IEC 60364 (all parts), Electrical ins

27、tallations of buildings 1本文出现的 “ IEC 61400-1” 请参阅“ IEC 61400-1:2005,风力发电系统 第一部 分: 安全要求” . IEC 60364( 所有部分),建筑物的电气设备 IEC 60721-2-1:1982, Classification of environmental conditions Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature. Temperature and humidity IEC 60721-2-1:1982,环 境条件的分类第2部分:自然界呈现的环境条件

28、:温度和湿度 IEC 61000-6-1:1997, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 6: Generic standards Section 1: Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments IEC 61000-6-1:1997,电 磁兼容性(EMC)第6部分:通用标准第1节:居民区、商业区和轻工业区环境的抗干扰性 IEC 61000-6-2:1999, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 6: Ge

29、neric standards Section 2: Immunity for industrial environments IEC 61000-6-2:1999,电 磁兼容性(EMC)第6部分:通用标准第2节:工业环境的抗干扰性 IEC 61000-6-4:1997, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 6: Generic standards Section 4: Emission standard for industrial environments IEC 61000-6-4:1997,电 磁兼容性(EMC)第6部分:通用标准第4节:工

30、业环境的辐射标准 IEC 61024-1:1990, Protection of structures against lightning Part 1: General principles IEC 61024-1:1990,建筑 物防雷第1部分:总则 IEC 61312-1:1995, Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse Part 1: General principle IEC 61312-1:1995,雷击 电磁脉冲的防护第1部分:总则 IEC 61400-1:2005, Wind turbine generator

31、 systems Part 1: Safety requirements IEC 61400-1:2005,风力 发电机系统第1部分:安全要求 IEC 61400-21:2001, Wind turbine generator systems Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines IEC 61400-21:2001,风 力发电机系统第21部分:并网型风力发电机电能质量特性的测量与评估 IEC 61400-24: 2002, Wind

32、 turbine generator systems Part 24: Lightning protection IEC 61400-24: 2002,风 力发电机系统第24部分:防雷保护 ISO 2394:1998, General principles on reliability for structures ISO 2394:1998,结构可靠性的一般原则 ISO 2533:1975, Standard Atmosphere ISO 2533:1975,标准大气 ISO 4354:1997, Wind actions on structures ISO 4354:1997,结构上的防风

33、作用 ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems Requirements ISO 9001:2000,质量管理体系需求 ISO 19900: 2002, General requirements for offshore structures ISO 19900: 2002,海上结构的一般要求 ISO 19901-1:2003, DIS: Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 1: Metocean design and operating conditions ISO 19901-1:2

34、003,国际 标准草案(DIS):海上结构物的特殊要求第1部分:海洋气象的设计和运行条件 ISO 19901-4:2003, Specific requirements for offshore structures Part 4: Geotechnical and foundation design considerations ISO 19901-4:2003,海上 结构物的特殊要求第4部分:土工和基础设计依据 ISO 19902:2004, DIS: Fixed steel offshore structures ISO 19902:2004,国际标准草案(DIS):海上固定钢结构 IS

35、O 19903: 2004, DIS: Fixed concrete offshore structures ISO 19903: 2004,国际标准草案(DIS):海上固定混凝土结构 3 Terms and definitions 术语和定义 For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply in addition to those stated in IEC 61400-1: 除了那些在IEC 61400-1种规定的之外,下列术语和定义适用于本标准: 3.1 co-directional

36、(wind and waves) 同向(风和浪) acting in the same direction 作用在同一方向 3.2 Current 水流 a flow of water past a fixed location usually described in terms of a current speed and direction 经过一个固定位置的水流,通常由流速和流向描述 3.3 design wave 设计波浪 deterministic wave with a defined height, period and direction, used for the desi

37、gn of an offshore structure. A design wave may be accompanied by a requirement for the use of a particular periodic wave theory 用于海上结构物的设计 , 具有 指定 高度、周期和方向的确定 性 波浪。设计波浪可能要求采用特定的波浪周期理论 3.4 designer 设计方 party or parties responsible for the design of an offshore wind turbine 负责 海上 风力发电机组设计的一方或多方 3.5 en

38、vironmental conditions 环境条件 characteristics of the environment (wind, waves, sea currents, water level, sea ice, marine growth, scour and overall seabed movement, etc.) which may affect the wind turbine behaviour 可能影响风力发电机组性能的环境特性(如风、浪、洋流、水位、海冰、海生物、冲刷和整体海床运动等等) 3.6 external conditions (wind turbines

39、) 外部条件(风力发电机组) factors affecting operation of an offshore wind turbine, including the environmental conditions, the electrical network conditions, and other climatic factors (temperature, snow, ice, etc.) 影响 海上 风力发电 机组 运行的因素,包括环境条件、电网条件和其他气候因素(如温度、降雪、结冰等等) 3.7 extreme significant wave height 极端有效波高

40、expected value of the highest significant wave height, averaged over 3 hours, with an annual probability of exceedance of 1/N (“ recurrence period” : N years) 最高有效波高的期望值,为三小时内的平均值,超过这个期望值的年概率 为 1/N(“ 重复周期” :N年) 3.8 extreme wave height 极端波高 expected value of the highest individual wave height (genera

41、lly the zero up-crossing wave height) with an annual probability of exceedance of 1/N (“ recurrence period” : N years) 最高单个波高的期望值(通常为向上跨越零点的波高),超过这个期望值的年概率 为 1/N(“ 重复周期” :N年) 3.9 fast ice cover 固定冰盖 a rigid continuous cover of ice not in motion 静止状态下的连续刚性冰覆盖层 3.10 fetch 风距 distance over which the wi

42、nd blows constantly over the sea with approximately constant wind speed and direction 风以近似恒定的风速和风向持续地吹过海面所经过的距离 3.11 foundation 基础 part of an offshore wind turbine support structure which transfers the loads acting on the structure into the seabed. Different foundation concepts are shown in Figure 1

43、 together with the other parts of an offshore wind turbine. 海上风力发电机组的支撑结构的组成部分,能将作用在结构上的载荷传递到海床上。不同类型的海上风力发电机组基础以及其它部分如图1所示。 3.12 highest astronomical tide 最高天文潮 highest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological

44、conditions. Storm surges, which are meteorologically generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water level above highest astronomical tide may occur. 在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以预测的最高静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有规律,并与潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能高于最高天文潮。 3.13 hub heig

45、ht (wind turbines) 轮毂高度(风力发电机组) height of the centre of the swept area of the wind turbine rotor above the mean sea level 风力发电机风轮掠扫面积的中心点距离平均海平面的高度 Figure 1 Parts of an offshore wind turbine 图1海上风力发电机组的组成部分 3.14 hummocked ice 冰丘 crushed ice and ice floes piled up into ridges when large ice floes mee

46、t with each other or with a rigid obstacle, e.g. an offshore wind turbine support structure 大块浮冰碰到其它浮冰或者坚硬的障碍物(例如海上风力发电机组的支撑结构)时,碎冰和浮冰堆积形成的冰丘。 3.15 ice floe 浮冰 a sheet of ice in size from meters to several kilometers, not rigidly frozen to a shore, still or in motion 大小从几米到几千米的片状冰块,与岸边冻得不是很结实,可能静止不动

47、也可能在漂移 3.16 icing 结冰 build-up of a cover of ice or frost on parts of an offshore wind turbine that can result in added loads and/or changed properties 在海上风力发电机组的某些组成部分上形成的冰层或霜冻,这可能引起额外载荷和/或改变特性 3.17 load effect 载荷效应 effect of a single load or combination of loads on a structural component or system,

48、 e.g. internal force, stress, strain, motion etc. 单个载荷或者组合载荷对某个结构部件或整个系统产生的影响,例如内力、应力、应变、移动等等 3.18 lowest astronomical tide 最低天文潮 lowest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological conditions. Storm surges, which a

49、re meteorologically generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water level below lowest astronomical tide may occur. 在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以被预测的最低静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有规律,并与潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能低于最低天文潮。 3.19 manufacturer 制造商 party or parties responsible for the manufacture and construction of an offshore wind turbine 负责海上风力发电机组的制造和生产的一方或多方 3.20 marine conditions 海洋条件 characteristics of the marine environment (waves, sea currents, water level, sea ic


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