1、IEEE网络课堂之二 :IEEE会议投稿流程与注意事项IEEE2015下半年网络课堂系列主题一: IEEE数据库检索技巧详解 如何利用 IEEE数据库支持文献检索、追踪与投稿 如何利用 IEEE数据库支持高效检索、阅读与学术交流主题二:如何成为 IEEE作者 IEEE期刊投稿流程与注意事项 IEEE会议投稿流程与注意事项 IEEE期刊投稿格式 IEEE科技英文写作主题三: IEEE会员申请、竞赛奖学金与择业辅助介绍主题四:创新的起点 -IEEE标准协会与标准检索详解主题五: IEEE图书馆员专场 -新内容、新功能与新服务汇总更新http:/cn.ieee.org/online_training
2、.html培训要点选择 适合的 IEEE 学 术 会 议IEEE会 议 投稿流程IEEE会 议 投稿注意事 项 : Do vs. DontIEEE会 议组织 合 办 流程介 绍10/10/2015 IEEE journals are cited 3 times more often in patent applications than other leading publishers journalsIEEE Journals IEEE Conferences IEEE Conference proceedings are recognized worldwide as the most v
3、ital collection of consolidated published articles in EE, computer science, related fields发表期刊文章还是会议文章PROCON A high percentage of articles submitted to any professional publication are rejected Per IEEE Guidelines, if you do not present your article at a conference, it may be suppressed in IEEE Xplo
4、reand not indexed in other databasesNow over 1,400 annual conferences. Over 2.3 million total papers. 1,400 in 2015!1. IEEE国际会议会议相关的几个概念Congress Conference Symposium SeminarWorkshop 浏览 IEEE会议录浏览 IEEE会议论文查找相关 IEEE会议查找即将召开的 IEEE新会议www.ieee.org/conferences按征稿日期查找 IEEE新会议https:/www.ieee.org/portal/pages
5、/iportals/conferences/callforpapers/index.htmlIEEE SocietiesIEEE Instrumentation and Measurement SocietyIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems SocietyIEEE Magnetics SocietyIEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques SocietyIEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences SocietyIEEE Oceanic Engineering SocietyIEEE Photon
6、ics SocietyIEEE Power Electronics SocietyIEEE Power and Energy SocietyIEEE Product Safety Engineering SocietyIEEE Professional Communications SocietyIEEE Reliability SocietyIEEE Robotics and Automation SocietyIEEE Signal Processing SocietyIEEE Society on Social Implications of TechnologyIEEE Solid-S
7、tate Circuits SocietyIEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SocietyIEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control SocietyIEEE Vehicular Technology SocietyIEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems SocietyIEEE Antennas and Propagation SocietyIEEE Broadcast Technology SocietyIEEE Circuits and Systems
8、SocietyIEEE Communications SocietyIEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology SocietyIEEE Computational Intelligence SocietyIEEE Computer SocietyIEEE Consumer Electronics SocietyIEEE Control Systems SocietyIEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation SocietyIEEE Education SocietyIEEE Elec
9、tron Devices SocietyIEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility SocietyIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing SocietyIEEE Industrial Electronics SocietyIEEE Industry Applications SocietyIEEE Information Theory Society2.会议投稿流程 -以 IEEE ICC为例http:/www.ieee-icc.org/Imp
10、ortant IEEE Policy AnnouncementThe IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not be
11、en submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications society will take action against any author who engages in either practice. Follow these links to learn more:IEEE Policy on PlagiarismIEEE Policy on Double Su
12、bmissionhttp:/www.ieee-icc.org/authguide.html会议论文格式http:/www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html10/10/201518TitleResults/Discussions/FindingsAbstractKeywordsIntroductionMethodologyReferencesConclusion3.会议论文注意事项Paper Structure10/10/201519 Content that is appropriate, in
13、scope and level, for the conference Clearly written original material that addresses a new and important problem Valid methods and rationale Conclusions that make sense Illustrations, tables and graphs that support the text References that are current and relevant to the subjectAudienceWhat IEEE edi
14、tors and reviewers are looking for10/10/201520AudienceWhy IEEE editors and reviewers reject papers The content is not a good fit for the publication There are serious scientific flaws: Inconclusive results or incorrect interpretation Fraudulent research It is poorly written It does not address a big
15、 enough problem or advance the scientific field The work was previously published The quality is not good enough for the journal Reviewers have misunderstood the article10/10/201522Conflict of Interest A financial or other relationship with the publication at odds with the unbiased presentation of d
16、ata or analysisPlagiarism Copying another persons work word for word or paraphrasing without proper citationAuthor AttributionAuthor involvement/ contributions Must be given if you use another authors ideas in your article, even if you do not directly quote a source Include any and all who have made
17、 a substantial intellectual contribution to the work Do not include minor contributorsEthicsTypes of misconduct10/10/201523Plagiarism Avoid plagiarism Cite and separate any verbatim copied material Paraphrase reused text properly, and include citation Credit any reused ideas Familiarize yourself wit
18、h IEEE PoliciesEthicsEthical publishingRefer to our Tips Sheet http:/www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/plagiarism_and_multiple_submissions.pdf10/10/201525Duplication, Redundancies & Multiple Submissions Author must submit original work that: Has not appeared elsewhere for publ
19、ication Is not under review for another refereed publication Cites previous work Indicates how it differs from the previously published work Authors MUST also inform the editor when submitting any previously published workEthicsEthical publishingRefer to our Tips Sheet http:/www.ieee.org/publication
20、s_standards/publications/authors/plagiarism_and_multiple_submissions.pdf4.会议论文改投期刊 -以 IEEE Sensors Journal 为例The IEEE Sensors Journal encourages authors who have published at recent technical symposia, meetings and conferences to submit expanded, archival quality versions of their conference papers.
21、 Manuscripts of such expanded papers submitted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal must clearly disclose the earlier publication, by providing in a first page footnote the IEEEXplore URL of the conference paper or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if it was published elsewhere.http:/www.ie
22、ee-sensors.org/journalsUse feedback obtained at the conference to update, revise, and rewrite the paper, as appropriate, to improve the papers overall quality. Add new material to your paper. Typically, your conference paper will grow to 8 pages, which allows the inclusion of new text, figures and d
23、ata. Include a footnote in the submitted manuscript stating, e.g., “An earlier version of this paper was presented at the XYZ Conference and was published in its Proceedings.“ and include a web-link to the already published paper. Highlight the new sections, figures, etc. in the expanded manuscript
24、to expedite processing. Provide a copy of the original conference paper (upload an additional PDF file during the submission process). http:/www.ieee-sensors.org/journals会议论文修改指导IEEE Publications and Services Products Board Operations ManualIn the IEEE Publications and Services Products Board Operat
25、ions Manual, section 8.1.7.E, IEEE policy states that conference papers can “evolve” into journal papers and that publications of material that has been previously published in a conference paper are allowed if there is the standard IEEE-approved peer review and there is sufficient material beyond t
26、hat presented in the original conference publication(s). In addition, it is up to the governing society or steering committee to determine if a quantitative threshold is required to determine the amount of material beyond the conference paper is sufficient.ComSoc PolicyComSoc encourages authors to s
27、ubmit papers that are extensions of their conference papers. While ComSoc requires that the submitted manuscript have a significant amount of new material beyond that of the conference paper(s), we do not have a quantitative threshold for determining it. Rather we leave that judgment to the editorial board. ComSoc does require authors, when submitting a manuscript to a journal that includes material from prior conference papers, to do the following: cite the prior conference papers and inform the editor about these prior publications.5.会议学生支助 -以 IGARSS为例