1、基于课本与网络整合的评价模式研究,Integrating Classroom Teaching of English with Online Learning: An Assessment Model for a New College English Curriculum,Yang Feng & Li Lihua Beijing University of Technology ,1.研究背景社会背景/理论背景 2.研究问题 3.研究方法 参与人员/评价方案/研究工具/数据收集和分析 4.评价结果与讨论量的分析/质的分析/研究的局限性 5.结论与启示,基于课本与网络整合的评价模式研究,1.
2、Background of the present research 2. Research questions 3. Research methodologySubjects/ Procedure / Instrument 4. Results and discussionQuantitative / Qualitative analysis / Limitation 5. Conclusion,Main Headings,1.研究背景,1.1 社会背景“以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑” “应大量使用先进的信息技术;推进基于计算机和网络的英语教学”-新版大学英语课程教学要求,1. Ba
3、ckground of the present research,1.1 Social background “The new model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology”“The extensive use of advanced information technology should be encouraged, computer-and Web-based English teaching should be promoted”(College Engl
4、ish Curriculum Requirements),1.研究背景,1.2 理论背景数字素养(digital literacy)-不仅包括基本的计算机操作技能,还包括网络环境下的读写能力,即网上搜索、超文本阅读、评判分析数字信息与知识重组等技能(Gilster,1997)。数字素养:交际、建构与研究*使用数字信息的能力*建构文本、声音、图像等数字信息的能力 (Shetzer & Warshauer, 2000),1. Background of the present research,1.2 Theoretical background Digital literacy- Being a
5、ble to understand and use thevast information presented via networked computers. * Internet searching* Hypertextual navigation* Content evaluation* Knowledge assembly (Gilster,1997) Digital literacy skills- include the ability to use digitalinformation as well as to construct it using language, grap
6、hics, audio, and video.* Communication* Construction* Research (Shetzer and Warshauer, 2000),1.研究背景,1.2 理论背景建构主义学习理论-知识是学习者在一定的情境及社会文化背景下,借助在学习获取知识的过程中其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式而获得(李建华,2006)。*一个重点是“环境”的构建*学生-学习知识的主动建构者*情境、对话、协作与竞争*探索式学习与解决问题式学习。,1. Background of the present research,1.2 T
7、heoretical background Constructivist view -Knowledge is viewed as temporary, developmental, and socially and culturally mediated, andlearning an active process of knowledge construction insteadof a passive process of knowledge acquisition. Hence the development of literacy skills involves an “active
8、 negotiation of socially constituted meaning” grounded in learners experiences (Hill and Parry, 1994, p.27).,2.研究问题,1)以“内容”、“清晰度”与“创造性” 三项指标为核心的量规(rubric)在使用中的稳定程度; 2)运用量规描述学生的研究报告的有效性如何。,2. Research questions,Two questions are addressed in this study: How stable were evaluators results based on an
9、evaluation rubric built around content, clarity, and creative thinking/critical thinking?(2) How can the evaluation rubrics be effectively used to characterize students oral and written presentations of their projects?,3.研究方法,3.1 参与人员学生:30名北京工业大学06级本科一年级学生评价小组:两位女教师,3. Research methodology,3.1 Parti
10、cipants* 30 students, first year non-English majors, intermediate level* 2 evaluators,3.研究方法,3.2 评价方案 1)设立评价目标 2)设计评价任务 3)设计量规 4)教学方法的设计和开展 5)使用量规,3. Research methodology,3.2 Assessment designThe achievement target 2) The assessment task 3) The scoring rubrics 4) Instructional design 5) Application
11、of the rubrics,3.研究方法,3.3 研究工具访谈:学生、 教师评价小组3.4 数据收集和分析评估材料:学生论文 &评价小组的评价结果(使用SPSS 13.0进行数据的处理和统计分析),3. Research methodology,3.3 InstrumentRetrospective interviews of the students andevaluators-enabling the author to examinemore closely a students interaction with atask and how evaluators 3.4 Assessm
12、ent MaterialsThe written presentations- printouts collected;evaluation results by the author and students,4. 评价结果与讨论,4.1 量的分析 表1. 评价结果的基本统计,4. Results and discussion,4.1 Quantitative analysisTable 1. The Statistics of Scores of the Two evaluators,表2. 评价结果相关分析,4. 评价结果与讨论,4. Results and discussion,Tab
13、le 2. Correlation Coefficients between Written Evaluators.,(* p .05; * p .01),4.评价结果与讨论,4.2 质的分析高档论文:内容、清晰度、创造性三项指标上的表现都较好。中档论文:多以内容见长,少数以创造性见长。,4. Results and discussion,4.2 Qualitative analysisAccomplished: content* clarity*creativity*Promising: content* creativity*,4.评价结果与讨论,4.3 研究的局限1)首先,参与本研究的学
14、生都是一年级普通班的学生,英语水平处于中等或中等偏下,基础不是最好;2)评价小组的教师难免会因此给予他们情感分在总体评分上比较宽容;3)本研究所选的样本数目不大,仅限于一个班30人。,4. Results and discussion,4.3 Limitation1) The overall English level of students is not high (all at intermediate level, first year students); 2) The relatively small sample, since only 30 students participat
15、ed in the study;3) The quality of evaluation can be improved with respect to written evaluators.,5. 结论,本课题的研究成果对大学英语评价体系的构建有一定的理论价值,可以用于指导基于计算机和网络课程的设计和实施,在促进大学英语教学模式的改革、提高学生的评判性和创造性思维等方面都有很大的应用价值。,5. Conclusion,Quantitative and qualitative results suggest that the evaluation rubric for written pres
16、entations has been used consistently and effectively in evaluating student performance at various levels, which indicates that College English teachers are able to consistently evaluate complex performances that involves the use of new digital literacy skills using such a rubric. The results of the
17、study show that this assessment model is effective in assessing English-based digital literacy for College English students at Beijing University of Technology. This can be used as an important part in current curricular reforms at BJUT.,参考文献,Gilster, P. 1997. Digital Literacy M. New York: Wiley Com
18、puter Publishing. Hill, C. 1998. English in China: Educating for a global future R. Retrieved June 6, 2001, from http:/www.columbia.edu/cah34/EIC/EnglishInChina.html. 胡壮鳞,2004,大学英语教学的个性化、协作化、模块化和超文本化-谈教学要求的基本理论J,外语教学与研究第5期,345-350页。 李建华、李鲁平、钟玲、熊静琳、刘静红,2006,大学英语网络教学改革探索J,外语教学与研究第1期,61-65页。 张薇,2006,英语数字素养的研究型评价模式J,外语教学与研究第2 期,115-121页。,