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1、 雅思核心词汇 配套练习 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 2说明: 1、本材料为“词汇语法班”词汇学习教材雅思核心词汇一书的配套练习,所有的练习采取翻译形式,来源于该书中的例句; 2、老师可以上课使用,亦可作为学生课后练习家庭作业使用; 2、下表为每个练习与教材雅思核心词汇中内容的对应,供老师使用时参考。 Exercise 书中相对应的部分 Exercise 1 Part I. Holiday otherwise, we will be _ by the competition. 7. 大城市的过度拥挤

2、、交通堵塞、通货膨胀,工作中的竞争、对未来的不确定以及生活中的任何重大变化,所有这些东西都会产生压力。 _ in large cities, traffic jams, _, competition for jobs, _ about the future, and any big change in our lives, all may be stressful. 8. 业余时间有一个爱好,使你不工作的时候可以自娱自乐。 Having a hobby for your leisure hours keeps you _ when youre not at work. 9. 对于人们为什么会寻

3、求一个爱好,一个很普通的解释是兴趣爱好能提供一种机会,使人们做与平时工作完全不同的事情。 A very popular explanation for the _ of a hobby is that it provides an opportunity to do something completely different from ones usual work. 10. 阅读和旅游都可以使人们丰富自我,这两者用不同的方式来丰富我们的思想。 Both reading and traveling are _. The two _ our mind in different ways. 11

4、. 在报纸的所有内容里,我最喜欢看当地新闻,因为这一部分总是突出强调一些当地的问朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 4题。 Of all the parts in a newspaper, I like local news best because it _ local problems. 12. 这家报纸因为报道公正而赢得了良好的声誉。 This newspaper has a good _ of fairness. 13. 我不喜欢看新闻。虽然可以提供信息,但新闻总是缺乏深入的分析,对于我来说既肤浅而

5、且没意思。 I dont like watching news. Though its _, it lacks _ analysis. Its too _ and boring to me. 14. 我不太喜欢看电视连续剧,因为它们总是让我充满悬念。一旦我开始看,某一集留给我的悬念会让我不得不看第二天的下一集。看电视剧会让我其他什么事都做不了。但我仍然抵制不了一些优秀电视剧的诱惑,尤其是那些历史题材的电视。 I dont think much about TV series because they always _. Once I began watching, the suspense o

6、f one _ will make me watch the next days. It always keeps me from doing anything else. Still, I cant _ the _ of a few successful TV series, especially those historical in _. 15. 我们是否对于媒体中的暴力情节进行审查及删减? Shall we _ violence in the media? 16. 我认为广播和电视一样有趣,只是各自的方式不同。 In my opinion, radio and television a

7、re _ interesting in their own way. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 5Exercise 2 1. 我把7月14日设为下决定的最后期限。 I set July 14 as a _ for making a decision. 2. 许多留学生最开始都很想家。 Many overseas students are very _ at the beginning. 3. 这个结果我怎么都没想到。 The result was beyond my wildest _. 4. 我

8、们应当采取实际手段来限制针对青少年的烟草广告、市场宣传及销售。 We should take executive action to limit the advertising, promotion, distribution, and marketing of cigarettes to _. 5. 只有合格的学生才有资格获得奖学金。 Only _ students are entitled to receive the scholarship. 6. 这个奖学金将不仅仅能支付一年的学费,而且能支付一学年的食宿费用。 This scholarship will _ not only tuit

9、ion but _ as well for an _. 7. 当我告诉教练我头晕的时候,他提醒我并没有人能替代我。如果我不参加,我们队就会少一个人。 When I told the coach I was dizzy, he reminded me that there were no _ and our side would be one man short if I came out. 8. 我希望能减轻父母的生活负担。 I wish to ease the _ of life for my parents. 9. 当好奇感消失以后,许多学生开始感到沮丧。 When the _, many

10、 students began to feel very _. 10. 上大学以前,我一直和父母住,但我现在知道,一个独立的成年人不应该缺少适应环境的能力。 Before going to college, I always lived with my parents. But now I know that an independent adult shouldnt lack the ability to _ to the new circumstances. 11. 我们的宿舍洗衣服务每周洗一次衣服。 Our dorm laundry service does the _ each wee

11、k. 12. 这个城市高峰时间交通状况总是很糟。 _ in this city is always terrible. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 613. 两辆汽车相撞,有八名乘客遇难。 Two buses _ into each other and eight people were killed. 14. 在城镇中不允许超速驾驶,并且有交通限速,按喇叭也是禁止的。同时,如果没有把车停在正确的位置,你将必须支付罚款。 Youre not allowed to go fast in town. T

12、heres a speed limit. And you shouldnt blow the horn either. Also, if you dont park in the right place, you will have to pay the _. 15. 越来越多的人开始意识到拼车的好处。 More and more people are beginning to realize the benefits of _. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 7Exercise 3 1. 现阶段的研

13、究表明,温室气体的辐射作用是全球变暖的主要原因。 Current studies indicate that radiative forcing by _ gases is the primary cause of global warming. 2. 巨大的火山喷发几百万年才会发生几次,但这些大的喷发却会改变其后几百万年的气候,并造成大量物种的灭绝。 Huge _ occur only a few times every hundred million year, but can reshape the climate for millions of years and cause mass

14、 _. 3. 灌溉、采伐森林以及农业活动从根本上改变着环境。 _, _ and agriculture fundamentally change the environment. 4. 不可再生资源 _ resources 5. 贫穷和饥荒是由于政府能力不足和失败的经济政策造成的。 _ and _ are caused by bad government and bad economic policies. 6. 臭氧层空洞 _ hole 7. 城市规划 _ 8. 城市无计划扩张 _ 9. 火山喷发 _ 10. 地壳 _ 11. 工业革命 _ 12. 生物多样性 _ 13. 保暖内衣 _ 朗阁

15、海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 814. 立体声音响 _ 15. 急诊室 _ 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 9Exercise 4 1. 因此,公司所做的就是“劫贫济富”。 So here companies are robbing the poor to _ the rich. 2. 很明显,北京奥运会后,“中国制造”将会更受世界各国欢迎。 It is _ that the brand of “made in C

16、hina” will be more popular after the Beijing Olympic Game. 3. 收入的一大部分被用于偿还房子的分期付款。 A large _ of income is used to pay off the installment of house. 4. 性格因人而异。 Characters _ from person to person. 5. 这司机受了点轻伤。 The driver suffered a minor _. 6. 他的懒惰使他不可能成功。 His laziness makes it impossible for him to _

17、 success. 7. 如果掌握好英语,在今后的职业生涯中你将从中受益。 If you _ good English, you will benefit from it in your future career. 8. 我们已目睹了在过去十年,社会各个方面渐进的变化。 We have witnessed the gradual change in every _ of society in the past decade. 9. 他是一个个性很强的人。 He is a man of very _ character. 10. 把财富与幸福等同起来是很危险的。 The _ of wealth

18、 with happiness can be dangerous. 11. 政府展开一次集中解决经济问题的运动。 The government carried out a campaign that _ on economic issues. 12. 希望全班同学参加讨论。 Everyone in the class is expected to _ in the discussion. 13. 不管发生什么事情,我们应该保持一个积极的生活态度而不是消极的心态。 Whatever happens, we should maintain a _ attitude towards life ins

19、tead of passive attitude. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 1014. 住宅最基本的功能是提供温暖,遮蔽风雨。 The _ function of a house is to provide warmth and shelter. 15. 他很快被调职。 He was soon _ to another post. 16. 事故发生的地方还不知道。 Where the accident _ is unknown. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for F

20、oreign Language Examinations 11Exercise 5 1. 什么都不能补偿健康受损。 Nothing can _ for the loss of ones health. 2. 我们会认真考虑你的建议。 We will give your proposal serious _. 3. 适当的休息和足够的睡眠有益于长寿。 Proper rest and enough sleep _ to longevity. 4. 这家公司关心自身的法人形象。 The company is concerned about its _ image. 5. 请示范说明一下如何使用这个洗

21、衣机。 Please _ how to use this washer. 6. 部长对我们的财政要求给予否定的回答。 The minister gave a _ answer to our request for funding. 7. 由于太紧张,演讲者在演讲开始忘记做简要的自我介绍。 The speaker _ to make a brief self-introduction on the opening of the speech for being to nervous. 8. 遇到危险时,我们本能的反应就是跑开。 Running away is our instinctive _

22、when we meet danger. 9. 我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。 We must _ our forests and woodlands for future generations. 10. 不要以貌取人。 Dont judge a person from _. 11. 他总是把成功归功于团队精神。 He always _ success to team spirit. 12. 项目以极大的效率和速度被实施。 The program was _ with great efficiency and speed. 13. 公司得进行海外市场调查,以决定是否要在国外投资。 The

23、company had to _ the overseas market before the decision whether it would invest foreign countries or not. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 1214. 这份家庭作业可以使我忙整个周末。 The homework can keep me _ for the whole weekend. 15. 有些学生认为,他们应该有权选择教他们的老师。 Some students think it is _ for

24、 them to decide the teachers who teach them. 16. 我决定每天早晨起得早一些,吃得少些,多花些时间与孩子们一起做游戏,对不喜欢的人友善一些。 I _ to get up earlier, eat less, find more time to play with children and be nice to the people I dont like. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 13Exercise 6 1. 我打破了朋友的贵重花瓶,想赔偿她的损失

25、。 I want to make _ to my friend for breaking her precious vase. 2. 他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意周围的危险。 Their sudden attack made us more _ of the danger around us. 3. 你可以将液体加到粉末里,或者相反,将粉末加到液体里。 You can add the fluid to the powder or, _, the powder to the fluid. 4. 这个社区配有医院和其他的医疗保健设施。 The community is equipped with

26、hospital and other health care _. 5. 由于无法知道天气状况,我们不得不为假期做了灵活的计划。 As we are not sure what the weather will be like, we have to make a _ plan for our holiday. 6. 记者应当是对事实做客观报道的人。 A journalist should be an _ reporter of fact. 7. 这个水库是禁止游泳的。 Swimming is _ in this reservoir. 8. 对于成百上千定居在美国的人来说,自由女神像已经成为自

27、由的象征。 The _ of Liberty has become a symbol of freedom for the American people. 9. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 It is universally _ that trees are indispensable to us. 10. 中文中有各式各样的方言。 There are _ dialects in the Chinese language. 11. 发电机可以发电。 The _ can _ electricity. 12. 我有一个梦想不同肤色不同种族的人民可以和睦相处。 I have a drea

28、m that the people with different colors and races can live in _. 13. 童年的经历会对一个人有着重要的影响。 Childhood experiences would greatly _ (= would have great _ on) ones character. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 1414. 这老人时不时地要去医院。 The old man must go to hospital at regular _. 15. 船

29、的速度比不上飞机。 Ships cant _ planes for speed. 16. 现在失业率那么高,很难找到空缺职位。 It is rather hard to find a _ position with such a high unemployment rate nowadays. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 15Exercise 7 1. 市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。 Citizens may have free _ to he library. 2. 在过去的十二年中,这一地区的人口

30、一直剧增。 The population level in this area has _ during the past 12 years. 3. 能源危机的影响扩大到世界的每一个角落。 The influence of energy crisis _ to every corner of the world. 4. 报纸没有提及这次火灾造成的损失程度。 The newspaper did not mention the _ of the damage caused by the fire. 5. 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。 As is known to all, fake

31、and _ commodities harm the interests of consumers. 6. 在某些发展中国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。 In some developing countries more and more people _ to urban areas. 7. 由于他老师的推荐,他顺利地找到一份好工作。 He smoothly found a good job for his teachers _. 8. 艺术的伟大不是在于发现普通的事物,而是发现独一无二的东西。 The greatness of art is not to find what is commo

32、n but what is _. 9. 她和她的同事一道去欧洲。 She went to Europe _ by her colleague. 10. 如散文里说得,男人拥有再多的领带也不嫌多。 As the _ says, a man can never have too many ties. 11. 有时降低商品价格是商业竞争中的一种重要手段。 Sometimes it is an important means in the business competition to _ the price of commodities. 12. 建筑的减少和糟糕的天气使得市场疲软。 The con

33、struction slowdown _ the bad weather has made for a weak market. 13. 图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book at _ from the shelf. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 1614. 你的合同已经被终止。 Your contract has been _. 15. 农业在国民经济中至关重要。 The agriculture is of _ importance to the n

34、ational economy. 16. 一个人自愿干,顶的上两个人被迫干。 One _ is worth two pressed men. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 17Exercise 8 1. 美是没有绝对的标准的。 There is no _ standard for beauty. 2. 我们应事先向旅馆预定房间。 We should book _ at the hotel in advance. 3. 我们向您保证,你方需要的数量将全部供应。 We _ you that well su

35、pply your needs to the full. 4. 对于这些新移民者来说,他们得克服语言上的障碍。 For these new settlers, they have to conquer the language _. 5. 健康和努力工作是一致的。 Health and hard work are _. 6. 报纸每天都送来。 Newspapers are _ every day. 7. 她服用维生素片剂以补充食谱中的营养。 She _ her diet with vitamin tablets. 8. 你不能过量饮酒。 You shouldnt drink to _. 9.

36、教练努力分析我们失败的原因。 The coach tried to _ the cause of our defeat. 10. 阳光把冰变成水。 Sunshine _ ice into water. 11. 一旦她下定决心就没有什么可以说服她改变主意。 Nothing can _ her to change her mind once it is made up. 12. 城市的中央总是人口稠密的地区。 The centre of a city is always the area with a _ population. 13. 他很沮丧,因为他没有通过考试。 He was _ becau

37、se he had not passed his examinations. 14. 这场事故引起对学校安全制度的反思。 The accident _ a review of school safety policy. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 1815. 污染与交通堵塞是城市文明的副产品。 Pollution and traffic jam are the side products of the _ civilization. 16. 不论需要多少代价,不论有多少恐惧,不论有多么长久和道路多么

38、艰难,我们都需要取胜,因为没有胜利就不会有生存。 _ at all costs, _ in spite of all terror, _ however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 19Answer Keys Exercise 1 1. atmosphere 2. festival shopping 3. drop out; pace 4. Insomni

39、a 5. relieve; tension 6. keep cool; rat race; ruined 7. Overcrowding; inflation, uncertainty 8. entertained 9. pursuit 10. enriching; enrich 11. highlights 12. reputation 13. informative; in-depth; superficial 14. keep me in suspense; episode; resist; temptation; subject matter 15. censor 16. equall

40、y Exercise 2 1. deadline 2. homesick 3. expectation 4. teenagers 5. qualified 6. cover; room and board; academic year 7. substitutes 8. burdens 9. curiosities died away; gloomy 10. adapt 11. laundry 12. Rush hour 13. crashed 14. fine 15. carpooling Exercise 3 1. greenhouse 2. eruptions; extinctions

41、3. Irrigation; deforestation 4. non-renewable 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 205. Poverty; famine 6. ozone 7. urban planning 8. urban sprawl 9. volcanic eruption 10. the Earths crust 11. industrial revolution 12. biological diversity 13. thermal underwear 14. stereo sy

42、stem 15. emergency room Exercise 4 1. benefit 2. evident 3. portion 4. vary 5. injury 6. achieve 7. acquire 8. aspect 9. distinct 10. equation 11. focused 12. participate 13. positive 14. primary 15. transferred 16. occurred Exercise 5 1. compensate 2. consideration 3. contribute 4. corporate 5. dem

43、onstrate 6. negative 7. neglected 8. reaction 9. conserve 10. appearance 11. attributes 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 2112. implemented 13. investigate 14. occupied 15. optional 16. resolve Exercise 6 1. amends 2. aware 3. conversely 4. facilities 5. flexible 6. objec

44、tive 7. prohibited 8. Statue 9. acknowledged 10. diverse 11. generator; generate 12. harmony 13. influence; influence 14. intervals 15. rival 16. vacant Exercise 7 1. access 2. exploded 3. extended 4. extent 5. inferior 6. migrate 7. recommendation 8. unique 9. accompanied 10. essay 11. lower 12. pl

45、us 13. random 14. terminated 15. vital 16. volunteer 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 22Exercise 8 1. absolute 2. accommodation 3. assure 4. barrier 5. compatible 6. delivered 7. supplements 8. excess 9. analyze 10. converts 11. convince 12. dense 13. depressed 14. prompted 15. urban 16. Victory; victory; victory


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