1、Unit 5 Talking about China. Topic 1 It attracts lots of tourists from China and abroad every year. Section B,1,The beautiful scenery there _(很值得一看). 2, _(似乎) we_(经历了) four seasons _(一天内). 3, He is _(一个经验丰富的教师), but he had _(很多不愉快的经历). 4,The most important is _ _(那里的人们很友好). 5,Thats the most fantastic
2、 place _ _(我听说过的). I want to go there _ _ (尽快).,is well worth seeing,It seemed that,experienced,in a day,Revise 1a,a teacher of much/rich experience,many bad experiences,that the people there are very,friendly,that I have ever,heard of,as soon as,possible,We have learned there are many famous mounta
3、ins and rivers in China. There are also many famous lakes .Can you list any of them?,Qinghai Lake,Dongting Lake,Poyang Lake,饮 湖 上 初 晴 后 雨 宋 苏轼 水光潋滟睛方好, 山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子, 淡妆浓抹总相宜。,West Lake,What do you know about West Lake?,The story of West Lake.,Next, lets learn more about West Lake.,Sudi Causeway
4、苏堤,causeway 大堤,大坝,人行道,Broken Bridge 断桥,Leifeng Pagoda 雷峰塔,pagoda 塔,宝塔,So, there are many tourist attractions around west lake. And these three are the main ones. tourist attraction 旅游景点 main: adj.主要的 mainly: adv.主要地,Next, lets enjoy the ten views of West Lake.,苏堤春晓,苏 堤 春 晓 明 杨周 柳暗花明春正好, 重湖雾散分林沙。 何处黄
5、鹤破瞑烟, 一声啼过苏堤晓。,断桥残雪,雷峰夕照,雷 峰 夕 照 元 尹廷高 烟光山色淡演钱, 千尺浮图兀倚空。 湖上画船归欲尽, 孤峰犹带夕阳红。,平湖秋月,平 湖 秋 月 宋 孙锐 月冷寒泉凝不流, 棹歌何处泛归舟。 白苹红蓼西风里, 一色湖光万顷秋。,曲苑风荷,曲 院 风 荷 明 王瀛 古来曲院枕莲塘, 风过犹疑酝酿香。 尊得凌波仙子醉, 锦裳零落怯新凉。,三潭映月,双峰插云,双 峰 插 云 清 陈糜 南北高峰高插天, 两峰相对不相连。 晚来新雨湖中过, 一片痴云锁二尖。,柳浪闻莺,花港观鱼,花 港 观 鱼 清 许承祖 水上新红漾碧虚, 卢园景物尽邱墟。 就中只觉游鱼乐, 我亦忘机乐似鱼
6、。,南屏晚钟,南 屏 晚 钟 明 万达甫 玉屏青障暮烟飞, 给殿钟声落翠微。 小径殷殷惊鹤梦, 山增归去扣柴扉。,Read 2a, and answer the questions.,1、Where is West Lake? 2、What is it surrounded by?(被环绕、被包围) 3、What tourist attractions are mentioned in the passage? 4、Whats West Lake famous for?,Can you tell your partner some poems about West Lake written b
7、y Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo?,2, 钱 塘 湖 春 行 唐 白居易 孤山寺北贸亭西,水面初平云脚低。 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥? 乱花渐歌迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阳里白沙堤,1, 饮 湖 上 初 晴 后 雨宋 苏轼 水光潋滟睛方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。,3, 晓出净慈寺 【宋】杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。,Language points,West Lake which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in
8、 China. (one of +复数n.+单数谓语v.) China and abroad= home and abroad 国内外 surround: v.环绕、包围 Trees surround the pond. be surrounded by: 被环绕、被包围The house is surrounded by high walls. surrounding: adj.周围的the surrounding area of West Lake西湖周围的地区,poem诗歌, write/compose poems写诗/作诗 The poems were mainly written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo.这些诗歌主要是由白居易和苏东坡写的。(被动语态) I know some poems about West Lake written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo我知道一些由白居易和苏东坡写的关于西湖的诗歌 (过去分词短语作后置定语) the home of the famous Dragon Well Tea 著名的龙井茶的家乡,Language points,