1、ENGAGING CONTRACT(双方就乙方聘请另一方从事某项工作或进行某种合作而签订的合同叫聘用合同。聘用合同是双务有偿合同,一方为另一方提供服务,另一方支付费用;聘用合同的当事人之间存在控制、支配和从属的关系。实践中,聘用合同和劳务合同有时是很难区别的,聘用合同是事业单位与职工按照国家有关法律、政策,在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,订立的关于履行有关工作职责的权利义务关系的协议。而劳动合同是一种确立身份关系的协议,西方国家称之为雇主与雇员之间确立雇佣关系的契约。在我国,对劳动合同有广义和狭义的理解。广义的劳动合同是单位与劳动者确立劳动关系的协议。这里所称的单位包括企业、事业单位、社会团体
2、等社会组织。狭义的劳动合同仅指目前适用于企业的劳动合同。)Contract No.:(合同号)Engaging Party:(聘方)Engaged Party:(受聘方)_ (the Engaging Party) has engaged _ (the Engaged Party) as _ (Position). The two parties in the spirit of friendship and cooperation have entered into an agreement to sign and to comply with the following terms:(_(
3、聘方)聘请_( 受聘方) 为_(职务) 。双方本着友好合作的精神,同意签订并遵守本合同。合同条款如下:)1. Terms of Engaging(聘期)The duration of service is_, i.e. from_ /_ /_ to _/_ / _.(聘期为_,自_起至_止)2. Items of Work(工作事项)By mutual consultations the work of the Engaged Party is decided as follows:(受聘方的工作任务经双方协商确定如下:)(1)(2)(3)3. Salary(聘金)The Engaging P
4、arty pays the Engaged Party a salary of RMB_ by month (day, year) and provides the Engaged Party (board, medical care, etc.):(聘方每月(日、年)支付给受聘方薪金(人民币)_并提供如下待遇(食宿、医疗费等) )4. Compensation(赔偿)If the Engaging Party finds it imperative to terminate the Contract, in addition to bearing the corresponding expe
5、nses for wages, it shall pay the Engaged Party _RMB as compensation allowance.(聘方如中途终止合同,则除按照待遇条件承担受聘方的有关费用外,还须补偿受聘方_元。 )5. Suspension(中止)If the Engaged Party submits his resignation in the course of his service, the Engaging Party shall stop paying the Engaged Party the salary from the day when his
6、 resignation is approved by the Engaging Party, and the Engaged Party shall no longer enjoy the salary and benefits stipulated.(如受聘方中途提出辞职,聘方自同意之日起即停发工资,受聘方不再享有各种待遇。 )6. Effectiveness of Contract(合同生效)The present Contract shall come into effect on the first day of the term of service herein stipulat
7、ed and cease immediately to be effective at its expiration. If either party wishes to renew the Contract, the other party shall be notified before it expires. Upon agreement by both parties through consultation a new contract can be signed.(本合同自受聘方合同规定到职之日起生效,聘请届满即自行失效,如一方要求延长聘期,必须在本合同期满之前向对方提出,经双方协
8、商确认后,在另行签订延长聘期合同。 )7. Insurance and Medical Fees(保险与医疗费)The Engaging Party shall be responsible and liable for the medical insurance or payment of all medical expenses of the Engaged Party, including the cost of referral and evacuation of medical treatment outside of_ and,in the event of Engaged Par
9、tys death,the cost of embalming and transportation of Engaged Partys corpse back to hisher point of origin.(聘方应负责受聘方的全部医疗保险或负担受聘方的全部医疗费用,包括_以外的转诊和转院费。如受聘方因故死亡,聘方应承担尸体保存及运回原地的费用。 )8. Boarding and Lodging(伙食与住宿)The Engaging Party shall ensure that the following facilities are provided:(聘方必须保证提供以下方便)Th
10、e Engaging Party provided housing at a charge of_ per month. _ (number) meals per day at a charge of_ per month.(聘方提供住宿,每月收费_元,每日_餐,每月收费_元。 )9. Transportation(交通)_Free transportation to and from job site at Employer designated pick-up points.(上下班在雇主指定地上车,免收车费)Traffic Allowance: _.(交通补助)Other way: _(
11、其他方式)Neither party shall cancel the Contract without sufficient causes or reasons.(双方均不得无故解除合同)The engaged party agrees to all the articles in this Contract.(受聘方同意本合同的各项条款)The present Contract is done in Chinese and English, both versions being equally valid.(本合同中、英两种文字写成,两种文本具有同等效力。 )The Engaging P
12、arty:(聘方)The Engaged Party:(受聘方)_/_/ _ (Signing Date) at_(_年_月_日于_).常用结构1、 聘期2、 聘金3、赔偿.相关细节1、 检验相关证件2、 受聘方的义务和责任是否明确3、 应明确受聘方从事的工种和工作时间4、 应明确规定受聘方的工资待遇、津贴、补助5、 应在合同中对劳动保护、劳工人身保险,工作、疾病或死亡处理做出规定。.实用案例张某是某高校 2005 年市场营销专业的应届毕业生,2004 年 6 月 12 日通过洽谈会应聘到一家外资公司并签订了一份为期两年的聘任书。聘任书约定:聘请张某为公司营销员,主要从事市场营销工作,月工资
13、1200 元,聘任时间自 2005 年 7 月 1 日起至 2007 年 6 月30 日止。聘任书同时还约定了劳动保护,劳动纪律、违约责任等条款,明确了刘某的职责、待遇、工作期限等。聘任书盖有公司公章以及公司负责人与刘某签字。之后,公司再未与刘某签订劳动合同。3 月 2 日,公司新任经理与张某谈话,宣布解除与张某的劳动关系,要求张某 10 日内办理交接手续。面对公司“10 日内办理交接手续”的要求,张某认为这是公司单方面解除劳动关系,因而应该支付违约金和经济补偿金等。公司则以聘任书不是劳动合同、与张某没有签订劳动合同、不存在劳动关系为由,拒绝支付违约金和经济赔偿金等。张某与公司就聘任书是否算劳动合同、是否存在劳动关系及自己是否应该享受相关待遇争执不下。4 月 6 日,张某向当地劳动争议仲裁委提出仲裁申请。仲裁委受理此案后经审查认为,张某大学毕业后应聘对到公司从事市场营销的工作,工作期间,张某按照公司的安排主要从事产品推销工作。公司未与张某签订劳动合同,但公司与张某已存在事实劳动关系。公司虽未与张某签订书面劳动合同,但聘任书基本具备了劳动合同的基本内容,公司与张某形成事实劳动关系。后经劳动争议仲裁委调解,双方当事人最终达成调解协议:公司与张某解除劳动关系,终止执行聘任书,公司向张某支付违约金 12000 元,经济补偿金 2100 元。