1、2019/1/22,1,Unit 14Intellectual Property,2019/1/22,2,Intellectual Property, Intangible property which is the result of creativity (such as patents, trademarks or copyrights),2019/1/22,3,Patent,What is patent? (invention, utility model and industrial design) What is the social purpose of the patent s
2、ystem? What are the basic elements of patentability?,2019/1/22,4,exclusive: sole renewable: can be extended provisions: conditions registered: formally recorded enforce: implement substantial: severe reciprocal: mutual signatories: signers,Study of Text I Word Pretest,2019/1/22,5,Q1. What is the soc
3、ial purpose of the copyright system? Q2. What classes of matter are not subject to protection? Q3. What kind of uses are controlled by copyright?,Study of Text ISkimming and Scanning,2019/1/22,6,Study of Text I Structure Analysis,I. (para1)The social purpose of the copyright system. II. (paras2-3) C
4、opyright registration. III. (paras4) The differences between patents and copyrights. IV. (para5) The use of copyright. V. (para6) Copyright notice. VI. (paras7-8) The international efforts to improve the copyright system.,2019/1/22,7,Differences Between Patents and Copyrights.,1. Subjects of protect
5、ion,2. Provisions and requirements of protection,3. Way of rights obtainment,4. Contents of protection,5. Term of protection,2019/1/22,8,(1)保护的对象不同。著作权保护的是作者思想、情感和观点的表现形式,不保护思想,情感和观点等内容本身,这些形式表现为小说、论文、电影、歌曲、图画等种类。专利权保护的是发明创造,属于思想、观点内容范围,包括发明、实用新型 (utility model) 和外观设计(industrial design)三种类型。,(2)保护的条
6、件和要求不同。由保护对象所决定,著作权法可以保护两部主题内容相同的作品,只要这些作品具有独创性;但专利权不会保护主题内容相同的两个发明创造。,(3)权利产生方式不同。著作权通常可以自动产生,不必经过任何登记或审查程序;专利权则必须依法由国家特定的行政机关进行审查后授予合法申请人。,(4)权利内容不同。著作权的内容包括人身权(right of personality)财产权(property rights) 两方面;而专利权仅包括实施权,许可他人实施权、转让权等财产权内容,不包括人身权内容。,(5)权利保护期限不同。如前所述,对著作财产权的保护期一般是作者有生之年加上死后的50年;专利权的保护期
7、分别为发明专利20年,外观设计和实用新型10年,均从申请日起计算。,2019/1/22,9,Case Study,我有很多原创歌曲,但还不敢发出来,可以申请专利吗?, 歌曲不能申请专利,但是可以受到著作权法保护。 专利保护的是发明、实用新型和外观设计,而文学与艺术作品不是其客体。 一般来说,著作权从作品发表的时候即自然产生,不需要特殊的登记和确认。但是,如果为了以后在侵权纠纷中提供有利证据,确定自己是该作品的著作权持有者,建议你尽快到版权局进行登记。,2019/1/22,10,Case Study,一种经营模式(business/ the managing model)可以申请专利吗?或者说只
8、是一种资源整合(resource integration),如:可以播放歌曲、可以视频留言的防盗门?, 这其实专业名称叫做(composite invention),组合发明也是一种可以用专利保护的发明创造。 但对其组合后达到的效果要求较高,简单的说就是不能1+1=2,而要1+12才行。 这个想法很好,但“播放歌曲、可以视频留言的防盗门“ 已经被你在百度知道上公开了,已经变成了公知技术,也就不能再申请专利了.所以,有想法不能随便在公开场合说出来,说出来就不再属於个人了,法律不再给予你专有的权利了。,2019/1/22,11,Case Study,服装外观设计,可以登记版权或申请专利吗?应该怎样
9、去申请呢?, 服装的外观设计不能登记版权,但可以申请外观专利(design patent)。去国家知识产权局专利局申请就可以了。需要准备图片,填写好请求书。,2019/1/22,12,Case Study,我有一套新的餐饮经营模式,若不能申请专利,那怎样才能防止其他人模仿呢?,把一整套经营模式分解为若干个中无法回避的方法分别申请专利,比如在你新的餐饮环境可能桌子、柜台会有新的设计风格,那么可以把你的桌子、柜台等比较关键的设置申请专利,通过掌握个别关键部分的专利来实现,2019/1/22,13,Study of Text I Language Points,procedure, submit,
10、novelty, substantial, reproduction, reciprocal, recodfication sweeping, suppress, proliferationbe subject to, a modest fee, in force, fair use, accommodateto,2019/1/22,14,Vocabulary Building Use of English,1. This cloudy weather is getting me down. 2. I would like to get this meeting over with as qu
11、ickly as possible. 3. You wont be able to get through to her what she has to do. 4. His refusal to commit himself gets on my nerves. 5. Thomas and David get along very well. 6. One of these days I must get round to replying to all this correspondence.,2019/1/22,15,Vocabulary Building Stems,1. densel
12、y: the quality of being packed or crowded together,2. defense: the act of defending against attack, danger, or injury,3. credit: an arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase,4. condense: to make (a liquid) thicker by removing some of the water,2019/1/22,16,Vocabulary Building Stems,6. d
13、ense: difficult to see through,5. incredible: too strange to be believed; unbelievable,2019/1/22,17,Cloze,basis revised minimum addition works participated adopted concepts,2019/1/22,18,Assignments,Group Work: Make a further survey on the implementation of the patent and copyright laws and present your work with specific examples next class.,2019/1/22,19,Thank you,