1、Unit 14 Zoology,八五二高中 王洋,Write down the words according to the following words:,humour (adj) _ surround(n)_ assume(n)_ maximum(ant)_ upward(ant.)_change(adj)_ adapt(n)_,humorous,surroundings,assumption,minitory,downward,changeable,adaptation,Write down the words according to the Chinese,幽默的_半圆形_明显的_
2、足够的_ 去拿来_戏弄_心理学_使反感的_ 适应_精确的_澄清_,humorous,semicircle,apparent,adequate,fetch,kid,psychology,disgusting,adaptation,precise,clarify,Fast reading,The language of honey-bees,True or False: ( ) 1. Von Frisch and his co-workers counted how many times the bees repeated the wagging dance during one hour. (
3、) 2. They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the faster the dance was. ( ) 3. The number of wagging dances per minute told the direction to the feeding place. ( ) 4. Then Professor Von Frisch did his third experiment, which was to discover whether the wagging dance showed dire
4、ction.,( ) 5. He found that the straight part of the dance was the same in the morning from what it had been in the afternoon. ( ) 6. If the feeding place was toward the sun, the dance headed straight onward during the straight part of the wagging dance. ( ) 7. The experiment of Professor Karl Von F
5、risch tells us that bees can and do communicate with each other by their dances, which may be called a kind of “language”.,Step 2 Careful reading,Choose the best answer,1.The scientist can research the language of the honeybees because of the development of _ . A. the modern beehive B. experiment C.
6、 dishes of honey D. both A and B 2. The phrase “ tell the bees apart ” in Paragraph 2 means _ . A. tell the bees separately B. tell the difference of the bees C. drive the bees away D. tear the bees into pieces,3. After the marked bees danced , the other bees _ . A. danced together B. became very ex
7、cited C. seemed not to noticed it D. both A and B 4. Different dances indict different _ . A. food B. feeding place C. steps D. semicircle,5. The phrase “ come to light ” in Paragraph 5 means _ . A. become known B. come to a bright place C. turn bright D. both A and B 6. The circle dances told the b
8、ees about _ . A. the position of the feeding place B. the distance of the feeding place C. the amount of the food D. all the information about food,7. The number of the wagging dances per minute told _ . A. the position of the feeding place B. the amount of the food C. the distance of the feeding pl
9、ace D. all the information about food 8.You can find the main idea of the test simply from _ . A. the title B. the first paragraph C. the second paragraph D. the last paragraph,9.Karl Von Frisch made an experiment to research _ . A. the food of honeybees B. the dance of honeybees C. the ways honeybe
10、es communicate D. the hive of honeybees10. Which of the statements is possible according to the last paragraph? A. We human beings can communicate as honeybees do B. We human beings can go as quickly as honeybees C. We human beings can come to help each other in a fast way D. We human beings can lea
11、rn something from animals behavior,Homework,Read the text and find out the phrases in the text and finish the exercises of workbook,; http:/m.jiezhong.org/info-25778/ 文坛救世主 stz08qus 是在割虎皮被子啊,尽是说一些没有可能的事情!你们耿伯伯要是知道自己的老家在哪里,还会把你们兄妹三个认成了他自己的娃儿们,还会一直住在咱们家吗?”听爹这么一说,尚武反而显得万分不舍了,有些难过地说:“我可不想让耿伯伯走,我要他永远住在咱们
13、。他是一个很知道感恩的人呢!”尚武心疼地轻轻说:“唉,我那可怜的爹啊!”李长善看看该吩咐的都吩咐完了,就对三个娃儿说:“你们都去打个盹儿吧,起晌了还得下地干活儿呢!唉,我这腰腿啊,什么时候才能好呢!”又怜爱地摸摸小儿子的头,说:“武儿,你去告诉“爹”一声,叫他也去歇息一会儿。拐杖不着急,以后慢慢做吧!”71第七十一回 辛苦经营喜成功|(兄妹三人忙不转,雇佣邻人做帮工;没日没夜苦经营,“南北小饭庄”利润丰。)随着来“南北小饭庄”吃饭买饭的人越来越多,尽管净收入也在翻着倍儿增长,但耿正兄妹三人却实在是有些忙不过来了。他们已经把所有的闲暇时间几乎全都用在了包饺子上,并且每日里都是起早睡晚的,但浓香四