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BONFIGLIOLI(邦飞利 VF_W型)减速机手册样本.pdf

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1、1RevisionsRefer to page 56 for the catalogue revision index.Visit to search for catalogues with up-to-date revisions.SUMMARYChapter1 General information .21.1 Symbols and units of measure .21.2 Introduction to the Atex directives 41.2.1 Explosive atmosphere .41.2.2 European harmonised Atex standard

2、s.41.2.3 Levels of protection for the variouscategories of equipment 51.2.4 Definition of groups (EN 1127-1)51.2.5 Declaration of conformity .61.3 Use, installation and maintenance61.4 Selecting the type of equipment .71.4.1 Selection procedure 71.4.2 Selecting a gearmotor .71.4.3 Gear unit with mot

3、or fitting .81.4.4 Speed reducer with solid input shaft 81.4.5 Post-selection checks .91.4.6 Operating conditions for Atex-specifiedequipment .91.4.7 Service factor-Fs.102 Worm gear units for potentially explosiveatmospheres .112.1 Construction of Aex-specified equipment . . . 112.2 Versions and mou

4、nting positions122.2.1 VF Series .122.2.2 W Series .132.3 Ordering numbers .142.3.1 Variants of gear unit .142.3.2 Options 142.3.3 Variants of electric motor .152.4 Lubrication .152.5 Admissible overhung loads.172.5.1 Radial loads . Calculating the resulting overhung load . . . Ov

5、erhung loading verification. Load location factor182.5.2 Thrust loads An1,An2.182.6 Gearmotor rating charts 192.7 Rating charts 242.8 Motor combinations 282.8.1 Hybrid imputs .292.9 Dimensions.302.10 Accessories 422.11 Declaration of conformity43Description3 Atex motors .443.1 Symbols and u

6、nits of measurement 443.2 General characteristics.453.2.1 Production range .453.2.2 Directives 73/23/EEC (LVD)and 89/336/EEC (EMC) 453.2.3 Standards.453.2.4 Product identification .463.2.5 Tolerances 463.3 Mechanical features 473.3.1 Motor mounting 473.3.2 Degree of protection .473.3.3 Cooling 483.3

7、.4 Direction of rotation483.3.5 Noise level 483.3.6 Vibrations and balancing .483.3.7 Terminal box .483.3.8 Cable entry 493.3.9 Bearings .493.4 Electrical characteristics 493.4.1 Voltage / frequency 493.4.2 Isulation class.503.4.3 Type of duty .503.5 Modifications 503.5.1 Vibrations and balancing .5

8、03.5.2 Drip cover.513.5.3 Second shaft extension513.6 Motor rating charts .523.6.1 BN - Ex II 2D 125C (1500 min-1).523.6.2 M - Ex II 2D 125C (1500 min-1).523.7 Motors dimensions .533.7.1 BN - IMB14 533.7.2 BN - IMB5.533.7.3 M .543.8 Declaration of conformity55Chapter Description1 GENERAL INFORMATION

9、1.1 SYMBOLS AND UNITS OF MEASUREAn N The admissible thrust load represents the force which can be applied axiallyto the gear units shaft, along with the rated radial load.fS- The service factor is a coefficient representing the severity of the duty for theoperating cycle.fTP- The adjusting factor ta

10、kes into account the influence of the ambienttemperature in calculating the computational torque. This factor is relevant forworm gear units.i-The gear ratio is expressed as the relationship of the input shaft speed to theoutput shaft speed.I-The intermittence is defined as follows:JcKgm2Moment of i

11、nertia of the driven load.JmKgm2Moment of inertia of the motor.JRKgm2Moment of inertia of the gear unit.K-The load acceleration factor is used to calculate the service factor, and isdefined as follows:KR- The transmission factor is a computational parameter, proportional to thetension generated by a

12、n external transmission keyed to the gear unit shaft.M2Nm Net output torqueMn2Nm The rated torque at the output shaft.The catalogue value is calculated for a service factor fS=1.Mr2Nm The applications required torque .This should always be less than or equal to the gear units rated torque Mn2.Mc2Nm

13、Computational torque. This is a virtual parameter used to select the gear unit,by means of the equation:nmin-1Shaft speed.Pn1kWRated power at the input shaft, calculated for a service factor fS=1.PRkW The applications required power .RCN The computational radial load is generated by an external tran

14、smission and,for the input and output shafts respectively, can be calculated from the followingequations:2RNN The admissible radial load should always be more than or equal to thecomputational radial load. The point value is given in the catalogue for eachunits gear frame size and transmission ratio

15、, and refers to the shafts centreline.S-The safety factor is defined as follows:taC Ambient temperature.tfmin The operating time is the total duration of the work cycle phases.trmin The rest time is the interval of no work between two phases.Zr- Number of starts per hour.d- The dynamic efficiency is

16、 expressed as the ratio between the powermeasured at the output shaft and that applied to the input shaft:1This value refers to the input shaft.2This value refers to the output shaft.Danger. May cause slight injury to persons.31.2 INTRODUCTION TO THE ATEX DIRECTIVES1.2.1 EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHEREUnder th

17、e provisions of Directive 94/9/EC, an explosive atmosphere is defined as a mixture:a. of flammable substances, whether gas, vapour, mist or dust;b. with air;c. in certain atmospheric conditions;d. in which, following ignition, combustion spreads to the entire unburned mixture (note that in thecase o

18、f dust, the entire quantity of dust is not always completely burnt after combustion).An atmosphere which may potentially be transformed into an explosive atmosphere due to operatingand/or ambient conditions is defined as a potentially explosive atmosphere. The products governedby Directive 94/9/EC a

19、re intended for use only in a potentially explosive atmosphere defined in thisway.1.2.2 EUROPEAN HARMONISED ATEX STANDARDSThe European Union has issued two harmonisation guidelines in the area of health and safety. Thesedirectives are known as ATEX 100a and ATEX 137.Directive ATEX 100a (EU/94/9/EC)

20、stipulates the minimum safety requirements for products intendedfor use in explosion risk areas within the member countries of the European Union. The directive alsoassigns such equipment to categories, which are defined by the directive itself.Directive ATEX 137 (EU/99/92/EC) defines the minimum he

21、alth and safety requirements for theworkplace, for working conditions and for the handling of products and materials in explosion riskareas. The directive also divides the workplace into zones and defines the criteria for the applicationof product categories in said zones.The following table describ

22、es the zones into which the user of a plant, in which an explosiveatmosphere may occur, is required to divide the equipment application areas.0 20 Present continuously or for long periods Permanent1 21 Likely to occur in normal operation occasionally Potential2 22Not likely to occur in normal operat

23、ion but if it does occurwill persist for short period onlyMinimalZonesFormation frequency of a potentiallyexplosive atmosphereType ofdangerGaseousatmosphereGDustyatmosphereDBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI gear units selectedin this catalogue are suitable for installation inzones 1, 21, 2 and22, as highlighted

24、in grey in the above table.Electric motors described in this catalogue are certified in category 2D (125C max.temperature) andtherefore suitable for installation in zones 21 and 22.As from 1 July 2003 the ATEX directives come into force throughout the entire European Union, andreplace existing confl

25、icting national and European laws on explosive atmospheres.It should be emphasised that, for the first time, the directives also govern mechanical, hydraulic andpneumatic equipment, and not only electrical equipment as has been the case so far.With regard to the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC it shoul

26、d be noted that directive 94/9/EC is a set ofextremely specific requirements dedicated to the dangers deriving from potentially explosiveatmospheres, whereas the Machinery Directive contains only very general explosion safetyrequirements (Annex I).Consequently, as regards protection against explosio

27、n in potentially explosive atmospheres, Directive94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) takes precedence over the Machinery Directive. The requirements of theMachinery Directive apply to all other risks regarding machinery.41.2.3 LEVELS OF PROTECTION FOR THE VARIOUS CATEGORIES OF EQUIPMENTThe various categories of equ

28、ipment must be able to operate in conformity with the Manufacturersoperational specifications, at certain defined levels of protection.VeryhighM1Two independent means of protection orsafety capable of operating even when twoindependent faults occurThe equipment remains powered andoperational even in

29、 the presence of anexplosive atmosphereVeryhigh1Two independent means of protection orsafety capable of operating even when twoindependent faults occurThe equipment remains powered andoperational in zones 0, 1, 2 (G) and/or zones20, 21, 22 (D)High M2Protection suitable for normal operation andheavy

30、duty conditionsPower to the equipment is shut off in thepresence of a potentially explosiveatmosphereHigh 2Protection suitable for normal operation andfrequent faults or equipment in whichmalfunction is normal.The equipment remains powered andoperational in zones 1, 2 (G) and/or zones 21,22 (D)Norma

31、l 3 Protection suitable for normal operationThe equipment remains powered andoperational in zones 2 (G) and/or 22 (D)ProtectionlevelCategoryType of protection Operating conditionsGroupIGroupII1.2.4 DEFINITION OF GROUPS (EN 1127-1)Group I Applies to equipment intended for use underground in parts of

32、mines and those partsof surface installations of such mines, liable to be endangered by firedamp and/or combustibledust.Group II Applies to equipment intended for use in other places liable to be endangered byexplosive atmospheres.BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI products may not therefore be installed in mine

33、s, classified in Group I andin Group II, category 1.To summarise, the classification of equipment into groups, categories and zones is illustrated in thetable below, whereby the availability of BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI products is highlighted in grey.Category M1 M2 1 2 3Atmosphere(1)G D G D G DZone 0 2

34、0 1 21 2 22Type of protectiongear unitc, k c, k c, k c, kType of protectionmotord, e IP6X + temp.max n(A) IP5X o IP6X + temp. maxGroupImines, firedampIIother potentially explosive areas (gas, dust)(1)G =gasD =dustThis catalogue describes BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI gear units and gearmotor, intended for u

35、se inpotentially explosive atmospheres, with limitation to categories 2 and 3.The products described herein conform to the minimum safety requirements of European Directive94/9/EC, which is part of the directives known as ATEX (ATmosphres EXplosibles).51.2.5 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYThe Declaration

36、of Conformity, a copy of which is available in this catalogue, is the document whichattests to the conformity of the product to Directive 94/9/EC.The validity of the Declaration is bound to observance of the instructions given in the User, Installationand Service Manual for safe use of the product t

37、hroughout its service life.The instructions regarding ambient conditions are of particular importance inasmuch as failure toobserve them during operation of the product renders the certificate null and void.In case of doubt regarding the validity of the certificate of conformity, contact the BONFIGL

38、IOLIRIDUTTORI technical department.1.3 USE, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCEThe instructions for safe storage, handling and use of the product are given in the units User,Installation and Service Manual.This can be downloaded from where the manual is available inPDF format in a number of languages.This

39、 document must be kept in a suitable place, in the vicinity of the installed gear unit, as areference for all persons authorised to work with or on the product throughout its service life.The Manufacturer reserves the right to modify, supplement or improve the Manual, in the interests ofthe User.61.

40、4 SELECTING THE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT1.4.1 SELECTION PROCEDURE:Determine the application service factor fSin relation to the type of load (K factor), number of starts perhour Zrand hours of operation per day.Now determine the power required at the motor shaft:The efficiency value d can be determined as

41、follows (approximately):Worm gear unit efficiency - n1=1400The selection procedure now depends on the type of gear unit, as follows:a. gear unit equipped with IEC motor fittingb. gear unit equipped with solid input shaft.Proceed as follows:1.4.2 SELECTING A GEARMOTORa. Determine service factor fsas

42、formerly specified.b. Determine power required at gearbox input shaft:c. Consult the gearmotor rating charts and locate the table corresponding to normalised power Pn:7Unless otherwise specified, power Pnof motors indicated in the catalogue refers to continuous dutyS1. For motors used in conditions

43、other than S1, the type of duty required by reference to CEI 2-3/IEC34-1 Standards must be mentioned. For duties from S2 to S8 in particular and for motor frame 132 orsmaller, extra power output can be obtained with respect to continuous duty.Accordingly the following condition must be satisfied:The

44、 adjusting factor fmcan be obtained from table here after.1.4.3 GEAR UNIT WITH MOTOR FITTING- with reference to the rating charts, identify the gear unit which, for the required speed n2, provides arated power Pn1such that:- Select an electric motor rated:- Finally, check that the motor/gear unit co

45、mbination generates a safety factor equal to or greater thanthe service factor for the application in question, in other words:- If the selected gear unit is of type C112, C212 or C312 with ratio i 40 ,operating with a number ofhourly starts Z 30 ,correct the service factor taken from the graph by a

46、 factor of 1.2.Finally, check that the recalculatedservice factor fsstill satisfies the condition S1fs.1.4.4 SPEED REDUCER WITH SOLID INPUT SHAFT- Calculate the value of the computational torque:ftp=1Type of loadAmbient temperature C20 30 40K1 uniform load 1.00 1.00 1.06K2 moderate shock load 1.00 1

47、.02 1.12K3 heavy shock load 1.00 1.04 1.17ftpHelical gear units C, A, F, S Worm gear units VF, W8- for the speed n2closest to that required, select the gear unit with a rated torque Mn2equal to orgreater than the computational torque Mc2, in other words:1.4.5 POST-SELECTION CHECKSOnce the gear unit

48、or gearmotor has been selected, we recommend checking the selection as follows:circle6 Momentary peak torqueThe momentary peak torque is of the order of 200% of the rated torque Mn2. Check that thepoint value of the peak torque satisfies this condition and equip the installation with a torquelimiter

49、 if necessary.circle6 Radial loadThe catalogue gives the values of the maximum admissible radial load for both the input shaft Rn1 and the output shaft Rn2. These values refer to a load applied at the shafts centrelines and must always be greater than the actually applied load. See paragraph: Radial loads.circle6 Thrust loadCheck that the thrust component of the load does not exceed the maximum admissible value asgiven in the paragraph: Thrust loads.1.4.6 OPERATING CONDITIONS FO


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