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    关 键  词:

    1、經絡、針灸術語翻譯,CTL4366 Specialized Translation in Science and Technology Ivan Yeung,經絡用語,經絡 = 經脈 + 絡脈 channels and network vessels (Wiseman) meridian and collateral (Xie, WHO) 經脈 meridian vessel (WHO), meridians, channels 正經 main meridian (WHO) 十二經脈, 十二正經 twelve meridians (WHO) twelve channels (Wiseman)

    2、twelve meridians / channels (Li) twelve (regular) meridians (Xie),經絡用語,十二經別 twelve meridian divergences (WHO) twelve channel divergences (Wiseman) branches / divergences of twelve meridians (Li) twelve divergent meridians (Xie) 十二經筋 twelve meridian sinews (WHO) twelve channel sinews (Wiseman) twelve

    3、 tendons, twelve muscle regions,經絡用語,十二皮部 twelve cutaneous regions (WHO) twelve cutaneous / skin regions (Wiseman) twelve skin divisions / skin areas (Li) 奇經八脈 eight extra meridians (WHO) eight extraordinary vessels (Wiseman) (Li) eight extra-meridians / extra-vessels (Li),經絡用語,絡脈 collateral vessel

    4、(WHO) 十五絡脈 fifteen collateral vessels (WHO) network vessels (Wiseman) 十五別絡 fifteen diverging network vessels (Wiseman) collaterals (Li) 十五別絡 fifteen divergent collaterals (Li),經絡用語,浮絡 superficial collateral vessel (WHO) superficial network vessels (Wiseman) floating collaterals 孫絡 tertiary collatera

    5、l vessel (WHO) sub-collaterals / minute collaterals (Li) grandchild network vessels (Wiseman),十二經脈,手三陰經 手太陰肺經 手厥陰心包經 手少陰心經手三陽經 手陽明大腸經 手少陽三焦經 手太陽小腸經,足三陰經 足太陰脾經 足厥陰肝經 足少陰腎經足三陽經 足陽明胃經 足少陽胆經 足太陽膀胱經,十二經脈,經脈命名組成 足厥陰肝經 四肢循行部位: 足 陰陽屬性: 厥陰 隸屬臟腑: 肝,十二經脈,太陰、少陰、厥陰 greater yin, lesser yin, reverting yin (WHO) (W

    6、iseman) Taiyin, Shaoyin, Jueyin *太陽、少陽、陽明 greater yang, lesser yang, yang brightness (WHO) (Wiseman) Taiyang Shaoyang, Yangming *,十二經脈,足三陰經 three yin meridians of the foot動筆! 足三陽經手三陰經手三陽經,經脈命名編碼 (WHO) Name of Meridian Alphabetic Code,經脈命名編碼 (WHO) Name of Meridian Alphabetic Code,十二經脈,足厥陰肝經 liver mer

    7、idian (LR) (WHO) foot reverting yin liver channel (Wiseman)* liver meridian of foot-jueyin (Li) 足陽明胃經 stomach meridian (ST) (WHO) foot yang brightness stomach channel (Wiseman)* stomach meridian of foot-yangming (Li),十二經脈,手太陽小腸經 small intestine meridian (SI) (WHO) hand greater yang small intestine c

    8、hannel (Wiseman)* small intestine meridian of hand-taiyang (Li) 手少陰心經 heart meridian (HT) (WHO) hand lesser yin heart channel (Wiseman)* heart meridian of hand-shaoyin (Li),奇經八脈,任脈督脈衝脈帶脈,conception vessel (CV) controller / controlling vessel / channelgovernor vessel (GV) governing vessel / channelth

    9、oroughfare vessel (TV) vital channelbelt channel (BV) girdling vessel,奇經八脈,陰蹻脈陽蹻脈陰維脈陽維脈,yin heel vessel (YinHV) (WHO) Regulating channel of yin Yin-springing vessel (YIS)yang heel vessel (YangHV) (WHO) Regulating channel of yang Yang-springing vessel (YAS)yin link vessel (YinLV) (WHO) Linking channe

    10、l of yin Yin-linking vessel (YIL)yang link vessel (YangLV) (WHO) Linking channel of yang Yang-linking vessel (YAL),針法 (Needling methods),針法 (Needling methods),針法 (Needling methods),Description of Acupoints (月俞*穴),LI 20 迎香 (Yingxiang) Ying: to meet; xiang: fragrance This point is on either side of th

    11、e nose and is used to treat disorders of the nose, to improve the sense of smell and enable the nose to sense fragrance.,Description of Acupoints,LI 20 迎香 (Yingxiang) (cont.) 【定位】鼻翼外緣中點旁開,當鼻唇溝中 Location: At the upper segment of the nasolabial groove, lateral to the midpoint of the nasal ala. 【主治】鼻塞,

    12、鼻衄,鼻淵,鼻息肉,口喎。 Indications: Nasal obstruction, nosebleed (epistaxis), nasal sinusitis, nasal polyp and deviated mouth. 【刺灸法】直刺 0.1 0.2 寸,或斜刺 0.3 0.5 寸;可灸。 Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.1 0.2 cun, or puncture obliquely 0.3 0.5 cun. Moxibustion is applicable.,Description of Acupoints,ST 10 水突 (Shu

    13、itu) Shui: water; tu: passing through. The point is at the neck, close to the esophagus, where water and food pass.,Description of Acupoints,ST 10 水突 (Shuitu) (cont.) try 【定位】人迎與氣舍連線的中點,胸鎖乳突肌前緣。【主治】咳嗽,咽喉腫痛,瘰疬,癭氣。【刺灸法】直刺 0.3 0.5 寸;可灸。,Description of Acupoints,ST 1 承泣 (Chengqi) Cheng: to receive; qi: tears. The point is below the eye, a place for receiving tears.,Description of Acupoints,ST 1 承泣 (Chengqi) (cont.) try 【定位】瞳孔直下,當眼球與眶下緣之間【主治】眼瞼瞤動,目赤腫痛,迎風流淚,目翳,口眼喎斜。【刺灸法】緊靠眶下緣緩慢直刺 0.3 0.7 寸,不宜提插捻轉;禁灸。,Take a break,

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