1、树立正确的英语观,李长栓 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院教授,对英语的困惑和误解,老师,请教您一个问题:汉译英是应当尽量用简单的句型还是复杂点的?说具体一点,一个句子可以翻译成两个或者以上的简单句,也可以翻译成一个主句加一个或两个分词结构。是取前者好还是后者呢?如果取后者,您会不会觉得句型有些松散呢?,对英语的困惑和误解,李老师,您好。简明英语清晰易懂,大大促进交流,这理应是翻译目的之所在。不过,翻译课上,我们老师则强调说汉译英要多用名词,少用动词,多用被动,尽量合句,因为这是汉英两种语言的差别所在,不然写出的句子不够高级,提倡用有大词,从句多的句子。 之前我一直朝这方面努力,不过拜读您的非文学之
2、后,颠覆了我之前的某些观念,也让我对翻译的技巧也好,标准也罢,有所疑惑,动笔时常常无从下手。 我想请问老师,标准是否应因文而异?长难句便好,这是否是很多人对英语的误解呢?谢谢您!,对英语的困惑和误解,李老师,您好!最近在看非文这本书,有一处不解,请您指教:书中提到多用强势动词这一块儿时,列举了许多实例,我也同意单用某个动词给人感觉既简洁又有力。不过却又觉得平时见到的好多表达,反而大量用到动词化名词的形式,久而久之,总觉得貌似那样说比单用一个动词更有文采。比如,发动进攻,attack都能想到,而用launch an attack against,似乎觉得launch这个词用得好,有文采:再如,控
3、制,除了control, 还有to exercise control over,虽然繁琐,但却觉得挺高级。事实上,我们老师有时候批阅时,也会提倡这么写。 而老师您在书中提到说中式英语之鉴的作者从母语的角度提出了这些问题,如此说来,那是不是意味着我们之前的那种弃简求繁反而觉得有文采的看法本身就有问题呢?,对英语的困惑和误解,老师您好,刚才我仔细看了一下近期大家都留言,有个问题想请教您,您说“在你的英语没有达到母语水平之前,一个长句也不要用”,而我在很多书籍和其他老师那里学到,在保持准确的前提下,尽量写长句,请老师指点!,对英语的困惑和误解,特意为了老师的博客注册了博客,在这里短短几天,但是却学到
4、了很多东西。以前以为句子越复杂越出色,用词越生僻越高深,可是现在看来,所谓的厚积而薄发,既是将平常平淡如水的文字写到甘甜如醴的效果。在这里,看见了这种奇迹。以后会常来,感谢老师的谆谆教诲,学生如沐春风。,对英语的困惑和误解,您在非文学中强调应该把句子的自然重心放在结尾。叶子南老师在他的书中说过“英语往往把最需要表达的东西放在一个句子的最前面”,我觉得这两者应该从本质上讲是不矛盾的,可能是侧重点不同,但我想了几天还是没有头绪,希望您能给我指点一下。举个例子: A survey found that among different Chinese population group, an aver
5、age of 60% were,and nearly 10% were 这是您给的例子,是要说明不应该把方括号内的内容放到句尾,因为这不是作者强调的。但是我觉得按照叶子南的说法,是不是应该先出重点,即found后面的内容,把不必要的内容放在最后,不要推迟主要内容的出现。谢谢您!,对英语的困惑和误解,以上问题可以归纳为 生僻词v.常用词 “高级”词v.“低级”词 简单句v.复杂句 强势动词v.弱势动词+名词 主动句v.被动句 句子重心在前v.句子重心在后,来自英语世界的观点,这些问题都是英语世界关心的问题 欧盟 Fight the Fog Campaign 美国 克林顿总统的备忘录 The Pl
6、ain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) (www.plainlanguage.gov ) 各国的Plain English Campaign 南非1997年宪法,写作指南,Writing user friendly documents A Handbook for FAA Drafters, Prepared by the Plain English Network (PEN) (www.plainlanguage.gov) Federal Aviation Administration Drafting Legal Docume
7、nts 美国国家档案和记录管理局联邦公报办公室 A Plain English Handbook 美国证券和交易委员会 Clear Language for the Saskatchewan Government 加拿大沙斯喀彻温省政府简明语言手册,写作指南,How to Write Clearly 欧盟Fight the Fog Campaign写作手册 Federal Plain Language Guidelines March 2011 Revision 1, May 2011 LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING GUIDE: A PRACTITIONERS VIEW A RES
8、OURCE FOR PEOPLE WORKING ON INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS BY KENNETH L. ROSENBAUM,写作指南,How to write reports in plain English 英国简明英语运动 BBC News Styleguide for BBC journalists but is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to write well Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media L
9、aw The Economist Style Guide,写作指南,The Little Brown Compact Handbook StyleToward Clarity and Grace By Joseph M. Williams The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr Plain English at Work - A Guide to Business Writing and Speaking Oxford, 1996 A Brief Guide to Business Writing,观点归纳,众多写作指南传递的信息明确、一致 尽量
10、用日常生活词汇 用强势动词 用主动;必要时用被动 用短句;但不都是简单句 最重要的信息放在最后 不得已/不慎置于句首时需重读,用日常词汇,U.S. Presidents Memorandum of June 1, 1998-01 Plain Language in Government Writing,Presidents Memorandum,UK Plain English Campaign,How to Write Reports in Plain English 英国简明英语运动,Words to avoid,avoid useadditional extraadvise tellap
11、plicant youcommence startcomplete fill incomply with keep toconsequently soensure make sureforward sendin accordancewith under, keeping to,in excess of more thanin respect of forin the event of ifparticulars detailsper annum a yearpersons peopleprior to beforepurchase buyregarding aboutterminate end
12、, finishwhilst while,Avoid these Words and Expressions,abeyance above as an adjective afore-granted aforementioned aforesaid before-mentioned henceforward hereby herein hereinafter hereinbefore hereunto Pursuant said as a substitute for “the”, “that”, or those,same as a substitute for “it”, “he”, “h
13、im”, “she”, or “her” thenceforth thereunto to wit under-mentioned unto whatsoever whensoever whereas whereof whosoever within-named witnesseth,06Writing user friendly documents.pdf,Plain v. Fancy Words,A_guide_to_writing_for_the_united_nations-28 (p.52),强势动词,Fight the Fog-10,用主动,必要时才用被动,Style-Toward
14、 Clarity and Grace-03 Choosing between Active and Passive To choose between the active and the passive, we have to answer two questions: First, must our audience know who is performing the action? Second, are we maintaining a logically consistent string of subjects? And third, if the string of subje
15、cts is consistent, is it the right string of subjects?,必要时才用被动,Those who are found guilty of murder can be executed. Valuable records should always be kept in a fireproof safe.,必要时才用被动,By March of 1945, the Axis nations had been essentially defeated; all that remained was a final, but bloody, climax
16、. The borders of Germany had been breached, and both Germany and Japan were being bombed around the clock. Neither country, though, had been so devastated that it could not resist. 视角,必要时才用被动,A black hole is created by the collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble. The col
17、lapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble creates a black hole. (1) Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by scientists exploring the nature of black holes in space. (2a/b) (3) So much matter compressed into so little volume changes the
18、fabric of space around it in profoundly puzzling ways.,用短句,A_guide_to_writing_for_the_united_nations-28 (p.33) 1. They do not make the choice according to the availability of domestic materials and the state of the domestic market, both of which are very small, but according to their own particular
19、background and experience, the possibility of acquiring technical know-how from abroad, the availability of labour and its potential for training to the level of skill required, the source and cost of such imported material and spare parts as cannot be made domestically, and the availability of a co
20、mbined domestic and export market. If we stop at “small“, and then begin “Instead they choose according . . .” nothing will be lost.,用短句,Converting Complex Text into Plain English (15) 美国证券和交易委员会简明英语手册-A Plain English Handbook (08.p.76),但不都是简单句,但不都是简单句,The Little Brown Compact Handbook-45,产生困惑/误解的原因
21、,英语教育制度 观点老旧或以偏概全,产生困惑/误解的原因(1),英语教育制度 应试教育考语法知识,所以要求用复杂句 应试教育考察词汇量,所以要求用高级词 但并不主张用偏词怪词 例证分析 下载的PPT(英语高考作文) 高考英语写作指导,结论,复杂句 为了文体需要 为了达意需要 该用就用,不生拉硬扯 高级词汇 并非高级,而是生动 不为高级而高级,产生困惑/误解的原因(2),观点老旧或以偏概全 英语被动句比汉语使用广泛 但在英语中仍占少数,且仅限于某些文体 英语广泛使用“弱势动词+名词”结构 但收到普遍批判 英语的法律英语结构复杂 正在接受重新审视 汉语重心在后,英语重心在前 以句子为单位考察句子重心,得出片面结论 信息结构应放在篇章中去看,阅读书目,英文写作手册 连淑能:英汉对比研究 作者客观描述英文现状 我们注意学习好的方面(“文体学家”的观点),