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1、精锐教育 1 对 1 辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:初三 辅导科目:英语授课日期 时间 A/B/C/D/E/F 段主题 写作学习目标1. 熟练掌握写作评分标准和写作步骤;2. 熟练议论文的写作技巧;3. 避免写作中常见错误;教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习;2、 互动探索【知识梳理 1】中考英语作文评分标准Step 1:直击官方,把握标准英语作文分为三大部分进行评分:内容 8 分,语言 8 分,组织结构分 4 分。(一)内容:7-8 分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。5-6 分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。2-4 分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不

2、够清楚、有些离题。0-1 分:文不对题,表达不清。(二)语言:词数:每少 5 个字扣 0.5 分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。拼写:每错扣 0.5 分,同一错误不重复计数。语法:同标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣 0.5 分,但扣分总和不超过 1 分。(三)组织结构:内容充实、上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给 4-3 分。内容充实、不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给 2 分。一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在 15 分以上者(含),方可

3、得到 1-2 分组织结构分。内容和语言在 15 分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑给 1 分组织结构分。通篇句型、句式单一、词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般也不予给组织结构分。(四)词数:词数不足30个者,给分以8分为限;词数不足40个者,给分以11分为限;词数不足50个者,给分以14分为限;(以上3点应结合内容和语言各项综合考虑。)词数在5059个之间者,每少5个扣0.5分;只写出个别单词、词不成句者,则给0分。(五)划分等级:优秀学生作文:结构清晰、开头语与结尾语短小精悍、能使用精彩句或词语,这是平时训练有素之结果,即为 A 类作文。中等偏上学生作文:结构蛮清晰,但是句

4、子中出现少许语法错误,即为 B 类作文。中等学生作文:结构上稍有欠缺,句中有少许语法错误,即为 C 类作文。中等偏下学生作文:从结构上来说,阅卷者能看到学生所要表述的内容,但是语法错误铺天盖地,此类作文为 D 类作文。学困生作文:这些学生对于作文来说,一是看不懂,则无从下手,所以只能抄个题目,然后或是空着,或是写个拼音等等敷衍了事;二是有一部分学生纯粹是抄阅读理解中的句子,结果可想而知,只能以 0 分收场。此类 0 到 4 分作文为 E 类作文。Step 2:身临其境,走近样本很多学生很好奇,究竟怎么样的文章算好,怎么样的文章算不好,我们经常在揣测着中考老师评分的口味到底是怎么样,今天你们有“

5、口福”了,让我们身临其境,走近中考评分的标准,体味一下中考老师对于学生们的 taste 到底是怎么样的!【例题精讲】Is stress a bad thing?Use the following points1. Someone is afraid of stress. How about you?2. Is stress a bad thing? Whats your view? Give at least two reason范文 1When people talk about stress, some of them are afraid of it. However, Im not a

6、fraid of stress. In my opinion, stress is never a bad thing because it can easily become positive if we deal with it properly. Apart from that, the more stress you have, the more attention you pay to a thing. With the help of stress, you are able to finish your work more seriously and better. We oug

7、htnt to give up when we are under stress. Instead, we should be more powerful and confident to face the challenges in our life.日校得分 8+8+2=18分析:本文内容切题,回答了题目中的 2 个问题,表达清晰。8 分学生需用语规范,表达准确,无语法错误,词汇拼写正确,句型使用恰当,字数合理。8 分学生文采分。文章使用了条件句;the+比较级,the +比较级句型;短语 with the help of, be able to do, give up 等,长短句结合,文

8、采分 2 分。范文 2As grade nine students, we are all under great stress. Some are afraid of stress while others are not. Im not afraid of it for I can release stress properly. Stress is a bad thing, however, everything has two sides and stress is not an exception. In my opinion, if someone doesnt have any

9、stress. He/She may not focus on study. If he/she has so much stress that cant sleep well and study efficiently. It will be terrible. Therefore, we should figure out a way to copy with the situation.日校得分 8+6+0=14分析:本文内容切题,回答了题目中的 2 个问题,表达清晰。8 分文章出现几处明显语法错误:1 if 条件句与后面的结果分成了 2 句,2. So.that 结果状语从句无主语 3

10、. Copy with the situation 用语不巧当。根据每错一个语法扣 0.5 分,得分 6学生文采分。语法扣分基本不得文采分。【知识梳理 2】写作步骤详解写作步骤好比理发师给客人理发。1 审题- 明白发型每篇作文要明白此作文要求写什么,写几件事,写几个点。好比理发师一定要弄清楚顾客想要什么发型,什么颜色,理解偏差,顾客当然不满意。作文身体偏题,分理所不会高。例如题目 The suggestion to your school. 只需要写一条建议。2 列提纲- 烫染程序列提纲可以帮助清顺序:先写什么,后写什么;明布局:每个版块大致要写多少内容。同理发讲究先后顺序,每个过程所耗的时间

11、(作文内容)。有可能很多学生不习惯列提纲,苦尽甘才会来。3 选词造句-烫染材料要想发型漂亮,护法材料一定要选好。从自身词库里边选择高档词汇,高档句型。尤其是开头结尾设计新颖些。句型可以高冷型(复合句/复杂句 It is undeniable that everyone has one or two things that is too embarrassed/hard to say),俏皮型(反问句 Why not join us right now?,比喻句 The most unforgettable thing to me is Jennys smile, like a breeze i

12、n spring making my heart warm all the time. ) , 奶茶型(I find it difficult for me to speak loudly in pubic; It is noble of Wei Congtai to donate all lucky money, 500 thousand yuan, to the charity.) 等等4 动笔- 动工5 检查- 修整发型做好后要进行最后的修正,作文写好后也要进行核查,时态,人称,主谓,拼写,标点等。别让这些小枝叶让你作文掉档。【例题精讲】Write at least 60 words a

13、bout the topic “I can get from _”(以“我能从_得到乐趣为题些一篇不少于 60 个字的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 )Using the following points as a reference.1. What can you get fun from?2. Why do you find it interesting and good for you?( give at least two reasons)学生原文:I can get fun from readingI can get fun

14、 from reading. First of all, I am a teenager of new centry, I should know more about the culture of other countries by reading. I can get the lastest news from it as well. Whats more, many books are worth reading. I can use the helpful knowledge in my daily life that I get from books. All in all, re

15、ading is my hobby and I get lots of fun from it.批注:此篇作文可让学生尝试先去评析。再让其修改原文修改:I can get fun from readingI can get fun from reading. First of all, I am a teenager of newcentry(century ), I should (can)know more about the culture of other countries by reading. I can get the lastest(latest)news from it a

16、s well. Whats more, many books are worth reading.I can use the helpful knowledge in my daily life that I get from books(表达不是很清楚 I apply what I learn from books to my daily life.). All in all, reading is my hobby and I get lots of fun from it. (5+6+0=11)评析:这是个半命题作文,主题一定要贴合生活,熟悉度高。内容表达上不要太宏观,微观才有话可说。R

17、eading 这个话题选择没有任何问题。内容 5:这篇文章的内容不完整。问题问的是 why is it interesting and good for you?, 这篇文章有提到第一个问题,第二个问题也是这篇文章的重头没怎么点到,更多针对的是 why do you read? 脱离了 fun);有的表达不是很清楚。语法 6:文章有错别字 2 个;用词不当;有些句子表述不是很清楚,语意连贯不强。结构 0:少见好词好句;前面分数低于 12,注定不可能有文采分。范文一:I can get fun from readingOf all things, the most possible one th

18、at can bring fun is reading. Books provide me with a wide variety of exotic things about other places. Not only do they expand my knowledge, but also they raise my interest to have a look in My opinion onhomeworkBeginning Topic Sentence: As far as Im concerned,proper homework is necessary for ourMai

19、n BodyTS1: I think that homework is necessaryto reinforce what is learned in school.TS2: .the homework is to let ourstudents learn additional thingsTS3:it can help us to form study habits.Conclusion I believe that proper homework will dogood to our study.person. Besides, some books about daily life

20、like cookery books teach me how to make some appetizing food, and my eyes, hands and mouth can join this amusing game together. Isnt fun ? Reading is so fun, join me. 范文二:I can get fun from watching English TV dramaIt goes without saying that English TV drama has been an important part in our spare

21、time. I, a faithful fan it, wont miss watching it as long as I have a chance. Their humorous lines as in Broken Girls always make me laugh from the very beginning to the end, which does me much good especially when I am upset and feel stressful. Furthermore, it usually includes encouraging part insp

22、iring you not to give up easily and to be as strong as the two broke girls. It is watching English TV drama that brings me fun and courage.批注:粗体部分为所学句型。【知识梳理 3】议论文写作一议论文三要素论点,论据和论证 是议论文的三要素,论点是作者对所论问题所持的见解和主张;论据是用来证明论点的事实和道理的根据;论证就是用论据来证明论点的方法和过程。一般来说,议论文每段应有 主题句(topic sentence) 来确定论点。文章结尾往往重申自己的看法、

23、意见或建议。论证有 立论和驳论 两种,作者证明自己的论点正确,是立论;反之,证明别人的论点错误,是驳论。【例题精讲】真题解析之观点议论型88. Write at least 60 words with the title “My opinion on homework”.(以“我对作业的看法”为题写一篇不少于 60字的短文。标点符号不占格。)你每天都要完成学科作业,请你谈谈你对作业的看法及建议。(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。 ) (2017 长宁一模)My opinion on homeworkDifferent people hold different

24、 opinions on homework. As far as Im concerned, proper homework is necessary for our study.On one hand, I think that homework is necessary to reinforce what is learned in school. And so the teachers ask our students to memorize what was discussed in class through homework. On the other hand, I believ

25、e that the point of homework is to cover material that the class didnt have time to get to, so the homework is to let our students learn additional things. In addition, it can help us to form study habits.All in all, I believe that proper homework will do good to our study.【巩固练习】94. Write a passage

26、of at least 60 words on the topic “Besides study, I also pay attention to.”(以“除了学习,我还关注.”为题,写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 )除了学习,你还关注什么?你怎么想的?怎么做的?请说明理由。(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分)(2017 虹口一模)Besides study, I also pay attention to _Besides study, I also pay attention to the environmentThere is no do

27、ubt that we students should pay more attention to our study. However, if we ignore the importance of the environment, we will have many difficulties in gaining knowledge. First of all, when there is too much noise, we will not be able to concentrate on what we are thinking about and our mind will be

28、 greatly disturbed. Whats more, air pollution may make us feel sick. As a result, we may be so weak that we will have neither enough energy nor a clear mind to learn what we want. Above all, we should try to take immediate methods to protect the environment so that it can provide us with a better en

29、vironment for living and learning as well.BeginningTopic Sentence _Main BodySupporting Detail1 _Supporting Detail2 _Conclusion _二、遣词造句词汇1) 同义词法: My school is in the west of the city.My school lies in the west of the school.My school is located in the west of the city.2) 反义词法: You can easilyremember

30、these words if you use them every day.Youll have no trouble/difficulty remembering these words if you use them every day.3) 构词法: The party is very successful.The party is a great success.The party is of great success.4) 同义结构替换法: If the weather is fine, well go hill climbing tomorrow. Weather permitt

31、ing, well go hill climbing tomorrow.练习:Health is very important to us._We work hard to pass the exam._句子 There is no doubt that + 句子 (毫无疑问的)There is no doubt that our educational system is far from satisfaction.There is no doubt that money cant buy everything in our daily life. An advantage of is th

32、at + 句子 (的优点是)An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create/produceany pollution.An advantage of taking exercises is that it can make us keep healthy. The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 (的原因是)The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.The reason why

33、 I prefer music is that it gives me a sense of satisfaction. The morethe more (愈愈)The harder you work, the more progress you make.The more books we read, the more learned we become.Sentence Making_ It is +adj. of/for sb. to do sth. (做是怎么样)It is wise of you to bookthe tickets in advance or we may mis

34、s the show.It is necessary for us to take actions to protect the water from various pollution. spare no effort to do=do ones utmost to do = try ones best to do (尽全力去)We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.We should tryour best to achieve our goal in life.We should do our utmost to hel

35、p others. have a great influence on (对有很大的影响)Smoking has a great influence on our health.Parental educationhas a great influence on our general development. It is said (that)+ 句子 (据说)It is thought (that)+ 句子 (一般认为)It is known (that) + 句子 (大家都知道)It is reported (that) + 句子 (据报导)It is expected (that) +

36、 句子 (一般预料)It is estimated (that) + 句子 (据估计 )It is believed (that) + 句子 (一般相信) Its known that Hangzhou is a beautiful city.Its believed that more physical exercises will do good to our health.Sentence Making_段落 -关联词范文赏析My View on E-booksNowadays E-books become more and more popular but the attitude t

37、owards to E-books differs. As far as I am 并列与递进: and, also, as well as, besides, moreover, in addition, whats more, etc. 转折: but, however, although, though, etc. 对比: or,while, instead of, on the other hand, on the contrary, etc. 因果: because, as, for, since, so, thus, therefore, as a result, because

38、of, etc. 总结: in brief, in a (one) word, in general, in short, on the whole, generally speaking, etc. 顺序: and then, next, after that, firstly, secondly, and finally, lastly, etc.concerned, e-books are helpful because of the following reasons. Firstly, e-books are very convenient. With the little body

39、 size, we can put it in the pocket and go anywhere with them. In this way, we have much time to read books and enlarge our knowledge. Besides, e-books can combine study and entertainment perfectly. With its various function, we can use it not only for learning but also for fun. Furthermore, e-book c

40、an play the role of friends. It gives us books to read, it plays games with us, what is more, we can put many things we like into it and so on. To sum up, we can draw a conclusion that e-books are very important for us, especially, our young.【知识梳理 4】写作中常见错误1、漏掉内容要点初中书面表达一般为提示作文,即根据要求写一篇 6080 个词左右的短文

41、。提供的情景在形式上有图画,文字提纲、表格等,而情景所提供的信息是多方面的,考生既不能只对某一要点进行过度,不必要的发挥,而忽视了其它要点,也不能只简单地说明一下要点,从而导致内容不够具体和丰富。2、词汇错误1)词义内涵理解错误我今天心情很好,所以我想出去走走!误:I have a good heart, so I want to go out for a walk. 正:I am in good mood, so I want to go out for a walk.2) 词的搭配错误误:The price of your house is cheaper than that of min

42、e正:The price of your house is lower than that of mine。汉语中常表达价格很贵,价格很便宜,但是在英语习语中,价格(price)一词要与high,low,reasonable 等词进行连用,而只有什么东西才能说 cheap 或者 expensive。3) 词性使用错误误:Most people did not aware of the importance of English.正:Most people were not aware of the importance of English.汉语中意识到是一个动词,而 aware 在英语中是一

43、个形容词,不能单独做谓语动词,需要 be aware of。4) 代词使用错误误:Steven taught our Chinese last term.正:Steven taught us Chinese last term.汉语中表达是教我们的语文,但是在英语表达中:teach 是双宾语的用法。5)介词使用错误误:We went there by our car.正:We went there by car. /We went there in our car.3 语法错误1) 动词运用过程中的常见错误主谓不一致误:Mike together with his parents like t

44、he movie.正:Mike together with his parents likes the movie.英语中看到 together with/along with/as well as 需要采用就远原则误:50 kilometers are really a long way for us.正:50 kilometers is really a long way for us.英语中,表示时间/长度/重量/金钱等名词一般作为一个整理对待,谓语动词要用单数.非谓语动词使用错误误: They are considering to keep the door open all the

45、time.正: They are considering keeping the door open all the time.初中非谓语动词常见后面加动名词作宾语的有:admit/avoid/keep/enjoy/finish/deny/practice/mind/consider/suggest/give up/ look forward to/ have trouble in 等2) 句子主要成分残缺不全误: Please tell us you saw and heard.正: Please tell us what you saw and heard.3) 修饰词错位误: Have

46、you got else anything to say?正: Have you got anything else to say?误: Mike always is late for school.正: Mike is always late for school.误: Li is enough tall to reach the book on the shelf.正: Li is tall enough to reach the book on the shelf.4) 由汉语思维影响造成的语言问题误: Although it is dark, but he goes on workin

47、g.正: Although it is dark, he goes on working.英语的表达中,although/but 是不能连用的,如 because/so 也是不能连用的误: There are some people think we should read extensively.正: Some people think we should read extensively.正: There are some people who think we should read extensively.5) 句子结构混乱误:Get up early, well catch the early bus.正:Get up early, and well catch the early bus.初中写作中最容易犯的就是句子与句子之前没有连词,切忌“两个分句之间必须有连词”。【知识梳理 5】优秀


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