1、CC ZHCS708D JANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 20132.4-GHz Bluetooth低低能能耗耗和和私私有有片片载载系系统统查查询询样样品品: CC25411特特性性23射射频频空空格格 2.4-GHz Bluetooth符符合合低低能能耗耗规规范范和和私私有有的的微微控控制制器器RF片片载载系系统统具具有有代代码码预预取取功功能能的的高高性性能能和和低低功功率率8051微微控控支支持持250-kbps,500-kbps,1-Mbps,2-Mbps制制器器内内核核的的数数据据速速率率系系统统内内可可编编程程闪闪存存,128或或者者256 KB出出色色的的链链路路
2、预预算算,不不使使用用外外部部前前段段而而支支持持长长距距离离在在所所有有功功率率模模式式下下具具有有保保持持功功能能的的8-KB RAM应应用用支支持持硬硬件件调调试试高高达达0 dBm的的可可编编程程输输出出功功率率扩扩展展基基带带自自动动化化,包包括括自自动动确确认认和和地地址址解解码码出出色色的的接接收收器器灵灵敏敏度度(1 Mbps时时为为94 所所有有功功率率模模式式中中对对所所有有相相关关寄寄存存器器的的保保持持dBm),可可选选择择性性,和和阻阻挡挡性性能能外外设设适适合合于于针针对对符符合合世世界界范范围围内内的的无无线线电电频频率率调调节节系系功功能能强强大大的的5通通道道
3、直直接接内内存存访访问问(DMA)统统:ETSI EN 300 328和和EN 300 440 2类类通通用用定定时时器器(1个个16位位,2个个8位位)(欧欧洲洲),FCC CFR47 15部部分分(美美国国),和和ARIB STD-T66(日日本本)红红外外(IR)生生成成电电路路布布局局具具有有捕捕捉捉功功能能的的32-kHz睡睡眠眠定定时时器器极极少少的的外外部部组组件件精精确确数数字字接接收收到到的的数数字字信信号号强强度度指指示示器器(RSSI)支支持持提提供供参参考考设设计计电电池池监监视视器器和和温温度度传传感感器器 6-mm 6-mm方方形形扁扁平平无无引引脚脚(QFN)-4
4、0封封装装含含8通通道道和和可可配配置置分分辨辨率率的的12位位模模数数转转换换器器与与CC2540引引脚脚兼兼容容(当当不不使使用用USB或或者者I2C(ADC)时时)高高级级加加密密标标准准(AES)安安全全协协处处理理器器低低功功率率 2个个功功能能强强大大的的支支持持几几个个串串行行协协议议的的通通用用异异步步接接工工作作模模式式RX低低至至:17.9 mA收收发发器器(UART)工工作作模模式式TX (0 dBm):18.2 mA 23个个通通用用I/O引引脚脚功功率率模模式式1(4-s唤唤醒醒):270 A(21 4 mA,2 20 mA)功功率率模模式式2(睡睡眠眠定定时时器器打
5、打开开):1 A I2C接接口口功功率率模模式式3(外外部部中中断断):0.5 A 2个个具具有有LED驱驱动动功功能能的的I/O引引脚脚宽宽泛泛的的电电源源电电压压范范围围(2 V3.6 V)安安全全装装置置定定时时器器工工作作模模式式下下TPS62730兼兼容容低低功功率率集集成成的的高高性性能能比比较较器器 RX低低至至:14.7 mA(3-V电电源源)开开发发工工具具 TX (0 dBm):14.3 mA(3V电电源源) CC2541评评估估模模块块工工具具包包(CC2541EMK)空空格格 CC2541小小型型开开发发工工具具包包(CC2541DK-MINI)空空格格空空格格 Sma
6、rtRF软软件件空空格格提提供供IAR嵌嵌入入式式Workbench空空格格1Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.2Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth
7、 SIG, Inc3ZigBee is a registered trademark of ZigBee Alliance.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.版权 20122013, Texas Instruments IncorporatedProducts conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty. Production processing does not English Da
8、ta Sheet: SWRS110necessarily include testing of all parameters.CC2541ZHCS708DJANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013 软软件件特特性性含含有有TPS62730的的CC2541符符合合针针对对单单模模式式蓝蓝牙牙低低能能耗耗(BLE)解解决决方方案案的的符符 TPS62730是是一一款款具具有有旁旁通通模模式式的的2-MHz降降压压转转合合Bluetooth v4.0协协议议的的堆堆栈栈换换器器完完全全功功率率优优化化堆堆栈栈,包包括括控控制制器器和和主主机机延延长长电电池池寿寿命命高高达达20% G
9、AP -中中心心设设备备,外外设设,或或者者广广播播器器(包包括括在在所所有有工工作作模模式式下下减减少少的的电电流流组组合合角角色色) 30-nA旁旁通通模模式式电电流流以以支支持持低低功功率率模模式式属属性性协协议议(ATT) /通通用用属属性性配配置置文文件件 RF性性能能并并未未改改变变(GATT) 客客户户端端和和服服务务器器小小型型封封装装允允许许小小型型解解决决方方案案尺尺寸寸对对称称式式对对多多重重处处理理(SMP) - AES-128加加密密和和 CC2541可可控控解解密密 L2CAP说说明明示示例例应应用用和和配配置置文文件件CC2541是一款针对Bluetooth低能耗
10、以及私有2.4-针针对对GAP中中心心和和外外围围作作用用的的一一般般应应用用GHz应用的功率优化的真正片载系统(SoC)解决方距距离离临临近近,加加速速计计,简简单单关关键键字字,和和电电池池案。它使得使用低总体物料清单成本建立强健网络节GATT服服务务点成为可能。CC2541将领先RF收发器的出色性能 BLE软软件件栈栈内内支支持持更更多多应应用用和一个业界标准的增强型8051 MCU、系统内可编程多多重重配配置置选选项项闪存存储器、8-KB RAM和很多其它功能强大的特性单单芯芯片片配配置置,允允许许应应用用运运行行在在CC2541上上和外设组合在一起。CC2541非常适合应用于需要超用
11、用于于运运行行在在一一个个外外部部微微处处理理器器上上的的网网络络处处理理低能耗的系统。这由多种不同的运行模式指定。运行器器接接口口模式间较短的转换时间进一步使低能耗变为可能。 BTool -用用于于评评估估、开开发发和和测测试试的的视视窗窗如果CC2540上的USB未启用并且CC2541上的(Windows) PC应应用用I2C/额外I/O未启用,那么CC2541与CC2540在6-应应用用范范围围mm x 6-mm方形扁平无引脚(QFN)40封装内引脚兼 2.4-GHz Bluetooth低低能能耗耗系系统统容。与CC2540相比,CC2541提供更低RF流耗。私私有有的的2.4-GHz系
12、系统统CC2541没有CC2540所具有的USB接口,并在TX人人机机接接口口器器件件(键键盘盘,鼠鼠标标,遥遥控控)模式中提供较低的最大输出功率。CC2541还增加了体体育育和和休休闲闲设设备备1个HW I2C接口。移移动动电电话话附附件件CC2541与CC2533优化RF4CE IEEE 802.15.4 SoC消消费费类类电电子子产产品品引脚兼容。CC2541有2个不同的版本:分别具有128kB和256kB闪存的的CC2541F128/F256。CC2541的方框图请参见Figure 1。2 Copyright 20122013, Texas Instruments Incorporat
15、ayer EngineFREQUENCYSYNTHESIZERI2CDEMODULATORRECEIVE TRANSMITOP-ANALOG COMPARATORI/OCONTROLLER1-KB SRAMRadioArbiterFIFOCTRLSDASCLCC ZHCS708D JANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled withappropriat
16、e precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be moresusceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the dev
17、ice not to meet its published specifications.Figure 1. Block DiagramCopyright 20122013, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3CC2541ZHCS708DJANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSupply voltage All supply pins
18、must have the same voltage 0.3 3.9 VVoltage on any digital pin 0.3 VDD + 0.3 3.9 VInput RF level 10 dBmStorage temperature range 40 125 CAll pins, excluding pins 25 and 26, according to human-body 2 kVmodel, JEDEC STD 22, method A114All pins, according to human-body model, JEDEC STD 22,ESD(2) 1 kVme
19、thod A114According to charged-device model, JEDEC STD 22, method 500 VC101(1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indic
20、ated under Recommended OperatingConditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2) CAUTION: ESD sesnsitive device. Precautions should be used when handling the device in order to prevent permanent damage.RECOMMENDED OPERATI
21、NG CONDITIONSover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN NOM MAX UNITOperating ambient temperature range, TA 40 85 COperating supply voltage 2 3.6 VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C and VDD = 3 V,1 Mbps, GFSK, 2
22、50-kHz deviation, Bluetooth low energy mode, and 0.1% BERPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITRX mode, standard mode, no peripherals active, low MCU 17.9activityRX mode, high-gain mode, no peripherals active, low MCU 20.2activity mATX mode, 20 dBm output power, no peripherals active, low 16.8MC
23、U activityTX mode, 0 dBm output power, no peripherals active, low 18.2MCU activityPower mode 1. Digital regulator on; 16-MHz RCOSC and 32-Icore Core current consumptionMHz crystal oscillator off; 32.768-kHz XOSC, POR, BOD and 270sleep timer active; RAM and register retentionPower mode 2. Digital reg
24、ulator off; 16-MHz RCOSC and 32- AMHz crystal oscillator off; 32.768-kHz XOSC, POR, and sleep 1timer active; RAM and register retentionPower mode 3. Digital regulator off; no clocks; POR active; 0.5RAM and register retentionLow MCU activity: 32-MHz XOSC running. No radio or 6.7 mAperipherals. Limite
25、d flash access, no RAM access.Timer 1. Timer running, 32-MHz XOSC used 90Timer 2. Timer running, 32-MHz XOSC used 90Peripheral current consumption Timer 3. Timer running, 32-MHz XOSC used 60 AIperi (Adds to core current Icore for each Timer 4. Timer running, 32-MHz XOSC used 70peripheral unit activa
26、ted)Sleep timer, including 32.753-kHz RCOSC 0.6ADC, when converting 1.2 mA4 Copyright 20122013, Texas Instruments IncorporatedCC ZHCS708D JANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013GENERAL CHARACTERISTICSMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C and VDD = 3 VPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS
27、MIN TYP MAX UNITWAKE-UP AND TIMINGDigital regulator on, 16-MHz RCOSC and 32-MHz crystalPower mode 1 Active 4 soscillator off. Start-up of 16-MHz RCOSCDigital regulator off, 16-MHz RCOSC and 32-MHz crystalPower mode 2 or 3 Active 120 soscillator off. Start-up of regulator and 16-MHz RCOSCCrystal ESR
28、= 16 . Initially running on 16-MHz RCOSC, 500 swith 32-MHz XOSC OFFActive TX or RXWith 32-MHz XOSC initially on 180 sProprietary auto mode 130RX/TX turnaround sBLE mode 150RADIO PARTRF frequency range Programmable in 1-MHz steps 2379 2496 MHz2 Mbps, GFSK, 500-kHz deviation2 Mbps, GFSK, 320-kHz devia
29、tion1 Mbps, GFSK, 250-kHz deviationData rate and modulation format 1 Mbps, GFSK, 160-kHz deviation500 kbps, MSK250 kbps, GFSK, 160-kHz deviation250 kbps, MSKRF RECEIVE SECTIONMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C, VDD = 3 V, fc = 2440 MHzPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN
30、 TYP MAX UNIT2 Mbps, GFSK, 500-kHz Deviation, 0.1% BERReceiver sensitivity 90 dBmSaturation BER 6 MHz offset, 0.1% BER, wanted signal 67 dBm 33Minimum interferer level 3 GHz (Wanted signal 67 dBm) 7Intermodulation(4) Minimum interferer level 36 dBmIncluding both initial tolerance and drift. Sensitiv
31、ity better than -67dBm,Frequency error tolerance(5) 250 250 kHz250 byte payload. BER 0.1%Symbol rate error Maximum packet length. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm, 250 byte 80 80 ppmtolerance(6) payload. BER 0.1%1 Mbps, GFSK, 160-kHz Deviation, 0.1% BERReceiver sensitivity(7) 91 dBmSaturation BER 6-MH
32、z offset, 0.1% BER, wanted signal 67 dBm 32Including both initial tolerance and drift. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm,Frequency error tolerance(5) 200 200 kHz250-byte payload. BER 0.1%Symbol rate error Maximum packet length. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm, 250-byte 80 80 ppmtolerance(6) payload. BER
33、 0.1%500 kbps, MSK, 0.1% BERReceiver sensitivity(7) 99 dBmSaturation BER 2-MHz offset, 0.1% BER, wanted signal 67 dBm 28Including both initial tolerance and drift. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm,Frequency error tolerance 150 150 kHz250-byte payload. BER 0.1%Maximum packet length. Sensitivity better
34、than 67 dBm, 250-byteSymbol rate error tolerance 80 80 ppmpayload. BER 0.1%(3) The receiver sensitivity setting is programmable using a TI BLE stack vendor-specific API command. The default value is standardmode.(4) Results based on standard-gain mode.(5) Difference between center frequency of the r
35、eceived RF signal and local oscillator frequency(6) Difference between incoming symbol rate and the internally generated symbol rate(7) Results based on high-gain mode.6 Copyright 20122013, Texas Instruments IncorporatedCC ZHCS708D JANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013RF RECEIVE SECTION (continued)Measured
36、on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C, VDD = 3 V, fc = 2440 MHzPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT250 kbps, GFSK, 160 kHz Deviation, 0.1% BERReceiver sensitivity (8) 98 dBmSaturation BER 2-MHz offset, 0.1% BER, wanted signal 67 dBm 29Including both initial tolerance an
37、d drift. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm,Frequency error tolerance(9) 150 150 kHz250-byte payload. BER 0.1%Symbol rate error Maximum packet length. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm, 250-byte 80 80 ppmtolerance(10) payload. BER 0.1%250 kbps, MSK, 0.1% BERReceiver sensitivity (11) 99 dBmSaturation BER 2-
38、MHz offset, 0.1% BER, wanted signal 67 dBm 30Including both initial tolerance and drift. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm,Frequency error tolerance 150 150 kHz250-byte payload. BER 0.1%Maximum packet length. Sensitivity better than 67 dBm, 250-byteSymbol rate error tolerance 80 80 ppmpayload. BER 0.1%
39、ALL RATES/FORMATSSpurious emission in RX. f 1 GHz 57 dBmConducted measurement(8) Results based on standard-gain mode.(9) Difference between center frequency of the received RF signal and local oscillator frequency(10) Difference between incoming symbol rate and the internally generated symbol rate(1
40、1) Results based on high-gain mode.Copyright 20122013, Texas Instruments Incorporated 7CC2541ZHCS708DJANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 2013 RF TRANSMIT SECTIONMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C, VDD = 3 V and fc = 2440 MHzPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITDelivered
41、 to a single-ended 50- load through a balun using 0maximum recommended output power settingOutput power dBmDelivered to a single-ended 50- load through a balun using 23minimum recommended output power settingProgrammable output power Delivered to a single-ended 50- load through a balun using 23 dBra
42、nge minimum recommended output power settingf 1 GHz 48 dBmmeasurement Suitable for systems targeting compliance with worldwide radio-frequency regulations ETSI EN 300 328 andEN 300 440 Class 2 (Europe), FCC CFR47 Part 15 (US), and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan)Differential impedance as seen from the RF port (
43、RF_P and RF_N)Optimum load impedance 70 +j30 toward the antennaDesigns with antenna connectors that require conducted ETSI compliance at 64 MHz should insert an LCresonator in front of the antenna connector. Use a 1.6-nH inductor in parallel with a 1.8-pF capacitor. Connectboth from the signal trace
44、 to a good RF ground.CURRENT CONSUMPTION WITH TPS62730Measured on Texas Instruments CC2541 TPA62730 EM reference design with TA = 25C, VDD = 3 V and fc = 2440 MHz,1 Mbsp, GFSK, 250-kHz deviation, Bluetooth low energy Mode, 1% BER(1)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITRX mode, standard mode, no
45、 peripherals active, low MCU activity, MCU 14.7at 1 MHzRX mode, high-gain mode, no peripherals active, low MCU activity, 16.7MCU at 1 MHzCurrent consumption mATX mode, 20 dBm output power, no peripherals active, low MCU activity, 13.1MCU at 1 MHzTX mode, 0 dBm output power, no peripherals active, lo
46、w MCU activity, 14.3MCU at 1 MHz(1) 0.1% BER maps to 30.8% PER32-MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATORMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C and VDD = 3 VPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITCrystal frequency 32 MHzCrystal frequency accuracy 40 40 ppmrequirement(1)ESR Equivalen
47、t series resistance 6 60 C0 Crystal shunt capacitance 1 7 pFCL Crystal load capacitance 10 16 pFStart-up time 0.25 msThe crystal oscillator must be in power down for a guardtime before it is used again. This requirement is valid forPower-down guard time 3 msall modes of operation. The need for power
48、-down guardtime can vary with crystal type and load.(1) Including aging and temperature dependency, as specified by 18 Copyright 20122013, Texas Instruments IncorporatedCC ZHCS708D JANUARY 2012REVISED JUNE 201332.768-kHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATORMeasured on Texas Instruments CC2541 EM reference design with TA = 25C and VDD = 3 VPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITCrystal frequency 32.768 kHzCrystal frequency accuracy requirement(1) 40 40 ppmESR Equivalent series resistance 40 130 kC0 Crystal shunt capacitance