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1、ESKIMO PIE公司IPO估值 17, May 2010,All trademarks are owned by Socit des Produits Nestl S.A., Vevey, Switzerland.,Content,1、 Introduction2、公司IPO绝对估值3、相对估值4、Suggestion5、End of the Eskimo Pie Story附录 A股IPO估值方法、程序及案例 估值方法差异及应用,IPO:initial public offering,1、DCF自由现金流估价模型,我们尝试使用公司自由现金流量折现得出的爱斯基摩派公司的独立价值。 从图表上

2、看,1991年至1993年(此后,公司进入了一个持续增长的稳定状态,1991-1993年高增长,年均30%,1994-2001按6%年增长,以后基本稳定,长期增长率假设为2%)指包括公司股东权益和债权人、股东等长期利益相关者在内的现金流总和FCFFEBIT(1税率) 折旧资本性支出 追加营运资本,计算WACC,公司自由现金流FCFF,公司自由现金流 FCFF EBIT(1-所得税率)折旧资本支出非现金性流动资本变化 应该扣减财务利息收入,分红之后将不再存在,FCFF 3阶段模拟增长估值,FCFF敏感性测试,2、PE&PB估值1,PE&PB估值2,估值结果汇总,Suggestion,公司估值在1

3、1.39-25.77元之间。排除经济波动下的价值中枢为11.39-14.05,目标价格12.37元 在市场向好时,根据PE法,价格区间在22.45-25.77,平均24元。根据上述估值预测,公司IPO价格12.37最低线,最高线24.11元,考虑给二级市场保留一定溢价以保障发行成功,价格平均为(12.37+24.11)/2=18元18元估值发行后公司市值5969万美元,发行费用300万美元 里诺兹公司取得价值及分红收入共6280万美元雀巢报价6100,不相上下,原则上可以拒绝收购。一是股票流动性升值潜力,二是员工得以保全。,Suggested Questions- 雪糕公司,为什么雀巢想收购雪

4、糕公司? 有潜在的整合效应吗(通过比较整合前后价值)? 是否雪糕公司(收购状态)比作为独立的公司价值更高?答:雀巢以雪糕市场第一位目标,具有百年口碑的Eskimo Pie 是其重要的整合对象。对雀巢而言,全面的营销网络和强大的资本背景,能迅速把Eskimo Pie 推向全球,其价值远远大于独立的Eskimo Pie 公司。小公司在市场上缺乏竞争力和资本优势,常常会走向衰落。作为里诺兹的顾问, 你会推荐卖给雀巢 还是准备IPO? 答:我会建议先IPO,取得市场溢价和流动性,合适时间再卖。 另外,我建议增量发行,取得募集资金用于公司发展而不是存量发行,做股东的现金奶牛。这样可能发展更快。,1992

5、年1月,IPO成功,Initial Public Offering in Early 1990s Citing a desire to concentrate on its core metals businesses, Reynolds put Eskimo Pie on the auction block in 1991. When negotiations with longtime rival Nestl failed, the parent elected to launch an initial public offering of its 84 percent stake in

6、January 1992. (Coincidentally, Eskimo Pie founder Christian Nelson died that same spring. CEO Clark(还是克拉克任CEO) told Washington Posts Jonathan Glater that the 98-year-old “had an Eskimo Pie every day.”) Offered at $17, the shares quickly rose to over $20 in its first day of trading. 发行价17美元,当天涨上20美元。

7、 The company celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1996(创立75周年) with an important role in the Smithsonian Institutions salute to frozen novelties. But that years fiscal results were nothing to crow about; an unusually long, cold spring hit Eskimo Pie especially hard, helping to reduce the years sales t

8、o $74.1 million. (销售下滑到7400万美元)Even more devastating was a $2 million loss on the year. The stocks performance has reflected Eskimo Pies anemic bottom line; shares topped out at nearly $25 in 1992, dropping to a low of $7.50 in October 1996 before rebounding somewhat to $11 in May 1997. (股价从最高点25美元跌

9、到十月份的7.5美元低点,1997年5月前略有回升至11美元) The simmering rivalry with Nestl continued throughout the decade(与雀巢最终竞争了10年). In 1993, the Switzerland-based food juggernaut purchased the Heath name from Leaf, Inc. and subsequently pulled its smaller rivals license to the candy bar brand, thereby robbing Eskimo Pie

10、 of more than 10 percent of sales. Eskimo Pie returned the favor in 1997, hiring David B. Kewer, an executive with strong experience in the ice cream industry, away from Nestl S.A. (1997更换了CEO,克拉克去职 ) Kewers strategies for the late 1990s included a re-emphasis on the companys well-recognized and som

11、ewhat neglected core brand. The support included a resumption of television advertising backed by a $3 million budget. Marketing efforts, including an animated web site featuring games and contests, were targeted especially to youngsters. Kewer also hoped to capitalize on Eskimo Pies strong recognit

12、ion via a licensing push beyond the ice cream industry, hinting that lines of branded snack foods and clothing might be in the companys future.,Eskimo Pie Share Price 1992-99,Post-IPO Performance of Eskimo,End of the Eskimo Pie Story,On November 17, 1998, an unsolicited offer from Yogen Fruz World-W

13、ide Incorporated to acquire 100% of Eskimo Pie for $10.25 per share was rejected by Eskimo Pies Board. 1998年11月17日, Yogen Fruz 以10.25美元每股价格全面要约收购,私有化,但股东拒绝了。 Yogen Fruz responded with a $13 conditional offer on December 2, 1998, and the Board requested its financial advisors to examine the “full ran

14、ge of strategies to enhance shareholder value” (p. 13, 1998 Annual Report). 1998年12月2日, Yogen Fruz 增加价格到13美元每股,股东同意了,Eskimo Pi被收购。On May 3, 2000, the company agreed to be acquired by Cool Brands, Yogen Fruz successor, for $10.25 per share. Shareholders accepted the offer on September 6. 2000年5月3日, C

15、ool Brands向Yogen Fruz提出10.25美元全面收购, Yogen Fruz于6月同意出售。 2003年,雀巢28亿美元收购了德雷尔,成为仅次于联合利华的全球第二大雪糕、冰激凌生产商。 On January 24, 2007, CoolBrands announced the sale of its Eskimo Pie and Chipwich brands to Dreyers Grand Ice Cream, an indirect subsidiary of Nestl.6最终,2007年1月24日,Cool Brands将its Eskimo Pie and Chip

16、wich brands两大品牌出售给雀巢控股的德雷尔公司,雀巢出资28亿美元成功购德雷尔,2003年,雀巢出资28亿美元成功购并美国第三大冰激凌企业德雷尔。 Now that the Federal Trade Commission has at long last given its approval to Nestles acquisition of Dreyers Grand Ice Cream, some observers are declaring CoolBrands International the big winner in the deal.http:/ CoolBran

17、ds big winner in Nestle/Dreyers deal. 雀巢在美国市场上已拥有高档冰激凌品牌哈根达斯,德雷尔则拥有德里梅利、戈蒂瓦和星巴克等高档冰激凌品牌,雀巢、德雷尔和销售本吉里冰激凌的联合利华三家,控制了美国高档冰激凌市场上约98的销售额。雀巢购并德雷尔后将使其在美国高档冰激凌市场上的占有率上升到60,将有能力提高高档冰激凌市场的产品价格,并有可能形成市场垄断。,后来,雀巢被迫作出让步。根据联邦贸易委员会与雀巢达成的和解协议,雀巢购并德雷尔后将如愿以偿地获得德雷尔在全美的销售系统,但同意将其在美国的几乎全部分销系统出售给加拿大的库尔布兰兹国际公司,并让库尔布兰兹拥有德雷

18、尔的德里梅利等高档冰激凌品牌。和解方案中还包括一个多年期的协议,约定雀巢在协议期间必须向库尔布兰兹提供德雷尔的冰激凌。 欲与联合利华试比高 不难看出,雀巢购并德雷尔主要是为了增强在美国高档冰激凌市场的竞争地位。美国人均冰激凌消费量居全球之首,而联合利华目前在美国市场的冰激凌业务规模是雀巢的两倍。联合利华的本吉里是美国排位第一的高档冰激凌品牌,第二才是雀巢的哈根达斯,第三则是德雷尔。雀巢购并德雷尔后,美国高档冰激凌市场中的老二和老三就可以联手向联合利华的本吉里发起进攻,并有可能后来居上。 雀巢首席执行官在谈到购并德雷尔时表示,这是雀巢在冰激凌行业进行的重要举措之一,表明了雀巢要扩大冰激凌业务、保

19、持持续增长的决心。冰激凌市场的集中度很低,需要通过扩大规模来提高利润。雀巢购并德雷尔后不仅可以提高市场占有率,而且德雷尔也能充分利用雀巢深厚的研发能力。有关人士透露,雀巢购并德雷尔后将对下属两家冰激凌企业的生产、销售、管理和产品等业务领域进行合并,以提高运作效率,每年可为雀巢节约17亿美元的费用。 雀巢购并德雷尔后必将与联合利华展开一场你死我活的冰激凌大战。目前,联合利华仍是世界上最大的冰激凌生产商,世界市场占有率达17,去年销售额约为50亿欧元,远远高于雀巢的30亿欧元。过去两年,雀巢一直致力于逐渐退出利润低薄的普通冰激凌业务,重点打入增长迅速、利润丰厚的高档冰激凌市场。为此,雀巢2001年12月宣布收购哈根达斯在美国的业务,从而挤进了美国高档冰激凌市场。这次购并德雷尔必将进一步增强雀巢在美国高档冰激凌市场的竞争力。雀巢的如意算盘是希望通过购并计划来增加市场份额并带动利润增长。,


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