1、磨削工艺学 绪论,Grinding Technology Introduction,栗正新 教授 河南工业大学材料学院 2012.4,Outlook,0.1 磨削工艺课程的意义 Why Grinding Technology 0.2 学习内容 What to study 0.3 学习目的 Studying purpose 0.4 学习要求 Requirements 0.5 教材和参考书 Textbook and reference 0.6 制造过程和机械加工 The manufacturing process and machining 0.7 磨削加工意义、发展沿革 Significance
2、 and history of grinding 0.8 磨削加工的特点 Characters of grinding 0.9 磨削加工的应用 Application of grinding,Contact me,栗正新 ProfessorSupervisor of postgraduate, Vice-dean School of material science and engineering , Henan university of technology Tel: 0371 67758728 Mobile phone: 13700843382 Email: zhengxin_ or
3、MSN Messenger ID: lizx_ QQ ID: 3 5 4 8 7 8 3 8 7,0.1 磨削工艺课程的意义 Why Grinding Technology,0.1.1 专业课程的所学所用Essential sector in the undergraduate program of Abrasives Engineering and Superhard Materials and Products Application of items that you are studying in the professional courses.“Conventional Abras
4、ive Materials Manufacture”, “Vitrified Abrasives Manufacture”, “Coated Abrasives Tool” “Organic-bonded Abrasives Manufacture” “Superhard materials Synthesis”, “Sintered Products of Superhard Material“,“Electroplated Products of Superhard Materials”,0.1.2 磨具和磨削的紧密关联 Category of abrasives and its uses
5、,不掌握磨削工艺,研究磨料磨具就是“闭门造车”。 掌握工作目标的使用原理与要求,才能制造出好的产品。从不开车的人造汽车,就是:Building a cart behind closed doors,0.1.3 磨具研究开发的集成思维需要,The key of the integrated thinking for the abrasive engineers A successful abrasive expert should offer the grinding solution for customer but a wheel.,The price of a dish more high
6、er than its raw stuff,通过磨具、磨床、磨削工艺、被加工材料的集成研究,提供给用户磨削解决方案,才是真正的磨具制造专家。 -Saint Gobain Corporation,0.1.4 掌握材料加工、过程检测的方法和原理(磨削方面),Acquiring the experiment of material processing, especially in grinding,Grinding force Grinding ratio Grinding temperature,0.2 学习内容,概述/Introduction 磨具的结构与特性/Grinding wheels
7、composition and properties 磨削运动学和磨削几何学/Grinding geometry and kinematics 砂轮的形貌和修整修锐/Wheel truing, dressing and topography 磨削机理/Grinding Mechanism 磨削温度与磨削液/Grinding thermal analysis and coolant 实验一 磨削力测试/ Experimental section 1 Test of grinding force 磨削加工质量/ Surface quality of grinding 实验二 磨削温度测试/ Exp
8、erimental section 2 Test of grinding temperature 砂轮的磨损和性能评价/Grinding wheel wear and evaluating of performance 磨具的选择与使用/Abrasive tools applied principle 常用磨削加工方法/Conventional grinding ways 实验三 磨削比测量/Experimental section 3 Test of grinding ratio,0.3 学习目的 Studying Purpose,Grinding Technology takes an i
9、mportant role in the systematic curriculums of Abrasives and Superhard Materials and products. Its a optional course for the students who majoring in Materials Science and Engineering, which put into teaching after students accomplish studying some of abrasives professional courses. The function of
10、this course are To set up the students theoretical fundamental of grinding, abrasives selecting and using in optimization Also to improve the students understanding of abrasives and superhard materials products applied in industry. Also enhances the students perceptual knowledge and cultivates stude
11、nts ability of grinding parameters detecting and analyzing. To improve students English ability, especially in profession.,0.3 学习目的 Studying Purpose,本课程是材料科学与工程专业的一门限选修课。 课程设置在学习磨具制造类课程结束后实施。 本课程的设置为磨料磨具与超硬材料方向的课程体系制品形成一个整体。 通过学习磨削原理和磨具选择原理,为磨具的合理使用打下良好的理论基础并且能通过这些原理进一步促进对磨具研究、开发、制造的深入了解。 加深学生对磨削过程的
12、感性认识和培养学生掌握磨削参数检测分析的能力。,0.4 学习要求,Attendance 80% of teaching hours, permission for leaves in 3 times or 4 No cheating! You could sleep in class without Sleep Talk and Walk. You can absent from this course unless you pass a committed interview. Encourage you to be a volunteer of asking in class, follo
13、wing bonus pointsFinal Points: Close-book examination,70%; Regular performance, 10%; experimental performance, 20%,0.5 Textbook and reference,砂轮特性与磨削加工,王德泉 陈艳,中国标准出版社 2001 磨削加工学.陈剑飞,河南科技出版社.1994.磨削原理.诸兴华.机械工业出版社.1981.磨削加工与磨料选择.池震宇.兵器工业出版社.1990. Grinding Technology Industrial Press INC. New York ,USA
14、 2008 Handbook of Machining with Grinding Wheels Industrial Press INC. New York ,USA http:/ 先进制造与自动化数据共享网,English Textbook,0.6 制造过程和机械加工 The manufacturing Process and Machining,0.6.0机械加工方法及精度 Machining and tolerance,车削方法的特点是工件旋转,形成主切削运动,因此车削加工后形成的面主要是回转表面,也可加工工件的端面。,0.6.1 车削 Turning,Single point cut
15、ting tool removes material from a rotating workpiece to form a cylindrical shape,铣削的主切削运动是刀具的旋转运动,工件本身不转动,装夹在机床的工作台上完成进给运动。,0.6.2 铣削 Milling,Rotating multiple-cutting-edge tool is moved across work to cut a plane or straight surface,peripheral milling face milling.,0.6.2 铣削 Milling,a)顺铣 b)逆铣,a),b),刨
16、削时,刀具的往复直线运动为切削主运动,如图所示。因此,刨削速度不可能太高,故生产率较低。,0.6.3 刨 削 Shaping/Planning,在钻床上,用旋转的钻头钻削孔是孔加工最常用的方法,钻头的旋转运动为主切削运动。,车床镗孔,0.6.4 钻削与镗削 Drilling and Boring,镗床镗孔,Used to create a round hole, usually by means of a rotating tool (drill bit) with two cutting edges,磨削以砂轮或其它磨具对工件进行加工。其主运动是砂轮的旋转运动。,磨削加工 a)磨外圆 b)磨
17、内孔 c)磨平面 1拨盘 2拨销 3尾架 4工件 5鸡心夹头 6头架,0.6.5 磨削 Grinding,0.6.6 珩磨 Honing,1.电火花加工 2.电解加工 3.激光加工 4.超声波加工,特种加工,1. 电火花加工 Electric discharge machining/Electric spark machining,电火花加工是利用工具电极和工件电极间瞬时火花放电所产生的高温,熔蚀工件材料来成形工件的。电火花加工在专用的电火花加工机床上进行。,电火花加工原理示意图 1床身 2立柱 3工作台 4工件电极 5工具电极 6进给机构7工作液 8脉冲电源 9工作液循环过滤系统,电解加工是
18、利用金属在电解液中产生阳极溶解的电化学原理对工件进行成形加工的一种方法。,电解加工原理示意图 1直流电源 2工件 3工具电极 4电解液 5进给机构,2. 电解加工 Electrochemical machining,激光是一种能量密度高、方向性好(激光束的发散角极小)、单色性好(波长和频率单一)、相干性好的光。,激光加工机示意图 1激光器 2光阑 3反射镜 4聚焦镜5工件 6工作台 7电源,3. 激光加工 Laser beam machining,超声波加工是利用超声频(16-25kHz)振动的工具端面冲击工作液中的悬浮磨粒,由磨粒对工件表面撞击抛磨来实现对工件加工的一种方法。,超声波加工原理
19、 1超声波发生器 2、3冷却水 4换能器 5振幅扩大棒 6工具 7工件 8工作液,4. 超声波加工 Ultrasonic machining,0.7 磨削加工意义、发展沿革 Significance and history of grinding,磨削加工的发展历史,磨削加工是利用磨料去除材料的加工方法,石器时代,开始使用磨料研磨加工各种贝壳、石头及兽骨等 ,制成生活和狩猎的工具,青铜器出现以后,开始利用磨料加工来制造兵器及生产工具,研磨的铜镜已达到镜面要求,铁器的出现,使磨料加工成为一种普遍的工艺技巧得到广泛应用,手工磨削时代,0.7 磨削加工意义、发展沿革 Significance and
20、 history of grinding,1901年以后,相继发明人工熔炼的氧化铝(刚玉)、碳化硅磨料。,40年代末期,人造金刚石问世,1957年研制成功立方氮化硼,机器磨削时代,18世纪中期出现第一台外圆磨床,使用石英石、石榴石等天然磨料敲凿成磨具,进而用天然磨料和粘土烧成砂轮,随后又研制成功平面磨床,0.7 磨削加工意义、发展沿革 Significance and history of grinding,磨削是一种精加工方法,是必不可少的加工手段,是国力的象征(尺寸精度可达IT5IT6,表面粗糙度能达到Ra0.8Ra0.08)精密制造领域:高性能仪器、军工、航天、航空、海洋WWII and
21、 advanced weapon,0.7 磨削加工意义、发展沿革 Significance and history of grinding,1、精密及超精密磨削,磨削加工的现状及未来发展趋势,精密加工:IT10.1m、Ra0.20.01m,超精密加工:IT0.1m,Ra0.025m,,2、高效磨削、高速磨削,普通砂轮时,磨除率可提高到5001000mm3/s;,当s=120250m/s,使用(立方氮化硼)砂轮,磨除率可达2000mm3/s,缓进给磨削 比磨除率可达300mm3/mm.min,高效深切磨削 比磨除率可达300mm3/mm.min,砂带磨削比磨除率可达300mm3/mm.min,快
22、速短行程磨削,高速重负荷磨削比磨除率可达300mm3/mm.min,0.8 磨削加工的特点,1、磨削过程中参加切削的磨粒数极多 2、起切削作用的磨粒具有独特的性能a 磨粒具有很高的硬度 b 磨料的热稳定性好c 磨粒具有一定的脆性 d 磨粒切削刃的形状不规则 3、 单颗磨粒的切入深度很小 4、 磨粒的切削速度极高 5、 磨具有自锐作用 6、 比磨削能大,加工发热量大,0.8 磨削加工的特点,Cutting action involves shear deformation of work material to form a chip As chip is removed, new surfac
23、e is exposed,(a) A crosssectional view of the machining process (b) Tool with negative rake angle; compare with positive rake angle in (a).,0.8 磨削加工的特点,Grinding process, complicated, difficult understood, and not easy to quantitative analyze.Owing to multiplicity of cutting points, irregular geometr
24、y, the high cutting speed, the small depths of cut which vary from grain to grain, the grinding heat with the spark stream bursting forth from the grinding wheel.,0.9 磨削加工的应用,(1) 可以获得很低的表面粗糙度和加工精度,各种切削加工方法可达到的表面粗糙度,2、 可获得高的金属切除率,磨加工方法能达到的单位宽度磨除率,3、可用来加工各种材料,各种金属与非金属材料:钢材、铸铁、铜、铝以及木材,橡胶塑料、玻璃、陶瓷、石材等 高硬度、高韧性的金属,例如硬质合金,高钒高速钢等,采用金刚石和立方氮化硼等高硬度磨削进行磨削。,、可以满足多种加工要求,根据加工目的和用量的不同,可以进行荒磨、粗磨半精磨、精磨、光磨、高精度高光洁度磨削 根据加工对象的不同,可以进行外圆磨削,内圆磨削,平面磨削,工具磨削,专用磨削,砂带磨削,电解磨削,珩磨,超精加工,研磨抛光等,Homework,简述机械加工精度概念及表征方法简述磨削技术发展趋势,End,Thank you for attention,