1、Traction,traction,Traction is the application of a pulling force to a part of the body Whenever traction is applied, countertraction must be used to achieve effective traction. Countertraction is the force acting in the opposite direction, usually the patients body weight and bed position adjustment
2、s supply the needed counterttraction,Purpose and effective 1. reduce a fracture and discolation 2. maintain correct alignment of bone fragments during healing 3. immobilize a limb while soft tissue healing takes place 4. overcome muscle spasm 5. stretch adhesion 6. correct deformities,Traction types
3、 1. skin traction 2. skeletal traction,Skin traction,adhesive tape traction,Skin traction:,foam rubber boot,Skin traction,Skin traction: belt traction,Cervical traction,Pelvic traction,Skeletal traction,Nursing interventions,Casts,The most common external fixation device Material: 1. Plaster of pari
4、s (anhydrous calcium sulfate, 无水硫酸钙) 2. Fiberglass 3. Plastic,Types of casts,Short-arm cast Long-arm cast Shoulder spica Short-leg cast Long-leg cast Hip spica Walking cast,walking heel,Casts nursing interventions,Functional exercises,Functional exercises,1. early (12w): 目的:促进血液循环,消除肿胀,防止肌肉萎缩,进行患肢肌肉舒缩。 2. middle (23w):防止肌肉萎缩和关节粘连,患肢骨折远近关节运动为主。 3. later (68w):促进功能全面恢复,进行重点关节为主的全身锻炼。,Functional exercises,肢体运动的方法: 1.被动运动 2.主动运动 3.助力运动 4.手法治疗,肌肉锻炼形式: 1.等长收缩 2.等张收缩 3.等动收缩,