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    关 键  词:

    1、声色词的翻译,一、拟声词(onomatopeic words),英汉拟声词的比较 1.同一声音在英语和汉语中用相同的拟声词来表达: pat-啪 giggle-咯咯 meow/miaow/miaou/meau-喵 cuckoo-咕咕 howl-嚎 moo-哞哞 vroom-vroom-呜呜(赛车发出的声音),2.同一声音在英语和汉语中用不同的拟声词来表达。 cock-a-doodle-do-喔喔喔 croak-咕咕/呱呱(蛙鸣) drum-咚咚 splash-扑通 whiz-嗖嗖(子弹呼啸声) clang-铿锵(金属碰击声) crack-噼啪(爆裂声) bleat/baa-咩咩 tinkle-叮

    2、当声(金属声),3.不同的声音用同一拟声词来表达 gurgle-(流水)汩汩声(人发出的)咯咯声 chatter-(鸟)啁啾;(松鼠)吱吱声;(溪流)潺潺声;(机器)震动 rustle-(绸衣,树叶,纸等)沙沙作响 murmur-(微风,流水,蜜蜂,人低语)声;嘟哝(人)/淙淙(流水)/沙沙(微风)/嗡嗡(蜜蜂) 萧萧(风、雨、马等发出的)声音-(a horse)neighs,(the rain)patters,(the wind)whistles,(the trees)rustle 鸣(车辆,鸟,青蛙等发出的声音)-(birds)chirp,(frogs)creak, (a bugle)ho

    3、nks,英语拟声词的译法,1、把英语拟声词译成读音与之相同的汉语拟声词。 The iron hissed when it pressed the wet cloth. 熨斗烫湿布时发出咝咝声。 Every morning, there are a lot of birds chirping in the trees not far from our house. 每天早晨,我家附近的树林里有许多鸟儿在啁啾。 The champagne cork popped. 香槟酒的软木塞砰地一声开了。 In no time at all, they were cooing contentedly. 他们很

    4、快就发出咕咕的满意的叫声。 the wolves howled in the forest all night. 狼整晚在森林里嚎叫。 Ha-ha! Thats a good joke. 哈哈,那个笑话挺逗的。,2、把英语拟声词译成读音不同的汉语拟声词 The chandelier landed crash on the floor. 那盏枝形吊灯啪喇一声落在地上。 The shutter rattled in the wind. 百叶窗在风中发出咯吱的响声。 The stone rolled into the river with a splash. 那石头扑通一声滚进河里。 The thu

    5、nder rolled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。 He cracked the whip above the horses head. 他把鞭子举过马头,甩得噼噼啪啪地响。 Everything was silent until, behind one of the doors an old lady of some kind cleared her throat like a sheep bleating. 一切都死寂无声,忽然,从一扇门的后面传来了某个老太太清嗓子的声音,听起来想是山羊在咩咩地叫。,3、把同一英语拟声词根据不同的情况译成不同的汉语拟声词,或是把不同的

    6、英语拟声词根据不同的情况译成汉语拟声词。 1)The whip cracked as the wagon master started the horses. 马车夫赶马上路时,鞭子甩的噼噼啪啪地响。 The plate cracked as I dropped it. 我把盘子掉在地上,哗啦一声破碎了。 2)Thunder began to rumble. 雷声开始隆隆作响。 The cart rumbled past. 大车咕噜咕噜地驶了过去。 His stomache rumbled emptily. 他的肚子饿得咕咕作响。,3)A plane hummed overhead. 一架飞机

    7、在头顶上嗡嗡地响着。 There came the whir of a small machine. 传来一台小型机器的嗡嗡声。 The noise of the plane really made my ears ring. 飞机的噪音震得我耳朵嗡嗡作响。,4、把英语拟声词译成汉语非拟声词 With this he closed, and through the audience went a murmur, like the rustle of dead leaves. 他的话说完了,在听众中掠过一阵低语声,像枯叶在簌簌作响。 Though I speak with tongues of

    8、men and of angels and have no charity, I am becoming a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 我若能说万人的方言,讲天使的话语,然而却没有爱,岂不成了鸣锣响铙一般? He rattled the receiver up and down but could get no reply. 他把电话机听筒拿起来又摔下,但就是没有回声。,And the verse of that sweet old song It flutters and murmurs still: “A boys will is the

    9、winds will And the thoughts of youth are long,long thoughts.“(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: My Lost Youth) 那甜蜜的古老的歌声 仍旧在起伏和低唱 “少年的愿望好似风的愿望, 呵,青春的心思是多么,多么绵长。”(査良铮 译) The lights went out bang in the middle of the performance. 演出演了一半,灯光突然熄灭了。,翻译英语拟声词,还应注意以下几点: 1)有些英语拟声词翻译成汉语时可保留其原来的词性及句法功能 “Ssssssh! They

    10、d simply murder me if they caught you here. Do you want to get me fired?“ “嘘-嘘-嘘!要是他们发现你在这儿,他们简直会要我的命。你想要我丢饭碗吗?” The clock ticked, the fire cracked. 钟声滴滴答答,火苗噼噼啪啪。 They hissed him off the stage. 他们把他嘘下了台。 The tiger roared when it smelled the hunter. 老虎闻到狩猎人的气味就吼叫起来。,2)有些英语拟声词翻译成汉语时可转换其原来的词性或句法功能 “Ch

    11、ug, chug!“ the boat went down the river. 传突突突地由河上游顺流而下。 Bumblebees hummed in the graden. 大黄蜂在花园里嗡嗡地叫。 The crowd began to hiss and boo him for his un-sportsmanlike conduct, but he sat unmoved. 由于他那种缺乏运动员道德的行为,人群中开始用“嘘嘘”和“呸呸”向他喝倒彩,但他仍然坐着一动不动。,3)有些英语拟声词翻译成汉语时课根据汉语的需要增补一定的词语(如“作响”、“一声”)、“一下”等,使译文符合汉语的表达

    12、习惯 The jailor clanked a warning with his keys to his prisoners. 看守吧钥匙弄得叮当作响以警告犯人。 The bullet entered his brain and he fell with a thud to the carpet. 子弹射进他的头部,于是他扑通一声倒在地毯上。 She slammed the box on the table. 他吧匣子砰地一下摔在桌子上。,4)有时英语原文中没有拟声词,翻译成汉语时可根据汉语表达的需要增补恰当的拟声词语,使译文表达生动 Turning, he was just about to

    13、 knock on a door when a figure suddenly slid up before him. 正要转身叩门时,突然嗖地一声一个人影窜到他的面前。,二、颜色词(color words),1.英汉颜色词指称意义比较 英汉两种语言中的颜色词可大致分为基本颜色词和实物颜色词两大类。基本颜色词是指那些完全用于描绘实物色彩的词汇。他们虽然数量有限,但代表的基本颜色幅度较宽,具有一定的概括性,因此具有较高的使用率和较强的活力。 white-白 grey-灰 yellow-黄 red-红、赤 brown-棕、褐 green-绿、青 blue-蓝 purple-紫 black-黑,英语

    14、基本颜色词课通过不同的搭配方式来表达比较复杂的颜色概念 如在前面冠以deep、dark等词,就表示某一颜色的深浓; 冠以light、pale等词表示颜色的浅淡; 冠以bright、rich、vivid等词表示颜色的鲜明; 冠以dull、pale、dirty、murky、darkling等词表示颜色的深暗;,如果基本颜色词附以后缀-ish则表示颜色的浅淡,意为“微带色”; 其前冠以另一颜色词,可表示一种混色,如blue green(蓝绿色 绿中带蓝),gold green(金绿色 绿中带黄); 而两个颜色词以and连接,就构成一种没有调和在一起的花色,如豹子身上的花色就是a yellow-and

    15、-black pattern。 此外,英汉基本颜色词都有许多近义词,例如英语中的red近义词有200种之多,常见的就有:crimson(深红)、cardinal(鲜红)、scarlet(腥红)、vermilion(朱红)、rubious(深红)、pink(粉红)、bloody(血红)、ruddy(微红色),而汉语红色的近义词只有40多个。,实物颜色词是指那些用实物名称来表示色彩的词语。这些词语所指称的具体实物因为本身具有色彩,因此该词语也常用来指该实物的颜色。实物颜色词比基本颜色词多得多,英语和汉语都有数量庞大的实物颜色词。一般说来,一个英语实物颜色词完全可以在汉语中找到指称意义对应的汉语颜色

    16、词。如:,milk-乳白色 cherry-鲜红色 sea-绿色、蓝色 orange-橙色 lemon-淡黄色 lily-纯白色 olive-淡绿色 cinnamon-赤褐色 canary-淡黄色 salmon-橙红色 ivory-淡黄色 vermilion-朱红色 cocoa-深褐色 apple-浅绿色 wine-紫红色 carnation-淡红色 rainbow-彩色 chestnut-褐色,此外,实物颜色词还可以与基本颜色词组合,表示具体的颜色概念,如英语中的snow white(雪白), rose red(玫瑰红), silver grey(银灰), peacock-blue(孔雀蓝),

    17、 blood-red(血红);又如汉语中的漆黑、茶青、桔红、铁青、蜡黄、瓜皮绿等。,2.英汉颜色词的文化内涵对比 green hills-青山 brown sugar-红糖 to be brown-晒黑 brown bread-黑面包 to be blue in the face with cold-冻得发紫 grey hair-白头发 whitecoffee-牛奶咖啡 white meat-色浅的嫩牛肉、猪肉或煮熟的鸡鸭肉 a white Christmas-大雪纷飞的圣诞节 black coffee-清咖啡 black tea-红茶 black in face-脸色铁青,3.英语颜色词的译

    18、法 1)把英语颜色词翻译成相应的汉语颜色词 The uniforms were no longer of grey cloth but were grass green through-out, as delicately and attractively coloured as the fields. 制服不再是灰色的,一律是草绿色的,和青草、田野的色彩一样,精致美观。 He was dressed in a European-style suit of a pale grey material with pale-blue stripes. 他穿着一套浅灰色面料、淡蓝色条纹的欧式西装。 S

    19、he was wearing a dark red blouse, the rolled-up sleeves revealing the snow of her arms. 她穿着一件深红的罩衫,卷起的袖子下露出雪白的胳膊。,Variously viewed, the ducks change subtly in colour from ruby to yellow to violet. 鸭子身上的颜色因人们观察角度的变化而发生微妙的变化:忽红、忽黄、忽紫。 The western sky was a flame of orange. 西天一片橙红,宛如火焰。 The blue of his

    20、 eyes gradually deepened into amethyst. 他眼睛里的蓝色渐渐加深,变成了紫色。,2)把英语颜色词翻译成不对应的汉语颜色词 Though old now, he was still strong with a brownish tufted bears. 他虽然上了年纪,身子骨儿还挺结实,一绺小胡子,黑里带黄。 My finger was caught in the crack of the door and got pinched black and blue. 我的手指夹在门缝里,挤压得又青又紫。 I was absolutely green(with

    21、envy)when I saw his splendid new car. 我看到他那辆漂亮的新车时非常眼红。 He went purple with rage. 他气得脸色铁青。,3)根据英语原文颜色词的引申义或比喻义,使用释义法将其译成汉语 I dont see why I should stand in a white sheet for something I didnt do. 我不明白,为什么我要对没有做的事公开认错。 Nightingale didnt care much for regulations and red-tape which often made it diffi

    22、cult to get business done quickly during war time. 对于那些往往耽误战时办事的规章制度和繁文缛节,南丁格尔并不十分予以理会。 The maxim is that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green. 俗话说,夫妻吵得面红耳赤之日,正是律师招财进宝之时。 His conduct was believed to be the pink of perfection. 人们相信他的品行十分端正。 The oppertunity one luckily gets is but once in a

    23、 blue moon. 能幸运地得到这样的机会简直是千载难逢。,4)有时英语原文中没有颜色词,也可根据译文的需要适当增补汉语颜色词 The soldiers didnt shed their blood in vain. 战士们的鲜血没有白流。 Were not going to let him bring shame on our team. 不许他给我们队脸上抹黑。 Did the Law not know that a mans name was to him the apple of his eye,that it was far harder to be regarded as a cuckold than as a seducer. 法律难道不了解一个人的名誉是他最宝贵的东西,不了解被认为是戴绿帽子的人比被认为是勾引者要难堪得多吗?,

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