1、卡梅隆导演第二届北京国际电影节开幕式致辞2012 年 4 月 23 日晚,北京国家会议中心明星齐聚,嘉宾云集,第二届北京国际电影节光影流金开幕式在此举行。美国著名电影导演詹姆斯卡梅隆出席开幕式并发表致辞,以下为致辞全文,由口译网会员 David 听写整理。Thank you for that.谢谢,晚上好。Its centainly an unbelievable privilege and honor to be here at the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival. This is certainly a historic occasion
2、 and its so beautifully produced and quite magnificent. The opening act alone was certainly worth the 15-hour flight to get here. It was absolutely exquisite.首先,我要感谢主办方邀请我参加第二届北京国际电影节。这是一场历史性的盛会,仅看开幕式的盛况就值得花费 15 小时的飞行来到这里,简直是精彩绝伦。China is not only one of the most active economies globally but is a f
3、ast growing market for films in the world right now. In this country, they are installing 8 new cinemas a day and the rate is actually rising. There are still thousands of towns and counties waiting to get their first movie theaters ever. And when they get them, theyll be in digital 3D.中国不仅是世界上经济发展最
4、快的国家之一,还是世界上电影市场发展最为迅猛的国家之一。在中国,每天都有 8 家新增的影院,并且数量还在增加。还有数千个城镇还没有电影院,它们建的第一家电影院就会是数字 3D 影院。I personally experienced the effect of this rapid expansion. In the last two weeks, “Titanic 3D” has made as much money here in China as it has in all the other international markets combined. I think thats in
5、credible. 我也亲身感受到了数字 3D 技术的迅速发展。最近两周,泰坦尼克号3D 版在中国创下了惊人的票房,其收入相当于世界上其他市场的票房总和。And not only is rapid growth in the number of theaters unprecedented, but the embrace of 3D, and the cinema-going experience by Chinese audiences is breathtaking. In an age of streaming video watched on iPhones and tablets,
6、 the Chinese audience has spoken resoundingly, that they love watching movies where movies were meant to be seen, on the big screen. 不仅仅是电影院数量的增速史无前例,更为令人惊讶的是中国观众对 3D 电影的热衷程度。在这个流行用苹果手机和平板电脑看视频的时代,中国观众大声地宣告,他们喜欢看大银幕上播放的电影。I believe this rising tide will raise all the ships together not only the inte
7、rnational films which now have greater access to the growing Chinese market, but the internal Chinese film industry itself which will benefit from the rapidly growing installed base of theatres and audience thats hungry for entertainment. 随着水涨船高,除了更多的国际电影涌入正在发展壮大的中国市场之外,电影院越来越多,观众对电影的需求越来越大,中国电影业的发展
8、也会深受其益。China is a force to be reckoned with in the world film industry and the world is paying attention to China. I expect this years festival to be a landmark moment as filmmakers from all over the world mingle with the Chinese film community to exchange views, to plan co-productions and simply to
9、 continue to earn each others respect. Today and together we can shape a vibrant and prosperous future.中国是世界电影业中不可忽视的一股力量,世界关注着中国的发展。我认为,今年的电影节将会成为中国电影的里程碑来自世界各国的电影人与中国电影人共聚一堂,相互交流,共同探讨电影的合拍事宜,增强互信互重。我们将共同创造一个生机勃勃、欣欣向荣的未来。Films are such an important vehicle for cultural exchange between countries an
10、d peoples. We can feel the open atmosphere of Beijing International Film Festival embracing and representing a variety of films from different locations, languages and cultures and in various categories.电影是国与国之间、人民与人民之间一个非常重要的文化纽带。我们能够感受到北京国际电影节活跃的氛围,来自不同国家、不同语言和不同类型的电影都在这里展映。You know, we gather her
11、e to celebrate and enjoy each others work as film-makers, and together, to contribute to making Beijing International Film Festival an increasingly important event for the world film industry in coming years.我们共聚一堂,庆祝和欣赏我们电影人的卓越成就。有了我们的共同努力,北京国际电影节将会在未来几年成为国际电影界越来越重要的盛事。So my very best wishes for the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival. Thank you!祝愿第二届北京国际电影节圆满成功!谢谢大家。