1、,停顿,意群与气群,Pausing: 为了使意思表达得更清楚或者是换气的需要,人们在说话或朗读时经常需要停顿。(句子之间的停顿较长,意群之间停顿较短,往往由逗号、分号、冒号等分开。)When winter comes, it gets colder and colder, and the days get shorter and shorter.,意群(sense group): 一个句子可以按照意义和语法结构分成几个部分,每一个部分称为一个意群。意群可以用“l”符号表示。意群是根据语义、语法和语调来划分的。从语义和语法上讲,意群必须是表达某种意义的一个(组)词、一个短语、一个分句、一个主句或
2、者从句。从语调上说,意群必须是可以用降调、声调或平调来朗读的一个语调单位。,Before 1949, I used to live in Hong Kong and worked as a teacher.,三个意义单位,三个语法单位,三个语调单位。,气群:凡是一口气能说完或者读完的一个句子或句子一大部分的称为一个气群。一个气群一般包括若干个意群,说话或者朗读时气长的人可念完一个很长的句子而不停顿,但最短的气群不得少于一个意群。气群用”ll”表示。,Both my brother and I l are fond of tennis. llWhich is bigger, an elephan
3、t or a tiger?He read a great deal, and made full notes while he read.If you had the choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our wedding anniversary?,I have become most aware of my lack of a proper education whenever I have had the chance to put it to the test. My roses
4、 are yellow, as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden, and yellower than the daffodil that blooms in the meadow.,All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins and become mine.And when the moon shone in the heaven, the Nightingale
5、flew to the Rose-tree, and set her breast against the thorn. All night long she sang with her breast against the thorn, and the cold crystal moon leaned down and listen. All night long she sang, and the thorn went deeper into her breast and her life-blood ebbed away from her.,节奏:英语每一句话中出现的一系列音节都有轻重、
6、长短、快慢等有规律的交替现象。这种现象被称为节奏。实词(名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词)重读,虚词(冠词、介词、连词、助动词)不重读。因此分析重读和弱读非常必要。重读音节出现的间隔时有规律的。每隔一段就会有一个重音。 Janet has gone to school.每个重音有一拍。每拍之间的间隔是一样的,而在两拍之间必须把非重读音节读完。My wife is waiting for me at the corner of the street.,A book A good book A very good book A very good text-book A very good scho
7、ol text-book This is a very good school text book.,Exercise,A cup An empty cup An empty cup and saucer An empty cup and a broken saucer Two empty cups and a broken saucer Three are two empty cups and a broken saucer.,A clock My friends clock The hands of my friends clock The metal hands of my friends clock The two broken metal hands of my friends clock,