1、Dear Steven Chan,You have a new inquiry from http:/www.topke-Sender: Glines-Ex Inc ( Chandra Shekar.B ) Inquiry Date: 2008-11-18 13:06 Subject: Inquiry about 21“ LCD TV COMBO DVD Message: Hi we are looking looking for above peoduct pls give us technical specation and terma snd condution purpose of u
2、s fitting in buss so vibriting will be there , we are looking around 15000 LCD TVs so give us better prices and min 1 year replacement warrent this is for india looking back your repaly Inquiry about the following items: 21“ LCD TV COMBO DVD Contact Information: Company Name : Glines-Ex Inc Country/Region : IndiaContact Person : Mr. Chandra Shekar.BPhone : 0-988-670-7779Email : g-Others: Inquiry From: http:/www.topke- Inquiry Language: English Sender IP: (India)