1、29Central China Shanghai, Xiangshan and Lianyun Port, major waterfront tourism schemes include:华中地区 - 上海、连云港等地主要的水上旅游项目包括:1.6.3 Existing Domestic Competition国内竞争现状PROJECT NAME项目名称CITY城市SITE AREA (SQ KM)基地面积(平方公里)POSITIONING定位MAJOR FEATURES主要特征MATURITY (MAX: 5 POINTS)成熟度(最高为五星)Songlanshan Waterfront
2、Tourism and Resort Area松兰山滨海旅游度假区Xiangshan 40.1Medium end中档Outward bound, sight seeing, 外向型、观光*Ocean Cultural Theme Park海洋文化主题公园Xiangshan 1.33Medium end中档Museum, hotel, shopping street, cultural performance博物馆、酒店、商业街、文化表演*Sun Island Tourism and Resort Area上海太阳岛旅游度假区Shanghai 1.6medium to high end中、高档
3、Golf course, horse riding, hotel, go kart, water theme park, arti cial beach, disco, conference centre, international school, food street, sports facilities高尔夫、骑马、酒店、碰碰车、水上主题公园、人工海滩、迪斯科、会议中心、国际学校、美食街、体育设施*Liandao Island Holiday Village连岛海滨旅游度假区Lianyun Port连云港7.57Medium end中档Beaches, eco park, sight
4、seeing, boating, medium end hotels海滩、生态公园、观光、游艇、中档酒店*OBSERVATIONS Waterfront tourism developments are relatively less as compared with Northern China, but with better quality. Comprehensive development contents are available, enable visitor to stay longer. Stronger and clearer theming and positionin
5、g However, the coverage of market is only limited to the neighbouring regions分析 水滨旅游项目开发与北方城市相比相对较少。但是质量相对较高。 完善全面的开发内容,可以使旅游者的停留时间加长。 清晰明确的定位和主题。 然而,市场仅仅覆盖周边省份。30Southern China Shenzhen, Shantou, Jiangmen, Sanyamajor tourism waterfront scheme include:OBSERVATIONS Being located in subtropical area,
6、it enjoys favourable climate conditions which are quite similar to those in Hainan. However, there is still a 4 to 5 month in a year when high water contact activities are not appropriate. Being close to the Hong Kong and PRD with strong economic background, large market potential for tourism develo
7、pments in Southern China. Waterfront tourism attractions in Southern China feature unclear theming, lack of market awareness, dominated by sight seeing attractions and monotonic in nature which limited their attractiveness. Strong competition from tourism areas in south eastern Asian countries, as t
8、hey have maturely developed and wide ranges of tourism attractions and activities and also enjoy better climate conditions enable year round water sports activities.华中主要滨海旅游区包括:分析 位于亚热带,气候宜人,与海南相似。但是,每年仍有 4 到 5 个月不适合水上活动。 邻近香港等经济发达地区,华南旅游市场有巨大潜力。 华南地区水上旅游项目缺乏鲜明主题,市场意识淡薄,以观光为主,服务设施单一。 面临来自东南亚国家旅游业的强力
9、竞争。这些国家有更成熟、更丰富的旅游项目,气候条件也更加适宜水上活动。PROJECT NAME项目名称CITY城市SITE AREA (SQ KM)基地面积(平方公里)POSITIONING定位MAJOR FEATURES主要特征MATURITY (MAX: 5 POINTS)成熟度(最高为五星)Da Maysa Beach Resort Area大梅沙海滨公园Shenzhen深圳4.6Medium to high end中、高档Beaches, BBQ, water theme park, water sports facilities, ve star hotel, yacht club海
10、滩、烧烤、水上主题公园、水上运动设施、五星级酒店、游艇俱乐*Xiaomeisha Recreation Centre小梅沙Shenzhen深圳3.58Medium 中档Sea World with museum, aquariums and performance, medium end hotel, beaches, BBQ, F sea turtles, the Hainan moonrat, Hainan ying squirrel (both which are endemic to Hainan), Elds deer, black gibbon and the Asiatic bl
11、ack bear.The island also includes 2 endemic bird species, the Hainan leaf warbler and the Hainan partridge both listed as vulnerable to extinction. Other bird species include the ratchet-tailed treepie, white-eared night heron Blyths king sher and the pale-capped pigeon.The site also includes portio
12、ns of preserved ecosystems including rosewood plantations within the inner Shamei Bay, sea grasses, seashore plants on river mouth alluviums, sand embankments and coral reefs. While much of the land area has been heavily modi ed, land uses are primarily based on agriculture and shing with a lesser d
13、egree of development area.The marine environment including the coast, estuary, riverine environment and lake and river systems form a diverse aquatic habitat. The vegetation cover across the site in com-bination in response to the landscape features create unique natural habitats through the valley,
14、 foothill and ridge environments. Several lakes and water catchments are scattered throughout the site in the open valleys and lowland areas. Further information and research at a detailed planning level is required in order to deter-mine native and introduced species and in order to further underst
15、and what is appropriate for landscape protection purposes. Site investigations revealed little in the way of signi -cant wildlife populations.2.2 ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMSome bird species were observed including mainly wading species and migratory species were reported to stop in the area, however birdlife
16、 is not considered to be abundant. The reason for this is considered to be a loss of habitat due to agricultural and aquacultural practices across the site.Evidence of some sh life was also noted, but this was also considered to me minor. Sha-mei Lake is very shallow throughout the southern two thir
17、ds of the site (less than 1 to 1.5 metres in areas) with a sandy bottom and very little sea grass or weed beds. While villag-ers use these waters for catching shrimp in hand nets, limited stock appeared to be avail-able. Aquaculture is dominant along Shamei Lake and along many of the river edges wit
18、h most ponds on land and some formed by the formation of walls within the water itself.The main landscape nodes of the site include: Marine and reef habitats Shalao, Tanmen Coral Reef Refuge Ridgelines and hilltop environments- Jinnui Ridge, Longtan Ridge Shrubland and at lowland environments agricu
19、ltural lowlands Valley and oodplain environments Longgun River, Jiuqu River Wetland environments edges of island mainland, island systems Estuarine environment Wanquan River Estuary Dune systems Jade Belt Beach Lagoon Shamei Lake Alluviums Dongyu Island, Shapo Island, Mandarin Duck IslandRIVER AND D
20、UNE SYSTEM 河流与沙丘系统COCONUT TREES 椰子树林41岛上的天然植被多为热带雨林植物,四季常青。基地和整个地区自然景色优美,东面碧海环绕,海岸或沙滩平坦,或礁石林立。陆地、海洋、河流相间,形成了河口、沙洲、沙坝、泻湖、沙滩、岛礁、水下暗滩和沙嘴等许多独特的景观地貌。鉴于得天独厚的自然条件,海南常常被喻为人间天堂或宝岛。但是,由于不合理的农业开垦,当初的纯天然环境已所剩无几,许多当地特有的动植物种类正濒临灭绝。此外,全岛范围内广泛种植引进的植被,也不利于保护本地品种。例如,岛内沿海岸区域进行植树造林,广泛种植从澳大利亚引进的桉树和木麻黄等乔木,而没有考虑到这些品种对环境的不
21、利影响。尽管存在以上问题,海南仍然保留了许多独特的自然环境,只要进行有效管理,必将获得良性发展。海南的生物多样性丰富,全省拥有各种植物4200多种,其中特有种630多种,有罗汉松一系列濒危的热带针叶树种,被列为国家重点保护的珍稀树木有20多种,如子京、坡垒、青梅、母生、花梨、油楠、胭脂、 油丹等等。海南全省有哺乳动物98种,鸟类291种。被列为国家一级保护的野生动物有13种,即被誉为“稀世之宝”的海南坡鹿、“中国之贵”的黑冠长臂猿,还有云豹、白腹军舰鸟、白鹳、黑鹳、朱、白肩雕、海南山鹧鸪、黄腹角雉、白颈长尾雉、孔雀雉、巨晰等;列为二级保护的有36种, 即猕猴、穿山甲、黑熊、水獭、小爪水獭、大灵
22、猫、水鹿、海南羊、巨松鼠、褐鲣鸟、红脚鲣鸟、小天鹅等。 基地内还有一些受保护的生态系统,例如,沙美内海边的红树林,沙洲、沙坝和珊瑚礁区域的海藻、海岸植物生长带等。尽管这些土地已不再保持原样,但开发程度并不高,主要用于农业和渔业生产。海岸、河口、河流、泻湖等交织组成了多样化的水上生态环境。各种水生植物与山谷、山麓、山脊上遍布的植被遥相呼应,连成一片,构成了不可多得的景观化天然环境。在开阔的谷地和低洼平原,散布着湖泊水网。由于过去的实地勘察并没有获得有关区内野生动植物资源的详细资料,有必要在详细规划阶段进行这方面的调查分析,以进一步了解并确定哪些本地和引进的物种有利区内的景观保护。虽然有报道说,本
23、地区是许多候鸟的过冬栖息地,但是在现场访问过程中,只观察到数量有限的水鸟。其原因可能是区内农业和水产养殖破坏了鸟类的栖息环境。水系中的鱼类数量也较为有限。沙美内海在区内南部约三分之二的面积内水深不足1-1.5米,且湖床泥沙淤积,几乎不长水草或海藻。村民们使用简单的捕捞工具在湖内捕捉鱼虾,但捕获量极小。在沙美内海和其他许多河流两边,水产养殖是主要产业。村民们在陆地上挖掘人工养殖池,也有少数人直接在水中围堰造池。基地内主要的景观节点包括: 海洋、岛礁沙老、潭门珊瑚礁保护区 山脊、丘陵金牛岭、龙潭岭 灌木丛、低洼平原地势低平的农田 谷地和漫滩地龙滚河、九曲江 湿地环境 海岸、岛屿体系 河口环境万泉河
24、口 海岸沙坝玉带滩 泻湖沙美内海 沙洲东屿、沙坡、鸳鸯岛2.2 生态系统BEACH 沙滩 WILD LIFE 野生动物BIRDS HABITANTS 鸟类栖息 LOAST LINE 海岸线42SAND SPIT AND WILD DUCKS 沙岛和野鸭 DUNE AND WETLAND SYSTEM 沙丘和湿地系统PLANTING SPICES 不同植物种类WETLAND SYSTEM 湿地系统43Boao Contour Analysis博鳌等高线分析44Boao Contour Analysis博鳌等高线分析Boao Elevation Analysis博鳌高程分析45Boao Aspec
25、t Analysis博鳌朝向分析46Boao Aspect Analysis博鳌朝向分析Boao SouthernAspect Slopes博鳌南向坡分析47A 4-lane dual carriageway expressway provides access to Boao from the north and south. The capital of Hainan, Haikou, is approximately 105 km to the north and the resort city of Sanya is located approximately 160 km to th
26、e south. Both of these cities have an international airport. Boao is connected to the expressway by a 9 km 4-lane highway and is 18 km south east of the nearest main town, Qionghai. All of these highways and expressways are very good quality and are in excellent condition.Minor 2-lane asphalt roads
27、in fair to good condition service the town of Boao and its surrounds and provide access to Dong Yu and Sha Po Islands via new concrete bridges. An old 2-lan highway in poor condition also provides access parallel to the expressway to the town of Long Gun. There is limited access to villages and agri
28、cultural areas on narrow unsealed roads in fair to poor condition.A shuttle bus operates between Haikou and Sanya every 20 minutes from 7:00 to 19:00 and every 40 minutes from 19:00 to 23:00. Access is also possible by helicopter and sea plane from Haikou and Sanya airports. Electric mini-buses prov
29、ide transport around the hotel precincts. Most visitors travel to Boao by coach or private vehicle and a signi cant number are day visitors only and do not stay overnight.2.3 INFRASTRUCTURE SYESTEM2.3.1 Roads And Transportation一条双向四车道高速公路为从南北两个方向进出博鳌提供了便捷。海南省会海口市距博鳌以北约105公里,旅游城市三亚位于博鳌以南约160公里处。两个城市都
31、天,在此过夜的游客较少。道路与交通基础设施系统HAINAN ISLAND EXPRESSWAY海南岛高速路连接48EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 现状道路平面Existing Roading Infrastructure Plan现状道路基础设施49WATER SUPPLYWater is pumped to a water treatment plant in Jiaji in Qinghai then delivered to Boao through a 600mm diameter main. Conventional piped distribution n
32、etworks exist to supply hotels and new housing developments. However, it is understood that remote villages and individual farm dwellings are not supplied and that people in these locations obtain water from wells and bores. The capacity of the existing supply is reported to be 48,000 m3/d, which sh
33、ould be capable of supplying about 200,000 people. Two small reservoirs, Da Ling and Jia Dan, exist near to Boao to store raw water for irrigation and for other uses.SEWERAGENo central sewage treatment facilities exist in Boao. The larger hotels have package treat-ment plants providing secondary tre
34、atment. All other sewage from towns, villages and indi-vidual dwellings is untreated and most is released directly into waterways.ELECTRICITYTwo high voltage lines exist in the area, providing power to a 35kV transformer station in Long Gun and a 110kV transformer station in Peilan with an eventual
35、design capacity of 80,000 kVA. Currently this station has two transformers with a total capacity of 40,000 kVA. This is suitable for supplying the needs of about 30,000 people under existing demand regimes.COMMUNICATIONSReasonable communications facilities exist, including conventional telephone sys
36、tems, cable TV and internet access and bre optic lines. Satellite TV coverage is available and mobile phone reception is fare to good.WASTE DISPOSALLittle information is available on waste disposal. This will be reviewed prior to completion of this masterplan study.HOT SPRINGSThere are hot springs n
37、ear the Jiu Qu River about 12 km southwest of Boao. Water from these springs is currently piped to the major hotels in Boao. There are no tourist facilities at the hot spring site.GROUNDWATERGroundwater underlying the site is likely to ow in a predominately west to east direction within the low lyin
38、g areas between the ridges. Secondary groundwater ows will occur towards the three rivers and in some cases away from rivers that are bounded by levees. It is expected that groundwater levels will vary in depth between 0m and 2.5m below the existing ground levels. The groundwater may be aggressive i
39、n nature due to high chloride and sulphate contents. In-ground structures may therefore need to be designed to resist the aggressive nature of the groundwater.2.3.2 Hydrological & Electricity InfrastructureTidal surcharging is likely to in uence the ow and quality of groundwater across some of the s
40、ite near Sha Mei Lake and the estuary.Groundwater is currently being pumped from wells to supply sh farms in some areas. There appears to be no large scale use of groundwater for drinking water supply or for irrigation. However, it was reported that drinking water pumped from the Wan Quan River come
41、s from groundwater. The sandy nature of the Wan Quan estuary would provide an appropriate lter medium in preference to pumping directly from the river.FLOOD RISKThe extent of land subject to ooding is to be con rmed, although the lower reach of the Jiu Qu River has levees on both sides to protect th
42、e low lying agricultural land and it is under-stood that these levees have not been overtopped since they were constructed. The ood risk to the site may be exacerbated during the monsoon season which extends between June and October due in part to high river ows and to tidal surge. At this stage the
43、 ood risk for the development site cannot be quanti ed, as the design is not nalised.Hydrological/hydraulic modelling of the catchment would need to be undertaken before any necessary mitigation measures can be determined. Notwithstanding this, appropriate ood protection measures could be introduced
44、 on the site to attenuate the ood risk such as: Suitably designed earth bunds or levees Elevated earthworks platforms above the 1:50 year and 1:100 year storm events.Subject to settlement and instability effects any new building platforms would need to be properly engineered and further investigatio
45、ns would be necessary. No buildings should be constructed within the 1:100 year ARI contour or where ood velocities are high.The proposed new town centre will be built above RL 4.0 using sand dredged from the lake to form building platforms and raised open space areas. It is highly unlikely that the
46、 risk of inundation from tsunamis would be as great as the risk of storm surges during typhoons. While the new town centre should be unaffected, care must be taken to ensure that de-velopment on the Jade Belt is protected from possible scour or inundation during severe storms. This may require barri
47、er walls or simply avoiding construction on or in front of the frontal dunes. Detailed investigations are required to con rm the extent of land that may be at risk.CLEAN WATER SUPPLYClean water is currently supplied by pumping from the Wan Quan River to a treatment plant in Jiaji town in Qionghai. W
48、ater is treated to the Chinese national standard “Drinking Water for Living Purposes” and delivered to Boao through a 600 mm diameter main capable of supplying 48,000 m3/d. This should be suf cient for a population of 180,000 to 240,000 people at an average demand of 200 l/person/day plus other usag
49、e such as irrigation. This water is of a suitable quality for all uses other than drinking or washing food.50A new potable water treatment system was planned to increase overall supply capacity by 100,000 m3/d in two stages of 50,000 m3/d. This would be adequate for an eventual total equivalent population of over 600,000 people with ample provision for use of water for non drinking purposes. This system should be developed with an independent, secure raw sto