1、1 / 17请您先填写基本信息,再次感谢您的支持,希望合作愉快!一、 姓名:二、 电话:三、 e-mail:四、 选择试译类型(必填):五、 在线联系方式:六、 擅长翻译领域:七、 是否愿意从事专职翻译(成都坐班):八、 其它(可用时间、每日可承接量、期望价格等):说明:1、第 1 项通用类必做,其他可根据自己擅长的专业选择试译类型(至少选一项) ,我们将根据您擅长的专业进行不同领域合作。2、请对照翻译,只保留已选专业,删除其他未选专业!3、目前时尚、游戏类译员较为饱和。目 录1、通用类 .22、地质、矿产类 23、化工类 .34、电子类 .45、时尚类 .46、IT 、计算机类 .57、财经
2、、金融类 68、电力类 .79、法律合同类 710、锅炉、火电类 811、航空、飞行类 912、机 械工程类 1013、医学类 .1114、汽车类 .1115、石油类 .1216、土建、路桥类 1217、文学类 .1318、游戏类 .1419、声 乐类 .152 / 171、通用类中译英:也许现在该是重新检查一下我们现在生活流行的价值观,弄清楚今天的生活为何变得如此艰难,以及该用什么办法加以解决的时候了。现在的事情常常不仅不是它们看上去那样,事情可能正好与看上去的相反。譬如说,如今人们的不满往往不是因为情况比以往任何时候都糟,而是因为情况从来未这么好过。一切事情都变得似是而非了。Maybe i
3、t is time to check our present valuess of life and try to figure out why life today becomes so difficult, and what way to solve them. Now things are often not they look like, it may be just the opposite. For instance, peoples dissatisfaction are often not because situation is worse than ever, but be
4、cause the situation has never been better. All things become plausible.英译中:For the third straight year, President Barack Obama ranks as the man most admired by people living in the US, according to an annual USA Today-Gallup poll.根据今日美国报与盖洛普合办的民调显示,美国总统奥巴马已连续三年位列全美最受欢迎的男性。Secretary of State Hillary
5、Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿和去年一样,她挤掉前阿拉斯加州州长莎拉佩林和电视节目主持人奥普拉温弗瑞,连续九年位列全美最受人尊敬的女人。The poll, released Monday, asked respondents what man and woman, living any
6、where in the world, they most admired. Rankings from one to 10 were based on total mentions and reported in percentages.周一发布了全球最受尊敬的男士和女士的名义测验结果,根据参选的百分比排出前 10 位人选。Obama has been the polls most-admired man since his election in 2008. With 22 percent choosing him, Obama leads his predecessors, George
7、 W. Bush, with 5 percent, and Bill Clinton, with 4 percent. 自 2008 年当选总统以来,奥巴马被评为了最受尊敬的男士,共有 22%的人选择他,他的前任布什获得 5 个百分点,克林顿获得 4%的选票。3 / 172、地质、矿 产类中译英:据四川省区域地质资料,本工程气田区域内第四系覆盖层主要为耕土(Q4pd) 、粉质粘土( Q4dl+el、Q4dl+pl)等构成,第四系覆盖层厚度0.58m 以内,一般冲沟地带及斜坡坡脚部位厚度较大,其余部位厚度较小。下伏基岩为侏罗系中统沙溪庙组(J2s)砂岩和泥岩组成。评价区域位于四川东北部,为一系列
8、的相互骈行或雁行错列的背斜山地间隔和向斜丘陵地形,区域地质构造上属于大巴山南缘弧形构造带与四川盆地东北部新华夏系构造带的复合地带。黑色石灰土:土壤质地重壤至轻粘,以轻粘较多,呈微酸至微碱性反映,多为微碱性;有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾的含量丰富,全钾含量中等,全磷、速效磷含量低。英译中:Three modes of ore formation have been postulated: subaqueous slumping of partly consolidated sediments; brecciation during initial phases of diapiric activ
9、ity; and normal brecciation associated with faulting and folding. Copper carbonates occur in the breccia as irregular small masses and veins, in joint and shear planes and as disseminations in chloritic lode material in faults. Within the ore bed1, copper carbonates occur as nodules along bedding pl
10、anes; veins in joint planes, faults and shears; and as disseminations in bedded material. Copper carbonate mineralization also occurs in the dolimites as detrital grains; as fragments in breccia; and in joints and shears as a result of deposition from solutions migrating vertically and laterally fro
11、m surface sink holes. Two periods of primary sulphide formation are postulated, one accompanying the ore bed formation (strata-form) and a second period of redistribution during a later hydrothermal episode. This latter episode introduced gold into Kingstons Lode and perhaps carried primary sulphide
12、, from the strata form mineralization into the breccia. There is no observable igneous activity within 20 miles of the mine but it is possible that deep meteoric waters played an important role in mineral distribution.3、化工类中译英:本装置以氯气和氢气为原料,集盐酸合成、吸收、尾气处理为一体的四合一石墨合成炉制造高纯度盐酸。本装置具有以下特点:气体合成段、气体吸收段、冷却出酸段
13、、尾气吸收段由下而上依次叠装;原料氯气氢气从炉底进入,在合成炉内以燃烧形式反应生成氯化氢,火焰中心4 / 17区温度达到 2500以上,生成的氯化氢气体温度在 2000以上,在合成炉的高温区段,使用钢制水冷壁炉筒,副产压力为 1.4MPa 的蒸汽。该环氧树脂固化剂产品是一种混胺改性缩合物,属于常、低温类型的环氧固化剂。该固化剂与环氧树脂配合形成的固化物强度高,韧性好,耐磨、抗压、抗冲击、抗剥离强度高,耐腐蚀性能好,是一类综合性能优异的环氧地坪用固化剂。该固化剂与环氧树脂配合后加入相应填料,助剂,颜料等材料后广泛用于各类工厂、仓库、机场、超市、医院、GMP 生产车间等地坪的中、底涂环氧涂层,亦可
14、用于层压、粘接、密封浇铸。英译中:The residue was taken up in 1000ml water, acidified by the addition of conc. HCl, and washed with 350ml DCM, basified with 25% NaOH, and extracted with 3100ml DCM. The combined DCM extracts were dried over MgS04, filtered and the solvent distilled off. The residue was distilled twic
15、e under aspirator vacuum at 100-110C to give 14.65g (67%) of methacrylamide freebase as a water-white oil. The hydrochloride salt can be prepared by dissolving the oil in 10 the volume of diethyl ether and gassing the solution with dry HCl gas until no more precipitate forms. The methacrylamide hydr
16、ochloride is filtered off with suction and washed with diethyl ether and air dried.4、电子类中译英:脉冲电子围栏周界系统(以下简称 HDK 系统)是我公司近年来集国际、国内周界报警领先技术研发设计制造的新一代智能型周界安防系统。系统主要由多防区主机、1 16 防区探测器和电子围栏三部分组成。通常电子围栏在室外沿着原有围墙或者地面安装,并与防区探测器、多防区主机相连接。该系统主要有三大功能:1、阻挡功能,2 、报警功能, 3、备有报警接口,能与其它安防系统联动,提高系统的安全防范等级。三者综合可将企图入侵者拒之于
17、防区之外。如果强行入侵或破坏系统,系统便能发出报警。由此,可大大减少发案率。它有别于传统的红外对射、微波和泄漏电缆等周界报警系统,有别于交流高压电网。本产品具有安全、可靠、智能化程度高、误报率低、安装和维护方便等优点,并可和其他安防系统联动。为确保正确安装和使用HDK-16D 系统,充分发挥其功能,确保人身与设备安全,务请使用者在安装、使用本产品之前,认真仔细地阅读本说明。英译中:Concerning the method or the structure of electrically connecting a terminal to a conductor such as a heatin
18、g wire formed on a plane or a curved face such as a rear window of an automobile, various methods and structures have already been known. For example, Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2007-18981 describes as follows. “A terminal forward end portion 2a and an elastic member 6 are surrounded
19、 by a resin material 7. The 5 / 17resin material 7 is attached being made to adhere to a bus bar 4 through an adhesive member 8 located in the periphery of the terminal forward end portion 2a.”Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2001-230616 describes as follows. “A conductive silicon rubber m
20、ember is electrically connected to a forward end portion of a stay portion 6. This conductive silicon rubber member is pressed to an electric power supply pattern portion 3 by an elastic force of the stay portion 6 so that an electrical continuation can be attained.”5、时尚类中译英:本会所是专为会员提供聚会、休闲、社交及康体活动等
21、的场所,以健康、时尚、社交、教育、欢乐的生活方式为宗旨。本会为会员制会所,会员及会员宾客受本规章制约。会所全权授权会所管理委员会经营管理会所(下简称“管理委员会”),管理委员会行使业权方权利及义务。本会的每位会员同等享用本会提供使用的设施,但不得违反本会的规章及管理委员会所规定的条件或限制。会员应支付本规章中规定的费用及其他应付款项。英译中:Autumn/ Winter 2010-11 Milan Womenswear DsquaredDSquaredThis seasons DSquared spectacle was staged in a mock laboratory with sem
22、i-naked men in hyperbaric chambers and models who emerged from an industrial elevator.The show fused fierce fetish looks with anatomical Frankenstein embellishments. The designers told WGSN: “We were looking at Manga babes, extreme proportions, where we cinched the waists and lengthened the legs. We
23、 wanted to use really tall girls to make the legs look even longer, because it was just about proportion, proportion, proportion.“ The look: Feisty dominatrix dances with the devil Silhouette: Second-skin hourglass 6 / 17Key items: Extreme tailleurs with nipped-waist jackets and tulle bustles, corse
24、ts and corseted jackets, the red leather minidress, tulip-skirted strapless dresses, low-slung pleat-front pedal pushers, biker jackets, DB skirt suit with caped jacket, Morticia Addams-style long black gowns and a host of super-tight pencil skirts with details such as paper-bag waists or kick-pleat
25、ed godets at rear. 6、IT、计算机类中译英:Easyview BSM (业务管理子系统):是业界第一个真正针对 IDC 实际业务的计费及业务管理系统,具体包括资源管理(IP/机房机架/设备) 、资料管理(客户/业务/合同/帐户) 、计费与帐务管理、流程与工单管理、查询与统计管理、系统管理(权限/配置/日志)等功能模块。多层次、多角度的网络视图呈现,支持管理视图、网络视图、VLAN 视图、用户视图、主机视图、虚拟机视图、路由拓扑视图、链路拓扑视图、骨干拓扑视图、网络拓扑视图,归并事件视图以及自定义拓扑视图。IP 白名单:白名单为内网各种服务器 IP 地址,如无盘服务器、电影服
26、务器、游戏服务器等。白名单规则列表编辑格式为:每条信息占一行,顶格;每行信息包括 IP 地址、注释两项,两项信息之间以空格隔开。英译中:A typical cluster should be able to expand itself dynamically and transparently. Many systems use clusters to achieve high availability, load balancing and high performance. RiTs Cluster Design is no different. It is based on two of
27、 RiTs technologies, its patented Patching Switches technology and RiTs PatchView intelligent infrastructure management (IIM) solution. Brought together, they provide a powerful solution for high-speed, quality based real-time manageable infrastructure. With patch cords only needed to reassign ports,
28、 most of the channels are connected by the patching switches, a far superior method to using patch cords.In standard patch panel installations, the communication room starts out very neat, organized and clean. Over time however, as new equipment is added, the situation changes. The room becomes incr
29、easingly cramped and more difficult to keep organized. In an organization with thousands of users, for example, the communication room is so challenging that any small patching required, turns into a major hurdle. The network personnel are petrified to touch just one patch cord in case another five
30、are unintentionally disconnected. In today!s reality where business continuity is super critical, the consequences of this can be dramatic.7、财经、金融类中译英:自账户开立以来无还款历史的账户,其最近一次实际还款日期填报开户日期。7 / 17如果业务系统中没有记录最近一次实际还款日期,就要开发补丁程序去保存该数据项。对于以前的存量数据,确实无法推算最近一次实际还款日期的,根据当月是否逾期来填写该数据项。当月的还款状态正常,如果当月需要还款则“最近一次实际还
31、款日期”取当月的“ 结算 /应还款日期” ;如果当月不需要还款则 “最近一次实际还款日期 ”与上个月报送记录中的该数据项取相同值。当月的还款状态逾期, “最近一次实际还款日期”取上个月报送记录中该数据项的值。英译中:The Hong Kong Underwriters will receive a commission of 3% of the aggregate Offer Price payable for the Hong Kong Offer Shares, out of which they will pay any sub-underwriting commissions. For
32、 unsubscribed Hong Kong Offer Shares reallocated to the International Offering, we will pay to the International Underwriters an underwriting commission at the rate applicable to the International Shares. The aggregate fees and commissions in connection with the Hong Kong Public Offering and the Int
33、ernational Offering, together with the Stock Exchange listing fess, the SFC transaction levy, investor compensation levy, Stock Exchange trading fee, legal and other professional fees, printing and other expenses relating to the Global Offering, which are estimated to amount to approximately HK$ 220
34、 million in aggregate, are payable by the Company and the Selling Shareholders in proportion to the number of Offer Shares offered or sold by the Company and the Selling Shareholders, respectively. The Hong Kong Underwriters will reimburse us for certain expenses incurred by us in connection with th
35、e Global Offering. 8、电力类中译英:低压配电柜的调试测量断路器主触头的三相或同相各断口分、合闸的同期性,应符合产品技术条件的规定。测量断路器分、合闸线圈及合闸接触器线圈的绝缘电阻值不应低于10M,直流电阻值与产品出厂试验值相比应无明显差别。断路器操动机构的试验,应符合下列规定:当操作电压为(85%110%)Un 时,操动机构应可靠合闸操作。直流或交流的分闸电磁铁,在其线圈端钮处测得的电压大于额定值的 65%时,应可靠地分闸;当此电压小于额定值的 30%时,不应分闸。在额定电压下对断路器进行就地或远控操作,每次操作断路器均应正确,可靠地动作,其联锁及闭锁装置回路的动作应符合产
36、品及设计要求。英译中:8 / 17Mandatory ecodesign requirements apply to products placed on the market wherever they are installed, therefore such requirements cannot be made dependent on the application in which the product is used (such as office lighting or public street lighting). Therefore this Regulation sh
37、ould address specific products, such as fluorescent lamps without integrated ballast, high intensity discharge lamps, and ballasts and luminaires able to operate such lamps. Indicative benchmarks can be helpful in guiding users on the best available technology for specific applications (such as offi
38、ce or public street lighting).ballast means a device which serves mainly to limit the current of the lamp(s) to the required value in case it is connected between the supply and one or more discharge lamps. A ballast may also include means for transforming the supply voltage, dimming the lamp, corre
39、cting the power factor and, either alone or in combination with a starting device, providing the necessary conditions for starting the lamp(s);9、法律合同类中译英:第一条 为适应建立现代企业制度的需要,规范闻泰通讯股份有限公司(以下简称“ 公司”)的组织和行为,维护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,特根据中华人民共和国公司法 (以下简称“公司法 ”) 、 关于设立外商投资股份有限公司若干问题的暂行规定 (以下简称“暂行规定 ”)和其他有关法律、法规的规定,
40、制订本章程。第三十二条 董事、高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,连续180日以上单独或合并持有公司 1%以上股份的股东有权书面请求监事会向人民法院提起诉讼;监事会执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规或者本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,股东可以书面请求董事会向人民法院提起诉讼。英译中:SUBJECT: CANADIAN MERGER CONTROL AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT REVIEWThe size of parties threshold pertains to the combined size of the transact
41、ing parties and their respective affiliates. “Affiliation“ is defined as a greater than 50% shareholding interest at either the subsidiary or parent level. This threshold will be exceeded where the parties to a proposed transaction, together with their respective affiliates, have assets in Canada or
42、 gross revenue from sales in, from or into Canada that exceed, collectively, CAD $400 million.The initial waiting period for pre-notification is 30 days from the date of filing. During this 30 day period the Bureau may choose to issue a supplemental information request (“SIR“) for relevant informati
43、on from one or 9 / 17both of the merging parties. If a SIR is issued, a new waiting period begins and runs for 30 days following the date on which the Bureau is satisfied it has received all the information requested (subject to early termination by the Bureau).10、锅炉、火电类中译英:本锅炉设置三台电动给水泵,锅炉给水由除氧器,经给水
44、泵、高压加热器、给水操作平台、省煤器,省煤器出口通过两根给水连接管引出,在进入汽包前一分为二从汽包端部进入,沿汽包长度方向通过打孔的管子进行给水分配。汽包内的水通过外部 4 根下降管 ,前墙两侧管外径 40636.5mm,前墙中间两管外径 457.239.7mm,经大降管瓶式分配器分配至水冷壁下联箱,后墙水冷壁下联箱的给水由前墙水冷壁下联箱经水冷布风板供给。各水冷壁下联箱将水分配给各上升管,蒸汽由此产生。汽水混合物从炉墙顶部流经出口联箱进入汽包进行汽水分离,分离过的水与给水混合后在炉膛内进行再循环,蒸汽经汽包引出管送入包墙过热器。英译中:RATINGThe normal operating r
45、ating of the boiler plant is based on 100% Bagasse fuel plant. The boiler plant is to be sufficiently robust and flexible to operate at 100% MCR during the in-crop season and to operate reliably at 40% MCR during the out of crop periods.The boiler plant and associated equipment shall be sized and de
46、signed so that the performance criteria can be achieved throughout a whole crop without the need to shut down and manually clean the fireside of the boiler plant tubes. It is anticipated that full annual maintenance of the plant will occur in a single three-week shutdown period during the out of cro
47、p.SUPPORTThe boiler plant furnace may be top, bottom or girth-supported. The Tenderer shall describe, with illustrations, the relative expansion of the main boiler plant components and the methods adopted to seal the expansion joints. Sliding connections shall not be used to take up differential exp
48、ansion in areas where component temperatures exceed 280oC.11、航空、飞行类中译英:根据驾驶员的飞行操纵输入确定一个可记录的测试起始时间。测试过程中信号的传输应包含正常运算所耗费的时间,并且不得改变信息在软、硬件系统中的流程。传输延迟只需在每个轴上测量一次,与飞行条件无关。如果采用此方法,运营人应分别在俯仰、滚转、偏航方向上至少各完成一次上述测试,来演示与直升机滞后响应有关的模拟机滞后响应。应对模拟机性能进行记录,其10 / 17结果作为鉴定测试指南的组成部分。Flight control according to the driver
49、s input to determine a recordable test starting time. Test signal transmission should be included in the process of normal operation the amount of time, and shall not change the information in the process of software and hardware system. Propagation delay measurement on each axis it only once, has nothing to do with flying conditions. If using this method, the operator should be on the pitch, roll and yaw directions respectively complete the test at least once, to demonstrate and helicopter simulator lag response lag response. Dealing with the simulator p