1、SPC 培训,BY : HC Tan 日期:3rd/July/08 时间:6。30PM 地点:新办公楼5号会议室,Agenda内容:SPC简介: 5 分钟SPC工具: 30分钟发问: 5分钟时间: 40分钟,S,L,Presentation by HC Tan,Quality Control 品质控制,BY: HC Tan 日期:8th/July/08 时间:9。30AM,S,L,Statistical Process Control 统计学过程控制 (SPC),Presentation by HC Tan,Statistical Process Control 统计学过程控制 (SPC),P
2、resentation by HC Tan,L,S,统计学过程控制 7QC工具,7 QC Tools: Check sheet检查表 Pareto Chart柏拉图 Histogram柱状图 Scatter Plot分布图 Cause and effect Diagram鱼骨图或因果图 Flow Chart流程图 Control Chart控制图,Presentation by HC Tan,Check sheet检查表,Used to systematically collect data用系统化收集数据 Can help to spot problem areas revealing fr
3、equency of defect type, location, or cause帮助找出不良的种类,地点或原因的频率 Type of check sheet检查表的种类1. Data collecting check sheet数据收集检查表 Process distribution制程分布 Data collected may be used Defective items 不良种类 plotting histograms,pareto Defect location 不良地点 Charts, etc 数据可用来绘柱状图 Defect Cause不良原因 柏拉图等2. Confirmat
4、ion check sheet确认检查表 Used to enable all necessary items are checked without omission检查所有应有的项目确保没有遗漏。,Presentation by HC Tan,Disadvantages Of Check sheets 检查表的坏处,Cannot reveal any changes over time不能表明改变的时间 Need to analyze several sheets arranged in chronological order to determine trends须分析几张检查表的先后才
5、能观察趋势 Possibility of checks not entered by data collector有可能检查员没有输入数据 Misinterpreting the data due to different influencing conditions are present 在不同影响的情况出现时,错误解释数据,Presentation by HC Tan,SPC 工具 检查单之运行图,Presentation by HC Tan,SPC 工具 运行表之柱状图,1.180,1.190,1.200,1.210,1.220,1.230,1.240,1.250,1.260,1,2,
6、3,4,5,6,7,8,运行表,柱状图,0,Presentation by HC Tan,检查单之 Pareto图,Presentation by HC Tan,Pareto Chart 柏拉图,Visually shows which are the most significant problems, defect, causes, etc, Help prioritize improvement effort从图中一眼就看出问题,不良,原因等,帮助优先改进A bar graph with bar heights arranged in descending order, on a cat
7、egorical x-axis(Y轴是发生的次数有多到少,X轴是原因) Bar height represents frequency of occurrence or costAlso includes a cumulative curve to help identify which vital few Xs are causing most of the observed counts(同时包裹累计曲线,观察X线累计最多的数据Can be used before & after improvement to show whether actions were effective比较改善前
8、和改善后的对比,看应对方法有无效率。,Presentation by HC Tan,Construction of Pareto Chart 建立柏拉图,Step 1 Determine problem to be studied找出要分析的问题 Step 2 Identify data to be used, frequency, cost, etc确认所需要的数据,频率,成本等 Step 3 Identify categories分类确认 Step 4 Decide period for data collection 确定收集资料的时间 Step 5 Collect data & tot
9、al the frequency of occurrences in each category.收集分类所发生的频率 Step 6 Arrange categories in descending order, compute cumulative percentage for each category 由高到底排列,计算每个分类的百分比,Presentation by HC Tan,检查单之 Pareto图,Presentation by HC Tan,Histogram 柱状图,A bar chart representing frequency distribution of con
10、tinuous data柱状表是代表连续出现的频率 Helps to assess shape, center and spread of data帮助取的形状,中心和资料分布 Appropriate for use when data set has at least 30 observations适合用于多于30个观察数据 Total range of data is divided into number of equal-size intervals (called intervals, classes, cells or bins)收集到的数据分成同样的间隔。 Number of o
11、bservations falling into each bin is accumulated & displayed as bars数据填写到间隔,收集及显示在住状图里,Presentation by HC Tan,SPC 工具 运行表之柱状图(控制尺寸,重量等可测量物品),1.180,1.190,1.200,1.210,1.220,1.230,1.240,1.250,1.260,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,运行表,柱状图,0,Presentation by HC Tan,SPC 工具 柱状图,正常 分布 (钟表线),Presentation by HC Tan,Scatter Plo
12、t 分布图(散点图),Used to display graphically strength of relationship between two factors用于两种因素的分布关系或对比 Cause and effect因素和影响 Effect and effect影响和影响 Cause and cause因素和因素If one factor is suspected to influence outcome of the other factor, strong relationship on scatter plot will help confirm cause and effe
13、ct relationship between them某个因素影响其他因素,分布图可以显示两者之间的关系Provides good follow up to a Cause and effect Diagram to confirm causes and effect提供良好的跟踪数据,确定因素和影响,Presentation by HC Tan,生产时间,产量,生产周期,产量,Presentation by HC Tan,Cause and Effect Diagram 鱼骨图(因果图),A Visual tool to identify, explore & graphically di
14、splay all possible cause to problem (or effect) so as to discover its root causes.从鱼骨图中可以清楚看到可能造成的原因,从鱼骨图可分析出真正的原因,Presentation by HC Tan,CAUSE AND EFFECT 潜在成因,原因/结果图,Presentation by HC Tan,烘料时间或温度不够,测量工具不相同,环境温度过高,成型条件跟前一次差别很大,Flow Chart 流程图,A pictorial representation of a process using connected b
15、lock diagrams清楚明细每个制作流程的制作,每个流程都可能出错误 By breaking down process into constituent steps, flowchart can help to identify where errors are likely to come from in the system根据流程系统可以帮助找出错误是从哪个流程 Should provide a step by step picture of the “as-is” situation for discussion and/or communication根据提供每个流程步骤,进行
16、分析,按情况讨论或沟通,找出可能发生错误的流程,并进行改进。,Presentation by HC Tan,流程图中的标识符,Presentation by HC Tan,问题描述 流程图练习,来料检查 是否OK,供应商来料,否,是,退回供应商 退货单及来料 检查报告,贴上PASSED 标签入库房,将起拿到 指定的地方,根据领料单 发料,领出生产,原料-来料检查,有无贴标签,有无放错地方,领料单有无错误,有无遗漏检查项目,送错原料,Presentation by HC Tan,Control Chart 控制图,Graphical display of quality characterist
17、ics that has been measured and computed from samples; against historically determined control lines.从收集到的样品,将品质特性测量和计算,规划出控制图 Indication if a process is considered to be under control or stable从控制图中可显示制程中的稳定性或可控制性,Presentation by HC Tan,SPC 工具(控制尺寸) 规格限制 迎战.- 控制限制,Presentation by HC Tan,如产品超出设定范围,还在
18、控制范围就应该行动改进,Application 运用,Serves as an “alarm” for ongoing of a process制程中的警钟 Determine when a process needs to be adjusted and when it is to be left as it is显示制程需要调整和已经偏离要求 Help improve a process to perform consistently and predictably帮助改善制程,稳定性和可预计 Help to confirm any improvement to a process; ev
19、idence of continual improvement帮助肯定改善制程,持续改善的证据 Provides a common language for discussing process performance提供相同渠道讨论制程表现,Presentation by HC Tan,Common Vs Special Causes 普通VS特殊原因,The fluctuation of the points within the limits result from variation inherent in the process, come from common causes在制程
20、控制范围出现的点,是普通的原因。 Points out of the limits or noticeable pattern within the limits, come from special causes在制程控制范围以外的点,来自特殊的原因 Process is in “statistical control” if the process is not being affected by special causes制程是在“统计学过程控制 ”是不受特殊原因影响,Presentation by HC Tan,INVOLVEMENT 参与,Starts with recogniti
21、on of improvement opportunity从可改善机会开始行动 Quality improvement as normal part of everyones work品质改进是每个人的工作 Cross functional, cross- level team approach须跨部门,跨层次的团队工作途径,Presentation by HC Tan,95%,95% Of the problems in a company can be solved by the 7 QC TOOLS 百份之九十五的问题可以用这7QC工具解决。,Presentation by HC Tan,Questions 问题?,Presentation by HC Tan,Principles of Objective Setting目標設定的原則,S. M. A. R. T.,Specific 明確的Measurable 可測量的Achievable 可達到的Relevant 相關的Time-Bound 有期限的,Presentation by HC Tan,预防性行动 性能的重现性和生产的可重复性 (R&R),Presentation by HC Tan,