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1、油轮、化学品船舶检验简介,12 September 2007,除了需满足基本的船舶检验要求外,油轮、化学品船作为液货船还必须满足一些特定要求。,“油船”系指为散装运输油品而建造或改建的船舶,包括拟散装运输油品的化学品船和指定运输油品或散装固体货物的兼用船,诸如矿砂/油品运输船和矿砂/散货/油品运输船。“双壳油船”系指属于上述油船,但其货油舱由与整个货油区域等长的双壳船体保护,有双层侧壁和双层底处所。可用以装载压载水或作为空舱使用。还包括已有的具有双壳结构但不符合“防止海洋污染系统规范”第3篇3.2.4要求的油船。,第一章 入级检验,一、建造中的入级检验,1、图纸和文件的送审 (1) 船体部分:

2、 液货船的透气系统 ) 货油泵舱的舱底系统和通风系统的总布置图。 ) 液货蒸汽等的透气系统的总布置图。,(2)散装载运危险化学品的贮存装置和液货舱的结构 (a) 独立液货舱的制造说明书(包括对焊缝和液货舱所用的材料、焊接程序,以及检验和试验程序) (b) 液货舱结构的详图 (c) 液货舱附件的布置图(包括舱内附件的详图) (d) 独立液货舱支座、液货舱穿透甲板部分及其密封装置(如设有)的详图 (e) 液货舱内部的涂装和衬覆的程序,以及这些涂层和衬里的腐蚀试验结果(如有要求) (f) 表明其绝缘的布置和连接方法,以及有关的工作程序的图纸 (g) 当液货要求冷却时,应根据液货贮存图和液货舱结构的类

3、型提交符合(3)(a)、(f)、(g)、(h)和(p)要求的图纸和资料,(h) 液货泵的结构图,包括所用的材料清单及其技术文件 (i) 液货舱区域中的管系布置图 (j) 液货舱透气布置图 (k) 液货泵舱、隔离舱、双层底和其他的透气图 (l) 液货液位、温度和其他参数的监视和测量系统图及其设备的结构详图 (m) 液货温度控制系统 (n) 环境控制系统,诸如惰性化、充填化、干燥或透气系统的详图,包括管系图及其设备的结构图 (o) 探测液货蒸气的仪表 (p) 危险处所中的电气接线图和所用电气设备的清单 (q) 液货舱、管系、机械和设备的接地连接布置图(仅对拟载运易燃液货者适用) (r) 表明危险处

4、所的图纸 (s) 表明人员保护之布置的图纸(保护设备、安全设备、担架和医疗急救设备的布置、数量和类型,以及去除放射性污染和眼部洗涤设备的布置) (t) 除以上(a)至(s)中规定者之外,其它认为必要的图纸和文件。,2 其他图纸和文件的送审 (1)对散装载运危险化学品的贮存装置和液货舱结构,应 提交下列图纸和文件: (a) 表明所有拟装载之货物的化学和物理性质以及其他特性的一览表 (b) 危险化学品以及与其同时装载之其他化学品的装载图 (c) 与其他化学品、水或者该化学品自身起反应,包括聚合作用(如认为必要)以及与加热或冷却介质起反应而出现的反应危险性的指导性文件。 (d) 液货舱中在拟装载货物

5、与涂层或衬里之间的反应危险性,以及可能与液态或蒸气态货物相接触之管系和设备的反应危险性的资料,(e) 对腐蚀性货物具有耐腐蚀性材料适用性的资料 (f) 每一液货舱的强度计算书,如有必要,则还应提交其热应力计算书 (g) 按要求提供加热系统的容积计算书 (h) 在货物要求冷却时,依据其货物贮存图和液货舱结构的类型,提交(4) (a)、(f)、(g)、(h)和(j)要求的图纸和文件 (i) S篇3.4中规定的在液货舱区域中出入人孔的布置图,以及对于通过这些人孔出入的指导性文件 (j) S篇第2章中规定的船舶残存能力计算书 (k) S篇第14章中规定的人员防护设备,(2)货油舱的压力/真空阀和过压保

6、护装置(如设有)的容量计算书。 (3) 惰性气体系统(如设有)的说明书和操作手册 ( 包括对于操作者的安全应予以说明的内容)。,(3)验船师在场油船货油舱和隔离舱的水压试验以形成液舱顶的船侧甲板以上2.45m的水柱高度或至舱口 顶端以上0.6m的水柱高度,取大者进行水压试验。装载试验 如要求在液货舱中实际装载预定货物的条件下进行试验,则此试验可在入级检验完成后的第一次装载时进行。在这种情况下,该试验应于验船师在场时作为临时检验进行。,第二章、年度检验,1、一般检查 对于油船和散装运输危险化学品船的附加要求 :管路 检查货油管路、燃油管路、压载管路、通风管,包括透气桅和通风头、惰性气体管路、泵舱

7、内和露天甲板上所有其他管路的一般情况。2、处所和舱柜内的内部检查 对油船和散装运输危险化学品船的要求 (1 )机舱和锅炉舱 : 应进行内部检查。 (2 )与货舱相邻的泵舱和管弄: 应在彻底进行除气和清洁后进行内部检查。应注意舱壁上各种贯通件、通风装置、泵的底座和填料密封。,(3 )压载舱 : 对船龄5年以上的油船和散装运输危险化学品船,应对根据上次中间检验或特别检验结果要求作内部检查的舱柜进行内部检查。 对船龄15年以上的油船和散装运输危险化学品船,应对与设有加热盘管之液货舱相邻(指与之有共用平面边界)的所有舱柜进行内部检查。但如在上次中间检验或特别检验时发现其涂层处于良好状态,则验船师可予以

8、特殊考虑。,Oil/Chemical Tanker,Oil/Chemical Tanker (Additional),Chemical Tanker (Special),Chemical Tanker (Cntd.),第三章、中间检验,一、压力试验 1 在油船和散装运输危险化学品船的中间检验时,如对进行的一般检查的结果,验船师认为必要时,应对管系进行压力试验,并使验船师满意。 2 对船龄15年以上的油船和散装运输危险化学品船进行中间检验时,应按规定,对管系在工作压力下进行压力试验。,处所和舱柜的内部检查 (Oil/Chemical Tanker),测厚(Oil/Chemical),Oil Ta

9、nker (Additional),Chemical Tanker (Special),第四章、特别检验,一般检查,在对油船或散装运输危险化学品船的特别检验中,除常规的要求外,还应检查液货舱内的液货管系、透气管系、冲洗管系、除气管系、惰性气体管系和所有其他管系,与液货舱相邻的所有舱柜和处所,诸如压载舱、泵舱、管隧、隔离舱和空舱以及在露天甲板上的舱柜和处所。,处所和液货舱的内部检查,在特别检验时,应适当注意以下(1)至(7)项,对液货舱和处所内的结构和附件,如管路等应进行仔细的检查。 (1) 运输对钢有高腐蚀性的货物,如原木、盐、煤、硫矿等的货舱内的易受腐蚀的结构构件、管路、舱口盖等; (2)

10、易受高温耗损的部位,如锅炉下的板材; (3) 结构不连续的部位,如甲板上舱口开口的角隅;以及在船体外板上舷窗和装货舷门开口等。 (4) 所涂涂料和防腐系统(如采用)的状态; (5) 测深管下方防水砣冲击垫板的状态; (6) 舱底水泥或甲板涂料(如采用)的状态; (7) 同类船舶或同类结构中已发现裂纹、屈曲和腐蚀等缺陷的部位。,液货舱的内部检查,内部检查(Oil/Chemcial tanker-additional),近观检验( Oil/Chemical),近观检验(cntd),近观检验(cntd),测厚(oil/chemical tanker),测厚(oil/chemical tanker)-

11、Cntd.,测厚(oil/chemical)-Cntd.,测厚/船底(oil/chemical),测厚/船底(oil/chemical)-Cntd.,测厚/甲板(oil/chemical),测厚/船壳纵舱壁(oil/chemical),测厚/船壳纵舱壁(oil/chemicalCntd),测厚/止荡横舱壁(oil/chemical),压力试验(Oil tanker),压力试验(Oil tanker)-Cntd,Chemical (Special),第五章、坞检,对船龄大于15年的散货船、油船和散装运输危险化学品船进行的坞内检验,不得以水下检验来代替。,第六章、锅炉检验,第七章、螺旋桨和艉轴检验

12、,第八章、计划的机械检验,ENHANCED SURVEY PROGRAMME (ESP),1.0 Introduction,The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), which has consultative status within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), played a significant role in supporting the development of the IMO Resolution A744 (18) “Enhanced Pr

13、ogramme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers” (ESP) referred to in MARPOL Regulation 13G. This enhanced survey requirement has undoubtedly improved the safety performance of those ships which have now been subjected to more rigorous inspection.,However, whilst ESP adequatel

14、y addresses the critical structural areas of the ship, the failure of critical systems can also lead to significant incidents relating to safety of life or oil pollution. Recognising the potentially serious impact of such marine incidents, the IMO and the International Association of Classification

15、Societies (IACS), and the marine industry in general, have over the years developed legislation and guidance aimed at ensuring safe ship operation and protection of the environment. Tanker owners generally operate with strict maintenance and inspection policies, and within the unified controls impos

16、ed by the IMO, their Flag States and the Classification Societies. However OCIMF considers it timely that the industry as a whole reassesses the extent to which the enhanced survey requirements of MARPOL continue to meet the needs of the industry and of those other parties which are similarly concer

17、ned with the safety of transportation of oil by sea.,To this end OCIMF has, since the introduction of ESP, continued to maintain a regular dialogue with the Classification Societies through the auspices of IACS, and has fully supported the development of a more rigorous and effective scope for Class

18、ification Society unified inspection requirements and ultimately, it is hoped, the enhanced survey requirements of MARPOL. The primary objective of this paper is to identify specific measures which OCIMF believes, if implemented now as a voluntary constituent part of the ESP, would consistently and

19、uniformly improve safety of life and prevention of pollution aboard tankers which might present a higher risk because of their age. It will formalize measures which are already being implemented by many owners on a voluntary basis and will contribute to the elimination of the need for a multiple ins

20、pection regime. Means of encouraging or ensuring implementation of the various improvement measures have not been specifically identified although some recommendations have been made.,2.0 STRUCTURAL EXAMINATION,2.1 Engine Room StructureESP effectively covers the vessels structural condition forward

21、of the accommodation block and within the aft peak tank. However, Engine Room (E/R) structure is not specifically included within the ESP remit, but is nevertheless important, particularly below the bottom floor plates where corrosion can continue unnoticed. In order to address this shortcoming, OCI

22、MF recommends that an examination of E/R structure be carried out in conjunction with Special and Intermediate Surveys. This examination should include tank tops, shell plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops, and engine room bulkheads in way of tank top, bil

23、ge wells and other areas below the bottom floor plates. Thickness measurements may also be required if areas of corrosion are found. OCIMF understands that IACS is presently considering inclusion of this aspect in its Unified Requirements related to ESP.,2.2 Pitting CorrosionPresently, ESP has no re

24、quirement for recording pitting corrosion in tank bottoms despite the potential source of hole leaks which it represents. OCIMF recommends that pitting corrosion is specifically examined and reported as part of the Enhanced Survey. The Survey Report File should include records of any bottom plating

25、with a pitting intensity of 20% or more with wastage in the substantial corrosion range, or where the average depth of pitting is 1/3 or more of the plate thickness. OCIMF understands that IACS is presently considering inclusion of this aspect in its Unified Requirements related to ESP. For pitting

26、assessment, reference should be made to the “GUIDANCE MANUAL FOR TANKER STRUCTURES “ issued by Tanker Structure Cooperative Forum.,2.3 Coatings and AnodesRecognising the importance of structural integrity within ballast or combined cargo / ballast tanks, and understanding the benefits of reduced cor

27、rosion levels when anode protection is utilised, OCIMF recommends that, where a coating has not been applied or where a coating is found in Fair or Poor condition as defined in IMO resolution A744 (18), the overall anode condition should also be recorded as a function of the close-up survey.An estim

28、ate of the overall anode wastage as a percentage of the original weight should be recorded in the Tank Corrosion Prevention System Table in the Survey Report File.,2.4 Presentation of Thickness MeasurementsThickness measurements taken for the ESP are usually reported in a substantial book which cont

29、ains the data in the format mandated by the IMO. The data is voluminous and, as currently presented, requires a significant amount of expert analysis for an assessment of the condition of the ships hull to be made. OCIMF believes that there is a need for a simplified presentation which will enable t

30、he user to obtain an overview of the hull condition. OCIMF therefore recommends that owners include a graphical presentation of the readings as an attachment to the reports on thickness measurement. Most gauging contractors already record the readings on a spreadsheet which makes it relatively easy

31、to produce some type of graphical analysis. It has been found that a cumulative plot of the percentage number of readings against the percentage diminution from the original thickness gives a simple and effective presentation which can be used to fit that purpose. Examples of a gauging table with sa

32、mple data entered and of the corresponding graphical presentation of thickness measurements are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 respectively.,The horizontal axis of the plot represents the percentage diminution of any reading below its original thickness and the vertical axis represents the number of

33、readings which are less than that diminution, expressed as a percentage of the number of readings taken.It is recommended that separate plots be provided for: Bottom and Side Shell Plating Deck Plating Transverse webs Transverse and Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating. Other Longitudinal Elements Peak Tan

34、ks and one for all the readings combined.,3.0 HIGH RISK PIPING ON DECK,Failure of oil piping, including all associated valves, located on the cargo deck of a ship exposes the operator to a significant risk of pollution should the pipe accidentally fracture and spill its contents onto the deck. OCIMF

35、 recommends that all such deck piping is visually examined and operationally tested to at least working pressure at least once per year. The results should be recorded and held aboard the ship.,It is envisaged that such piping and associated valves will include, but not necessarily be limited to, th

36、at associated with the following systems: Cargo piping Crude oil washing piping Hydraulic mains Fuel oil and lubricating oil bunker pipingWherever possible, and to reduce the testing time, it is recommended that testing be carried out on the complete system rather than on individual isolated compone

37、nts. This testing should be carried out in conjunction with Class periodical surveys and the attending surveyor requested to witness and verify the outcome.,4.0 MACHINERY VERIFICATION RUNS,The risk of machinery failure is significantly higher immediately following an extensive repair or lengthy vess

38、el deactivation period. This can be particularly relevant to the safe and reliable operation of the ship if the repair facility is nearby the first loading port to which the ship is ordered.To reduce the risk of machinery failures at this critical time, OCIMF recommends that if significant maintenan

39、ce or repair is carried out on the main propulsion machinery and / or the steering gear system and / or any auxiliary machinery / systems essential to the propulsion and safety of the ship, then on conclusion of the repair period the operation of the complete machinery system should be verified unde

40、r controlled conditions by a test run which includes at least 1 hour at full power.,OCIMF further recommends that should the vessel be required to be deactivated for a period exceeding 2 weeks then upon reactivation the operation of the complete machinery system should be verified under controlled c

41、onditions by a test run which includes at least 1 hour at full power.In each case this testing should be carried out in the presence of Class and the surveyor requested to witness and verify the outcome.,SOLAS XI-1/2 requires all oil tankers, regardless of size, to be subject to Enhanced Surveys. Th

42、e regulation refers to SOLAS II-1/2.12, which in turn refers to MARPOL Annex 1/1(4) which states that an oil tanker is a ship constructed or adapted to primarily carry oil in bulk and any chemical tanker as defined in Annex II when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk. The Unified Int

43、erpretations of Annex 1/1(4) state that a gas carrier when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk should be treated as an oil tanker.This effectively means that any vessel when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk is subject to enhanced survey requirements under SOLAS XI-1/2.,The gui

44、delines for enhanced surveys are contained in IMO Res. A.744(18). They state that for MARPOL 13G, which applies to tankers carrying persistent product oil, including heavy diesel oil, fuel oil or lubricating oil, of 20,000 tons dwt and above and to product carriers of 30,000 tons dwt and above, the

45、guidelines are mandatory. They include the requirement that an oil tanker over five years of age shall have on board a complete file of survey reports, including the results of all scantling measurement required, as well as the statement of structural work carried out. This file may be provided at t

46、he time of delivery but should, in all cases, be available on board at least one year prior to the vessels fifth anniversary. The file shall be accompanied by a Condition Evaluation Report containing conclusions on the structural condition of the ship and its residual scantlings,Substantial corrosio

47、n is wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits. Each Enhanced Survey File must contain a Condition Evaluation Report for each Enhanced Survey that has been carried out.If the vessel is over 130 metres in length and is over ten years old, the criteria for longitudina

48、l strength of the hull girder for oil tankers shall be met. Evaluations are required at Safety Construction Certificate renewal surveys. The results should be available within the Condition Evaluation Report. The requirements came into force on 1st July 2002 and therefore only Condition Evaluation R

49、eports after this date will include the evaluation.,Enhanced Survey Programme File shall comprise of at least the following documents: -Survey planning documents -Main structural plans for cargo and ballast tanks; -Previous repair history; -Cargo and ballast history; -Extent of use of the inert gas

50、plant and tank cleaning procedures. -Condition Evaluation Report -Survey Status Summary (Class listing) -Survey report (Annual, Intermediate, special, occasional, etc.) -Tanks inspection report (Owner),Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS),CAS is a separate issue from enhanced survey and although CAS do

51、es not specify structural standards in excess of the provisions of other IMO conventions, its requirements stipulate more stringent and transparent verification of the reported structural condition of the vessel and that documentary and survey procedures have been properly carried out and completed.

52、 The scheme requires that compliance with the CAS is aligned to the enhanced survey programme of inspections concurrent with intermediate or renewal surveys currently required by IMO Res. A.744(18). (MEPC.94)Notes: In accordance with the revised MARPOL 13G, CAS is to be applied to all single hulled tankers of 15 years or older.,


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