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1、翻译理论与实践 Theory & Practice of Translation,Teaching Aim 1.Intensify knowledge of translation theories and skills; 2. Exercise ourselves in gaining more translative power; In order to make ourselves qualified translators.,Teaching Contents,1.Accomplishments of Translators (译者综合素质) 2. Outline of Transla

2、tion History (翻译的语义策略精要) 5. Cases of Pragmatic Strategies in Translating (翻译的使用策略举隅), Teaching Arrangements,1 Outline of historical facts and elucidation of linguists viewpoints(概介史实,阐析观点) 2 Assign after-class translation exercises and make comments in class (布置练习,课上讲评) 3 Panel discussion (ask stude

3、nts to exchange their ideas on their own translated pieces or compare notes on what they read) (小组讨论) 4 Book report ( ask students to read one or two hitory or theory books and then write a book report to enhance their understanding of some outstanding theorists ideas) (读书报告) 5 Role-play (each stude

4、nt is required to give a 5-minute speech about your favorite translaor, translated works, dubbed film or several students may form a group to stage an adapted play(in Chinese), recite poems or sing songs bilingually. (角色扮演),Basic Requirements for the Translator,A satisfactory knowledge of the source

5、 language 1 The first and most obvious requirement of any translator is that he has a satisfactory knowledge of the source language. Rather, he must understand not only the obvious content of the message, but also the subtlties of meaning, the significant emotive values of words, and the stylistic f

6、eatures which determine the “flavor and feel” of the message. (from Nidas “Toward a Science of Translating) (对译者首要和最明显的要求是:他应当具备令人满意的源语/译出语水平。更 确切地讲, 他不仅必须理解文章需要了解的内容,而且要懂得意义的微妙性, 懂得词语的重要情感价值,懂得确定文章“风味和感受”的语体特征.。) The paragraph tells us that translators shoulde be well versed in a foreign language a

7、nd this requirement is essential for all good translators. If we want to be good translators, we should make every endeavor to improve our English through a variety of mechanisms. To attain the level he mentioned is so hard, but not impossible. An average learner of English can do reading, can commu

8、nicate at superficial level and can pass many kinds of proficiency tests, but he can never translate well. Only an advanced learner of Englsih, so long as he developes himself high comprehesion ability and equips himself with adequate knowledge/encyclopedic information, he can start to translate. In

9、 all, a translator should be of strong comprehensive power and be encyclopedic/erudite enough.,Complete control of the receptor language,2 Even more important than knowledge of the resources of the source language is a complete control of the receptor language. but there is no substitute for thoroug

10、h mastery of the receptor language. Certainly the most numerous and serious errors made by translators arise partly from their lack of thorough knowledge of the receptor language. (比了解译入语各种来源 更重要的事情是对译入语的全盘驾驭,没有任何其他东西可代替对译入语的娴熟掌握。不容置疑, 译者所犯的多数严重错误部分是由于缺乏对译入语全面了解所致。) What is emphasized in this paragr

11、aph is to have a mastery of your mother tongue/native language. Pay attention to the word “thorough”. Dare you say that you have a thorough mastery of Chinese language. I.m afraid, I never dare to say so. To undo this problem, I suggest reading more Chinese books or calling in some as your Chinese l

12、anguage teacher. We need to put strengeous effort into the improvement of Chinese language proficiency. (要恶补汉语),Thorough acquaintance with the subject matter concerned,3 It is one thing, however, to know a language in general and another to have a specil knowledge of a particular subject in addition

13、 to a knowledge of the two or more languages involved in the translation process, the translator must have a thorough acquaintance with the subject matter concerned. (然而,大体上通晓一门语言是一回事,对某一特定领域的专业知识了解则是另一回事。除了了解涉及翻译过程的一、两门语言外,译者必须透彻了解相关的主题。) A Chinese proverb says: Cry out what you sell. This may help

14、 you to bring home to this viewpoint. As a law translator, you should have law at your finger tips, and as a translator of foreign films, you should at least have general knowledge of the film art. Personally, Im a spare-time translator in the auto trade, I of course often choose to read car magazin

15、es concerning all ABC knowledge/rudiments of cars. In this way, I do find my translating easier. In all, you should develop yourself the strond interest in all walks of life and turn yourself into a jack of all trades.,Emphatic spirit,4 Even if the translator possesses all the necessary technical kn

16、owledge, he is not really competent unless he has also a truly empathic spirit. (即使译者具备了一切必备专业知识,如果他没有和作者心灵相通,就不是有真正能力的译者。) This requires us to have a undestanding/or guessing/perceptive power at deeper level. Each time you read the original text, you should crack your brains to comprehend the real

17、intention of the writers each statement. You out to have the power to see through the writers implied meanings. This is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in ones life. It took me two days to finish this translation. (ask a student to translate) In all, to make a good match of your ideas with th

18、ose of the writers. 翻阅这一本邮册,品评流年剪影,是欣然回忆,是默然思考,更是淡泊于心,志存高远的悟道! Leafing through this stamp album and commenting on pictures of the fleeting time is as good as having pleasing reminiscences about the past or lapsing into a quiet contemplation, and all the more, as gaining such a philosophy as not hank

19、ering after fame but after lofty aspirations.,A capacity for literary experssion,5 Even though knowledge of the languages and the subject matter, combined with empathy, will not suffice to guarantee really effective translating unless the translator also has a capacity for literary expression. (纵然通晓

20、语言,了解相关主题,加之能和作者沟通, 译者没有文学表述能力,不足以保证译出上佳译作。) Literary expression is a level very hard to attain. I myself do not have this power and this often worries me and makes me so miserable. What I can do is to make my translated piece readable, and understandable. If I were born in ancient times, I would ha

21、ve got the chance to receive old-style school education and I could be well versed in ancient Chinese. The my worries will surely vanish.,Devout recognition,6 In translating the Bible, most oustanding translators have also insisted upon a further requirement, namely, a devout recognition of dependen

22、ce upon divine grace (在翻译圣经过程中,多数著名翻译家还坚持提出了一项进一步的要求,即:依赖于天恩的虔诚认识。) This rquires us to have sturdy/firm faith in our translation career. You treat translation as you render service to the God. What I do can conform to this rule as I am a workahoic of the translation.,7.To be always ready to team up

23、with others for a translation project. 译者一定要具备于别人合作的精神。 8. To be good at sensible adaptation in the process of translation, technically and otherwise. 译者还要在翻译过程中善于变通。 These two viepoints are added by He Gangqiang, a translation forefatger of our times and the writer of “A Concise Course of Translati

24、on”, whom deserves much of my respect. He states that we are living in an Internet age, the translation projects we are to take up/assume are usually large, urgent and joint ones. Such a translation project canbe done single-handedly. Hence, teamwok spirit is needed. As to the last point, Mr. He str

25、esses we need to develop ourselves the power/competence outside translation. To my rough understanding, we need to be adaptable and versatile. To be exact, you can jump on occasionand make it as a translator.(随机应变做个成功的译者) 何刚强总结到:精通外文,驾驭母语,熟悉题材,神合作者,具备才气,虔 诚敬业,乐于合作,善于变通。,Topics for discussion,1. Do y

26、ou ever want to become a translator? If yes, why? 2. What do you think of a translators career? Is translating a profitable business? 3. Explain Nidas six basic requirements for the translator in your own words. 4. What are your reflections on being a translator?,人物注释,Born (November 11, 1914) Oklaho

27、ma City, Oklahoma Died August 25, 2011) (aged 96) Madrid, Spain Occupation Linguist Spouse Althea Sprague (m. 19431993) Dr. Elena Fernandez (1997 to 2011)尤金A奈达(Eugene A.Nida),语言学家,翻译家,翻译理论家。1914年11月11日,出生于美国俄克拉何马市。2011年,8月25 日,于布鲁塞尔与世长辞,享年94岁。 1943年获密歇根大学语言学博士学位,接着长期在美国圣经学会 主持翻译部的工作,曾任美国语言学会主席,1980年

28、退休后任顾问。 奈达是一位杰出的语言学家,他到过96个国家,在一百多所大学过讲座,来中国有13次之多,直至2003年,奈达89岁高龄时,仍到非洲讲学。,相关理论与著作这位在学术界赫赫有名的人物,偏偏远离学术重镇,默默地在美 国圣经协会供职半个多世纪。他一生的主要学术活动都围绕圣经 翻译展开。在圣经翻译的过程中,奈达从实际出发,发展出了一 套自己的翻译理论,最终成为翻译研究的经典之一。奈达理论的核心 概念是“功能对等”。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死 板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。为使源语和目的语的 之间的转换有一个标准,减少差异,尤金A奈达从语言学的角度出 发,根据

29、翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对 等”。在这一理论中,他指出,“翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言 从语义到文体再现源语的信息”(郭建中,2000 , P65)。奈达有关翻译的 定义指明,翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文体 的对等,翻译传达的信息既有表层词汇信息,也有深层的文化信息。“动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面:,人物注释,1. 词汇对等;2. 句法对等;3. 篇章对等;4.文体对等。 在这四个方面中,奈达认为,“意义是最重要的,形式其次”(郭建中,2000 , P67)。形式很可能掩藏源语的文化意义,并阻碍文化交流。因此,在文学翻译中,根据奈达的理论

30、,译者应以动态对等的四个方面,作为翻译的原则,准确地在目的语中再现源语的文化内涵。 奈达著作等身,他单独或合作出版著作40多部,发表论文250馀篇,另外,还有13本专供圣经译者使用的参考书。奈达的第一本专著是1946年出版的翻译(Bible Translating),最有影响的是1964出版的翻译的科学探索(Toward a Science of Translating),其次要数翻译理论与实践(The Theory and Practice of Translation),系与查尔斯泰伯合著(1969)。,Translation Exercise 1,一、特区是个窗口, 是技术的窗口,管理的

31、窗口,知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口。 The special zone is a window. It is a window for introducing technology, management and knowledge. It is also a window for foreign policy. This version is a word-by-word translation, poor in quality though grammatically acceptable. Obviously, the extended meaning is not given by

32、the translator. There must be some words omitted in the souce text. What words are omitted, we need to reconsider the sentence this way: 特区是个对外部世界开放的窗口;是个引进先进技术、管理知识和最新知识的窗口;特区还是个宣传中国对外政策的窗口。 After the “understanding” procedure, we get down to the “expressing”procedure. What words or expressions or

33、idioms we should choose in this translation? The sentence structure is thus organized: a window opening onto the outside world; a window through which to bring in ;also a window through which to宣传,翻译时要补齐省略的部分,Draft: The special economic zone is a window opening onto the outside world. It is a window

34、 through which to bring in from abroad sophisticated technology, advanced managerial expertise and up-to-date know-how. It is also a window through which to disseminate Chinas external policies. Choice of words: 对外开放opening onto; 通过这个窗口引进 through which to bring in through which to disseminate; 最先进的w

35、ed better use: sophistacated/state-of-the-art/most advanced/up-to-date technology; Revisied:The special economic zone is a window opening onto the outsideworld, a window through which to bring in from abroad state-of-the-art technology, up-to-date managerial expertise and know-how and also a window

36、through which to disseminate Chinas external policies. A well-done job. The translator fills in the words that are omitted in the source text and expresses them in the version. In my opinion, his version is truly authentic and can be easily understood by foreign readers.,是免费送机票还是送免费机票?,2. 一小时内免费送机票上

37、门(航空公司的一则广告) We give you tickets free of charge within one hour. (误) 我们一小时内送免费机票上门。 We offer free delivery of your air tickets within one hour after your booking confirmation. (正) Comments: A very stupid mistake is made by this student translator for he has informed wrongly to the customers. The tru

38、th is that the act to deliver tickets is free, but not the air tickets. Such translation is surely ridiculous. The airflight will suffer a big economic loss due to this students carelessness.,3. 公司举办2008圣诞联欢晚会,12月6日,公司在长春香格里拉大饭店举办了气氛热烈、祥和的 2008圣诞联欢晚会。总经理安铁成,副总经理米万德、马晨,工会主席 王泽义,德籍员工携家属,中方伙伴共进人员,共400余

39、人参加了晚会。 中德嘉宾欢聚一堂共迎圣诞,增进了中德双方的友情,促进了伙伴共 进计划的向前推进。晚会首先播放了2008年公司业绩短片。在圣诞乐曲背景下的激光 秀之后,公司领导共同点燃了圣诞花环的首支蜡烛,这种德国传统迎接 圣诞的方式,与德国嘉宾在情感上产生互动,为晚会带来了浓郁的欧 洲风情,全场掌声与音乐形成交响。总经理安铁成与副总经理米万德在致辞中,对中德员工及家属致 以节日的问候,并表示在中德员工的共同努力下,公司克服了市场低迷 的不良影响,取得了诸多不凡的业绩。同时,伙伴共进计划的实施,促 进了中德员工之间的友谊,使双方的合作更加深入。(350),理解过程 our comprehensi

40、on process,In comprehension process, the first thing to do is to distinguish the major messages from the minor ones. (分清主次信息)The major messages are conveyed by translators through their use of subjects and predicates, and minor ones, their use of all kinds of modifers and adverbials. To make our ver

41、sion a good expressive effect, we need to pay attention to “diction” (choice of words); and to arrange all sentence elements in a good/logic order. For example,During the translation, first determine the major mesaage (using the predicates)and then the minor (using the adverbials and modifers). In t

42、he first pargraph, I finnd out 举办(hold, conduct, give, run, sponsor, host etc.) ;参加(attend, join in, participate in, take part in etc.) ;欢聚 (gather, meet, converge etc.)should be functioned as predicates. In the second paragraph, 播放;点燃; in the third paragraph,致以问候;克服;取得成绩;促进;使深入. I determine them as

43、 the P element. For举办;参加;欢聚; I respectively use “host”, “attend” and “happily gather”. Choice of words气氛热烈、祥和的 radiant: beaming with love and joy洋溢幸福的;congenial:pleasant to spend time with意气相投的,和气的 auspicious: promising a sign of future success吉利的,吉祥的 Employment of preps and nouns in the version.,Sa

44、mple Answer,Our Company Hosted 2008 Christmas GalaOn December 6 in Shangri-La Hotel of Changchun, and in a radiant and congenial atmosphere, our company hosted a gala party in celebration of 2008 Christmas. President An Tiecheng, Vice President, Mi Wande and Ma Chen, Chairman of Trade Union, Mr. Wan

45、g Zeyi, along with German staff and their families, Chinese personnel involved in the collaboration project, altogether in a number of over 400 people, attended the party. For enhancement of the friendship between the two sides and for further advancement of this project, the honored guests from bot

46、h China and German side happily gathered in the same hall to greet the arrival of this Christmas.,Sample answer,A brief documentary about the companys achievements of 2008 was first broadcast at the party. Then after a laser show against the Christmas music background, our company leaders together l

47、it the first candle on the Christmas garland in a traditional German way to welcome Christmas, producing an effect of emotional interactivity with the German guests, bringing forth a strong flavor of European life to the party, and the entire hall applause being mixed with the music sounds into a sy

48、mphony piece.,In their respective addresses, President An Tiecheng and Vice President Mi Wande extended their festive greetings to Sino-German employees and their families and noted that through the joint efforts by Sino-German staff the company has overcome the adverse effects of the market downtur

49、n and made some extraordinary achievements. Meanwhile, the implementation of the collaboration scheme has promoted the friendship between the Chinese and German employees and enabled a deeper cooperatation between the two parties.,Use predicate element to to express major information and then use adverbials and modifers to express minor information,1 先注意谓语的使用以表达主信息 第一段:举办;参加;欢聚 第二段:播放;点燃 第三段:致以问候;克服;取得成绩;促进;使深入 2 其次注意介词和名词的大量使用 介词短语作状语:在热烈、祥和的气氛下; 增进了中德双方的友情,促进了伙伴共进计划的向前推进 分词短语的使用 3 汉译英时最难处理的既是状语、定语。处理好他们一切困难就迎刃而解了。,Lecture Two A Brief Outline of Chinas Translation History,


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