1、对外经贸英语合同写作,第八章 商品检验条款,在国际贸易合同中,进出口商检条款十分重要。出口商品能否顺利地履约交货,进口商品是否符合合同要求,以及发生问题时能否对外索赔以挽回损失,都与合同中的检验条款密切相关。因此,在国际贸易合同中,商检条款必须订得合理且比较完整,以避免事后发生纠纷时缺乏明确的依据。,国际货物买卖合同中的检验条款,主要包括检验的地点、 检验机构及依据、检验证书、检验项目、检验时间、检验方法、检验检验费用的负担以及商品的复验等。,根据我国进出口商品检验法,以及出入境检验检疫报验规定,凡列入必须实施检验的进出口商品目录内的进出口商品,由商检机构实施“法定检验”。属于“法定检验”的进
2、出口商品,必须由商检机构检验合格后,出具相关证书,海关给予放行。凡未列入目录的进出口商品,不属于法定检验商品。非“法定检验”商品,如买方无特别要求可以不必向商检报验。,一、检验项目(items of inspection),(一) 品质检验(inspection to quality) 用料(materials), 规格(specification), 设计(design), 色彩(color), 外观(appearance), 触感(feeling), 厚薄(thickness), 软度(softness),,硬度(hardness), 光泽(brightness), 新鲜度(freshne
3、ss), 强度(strongth), 弹性(elasticity), 含水量(moisture), 味道(smell and taste), 成分(composition), 大小(size), 性能(efficiency),(二)数量检验(inspection to quantity)毛重(Gross weight ) 净重(net weight ) 个数(piece) 容积(Capacity ) 面积(area) 长度( length),(三)包装检验(inspection to package) (四)其他(others) 如病虫害(insect damage),二、检验时间和地点(ti
4、me and places of inspection,(一)以离岸品质、数量为准 (shipping quality and shipping weight) 就是由卖方在装运口岸装运前,申请检验机构对出口商品的品质、数(重)量进行检验,检验后出具的检验证书,作为商品品质、数(重)量的最后依据。这种做法,买方对货物无复验权,也就是没有提出索赔的权利。,例1:双方同意以装运港中国进出口商品检验局签发的品质及数量检验证书为最后依据对双方具有约束力。 It is mutually agreed that the goods are subject to the Inspection Certifi
5、cate of Quality and Inspection Certificate of Quantity issued by China Import and Export at the port of shipment. The Certificate shall be binding on both parties.,例2: 应以装运口岸中国出入境检验检疫局签发的重量证作为最好依据。 The certificate of quanlity issured by /made by/by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bure
6、au at the port of shippment is to be final.,(二)以到岸品质、数量为准。 货物运抵目的港后,由当地的检验机构检验和出具的检验证书为最后依据,如品质、数(重)量与合同规定不符,买方凭检验证书向卖方提出索赔,除非造成上述不符情况属于承运人或保险人的责任,卖方一般不得拒绝理赔。,例1: 棉花应在上海由卖方所指定的棉花检验人于抽样前过磅,过磅应于卸货后21天内在目的港码头上进行。 Cotton is to be weighed in Shanghai before sampling, under the supervision of the Cotton C
7、ontroller appointed by seller, weighing shall take place not later than 21 days after completion of landing on wharf at the port fo destination.,例2:应以在卸货港检测的船舶吃水重量为最后依据。 Ships draft weight certified by by at the landing port is to be final.,(三)买方有复验权(reinspect ) 。就是卖方在装运前进行检验的检验证书,并不是最后依据,而是交货依据,货到目
8、的地,允许买方进行复验,发现到货的品质、数(重)量与合同规定不符,属于卖方责任的,可凭检验证书向卖方提出索赔。这种做法兼顾了买卖双方的利益。我国在进出口业务中,大都采用这种做法。货到目的地后,买方有复验权, 同时承认进出口双方检验证书的效力 ,以装运地的商品检验证书作为议付依据,例如:,在交货前制造商应就订货的质量、规格、数量、性能做出准确全面的检验,并出具货物与本合同相符的检验证书。该证书为议付货款时向银行提交单据的一部分,但不得作为货物质量、规格、数量、性能的最后依据,制造商应将记载检验细节的书面报告附在品质检验书内。,Before delivery the manufacturer sh
9、ould make a precise and overall inspection of the goods regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance and issue the certificate indicating the goods in conformity with the stipulation of the contract. The certificates are one part of the documents presented to the bank for negotiation o
10、f the payment and should not be considered as final regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance. The manufacturer should include the inspection written report in the Inspection Certificate of Quality, stating the inspection particulars.,三、检验机构(organization),国际贸易中的商品检验工作,一般是由专业性的检验部门或检
11、验企业来办理。国际上承担进出口商品检验、鉴定的机构有国家政府设立的官方机构,也有民间的检验机构,还有由生产者自己进行检验。它们的名称很多,其中有的称公证鉴定人,有的称宣誓衡量人(public sworn measurer) 或实验室等,统称为商检机构或公证行(public surveyor),有时由买卖双方自己检验商品。,它们的背景、能力、技术、信誉各有不同,所以买卖双方有必要共同选定双方同意的检验机构,在合同中订明,它的检验证明才能被双方接受。,检验机构约有下列四种:(一)生产厂家或卖方 合同规定由厂家自行检验的,多系信誉良好,本身有完善的检验设备,且其出厂货物均经严格检验,保证品质标准化者
12、。这些厂家对经过检验合格的产品,签发制造厂检验证(Makers Inspection Certificate), 证上通常含有下列子句:,We certify that we have inspected the goods and/or equipment covered by the warrant(授权) that it conforms to accepted standards of quality, including any specifications forming a part of the descriptions. 兹证明我厂业经检验上述货物或设备,并保证其品质、规格符
13、合规定标准。,(二)政府检验机构,我国的商检机构是: 1. “中国进出口商品检验局(the Chia Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau,简称CIECIB)”和 2. “中国进出口商品检验总公司(ChinaNational ImportExport Commodities Inspection Corp, 简称CCIC) ” 以及它在全国各地的分支机构。,有关的合同条款如下: Inspection to be made by the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau s
14、hall be final. 应以 中国进出口商品检验局的检验为最好依据。,(三)民间独立公证检验机构,国际上比较著名的有: 1. SGS(Societe Generate de Surveilance S.A.S.G.S.) 瑞士通用公证行(瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司) 2. LS(Lloyds Surveyor) 英国劳氏公证行 3. IITS(Inchape inspection and testing service)英国英之杰检验集团 4. UL(Underwriters labora Tories Inc.) 美国完全试验所,由于他们检验技术优良、设备完善、检验公正,颇具权威性。 他们
15、所出具的独立公证报告或证书(Independent Inspection Report or Certificate),通常含有下列类似字句: We certify that the following materials has been inspected and in accordance with our opinion based upon that the report of our inspectors and experience and judgement, has been accepted under the instructions provided.,兹证明下列原料已
16、经检验。根据本公司检验人员报告及本公司的经验盒判断,本公司的意见为:下列原料符合所批示的规定。,Our obligation in making the inspection and for forwarding this certificate extends only to our client and represents our opnion on the date of inspection only. 本公司执行检验及出具本检验证的责任,以本公司的客户为限,并仅代表检验当时的意见。,四、检验证的种类和效力(kinds and effectiveness),(一)检验证的种类(typ
17、es of certificate) 1. 品质检验证(inspection Certificate of Quality) 2. 重量检验证(inspection Certificate of Weight) 3. 数量检验证(inspection Certificate of Quantity) 4. 兽医检验证(Veterinary inspection Certificate) 5.卫生(健康)检验证(Sanitary Inspection Certificate / inspection Certificate of Health),6.消毒检验证(Disinfection Insp
18、ection Certificate ) 7. 植物检验证(plant Quarantine certificate) 8. 原产地证明(inspection certificate of Origin) 9. 价值检验证(inspection certificate of Value) 10. 残损检验证( inspection certificate on Damaged Cargo) 11. 验舱检验证( inspection certificate on Hold/Tank) 检验货舱/油槽的证书 12. 货载衡量检验证( inspection certificate on Cargo
19、 Weight& Measurement) 检验商品重量、尺码的证书,(二)检验证的效力(effectiveness) Inspection to be made by independent inspection company at the port of discharge, their quality certificate shall be final. 检验由独立检验公司在卸货港实施,其出具的品质证明书应作为最后依据。,但在国际贸易上,对买卖货物通常只作抽样检验(Sampling Inspection),而非全检(100% Inspection),所以经检验后出证的货物,有时也难免
20、会有不符买卖合同所定的条件。为此,一般检验证都列有如下对检验机构的免责条款:,1. 我公司已尽责实施检验。但卖方不得借本证解除其对所装运货物的合同义务盒财务责任。 Inspection was carried out to the best of our knowledge and ablility, however, this inspection in no way relieves the seller of his contractual obligation nor makes financially responsible for ghe goods shipped,2. This
21、 certificate in no way exonerate(使免受指控 ) the maker from his responsibility to guarantee that the goods he ships is found to be of good quality when it arrives at it destination. The maker is wholly liable for any claim resulting from shipment made of poor quality or badly executed goods. 厂方不得借本件验证解除
22、其对所装运货物到达目的港是品质良好的保证。因货物品质不良而导致的任何索赔,应由厂方负完全责任。,3. 本检验秉公实施,我公司(即检验公司)出具本件验证不承担任何责任,卖方也不得借本证解除其对买方所承担的合同责任。 The inspection is carried out in good faith, and does not hold this office(i.e. inspection conpany) for any responsibilities of whatsoever nature with respect to this issuance of this certifica
23、te, nor releases this seller from his contractual obligation to the buyer.,五、检验方法(methods),检验方法是指对进出口商品的质量、数量、包装等进行检验的做法,包括抽样的数量及方法。在实践中,商品的检验方法主要有:感官检验、化学检验、物理检验、微生物学检验等。有些商品用不同的检验方法,可能会得出不同的检验结果。为避免事后发生争议,必要时,可在合同中对检验方法作出明确的规定。 抽样检验(Sampling Inspection) 全检(100% Inspection),六、检验费用的负担(Division of th
24、e inspection charge),1. 检验费由买方负担。 Inspection fee and charges shall be paid by Buyer. 2. Inspection fee to be divided equally between buyer and seller. 检验费由买卖各负担一半。,一个较完整的检验条款,应包括检验项目、检验人、检验时间、检验地点、检验效力、检验费负担等。 例1. 合同货物品质、数量、包装和重量应由买方所指定为卖方所接受的独立公证人在黄埔于装运时。该独立公证人签发的品质、数量、包装和重量检验证应作为最好依据。检验费由卖方承担。,The
25、 certificates of quality and quantity(weight) issued by the CCIB at port of shipment shall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant letter of credit. Any claim by the buyer regarding the goods shipped shall be field withindays after the arrival of the goods at the
26、port of destination, and supported by a survey report issued by a surveyor approved by the seller.,例2. 由于装运港中国商品检验局签发的品质和重量检验证明书为信用证议付项下所提交单据的一部分,买方对已运货物的索赔必须在货物到达目的港后XX天内提出,并且须经卖方同意的公证机构出具的检验报告。,Inspection on quality, quantity, packing and weight of the contracted cargo shall be performed at the ti
27、me of loading at Huangpu berth by independent inspector appointed by the buyer and acceptable to the seller. The inspectors certificate of quality,quantity, packing and weight shall be final, and inspection fee and charges shall be for sellers account.,练习:,1. 买卖双方同意以装运港(地)中国出入境检验检疫局签发的质量和重量(数量)检验证书作
28、为信用证项下议付提交的单据的一部分,买方有权对货物的质量和重量(数量)进行复验,复验费由买方负担。但若发现质量和或重量(数量)与合同规定不符时,买方有权向卖方索赔,并提供经卖方同意的公证机构出具的检验报告。索赔期限为货物到达目的港(地)后X X天内。,It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Quality and Weight (Quantity) issued by the China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau at the portplace Of shipment s
29、hall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant LC The Buyers shall have the right to reinspect the quality and weight (quantity) of the cargoThe reinspection fee shall be borne by the Buyers,Should the quality or weight (quantity) be found not in conformity with tha
30、t of the contract,the Buyers are entitled to lodge with the Sellers a claim which should be supported by survey reports issud by a recognized surveyor approved by the SellersThe claim,if any,shall be lodged within-days after arrival of the cargo at the portplace of destination,From the letters PNLLEEEESSSSS a single English word can be made. What is it?,Answer:sleeplessness,Thank You!,