1、Ethnic Culture,Module 5,1.Do you know about the province ofYunnan?,2.What places of interest do you know about in Yunnan?,云南介绍 美丽、富饶的云南,是祖国西南边疆的一块宝地,它土地辽阔、山川壮丽、资源丰富。它是人类重要的发祥地之一,具有悠久的历史、古老的文明。云南,意为“云岭之南”,又称“滇”,其灿烂的文化、众多的,名胜古迹、风情各异的各种民族,千差万别的立体气候、举世文明的珍禽异兽、奇花异草、地下宝藏,丰富的物产和通往印度、东南亚各国的区位优势,赋予了它富饶而神秘的魅力
2、。除了众所周知的被誉为“动物王国”,植物王国、有色金属王国”之外,云南还有“香料之乡”、“天然花园”、“药物宝库”之称。 云南的地理位置 云南省地处中国西南边陲,北回归线横贯本省南部。云南东部与贵州省、,广西壮族自治区相邻,北部与四川省相连,西北隅紧倚西藏自治区,西部同缅甸接壤,南部与老挝、越南毗连。从整个位置看,云南北依广袤的亚洲大陆,南临辽阔的印度洋及太平洋。云南省与邻国的边界线总长为,公里,其中中缅段为公里,中老段为公里,中越段为公里。,西双版纳,香格里拉,丽江古城,Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,“万里长江第一湾”,纳西语称这 里为“剌巴”, 意为虎啸
3、处或 虎族之花。,First bend of Yangtze River,玉龙雪山,Say what you know about the provinceof Yunnan.,To see activity 1 on P 57,The Dai woman is wearing a brightly- colored traditional costume.Her blouse is pink, she has a silver belt and her skirt is red.She also has pink flower in her hair.,白族,傣族,拉祜族,纳西族,Read
4、the passage. Match the photos with the paragraphs.,a-1 b-5 c-3 d- 6 e-2 f-4,1.hieroglyphics 2.hatch 3.unforgetable 4.maze 5.gentleman 6.varied 7.run 8.cobbled,The answers to activity 2,Read the text again and answer the questions.,In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied?,2.Why do tourists get los
5、t in Lijiang?,3.In what way are Naxi women unusual?,4.What is unusual about the Naxi language?,5.How do the Naxi believe their people started? 6.Why is Naxi music famous? 7.In what way does Simon say that people are all the same?,The south is tropical and the north is mountains.,2.Because there is a
6、 maze of small streets.,3.They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.,4.The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.,5.They believe that they hatched from magic eggs helped by a creature called Tabu.,6. Because it has be
7、en passed on orally for eight centuries.,7.Because,regard-less of ethnicity, we all need to laugh, cry and love.,Retell paragraph 1 and 2,(Key Words),two months, astonished, Down, tropical, Lijiang, half,the old town, opposite, covered with, dont think, seen,early this morning, walk up,sat and watched, seen from,get lost in,run through,whenever,hear,allowed, As,feel,Homework,Activity 4 and 5 on P60,Thank you!,