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1、1,Sun Tzu and the Art of Sales Leadership 孙子兵法 之 如何领导销售团队,创造非凡业绩,2,Top Sales People Dont Necessary Become Good Sales Managers. Why? 卓越销售员不一定就是优秀的销售经理。为什么?,3,Elements of Effective Sales Leadership销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责 Formulating Sales Strategies 拟定销售战略 Lea

2、dership Styles 领导风格 Motivation 团队激励 Coaching for Peak Performance 获得高绩效的教练技巧,4,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责,Elements of Effective Sales Leadership销售领导力的主要因素,5,Exactly What Does a Sales Manager Need to Do?,销售经理究竟需要做些什么?,6,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的义

3、务和责任,Directs and controls others in a business unit 在商务单位指导并支配他人 Practical intelligence 学以致用的能力 Analytic ability 分析能力 Training/ coaching in a structured setting 有系统地给下属培训或辅导 Makes joint calls 一起去拜访客户 Makes formal presentations 做正式的陈述 Takes initiative in a business unit 主动性强 Profit consciousness in a

4、 management role 从管理角度具有盈利意识 Focused on quantitative results 关注于可量化的成效,7,How would you rate yourself as a Sales Leader? 如何评估你的销售领导能力?,Rank the above factors from most to least important to your job 按照你的工作性质,给以上论点按照重要性顺序排列 From a scale of 0-10, how do you rate yourself? 如果以1-10分的标准,1分为最差,10分为最好,您会为自己

5、打几分? What are some of the challenges to be a better leader? 成为一名优秀领导者的挑战有哪些? How can you overcome these challenges? 你应该如何应对这些挑战?,8,Elements of Effective Sales Leadership销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责 Formulating Sales Strategies 拟定销售战略,9,Management by Objectives 目标

6、性管理,What is Strategy? 什么是战略?,10,The 3 Components of Winning Strategies 成功战略的3大组件,The Goal/ Objective 目标 The Resources Needed 所需资源 The Responses from Customers and Competitors 客户及竞争对手的反应,11,胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜,The victorious army plans for victory before fighting, the vanquished army fights before plan

7、ning for victory,12,业绩 企业之命脉,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。,Sales. .the lifeblood of a company, a matter of “life and death“, survival or extinction. Indeed, something that needs to be studied, applied and re-modified consistently.,13,Formulating Your Strategy 拟定战略,道:企业之愿景也 The Way/ Vision 天:时事大环境也 The Climate 地:

8、市场、区域、客户群体、实地情况也 The Ground 将:销售领导能力也 The Leadership and People 法:方法、技能也 The Methods and Processes,14,道:The Common Vision,Why do we need to realise this vision? 我们为什么需要实现这个愿景 How do we get buy-in for this vision? 我们如何产生共鸣并获得认同? “Whats in it for us?“ “对我们有什么益处?”,15,16,天:The Climate (Gathering Inputs)

9、,Extenal factors beyond our control 在我们控制范围以外的大环境 Political. Economical.Social .Technological. factors 政治、经济、社会、科技 因素 Look for patterns and anomalies 寻找规律及 反常现象,17,地:The Ground (Gathering Inputs),Extenal factors within our span of influence 在我们影响范围以内的实地情况 Our S.W.O.T. 我方的优势、弱项、契机、威胁 Our adversarys S

10、.W.O.T. 对方的优势、弱项、契机、威胁 Look for patterns and anomalies 寻找规律及 反常现象,18,知己知彼,百战不殆,Know Thyself and Thy Adversary, A Hundred Battles Fought and Not Imperil Any,19,将:The Leadership (Decide),Are the leaders empowered to make the decisions? 领导可有决策权? Do they have access to the right information? 他们可有获得正确的信息

11、? Can they make the right deductions? 他们能否做出正确的判断?,20,不知三军之事而同三军之政,则军士惑矣,If a commander does not understand the key issues of the battle AND his own army BUT gives commands, his soldiers will be confused,21,不知三军之权而同三军之任,则军士疑矣,If a commander is given the responsibility but NOT the authority, his sold

12、iers will doubt his commands,22,将能而君不御者胜,The ruler who does not interfere with capable generals shall win the war,23,法:The Methods and Processes (Implement),How shall we roll out our plans? 我们该如何实施? Are there feedback mechanisms in place? 实施过程可有反馈机制? Can we make adjustments as the situation demands

13、it? 我们该如何按照时势作出调整?,24,改变中的环境 The Changing Environment,客户现在跟五年前相比有什么区别? What are the differences in customers now compared to 5 years ago? 客户五年后跟现在对比又将有什么区别? What will be some of the differences in customers 5 years from now?,25,凡战者,以正合,以奇胜,In war, use conventional methods to get your army organised,

14、 but use unconventional methods to achieve victory,26,What Do Customers Expect from Sales People? 客户对销售员有什么期望?,Be personally accountable for customers results 为客户的绩效承担个人责任 Understand customers business 了解客户的商务模式 Proactively provide advice for customers 主动为客户提出建议 Suggest the right solutions that solv

15、e customers problems 提出能解决客户困惑的有效方案 Be easily accessible 客户能随时联系上 Be creative in responding to customers needs 能为客户的需求提出有创意的解决方法,Source: HR Chally,27,Blue Ocean vs. Red Ocean Strategy 蓝海 vs. 红海战略,Traditional Circus vs. Cirque du Soleil 一般马戏团 vs. 太阳马戏团 Traditional Bakery vs. Bread Talk 一般面包店 vs. 面包新语

16、 Traditional Computers vs. Dell 一般电脑企业 vs. 戴尔电脑 Ordinary vs. iPods 一般MP3机 vs. iPod Normal Motels/ Hostels vs. Home Inns/ Motel 168 一般招待所 vs. 如家/ 莫泰,28,Elements of Effective Sales Leadership销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责 Formulating Sales Strategies 拟定销售战略 Leadershi

17、p Styles 领导风格,29,Who Are Some of The Leaders in You Admire 谁是你你最仰慕的领导们,What makes admire them? 你为什么会仰慕他们?,30,How do you measure Leadership Effectiveness?,您将如何衡量领导力的绩效?,31,Sun Tzus 5 Criteria for Leadership 孙子兵法将者5律,智 Intelligence and Wisdom 信 Trust and Respect 仁 Compassion 勇 Courage 严 Discipline and

18、 Control,32,智 Intelligence and Wisdom,Analytical Intelligence 分析能力 Understands trends and numbers 了解趋势与数字 Good at problem solving 善于解决问题 Draws accurate conclusions 达到准确的判断 Practical Intelligence 学以致用的能力 Understands wide-ranging knowledge 学识渊博 Knows where to look for the right information 知道如何找寻信息 Id

19、entifies the right context for the right application 知道在什么场合运用什么方式来解决问题 Creative Intelligence 创造力 Sees new perspectives that others dont 看到他人所看不到的观点 Thinks laterally 侧向思维 Generates innovative solutions 营造创新方案,33,信 Trust and Respect,Trust in the leaders decisions 信任领导的决策 Trust in the leaders intentio

20、ns 信任领导的意图 Authority is given, but respect is earned 权利是加于的,但尊重是赢取的 Lead by example 以身作则,34,仁 Compassion,Understands the needs and aspirations of your team members 了解各个队员的需求及奋斗目标 Makes each sales person the best sales person she canever be 让每一个销售队员成为最优秀的销售员,35,勇 Courage,Making decisions that team me

21、mbers dislike 作出让团队不高兴的决策 Making decisions that management dislikes 作出让管理层不认同的决策 Taking action 付出行动,36,严 Discipline and Control,To discipline others, discipline yourself first 严己宽人 Control is ALSO about catching other doing the RIGHT things 监控也包括“抓”到对方做对事,37,How Good Leaders can Add Value 优秀领导者是如何增加

22、价值的,Getting team members to go the extra mile willingly 让队员自愿地作额外的付出(行千里而不劳者,行于无人之地也) Inspire team members to generate more creative solutions 启发队员,使他们能够更富有创意地解决问题 Motivating team members to take initiative with the appropriate actions 激励队员,使他们能够自主地采取合适的措施与行动,38,Elements of Effective Sales Leadershi

23、p销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责 Formulating Sales Strategies 拟定销售战略 Leadership Styles 领导风格 Motivation 团队激励,39,Are Sales People Motivated by Money Only? 销售人员是否只会被金钱所激励?,If Not, What Else? 如果不是,那还有什么能激励销售人员的呢?,40,What Might Motivate Sales People? 什么能够激励业务员?,Money 金钱

24、Achievement 成就 Recognition 认可 Relationship 关系 Prestige 声望 Good environment to grow 良好成长环境 Autonomy 自主自由 Purpose 有所目的 Others 其他,41,Brainstorming your motivation plan 如何激励你的团队的脑力风暴,Increase incentives and commissions 增加奖金与佣金 Introduce a competition 引进销售竞赛 Give recognition for the right behaviour 针对正确的

25、行为给于赞赏 Give them a bright, positive future vision if they succeed 给他们画一幅非常辉煌的愿景,42,What REALLY Motivates People 什么真正能够激励他人,Consequence 后果,43,Types of Consequences 不同的后果,Positive 正面 Immediate 立刻 Certain 明确 Negative 负面 Immediate 立刻 Certain 明确 Positive 正面 Immediate 立刻 Uncertain 不明确 Positive 正面 Future 未

26、来 Certain 明确 Negative 负面 Future 未来 Certain 明确 Negative 负面 Immediate 立刻 Uncertain 不明确 Positive 正面 Future 未来 Uncertain 不明确 Negative 负面 Future 未来 Uncertain 不明确,Source: Daniels & Daniels 2007,44,卒未亲附而罚之则不服;不服则难用;卒已亲附而罚不行,则不可用,All punishment and no camaderie will create dissent; All camaderie and no puni

27、shment will have poor discipline,45,Re-Configuring Your Sales Incentives 重新设计你的销售奖金制度,Reward more for improvements insales performance, and less for mere re-ordering 增加对销售绩效有所提高的奖金,而减少一般重复购买的奖金 Implement group bonuses if team work is needed 如需鼓励团队合作,实施团队奖金 Give recognition for improvement in sales p

28、rocesses 针对销售流程及技巧的改进给于认可与赞赏,46,Why Give Recognition? 为何要给于赞赏?,47,Recognition of Daily Achievements 日常赞赏,Frequent 要经常 Find out the small contributions of staff in their daily work 在日常小事里面找到员工的小小贡献 Specific 要具体 “Thank you for putting the effort in the training materials. You were able to get the inno

29、vators to agree to one another an get the content out on time. Great job!“ “谢谢你在新培训教材中所付出的努力。你能把创新者们聚到一块,在内容上达到一致,而且这么短的期限你也能达到。干得好!” Timely 要及时,48,Recognition of Outstanding Achievements 卓越赞赏,Value 价值 Great results 重大成绩 Innovative 创意 Improvement in sales performance 提升销售额 Impact 影响力 Initial problem

30、s 当时存在的问题或机遇 Actions taken 所采取的行动 Results 行动的结果 Value to the company 给公司带来怎样的价值 Personalised 个性化,49,故合之以文,齐之以武,是谓必取,To win, use reason to unite your people, and use discipline to implement your strategies,50,Definition of Culture 文化的定义,Things people do unconsciously 人们无意中做的事情,51,Corporate Values vs.

31、 Culture 公司的价值观Vs文化,What are some of your corporate values? 你所在公司的价值观有哪些? Does your staff unconsciously display such values? 你的员工是否在无意中体现了该价值观 Why is that so? 为什么会这样?,52,Corporate Values vs. Culture 企业价值观 vs 企业文化,Culture derives from many people having the same habit 文化的根源在于有很多人有着相同的习惯 What habits d

32、o you want your team to develop? 你希望你的队员培养哪方面的习惯? How do you do so? 你该怎么执行?,53,创建你的领导文化 Creating Your Leadership Culture,行为 Behaviour,反应 Response,期望 Expectation,效果 Effect,54,创建你的领导文化 Creating Your Leadership Culture,行为 Behaviour,反应 Response,期望 Expectation,效果 Effect,文化 Culture “这里做事的方式” “the way thin

33、gs are done around here”,55,Positive Feedback 正面反馈,Context 情景 Action 行为 Result 结果,56,Corrective Feedback 纠正反馈,Context 情景 Actual action 实际行为 Result 结果 Expected action 预期行为 Result (enhanced) 结果(优化),57,Why Not Build a High-Performing Sales Team Instead? 为什么不组建一个优秀的销售团队取而代之 ?,Compare the best performing

34、 sales person(s) with the rest (the middle and worst performing) in your company 在公司内部将业绩最好的销售人员(们)与其他销售人员(业绩平平或最差的销售人员)进行比较 Find out what are the qualities or behaviours that are ONLY present in the best people, which the rest are not doing 找出前者身上独有的(或后者身上缺乏的)素质或工作方法,58,Why Not Build a High-Perform

35、ing Sales Team Instead? 为什么不组建一个优秀的销售团队取而代之 ?,Structure the interview processes where you look for past performance whereby the candidate has demonstrated such ideal qualities or behaviours 回顾在过去的招聘过程中能够显示应聘者此类优秀素质或工作方法的环节,并对其进行强化 If the qualities or behaviours can be learnt, structure your sales tr

36、aining such that everyone on your team can learn and internalise them 如果这些优秀素质或工作方法可以通过学习来获得,那么强化销售培训,使得团队每个成员都掌握它们,59,Motivating Staff 激励员工,Happy Staff vs. Hungry Staff 快乐的员工和饥饿的员工 Who will be more motivated?谁更有工作动力? The question is how we keep staff hungry问题是我们如何让员工保持饥饿 At the same time, we need t

37、o feed them as well同时,我们要喂养他们 What do we feed or staff with?我们该如何喂养他们呢?,60,Elements of Effective Sales Leadership销售领导力的主要因素,Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager 销售经理的职责 Formulating Sales Strategies 拟定销售战略 Leadership Styles 领导风格 Motivation 团队激励 Coaching for Peak Performance 获得高绩效的教练技巧,61,Wh

38、o is the Best Sales Person? 哪位是最优秀的业务员?,62,Who is the Best Sales Person? 哪位是最优秀的业务员?,63,Who is the Best Sales Person? 哪位是最优秀的业务员?,64,Who is the Best Sales Person? 哪位是最优秀的业务员?,65,What will be Your Advice to Salesman A, B and C? 你会给业务员A、B及C什么建议呢?,66,Challenges in Sales Management 销售管理遇到的挑战,Less than 1

39、5% of superstar salespeople succeed in management 少于15%的顶尖销售人员能够成为称职的经理 Most people leave their jobs because they could not get along with their supervisors 大部分离职的员工都是因为无法与上级融洽相处而这么做的 Only 19% of effective new business developers are effective at maintaining long-term customers 只有19%的新客户开拓人员能够与客户保持长

40、远良好关系 Less than 15% of key account managers are comfortable developing new businesses 只有15%的客户经理对发展新客户感到适意,67,Challenges in Sales Management 销售管理遇到的挑战,Nearly 65% of salespeople who fail could have succeeded in the right type of sales position for their skills 将近65%的表现欠佳的业务员能在更合适的销售岗位上创造更优越的业绩 Nearly

41、 70% of strong customer support and service staff are able to maintain customer relationships 将近70%的客服人员能够与客户保持良好长久关系 60% of sales position failures are related to individuals with the wrong skills for the position 60%的销售人员无法胜任其职是因为个人技能与岗位不匹配,68,Case Study 2 案例2,Sam is a new sales person and showed

42、a lot of promise during his initial training with the company. When he went on his work, he also put in lots of effort. Still, after 3 months, there wasnt any results generated. What would you do? Sam是一位新业务员,并在入职培训的时候表现优异。他正式工作时也非常投入。但在三个月以后,他仍然没有任何业绩。你会怎么做?,69,“Doing the same thing over and over ag

43、ain and expecting different results.”“重复做同样的事情 却期望不同的结果”,Definition of Insanity 愚痴的定义,70,Case Study 3 案例3,Susan was one of your better sales persons. Unfortunately, she hasnt been producing much results lately. When asked about her performance, she replied that the customers just need a little longe

44、r time to make the decision this year. What would you do? Susan是你团队里较为优秀的业务员。不幸的是,她最近业绩欠佳。当你问她情况时,她说客户今年会比以往需要更长一点的时间作决定。你会怎么做?,71,Active Listening 聆听,Always allow the other person to finish talking before passing any judgments待别人叙述完再阐明自己的观点 Ask clarifying questions让别人阐明问题 Listen with your ears, eye

45、s and emotions 使用你的耳、眼及感觉来聆听,72,Case Study 4 案例4,Simon has been in touch with a prospect for quite some time. He has seen their decision makers, their technical buyers and even end-users. While responses are positive, there was no further progress. What questions would you ask? Simon跟进了一家客户已经有段时间。他一

46、见过对方的决策者、技术人员甚至使用者。尽管反馈良好,但始终裹足不前。你会向他提问什么问题?,73,Bad Sales Habits 不良的销售习惯,Complaining too much and doing too little 满腹牢骚却无所行动 Talking too much and asking too little 说得太多,问得太少 No effort to understand customers hidden needs 不试图了解客户的潜在需求 Spending too much time on unimportant things 为芝麻小事耗太多时间 Arguing w

47、ith customers and badmouthing competitors 与客户争论,并说竞争对手的坏话 Unwilling to share information and cross-sell 不愿共享信息及交叉销售 Investing the entire relationship with the customers organisation with just only 1 contact person 与客户的关系仅建立在一个联系人的基础上 Others? 其他?,74,Providing Constructive Criticism 给于建设性的批评,Confirm A

48、bilities and Give Recognition 肯定销售员的能力,并给与赞扬 Ask 问一问: From a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself? 如果以1-10分的标准,1分为最差,10分为最好,您会为自己打几分? What do you need to do bring you to a 10?你认为应该做些什么才能够达到10分? Give Additional Pointers on Areas to Improve 提一些可以改进的意见

49、 Provide Brightness of the Future 让对方认同做出改变以后的憧憬,75,Criteria Sales Staff Appraisal销售员评估标准,Sales Results销售业绩 Gross Profit 毛利 New Businesses Brought In挖掘新客户 Retention and Growth of Existing Customers现有顾客的维护与增长 Ability to Work As a Team团队合作能力 Being Able to Understand Customers Business Issues能够了解客户的商务需

50、求 Making Significant Improvements and Progress in Sales Results/ Sales Activities推动销售增长、改进销售业绩 Basis of Sales Staff Appraisal: Achieve sustainable growth in sales results销售员评估的基础: 销售业绩的持续增长,76,Action Planning 行动计划,77,What Next? 下一步该怎么做?,What should I do more of? 我们哪方面应该多做一些? What should I do less of? 我们哪方面应该少做一些? What should I start doing? 我们该开始做什么? What should I stop doing? 我们该停止什么? What shall be my action steps now? 我的行动计划将是什么?,


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