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1、,Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yus Regular Press Conference on September 9, 2010,1号 记者: 姜芳君 2号 翻译: 沈彬燕 3号 发言人: 陈晓晓,Press Conference script,Background Knowledge,Good Sentences,2010年9月9日,外交部发言人姜瑜举行例行记者会,答问如下。On the afternoon of September 9, 2010, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a reg

2、ular press conference and answered questions. 姜瑜:各位下午好!记者会开始,现在我愿意回答各位的提问。Jiang Yu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The press conference now begins. I am ready to take your questions.,问:有关钓鱼岛撞船事,中国渔船船长被拘后,中方明确要求日方放人,但是日方态度似乎比较强硬。中国政府下一步会有什么具体措施?另外,缅甸将于十一月份举行大选,但是据报道现在中缅边境局势好像有些紧张,中方希望缅方在维护边境局势

3、上做出哪些努力?Q: On the collision near the Diaoyu Island, after the detaining of the Chinese captain, China has explicitly demanded that Japan release the crew. However, Japan seems to take a hard-line position. What further specific steps will the Chinese Government take? Moreover, Myanmar will hold its

4、general election in November. However, it is reported that there seems to be some tensions on the border between China and Myanmar. What efforts does China hope Myanmar to make to maintain peace on the border? detain ditein vt. 拘留;留住;耽搁 explicitly iksplisitli adv. 明确地;明白地,答:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国固有领土。日方对在该岛海域

5、作业的中国渔船适用日本国内法是荒唐、非法和无效的,中方决不接受。当务之急是日方立即无条件放人放船,避免事态进一步升级。 关于缅甸问题,缅甸和发委主席丹瑞率领的代表团正在中国进行访问。昨天胡锦涛主席与他进行了会谈,两国领导人都表示要共同努力,维护边境地区的和平、稳定与秩序,认为这符合双方的共同利益。 缅甸大选是缅甸内部事务。缅甸顺利举行大选符合缅甸人民的根本利益,也有利于地区和平与稳定。中方尊重缅甸人民自主选择发展道路,希望缅甸大选能顺利举行,不断推进民主与发展。,A: The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are inherent terri

6、tories of China. It is absurd, illegal and invalid that Japan applies its domestic law to Chinese fishing boats working in those waters, and absolutely unacceptable to China. It is imperative that Japan release the crew and the boat immediately so as to avoid further escalation. affiliated filieitid

7、 adj. 附属的;有关连的On the issue of Myanmar, Chairman Than Shwe of the State Peace and Development Council and his delegation are now visiting China. President Hu Jintao held talks with him yesterday. The two leaders agreed to work together to safeguard peace, stability and order in the border region, whi

8、ch serves the common interest of both sides. delegation ,deliein n. 代表团;授权;委托,The general election in Myanmar is its internal affairs. A smooth election in Myanmar is in the fundamental interest of the Myanmar people and contributes to regional peace and stability. China respects the Myanmar peoples

9、 independent choice of the countrys development path and wishes Myanmar a smooth general election and constant progress with democracy and development,问:钓鱼岛撞船事故会不会影响到今后的中日关系以及中日东海共同开发问题的对话?Q: Will the collision near the Diaoyu Island affect future China-Japan relations and the dialogue on the joint

10、development of the East China Sea? joint dint adj. 共同的;连接的;联合的,合办的,答:领土主权争议高度敏感,处理不当,将对中日关系大局造成严重冲击。日方对此应有清醒认识。A: Disputes over territory and sovereignty are highly sensitive, improper handling of which will have a serious impact on the overall interest of China-Japan relations. Japan should have a

11、clear understanding of that.,问:昨天外交部网站发布消息,提醒海外的中国公民注意安全。这条提醒背后有什么样的考虑,外交部将采取哪些领保举措?Q: The Foreign Ministry website released an alert yesterday, warning overseas Chinese nationals of safety hazards. What are the considerations behind the alert and what consular protection measures will the Foreign M

12、inistry take? hazards n. 危害;危险;障碍(hazard的复数) consular knsjul adj. 领事的,答:大家可能知道,近期在个别地区,中国公民的人身安全受到了威胁,出现了个别的袭击、绑架事件。我们对此高度重视,外交部和驻外使领馆启动了应急机制,迅速、有效地与有关方面协调、妥善解决问题。我们发布这条消息,就是要提醒中国公民在海外留意身边的安全状况,提高防范意识,确保安全。A: As you may know, the safety of overseas Chinese nationals has been under threat recently in

13、 some areas, with individual cases of attacks and kidnappings. Attaching great importance to this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions overseas have launched emergency mechanisms to coordinate with relevant parties immediately and effectively, and solve the issues properly. The a

14、lert is to remind Chinese nationals overseas to pay attention to their safety situation, raise awareness and ensure their own safety. diplomatic mission 使馆;外交使团,问:钓鱼岛撞船事件发生后,一些民间保钓人士表示将前往钓鱼岛宣示主权,请问中国政府会采取什么措施保护他们的安全?另外,请介绍菲律宾人质事件最新进展及中菲双方沟通情况。Q: After the collision near the Diaoyu Island, some Chine

15、se activists expressed the wish to go to the Island and assert sovereignty. What measures will the Chinese Government take to ensure their safety? Besides, please brief us on the latest developments of the Philippine hostage case and the communication between China and the Philippines. hostage hstid

16、 n. 人质;抵押品,答:日方在钓鱼岛海域非法抓扣中国渔船和渔民的行为已引起中国民众的强烈反应,希望日方正视事态的严重性,立即无条件放人放船,避免事态恶化升级。在钓鱼岛问题上,我们的立场是一贯和明确的。钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古就是中国的固有领土,中国对此拥有无可争辩的主权。中国政府维护主权和领土完整的意志与决心是坚定不移的。中日双方在钓鱼岛主权归属问题上存在争议是客观事实,我们主张在尊重事实的基础上通过谈判妥善解决问题。 第二个问题,目前调查工作正在进行,中菲双方保持着密切沟通。当务之急是菲方对事件进行全面、公正、彻底的调查,尽快把事件调查清楚,并妥善处理善后事宜。,A: Japans ille

17、gal detaining of the Chinese fishing boat and its crew in the Diaoyu Island waters has met strong reaction from the Chinese public. Japan should face up to the seriousness of the issue and release the crew and the boat immediately and unconditionally so as to avoid further deterioration and escalati

18、on. Our position is consistent and clear-cut on the Diaoyu Island issue. Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been Chinas inherent territory since ancient times, and China owns undisputable sovereignty over them. The Chinese Government is unswerving in its determination and resolve to maint

19、ain sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is an objective fact that China and Japan have disputes over the sovereignty issue of the Diaoyu Island. We uphold a proper settlement of the issue through negotiations on the basis of respecting the facts. unswerving nsw:vi adj. 坚定的;始终不渝的;不歪的,On your se

20、cond question, the investigation is under way at present. China and the Philippines have stayed in close communication. The pressing task is that the Philippines conducts a comprehensive, just and thorough investigation of the issue to draw an immediate and clear conclusion and properly handles the

21、aftermath.,问:钓鱼岛撞船事件发生已三天,请问中方在什么情况下会作出“进一步反应”? Q: Its been three days since the collision happened. Under what conditions will China take “further response”?,答:近几日,中国外交部和驻日本大使馆已多次向日方提出严正交涉,对日方在钓鱼岛海域非法扣留中国渔船和渔民提出强烈抗议。我们要求日方立即放人放船,并且确保中国渔民的安全。中国驻日使领馆已经派工作组探望了有关渔民。目前他们是安全的,身体状况良好,也向家人报了平安。A: Over the

22、past few days, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy in Japan have made solemn representations with the Japanese side on several occasions, expressing strong protest against its illegal detention of the Chinese boat and fishermen in the Diaoyu Island waters. We urge the Japanese side to r

23、elease the crew and the boat immediately and guarantee the safety of the Chinese fishermen. The Chinese Embassy has already sent a working group to visit them. At present, they are safe and in good condition and also have contacted with their families. solemn slm adj. 庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的,问:据报道,中方已派出渔政执法

24、船前往钓鱼岛,请证实。这是否与撞船事件有关?Q: It is reported that China has sent a fishery law-enforcement ship to the Diaoyu Island waters. Please confirm. Is this relevant to the collision?,答:中方已经派遣渔政执法船前往相关海域,这是根据中国的有关法律开展渔业管理活动,目的是维护相关海域的渔业生产秩序,保护中国渔民的生命和财产安全。A: China has sent fishery law-enforcement ship to relevan

25、t waters to conduct fishery administration activities according to Chinese laws, with an aim to safeguard fishery production order as well as the safety of Chinese fishermens lives and property,问:中国向钓鱼岛海域派出渔政执法船是因为钓鱼岛撞船事件,还是仅仅是时间上的巧合?Q: Is the fishery law-enforcement ship sent because of the collisi

26、on or after it? 答:具体的情况请向中方主管部门询问。A: I suggest you refer to competent authorities for details. competent authorities 主管当局,问:韩国方面近日警告称,朝鲜拥有核武器将在全球范围内造成核“多米诺”效应。你对此有何评论?第二,关于韩国对伊朗实施新制裁有何评论?Q: How do you comment on the ROK warning that the DPRKs possession of nuclear weapons will produce nuclear domino

27、 effects across the globe? Second, how do you respond to the ROKs imposing new sanctions on Iran?ROK rk abbr. 大韩民国,南朝鲜(Republic of Korea) DPRK abbr. 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) domino effect 多米诺效应(政治术语,指一事件引起连锁反应),答:我没有看到你说的这个情况。中方主张朝鲜半岛无核化,这一立场是一贯的、明确的。 关于第二个问题,我们不赞成对伊朗实施单方面制裁

28、,希望有关方面坚持外交解决方向,通过对话与谈判寻求伊核问题的有效解决办法。A: I havent heard of what you mentioned. Chinas position on denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is consistent and clear. On your second question, we oppose unilateral sanctions against Iran and hope relevant parties continue diplomatic efforts so as to find

29、an effective solution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation.peninsula pininsjul n. 半岛unilateral ,ju:niltrl adj. 单边的;植单侧的;单方面的;语单边音;(父母)单系的,问:日本政府近日称,中国购买日本国债刺激了日元升值,日方将就此与中方沟通,请证实。Q: The Japanese Government said recently that Chinas purchase of its government bonds had stimul

30、ated the appreciation of the yen and Japan would stay in contact with China over this. Please confirm.yen jen n. 日元(日本货币单位);渴望,答:你的问题不属于我们主管范畴。但我可原则回答你,中国的外汇管理一直本着“安全、流动、保值、增值”的原则,实行多元化战略,购买哪国国债会根据需要做出决定。 你可以向相关金融部门去了解具体情况。 如果没有问题了,感谢各位出席,下次再见!A: We are not the competent authorities to take this que

31、stion. However, I can tell you in principle that China operates its foreign exchange reserve according to the principle of security, liquidity and good value. Our investment is diversified and will be decided based on needs. You can refer to relevant financial authorities for details. If there are n

32、o more questions, thanks for your presence. See you! foreign exchange reserve n. 外汇储备,The Chinese Government is unswerving in its determination and resolve to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity.中国政府维护主权和领土完整的意志与决心是坚定不移的。Unswerving 在此处准确表达了原意,2. The two leaders agreed to work together to

33、safeguard peace, stability and order in the border region, which serves the common interest of both sides.两国领导人都表示要共同努力,维护边境地区的和平、稳定与秩序,认为这符 合双方的共同利益。 这个句子是非限制定语从句,3. Our position is consistent and clear-cut on the Diaoyu Island issue. 在钓鱼岛问题上,我们的立场是一贯和明确的。 Clear-cut 清晰的;轮廓鲜明的,表达了立场明确的态度,钓鱼岛,钓鱼岛又称钓鱼

34、台、钓鱼台群岛、钓鱼台列岛(日本称其为“尖阁列岛”),位于中国东海大陆架的东部边缘,在地质结构上是附属于台湾的大陆性岛屿。钓鱼列岛周围海域面积约为17万平方公里,相当于5个台湾本岛面积。1972年美国将琉球主权移交日本时,一并将钓鱼台列屿的行政管辖权也交给日本。该岛实际由日本控制,被划为冲绳县石垣市。针对日本的行径,自1970年代开始,华人组织的民间团体曾多次展开宣示主权的“保钓运动”。山东省长岛县的挡浪岛也名钓鱼岛,丹瑞 (Than Shwe) 1933年2月2日出生于缅甸曼德勒省胶塞镇,1953年毕业于军官培训班,1977至1980年任第88步兵师指挥官,1980至1985年任东南军区司令

35、,1985年出任陆军副总司令。他1990年任缅甸联邦恢复法律与秩序委员会副主席、国防军副总司令、陆军总司令,1992年任缅甸联邦恢复法律与秩序委员会主席、政府总理、三军总司令兼国防部长,1997年11月任国家和平与发展委员会主席,政府总理、三军总司令兼国防部长。2003年8月辞去总理职务。 夫人:杜江江。,朝鲜核问题,简称朝核问题,是指朝鲜开发核应用能力而引起的地区安全和外交等一系列问题。相关方为美国、韩国、中华人民共和国、俄罗斯和日本。其中又以朝鲜和美国之间的矛盾最为尖锐。该问题始于20世纪90年代初。当时,美国根据卫星资料怀疑朝鲜开发核武器,扬言要对朝鲜的核设施实行检查。朝鲜则宣布无意也无

36、力开发核武器,同时指责美国在韩国部署核武器威胁它的安全。第一次朝鲜半岛核危机由此爆发。20世纪90年代初,朝核问题升级。为使朝核问题和平解决,中国政府积极斡旋,于2003年4月促成有朝鲜、中国、美国参加的朝核问题三方会谈。同年8月,中国又促成有中国、朝鲜、韩国、美国、日本、俄罗斯参加的朝核问题六方会谈。迄今,六方会谈已举行过6轮。,菲律宾警界政界乱象 香港游客在菲律宾被劫持遇害,成为了中国同胞心中挥之不去的阴影。人们在悼念遇难者同时,也在愤怒地谴责菲律宾警方的无能。此次悲剧将菲律宾警方缺少专业技巧、装备和训练暴露于世。 马尼拉为“亚洲绑架之都” 昔日被称为“民主橱窗”的菲律宾,如今正在成为一个绑架盛行的社会,首都马尼拉更被称为“亚洲绑架之都”。 太平洋战略与评估机构(PSA)的统计数据表明,2009年,菲律宾记录在案的绑架高达138宗,超越了2008年的135宗,并成为自1995年以来数字最高的一年。,


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