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    Unit3《Let’s celebrate》同步练习1(牛津译林版七年级上).doc

    1、学优中考网 7A Unit 3 Lets celebrate单元测试 A 卷I英汉互译(10 分)1敲 2celebrate Christmas 3对搞恶作剧 4take him for a walk 5装扮成 6trick or treat 7儿童节 8TeachersDay 9你最喜爱的节日 10paint our faces 单项选择(1 5 分)( )1一 Hobo,what are you doing?一 Im as a Monkey KingAcelebrating Bdressing up C1ooking Dexcited( )2They make dragon boats e

    2、very yearAown their Bown Cthem own Dtheir own( )3Can von make a lantern a pumpkin?Ain Bto Cfrom Dout of( )4一 What are you going to buy?一 Some Tomorrow is EasterArice dumplings BmooncakesCchocolate eggs Dpumpkin lanterns( )5一 are you buying so much food?一 Because your uncle is coming for dinnerAWhat

    3、BHow CWhere DWhy( )6People do not celebrate in the USAAEaster Bthe Dragon Boat FestivalCHalloween DChristmas( )7The children are playing a game hide and seekAcalled Bcalling Cto call Dcalls( )8一 Happy Halloween,Kitty 一 AYes ,I m very happy BThanksThe same to youCOK,youre right DNot at all( )9Dont pl

    4、ay a trick himAat Bon Cto Dfor( )10一 woman is Toms mother?一 The one in the red coatAWhat BWhich CWho D Whose用适当的介词填空(10 分)1Macao returned to our mother land December 20th,19992Is it time lunch?3Hainan Island has a lot of typhoons summer4Uncle Bob visits his family Easter5We have PE classes Monday an

    5、dThursday6She came to China spring7We have 4 classes the morning8We knock his door9He was born 197010 We often go to school 6:45根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词(1 5 分)1他们喜欢在万圣节那天化妆。They enjoy Halloween2请不要开他的玩笑。Please dont a him3谢谢你告诉我关于我儿子的学习情况。Thanks me my sons study4我不知道谁在家,咱们敲敲门。I dont know who is at homeLets

    6、5中国有许多不同的节日。There are many in ChinaV根据句意及常识为下列各题选一个节日填空 (10 分)1At ,we play a game called“trick or treat”2 is the most important festival in western countriesIt falls on December 25th3 is on October 1 st in ChinaNow every year on this day we have seven days off4On ,some people play tricks on each oth

    7、er5September 10th is On that day teachers can get many best wishes from theirstudents1 2 3 4 5 完形填空(15 分)Halloween falls 1 October 31 StIt is one of the most favourite holidays for 2 in学优中考网 the USAPeople 3 in costume like a witch,a ghost or a skeletonThe children go tohouses 4 “trick or treat”Long

    8、ago, 5 a child was not good,he or she would get atrick like 6 a stone in his or her bag instead of some candyParties are also popular7 the eveningPeople go to parties 8 costumes and play different 9 。People alsolike 10 to ghost stories and watching scary movies( )1Ain Bon Cat D( )2Achild Bchildren C

    9、childs Dchildrens( )3A1ook like Blikes Cdress Ddress up( )4Ato say Bsay Csays Dsaid( )5Aand Bif Cas Dbut( )6Ahaving Bto have Chas Dhave( )7Ain Bat Cof Don( )8Awith Bin Cat Dof( )9Aa game Bgames Cthe game Dan game( )10A1isten B1istens Cto listens D1istening阅读理解(10 分)January 1 st is New Years DayPeopl

    10、e all over the world celebrate itOn NewYears Day there is a oneday holiday in most countriesThe real celebrations for NewYear always happen on the night beforeon New Years EveThere are a lot ofinteresting customs in the West,and there are a lot of differences from country to countryIn China,the Spri

    11、ng Festival is a family gettogetherAnd so is Christmas in manywestern countries。But New Year for some families is a time to get together with theirfriends,too Many people have parties to welcome New YearAt these parties,there areall kinds of food and drink,and people often sing and dance for the com

    12、ing of New YearOn New Years Eve when midnight comes,people often say“Happy New Year”toeach otherChampagne(香槟酒)is a favourite drink for New YearIn many westerncountries fireworks are let off(燃放)at midnight to celebrate the New Year根据短文内容判断正(T)误 (F)。( )1People usually celebrate New Year on January 1 s

    13、t( )2People like to drink Champagne on New Years day( )3In most countries there is a long holiday for people( )4Many people celebrate New Year with their friends( )5All the country celebrate New Year in the same way书面表达(15 分)以“My Familys MidAutumn Festival”为题,介绍中秋节( 农历 8 月 15 日),包括节日的传统食物和过节方式以及你家人过

    14、节的情景。要求:时态准确,叙述连贯、清楚,层次分明,结构完整,60 个单词左右。_答案1knock aton 2庆祝圣诞节 3play a trickjoke on 4带他去散步5dress up 6不招待就使坏 7Childrens Day 8教师节 9your favourite festival10涂面我们的脸15 BDDCD 610 BABBB1on 2for 3in 4at 5on 6in 7in 8aton 9in 10at1dressing up at 2play;trick joke on 3for telling;about4knock aton the door 5diff

    15、erent festivals15 DABEC15 BBDAB 610 AABBD15 FTFTFOne possible version:My Familys MidAutumn FestivalZhong Qiu Jie in China is the MidAutumn FestivalIt usually comes in September orOctoberOn that day everyone comes back home with mooncakesA mooncake is学优中考网 delicious,round and like the moonThere are m

    16、any different kindsThey have nuts,meator eggs in themIn my family my grandparents like the MidAutumn FestivalMy uncle and aunt come back from Beijing to see my grandparentsThey are very happyAt night,we have supper in the open air under the big treeThere we look at the moon and eat the mooncakes学?优|中 考( ,网

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